
The Immortal Overlord

In a realm where good and evil deities vie for power, The Immortal rises as an extraordinary ruler, commanding both the forces of light and darkness. However, his dominion is shaken when some of the gods betray him. After leaving his throne seat to seek knowledge of the human world and investigate an uprising phenomenon, The Immortal's journey takes an unexpected turn. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the mortal realm while aiming to investigate an uprising anomaly.

Lucid_Devil · Fantasy
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24 Chs

CH 10 : Awkward Situation

The inn was two stories high, the second floor housed the guest's rooms, where customers would rent those rooms, and the first floor was a restaurant.

Walking into the inn, Martin removed the black cloak revealing his appearance. Staring at the newcomer, the customers started whispering to one another.

"Hey, look at the newcomer."

"I haven't seen anyone with white hair and white eyes before."

"Is that even normal? Could he be a demon in disguise?"

Hearing those words, the other customers looked weary of Martin.

Slamming a wooden beer mug on the table, the sound rang throughout the first floor turning it deathly silent, a beautiful lady with red hair and fierce brown eyes looked at the customers, her gaze piercing through them, "Excuse me, sir, if you want to talk nonsense, I advise you to do so elsewhere, you are making the customers uncomfortable with this silly talk".

Walking toward Martin the lady exclaimed, "Hello sir, and welcome, my name is Betha, and I'm the owner of this inn. I apologize for the customer's behavior, if you need anything my daughter Anna is the receptionist, she will help you".

"Hello ma'am, my name is Martin, it's fine I had always been told that my appearance is a bit unique", smiling at the owner Martin replied.

"Hey where's my beer I've been waiting for an hour ", a customer yelled across the inn.

"Unique is a good way to put it, now then If you would excuse me, I have some impatient customers, it was a pleasure meeting you Martin", saying those words Betha turned around to serve her customers.

Martin resumed his way toward the reception, standing in front of the beautiful girl, Martin said, "Hello Miss Anna, how are you today, I would like to rent a room for the night".

Taken aback, Anna eyed Martin with a skeptical look, she had never seen this boy before, so how did he know her name, glancing at the other end of the inn, Anna saw her mother looking at her with a grin on her face.

Releasing a sigh Anna said, "I assume my mother told you my name", turning her gaze back to Martin, "Anyways, there are two more empty rooms, one with two beds and the other has one, are you expecting anyone?"

Shaking his head Martin replied, "No, I came here alone."

"Ok, then I will give you room 13 which has 1 bed, as for the food we give a discount of 10% if you order from the inn."

"Nodding Martin said that won't be a problem."

"As for the meals it includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner with dessert, my mom and I cook, so trust me, it is really good, never had a customer complain about it, all I need is your full name and your age, and confirm it with your ID."

"Sure, it's Martin Immortella, and I'm 14 years old, but I only need breakfast, because I will leave first thing in the morning", Martin said as he handed over his ID.

Suddenly Martin felt that he was being watched, not by other customers, but by a dark power, glancing to his side, he saw a few customers watching him, but he couldn't pin down the dark power's source to the individual.

Looking back at Anna, he saw with the corner of his eye an individual wearing a black cloak, the dark power was awfully concentrated around him.

Waiting for Anna to write the information down he thought to himself, "There is something amiss, I've felt this power before but where, either way, I have to be careful of what is lurking in the shadows. But how can the other customers not notice the dark energy? Did the individual with the black cloak notice that I've felt his energy? ", Martin's heart started to raise, and his mind was cluttered with all these thoughts.

"Mr. Martin, Mr. Martin, HEY", snapping out of his daze, he saw Anna's worried face, "Is everything all right?"

Martin replied, "Oh sorry, it was a long day."

"Okay then-", before Anna could finish her words, she was interrupted by her mother, who held the reservation book in her hands, where Anna writes the details about the customers one of which is Martin himself.

"Oh, so you are the same age as my little Ann, are you single by any chance?"

"MOM! Stop it, Mr. Martin the total will be 3 silver coins", Anna growled, her face turning bright red not even daring to make eye contact with the new customer.

When she received the money from Martin, she hurriedly put them in the drawer, locking it, saying, "Please this way, I will show you to your room."

"Hey, Anna no need to be embarrassed. he is a handsome boy."

"I said stop it, Mom, the customers are waiting. they will get frustrated."

Racing up the stairs all Martin can do is follow her steadily, not wanting to linger any longer in this awkward situation.

Reaching the end of the hallway on the second floor, Anna opened the door that had the number 13 carved on it.

"Here you go sir, this is your room", gesturing towards the inside of the room, Martin went inside to check it out, Anna continued, "I've put the room key on the table. We keep a spare one in case we need to clean it when you aren't here or if you get locked out, and sorry for what my mother said she sometimes likes to tease me"

"It's fine, but please call me Martin, it's awkward to call me Mr. when we are the same age."

Anna hesitantly replies, "Fine, if you need something we will be downstairs, good night Martin."

Turning around trying to hide her face, Martin said, "Good night Anna."

Anna froze for a second, then she hurriedly closed the door her face bright red with embarrassment.

Sitting on the bed Martin took out his leather pouch that he kept inside his storage space, opening it, all he saw were 2 silver coins and a couple of bronze coins.

"I'm almost broke, I need to be more careful with spending my money."

Laying on the bed trying to sleep, a feeling of uneasiness swept over Martin, he recalled the individual with the black cloak, "There is something happening, but I can't confront them or grab their attention, yet at least"

The night sky loomed silently over the city, the streets were empty, suddenly an individual walked with quick steps at the edge of the street, making a sharp turn he dashed into an alleyway, that individual was none other than the man that was watching Martin at the Inn.

There were 3 cloaked individuals deep inside the alleyway, once they saw the arriving man they stopped him at his steps.

By their figure, they can be recognized as two men and a woman, the man in the lead asked the new arrival, "Password", his deep voice sending chills down everyone's spine.

Nervously the individual replied, "Tragedy awaits thee."

Lucid_Devil#9008, feel free to contact me on Discord.

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