
The Immortal System: Journey into the Myriad worlds.

During April 12-1930, scientists in Russia conducted experiments on human body, results were obviously a failure. one day, a mysterious man offered them a help as he brought a pocket sized artifact, much similar to the Large Hadron Collider but more powerful. He called himself "Kaen", a human from an alternate universe, in search of a modern world, as he required nuclear radiation to power up the artifact. During December 1950, the project was finished and the nuclear reactors all powered it up, although the artifact exploded without any warning, the scientists got who got obliterated by it's radiation, only get resurrected in that process. After 20 years, as the residual radiation spread, people around the world regardless of age, socio-economic status, class and gender, few people had started awakening power abilities. August 23-1990, countless ability research centers came into existence, when people had started awakening abilities, the real world became unstable. Thus the his begins, as Jordan got bestowed new ability from an ancient being. Living multiple lives, as he unravels multiple worlds, therefore gaining a whole new purpose altogether. Jordan's life will never be the same.

_Zack_Yggdrasil_ · Fantaisie
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15 Chs

The shocking Truth.

3 months later, All nobles at Gelraud kingdom finally amass on Gelraud Palace. Including Valgurid house and Yir house, and also the Freigun house, which is one of the 6th families close to the grand dukes. the Gelraud house welcomed all the noble family within the kingdom.

"I suppose that's the Valgurid family" a noble women pointed.

"Hmph they're a bunch of peasents who got promoted by that foolish emperor" A man with a sluggish face, scoffed with hatred

"Are you sure you want to provoke them, I mean its obvious. They're too powerful to be offended, even among the grand dukedom, I must say, you should refrain from saying that to higher ups" said Albert Faustien smilling amiably, Faustien house was said to be one of the 30 dukedoms of Axail empire. The man kept quiet, but on the inside he was frustrated.

"Hey Arthur, long time no see" Gen Freigun, tall yet feminine looking man, considered as one of the beauties of Axail empire, he's the head of the Freigun family, and pretty much a close friend of Arthur. Sasha bows her head with courtesy

"It's been a while Gen, What are you upto this time?" Arthur asked.

"Well, I'm worried about the situation right now. Can the two of us talk somewhere?" Gen requested

"Yeah sure" he said.

"Son, take care of your siblings. Don't do anything stupid ya hear me?" said Arthur

"Don't worry dad, I will always remain as the goody two shoes in this place" said Zeref.

"Good" before Arthur tried to leave

"Dad, don't go" Sylvie pleaded.

"Well, Dad's gonna ake care of something, I'll be right back okay" said Arthur, gently stroking her head. He left hastly

"Alright then, what should I do now?" Arthur Jr thought to himself.

"Do something?" Reish said

"Brother Art, I'm hungry, let's eat something" Sylvie said.

"Not now Sylvie, you can eat after the dance" said Zeref.

"your little brother is right, if you eat now, you'll vomit everything after dance, you already had breakfast, so it can wait for now" said Arthur Jr.

"I want to eat, now!" Sylvie demanded them, this made Arthur Jr and Zeref put in an awkward situation, they don't want to make her cry.

"No" said Arthur Jr.

"But Sylvie wanna eat" she said, as she changed her facial expression, to a more vulnerable yet cute expression, the dance instructor came to pick her up.

"Sorry Sylvie, you should go to rehersals now, since you're next, by the way you must be Sylvie's dance instructor" said Arthur Jr said.

"Apologies I haven't introduced myself, I am Rina, sir Arthur Jr" said the mistress

"How is she doing?" asked Arthur Jr.

"She's a brilliant learner, I'm sure her solo dance will be phenomenal to watch" the mistress's head was in clouds, surely by the looks of it, she was proud of her student, in a way Sylvie could have surpassed her expectations.

"Hope you take care of her" said Zeref.

"Surely, sir Zeref, sir Arthur jr, I'll take care of her" she leaves the hall with Sylvie, bowing both of them.

"Brother, it's boring to roam around here, how about we meet some people of our age" said Zeref.

"Forget it, I don't have any energy in socializing people, it's not like I can't but, you know. Everyone knows about that incident" Arthur Jr was still afraid of getting hated.

"It's fine lets go together, don't care about someone who hates you, there's still time so don't stress yourself" Zeref tried his best to comfort him.

"Zeref you're 6 years old, and still you can talk like an adult, wait, who's the elder brother here?" Arthur Jr was comically wondering how Zeref could have this kind of maturity.

Meanwhile Zeref was curious about his parents on what they'll be doing here. While casually roaming around, he accidently bumped into prince Froya, who was 12 years old. Froya pushed Zeref into a dine with food. He got frustrated from that action, it made his clothes drenched with food stain and wine. Froya was grining at him with intense pleasure.

"What are they thinking right now? Sylvie did some dance practice just for that Shmuck Froya?" Zeref thought, but then Arthur Jr intrupted them.

"Hey bastard, just say sorry to my brother" Arthur Jr was pissed off, since Froya made his brother's new dress mucky, as it was such a dishonarble sight for him.

"You're just a son from Grand dukedom, I'm the prince, so know your place, stop acting high and mighty infront of me" uttered Froya, Arthur Jr was disgusted by his arrogance.

"Prince? don't make me laugh, if you can't beat Arthur Jr on arm wrestle, you don't deserve to be called "prince", let alone even you don't even deserve being a king" Zeref mocked him, this made Froya attack Zeref but he was blocked by Arthur Jr. Froya was dumbfounded by his own strength, as it didn't match up to him.

