
The Immortal Mutant Teen

100,000 years ago, a meteorite crashed into Earth, granting a 17-year-old caveman the power humans have craved for millenniums, immortality. Though originally a savage and cruel caveman, millenniums have let Acheron refine himself and surpass the epitome of Humanity, basically, a god on Earth. With his power, he mastered all forms of combat, every language, all the arts, and much more. He sometimes created empires, sometimes built empires, sometimes destroyed empires, at times, even his own. Today, mutants with superpowers walk among the public, it is kept a secret by the governments throughout the world, and events pertaining to them are covered up but doesn't stop Acheron from interfering with their plans. 2 months ago, his oldest adopted daughter passed away, she was 96 years old. Though he cherishes all the children in his family, she was without a doubt, one of his favorites. "Her last wish was for me to have a normal life but what do children do in this era?" Acheron asks one of his adopted sisters. "They go to school, Lord Acheron," she says. "School? Will it be entertaining?" he asks, "It would at the very least be a new experience" she replies. "Make it happen!" he orders. " Yes! I will do it immediately, Lord Acheron" she says. He, who was there when the first Homo Sapiens migrated out of Africa and existed way before the wheel was created, will let nothing interfere with his daughter's last wish and will slaughter anyone that stands in his way. P.S this is not a Marvel or DC fanfic. I will also be posting this on RoyalRoad.com (Cover photo was taken from Google)

AinzOolGown0601 · Urbain
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118 Chs

Chapter 103 - Snap

"Speak of the devil…"

Acheron already had an idea of who had called his name, but he turned to look anyway even though it looked weird with his eyes still closed.

"Ah, if it isn't the Student President Akira, the cute Vice President and the gorgeous yet stoic-faced Kotone. What do I owe the pleasure?" Acheron said,

"Why do I feel like you said something rude before I got here?" Akira asked,

Acheron just smiled and said,

"Because I did,"

"Why you-!" Akira exclaimed but was cut short as Kotone pushed her out the way.

"How come they were called 'cute' and 'gorgeous' but I'm just 'President'?!?!"

Acheron smiled as he patted Kotone's head and ignored the student president. Once he took his hand off, Kotone looked up with a hint of worry in her eyes.

"Your eyes… Are you okay?" Kotone asked,

Acheron chuckled as he tapped her nose causing a slight blush on her silky white cheeks.

"I'm fine, see?" Acheron didn't open his eyes; he just simultaneously had all 4 pairs of eyes look a different direction.

"It's just part of my costume,"

"Mn!" Kotone nodded in confirmation, her previous worry was now gone.

Suddenly, Acheron felt a hand on his shoulder.

"A-che-ron-sa-ma!!" Rose said through her gritted teeth.

"Why are there more girls around you?! And why didn't you tell me?!"

Rose's hold on Acheron tightened as she began to shake him back and forth.

"I look away for a couple of days and this happens! First, it was that pervert over there wanting to be your slave! and now?! two new girls!"

Rose berated Acheron like a jealous girlfriend in some kind of rom-com. As she did so, some of the girls realized that Rose never once gazed upon Acheron directly throughout the day, it was like something was stopping her from looking at him.

Acheron of course knew the reason for Rose's sudden aversion of him. It was all due to the scare he caused her this morning before coming to school. Arachne's 'evil eyes', as some might call it, induces a state of fear in its victims. Acheron had hit Rose with four open eyes, which would be enough to stop the heart of an unhealthy man, was needed to break through Rose's mental defenses.

Eight open eyes from Acheron would kill almost anyone on the spot. An Arachne might survive but would definitely be left insane or worse, brain dead.

For anyone else, they would probably spend all day recovering from the shock, but since its Rose, it would take a while for the aftereffects of his gaze to wear off, one more hour at most.

"I'm sorry Rose, I'll send their files over to you and Athena to review, okay?" Acheron's words calmed Rose down and she stopped shaking him.

"Okay!" Rose said with a nod of her head,

"So…. What can I do for you, Yui-chan~" Acheron said as he tapped the Vice President's forehead.

"Eh?...Umm…Umm… It's almost time for your performance…" The Vice president said in a whisper.

