
The Immortal Overlord

In a realm where good and evil deities vie for power, The Immortal rises as an extraordinary ruler, commanding both the forces of light and darkness. However, his dominion is shaken when some of the gods betray him. After leaving his throne seat to seek knowledge of the human world and investigate an uprising phenomenon, The Immortal's journey takes an unexpected turn. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the mortal realm while aiming to investigate an uprising anomaly.

Lucid_Devil · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

CH 9 : Spell Drawbacks

In a dark and gloomy alleyway, a figure of a boy crawled up at its side, with a black cloak covering him, hiding his appearance, it was none other than Martin, Fear grasping his heart, "What the hell is going on, what was that voice? Why is it so familiar? why can't I remember, and what was happening in that church?"

Whenever he tries to think about that situation and the statue, his mind goes blank, and his head starts aching. "No, it can't be." Realizing what was going on, he muttered, "The drawbacks shouldn't have taken effect at least for the next 6 years, was it because of the accident."

The reincarnation spell that Martin created and used wasn't perfect, it had major drawbacks, but after years of research he had minimized them, the spell's major flaw was that the user had a time limit to unlock his power, Martin had twenty years after reincarnation to get a portion of his strength back, just enough to overpower and override the spell itself.

If the caster wasn't able to reach that level of strength in due time, his memories of his past self will be sealed, along with his power. And with time, those memories, and what's left of them in the user's mind, will become almost none existent, leaving him nothing more than a mortal until he reaches that level, making it even harder, but getting into that accident and being thrown into a near-death state has shortened the time limit.

Taking in a deep breath, Martin closed his eyes and focused on visualizing his magic circuit. Looking deep into his magic core he saw blood-red chains surrounding it, those chains released a deathly aura, and even he had chills crawl down his spine.

"It looks like it's true, I really became a mortal ", Martin expressed with a gloomy expression covering his face, a few seconds later his expression turned grim with bloodshot Eyes, "Perv Asshat, you will pay for this, you and all of your Booty Adventurer's team, I will burn you to ashes, your death won't be painless".

Standing up, Martin released a long sigh, "I need to get back home and get stronger. Let's first get the supplies then get the hell out of this city, but I need to keep a low profile and not get in another accident especially now that I'm a mortal."

Cleaning his cloak from the dust Martin got out of the alleyway walking towards the shops, "Hello young man would you like some fruits", a middle-aged man standing inside a small wooden shack, and beside him were all types of fruits.

Being in a hurry, Martin raised his hand wanting to reject the offer, but before he can say no his stomach growled, "hahaha, come on kid, an apple won't hurt", the middle-aged man exclaimed. Giving in, Martin walked to the fruit vendor, "Hello sir, how much is a kilogram of apples", Martin greeted the man with a smile, "What a fine lad, 3 bronze coins, freshly picked".

Looking at the tasty apples, Martin asked, "Do you pick fruits every day?".

In his former form, Martin didn't find any need for eating or sleeping, so after coming to this world, he was surprised by how everything had a different taste, as well as a different texture, piquing his curiosity, trying to get the most out of this new experience.

"Indeed, we do lad, it's as written on the sign ".

Tilting his head with curiosity Martin asked, "Does it all sell?"

"Not every day I am able to sell the whole stock, but if it doesn't, I put it in my storage, make it apple vinegar then sell it. "

Thinking to himself, Martin muttered, "Storage?", saying this word a black portal appeared at Martin's side, taking by surprise both Martin and the fruit vendor.

"Oh, you are a talented lad, you are able to use spatial magic. Handing him the bag of apples he continued, my name is Frank Frappo, make sure to come by again and bring your friends from the magic academy."

Taking the bag and dropping the 3 bronze coins into Frank's palm Martin exclaimed "Magic academy?"

"You haven't heard about it? You are a talented magician, so I assumed you are an academy student."

"No sir, I'm not from the city, so I haven't heard about this academy before, can you tell me more about it, my name is Martin Immortella."

Sure lad, its full name is the Imperial Magic Academy it is the most famous magic academy even among neighboring kingdoms, but as it has the top spot in the ranking list only nobles and royalty attend it, even from other kingdoms, I have never heard about a commoner attending the academy before, but don't get discouraged there are plenty other magic academies that accept commoners.

Thanking Mr. Frank, Martin took an apple from the bag keeping it in his hand, and then placed the bag inside the black portal.

Storage is a magic spell that allows the caster to open a tear in space itself and store items in it, but not living beings, since the space inside is independent of the outside world meaning time is frozen inside it which comes in handy when placing edibles.

Martin spent the rest of the day walking around the eastern district resupplying on clothes, food, and other necessities. Inside one of the clothing shops, Martin changed his worn-out clothes into new ones, wearing a white shirt with black pants and shoes.

Putting on his black cloak the saleswoman pointed at its side, "Sir, the cloak looks a bit tattered at its side, would you like a new one", looking at its ends, there was a huge chunk torn out, "yes, if you would be so kind."

Leaving the store, Martin saw the sun setting behind the Ider mountain, which was the tallest mountain in the Raven kingdom, it was covered by snow, and occasionally loud roars can be heard from them.

Roars shook the mountain, causing an avalanche, myths roam about this mountain, saying that dragons live at its tip, away from humans.

What are dragons? Dragons are the symbol of disaster and destruction, whenever a dragon appears, it would demolish multiple kingdoms and empires in its wake.

Looking at the sunset Martin exclaimed, "It got this late already, I should find a place to spend the night, it's not a good idea to leave the city at night".

Walking down the street he noticed a sign hanging (Laston Inn) "This seems like a nice place."

Walking into the door the bell atop it rang, looking at the entrance an elegant girl with fire red hair and crystal green eyes greeted the new customer, "Hello sir, and welcome to the Laston Inn."

Lucid_Devil#9008, feel free to contact me on Discord.

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