"Alright, how about this, if you beat me in arm wrestle, I'll call you "my prince" and keep serving you, call it a truce?" Zeref proclaimed. but the Arthur Jr said.

"Are you serious, you're only six and he's almost twice your size and age" Arthur Jr was a bit worried, he didn't want his brother to get humiliated like this.

"Hahahhaha, alright, a truce then, the kid said it, and that's final" Froya accepted, blinded by his own pride,still thinking he could easily win.

As both Zeref and Froya were holding hands. affirming their position.

"Match start" Jill Gelraud decleared the match.

Froya thought he had upper hand as he used his full strength, Zeref looked like he was in a bad predicament, but that was just to just to fool Froya and everyone else. Then suddenly Zeref used his strength to overpower him. Defeating Froya in that match. Arthur Jr and Jill were shocked, but Froya was more intimidated by Zeref.

"Impossible" Froya felt humiliated, a six year old beating him on arm wrestle.

Meanwhile Arthur Jr stared at Jill, but he found something odd, the Jill he knew wasn't shy or awkward, she kept talking to people of her age. Arthur Jr had a plan, he tried prying into her issues.

"So Jill, why did you bully me those times?" asked Arthur Jr.

"Bully you? did we met somewhere?" Arthur Jr was puzzeled by that response, Jill was clueless about what he had gone through. Arthur Jr thought for a moment "perhaps she might have amnesia"

"Well, it happened last year, when I was 11 years old, I couldn't celebrate my birthday as I was abused and bullied by you, someone possessed my mom and I was tortured because of a curse" but before he could finish Jillian suddenly interfered him.

"Can we, talk somewhere private?" Jillian requested him.

Meanwhile Froya and Zeref had 10 matches, obviously Froya lost each one of them. he didn't want to continue this, gladly everyone wasn't focussed on him, but now, Froya's hatred on Zeref grew larger.

"Well I'm never going to serve for you" Zeref chuckled as he was pleased by the results. Froya left without saying a word.

Meanwhile Arthur, Gen, King Joshua were inside a huge basement, below the palace. Filled with pile of dead bodies hanging on hooks, which have been craved with demon rune dymbols. Sasha was shocked to see this sight, the couple got furious at the king

"By the great lords, what is this" Gen was shocked at the horror he just witnessed.

"Are you the actual King Gelraud? what's up with these dead bodies here?" asked Arthur

"Well, these are my soldiers, well, probably reserved to attack the beast empire, sadly I have no choice now, let the show begin" Joshua used the undead summon spell, the reeking bodies starting moving, blood flowed as it started retracting from the hooks. The undead made strange noises, as they proceed to attack the couple.

"Wtf" Gen said, While Arthur effortlessly killed undead armies.

"WHAT?" King Joshua was comically astonished at this sight, at the demonstration of his power.

"That guy, i'll take his body" Joshua thought. Without a warning, Joshua prepared himself to attack him silently, but, suprisingly Gen was behind him, stabbing him with a relic knife, which is called the soul killing knife, it won't kill people who aren't possessed. but it can destroy souls that possess people, which he acquired from Jehovich empire.

"You? this wasn't the part of the plan? I killed Gelraud and took his body, and yet you betray me?" the mage inside Gelraud was shocked.

"Are you slow? the reason why you're here is because I lured you, and also your men. you see, My parents were slaves in your empire, and now that I got married to nobility, I will do whatever I want, to have my revenge" said Gen, with a killer intent on his face.

"Well, whoever you are, I bet you messed up the wrong guy here" Arthur smirked at him.

"Hahahahhahhha, you think I'll be defeated by this, are you sure that your children are safe? think about this, who do you think lured you all?" said the king

"that's why I have been training my children, I'm pretty sure they can keep themselves safe, and also, you're in no position to talk like that now, the word will eventually come out, that a mage disguised himself as the king." said Arthur

"if you think about it, this will initiate a war between Axail and Jehovich empires, your head must be screw loose" Gen said, but deep inside he actually wanted a war to happen.

"I still haven't used my truimph card yet" proclaimed the mage, as he proceeds to release a black miasma covered the king, Gen and the Arthur teleported into their own safe spaces.

"Wha-" Gen was unsure of the sight that he was witnessing. The king mutated into an ugly abomination, it looked similar to Golem but with flesh. the mage sacrificed his own soul to make a monster that would cause havoc.

"Can I fight this one with ya" asked Gen.

"it would be too much for u to handle, I'll finish this one, real quick" Arthur didn't want him to handle this one.

"Go save our children, we don't have much time" Arthur said.

"Okay" Gen left the basement leaving Arthur with the monster.

"Let us begin" Arthur moved upwards, as he hovered in a sub-sonic speed. then with his hands, he striked it on a knifehand pose. The monster's block wasn't effective, so at the impact, it's body split into two congruent pieces.

"Hmm?" Arthur seemed to be suprise, after he walked away from its body, the monster seemed to regenerate back into it's old form.

"you wanna play more, huh" saying this Arthur released a megaton punched, a massive hole appeared on it's torso. Again weakening the monster.

"Disgusting" he said. As it tried to analyse his strengths and weakness.

"I'll rip you off until there's no speck of dust left of you" Arthur hands glowed releasing powerful energy projectiles.