"Oh, Okay. Let's go then! Can't miss Kotone's performance after all," said Acheron as he walked away with everyone, leaving the President standing there.

"Hey! Are we just going to pretend he didn't just say he had files on both of us?!?!" exclaimed the President.

Acheron turned around and smirked.

"I have files on everyone, so calm down, is no big deal," Acheron responded.

"'No big deal' my ass!" the President muttered to herself before trying to catch up.

Everyone was led through a side entrance only meant for employees but since they were with the Student President and Vice President, no one bothered them.

As they walked the hallway towards their destination, Acheron asked a question.

"Did you find people to play my song?"

"Hmph! Who do you think I am?! Of course, I found people! They are arguably the best players of their respective instruments!" The Student President said,

Acheron chuckled,

"I trust your words miss President; do you mind if I meet them first?"

"Yeah, they are over here, they have been practicing since the day you gave me the sheet music," the President said,

They took a left and were lead to the room. As they neared it, they heard the sound of drums, bass, and a keyboard. Acheron smiled, he originally didn't have much faith in these students, even if the student president chose them herself. But from what he heard just now, they weren't too bad.

As soon as they walked in, the music stopped. The boy playing the bass, sneered as he saw Acheron walk in with the girls and Sakura's father.

"Well, well, well… is the all-powerful Acheron-sama finally going to practice with us?"

Everyone frowned except Acheron who grinned.

"I don't need to practice since it's my song. Besides, I am levels above a 'genius' like you," Acheron said,

It was the three-boy band's turn to frown at what Acheron said. But before they could say anything. Acheron snapped his fingers; Rose was the only one to notice that the eye on his temple glowed for a second.


The eyes of the boys' dulled and their faces were blank.

Everyone noticed the change in the boys and took a step back from Acheron. Acheron did something to them with a snap of his fingers.

"Slap yourselves!" Acheron ordered.

*slap* *slap* *slap*

Three crisp sounds of slapping rang through the music room.

"I was going to be nice since you were doing the President and I a favor but now…" Acheron said as he walked towards the bass player.

"I'm hungry and I'm running out of patience. So, this is what you are going to do: You're going to play and it's going to be the best damn playing of your life and you know why?..."

Acheron leaned in just a bit.

"Because your life depends on it,"


Acheron snapped his fingers and the three boys regained control of their bodies. The girls split like the red sea as Acheron began to walk out of the room.

"Be nice next time, okay?" Acheron called out as he walked away.

In the group, the Saegusa Clan head, looked at Acheron with terror in his eyes, his face was pale, and his lips quivered just a tiny bit. As Acheron passed by him, he looked at the clan head and put a finger on his lips gesturing him to be quiet.

Acheron smirked when he saw the tiny nod coming from Sakura's father.

"Where to now? I guess we should enjoy the rest of the show before its Kotone's turn,"

Kotone spoke up this time.

"I have reserved a place for us,"

Acheron smiled and said,

"That's a good girl!... Well, lead the way then, Kotone,"

Kotone nodded and led them to their seats. When they arrived, everyone couldn't help but smile wryly at the setup in front of them.

A lone chair with a row of ten behind it. One could already guess who the seat in front was reserved for. It had a perfect view of the stage and it cordoned off from the rest of the audience. The Colosseum was packed full, students with their parents or guardian filled the seats like sardines in a can.

Since they were in a slight break in between performances, their arrival caused quite a stir in the student population because their seating area was the best in the whole colosseum and was previously cordoned off. On the other side of the stadium, there was a whole section screaming Acheron's name and waving signs with his name on it the moment they saw him.

Acheron turned around and asked,

"What's going on over there?"

Akira, the Student President, let out a pompous laugh.

"You didn't know about your fan club?"

"Oh? I have a fan club?" Acheron asked slightly surprised,

"Yeah, two, to be exact," said Akeno,

"The Acheron Fan Club over there," Akeno said as she pointed at the crowd on the opposite side of the Colosseum.

"And the 'Anti-Acheron' fan club, whose sole existence is to hate everything you do, is over there!" Sakura said as she pointed at a direction to the left of where Akeno pointed.

Everyone turned to look where Sakura pointed at, only to see another group also screaming Acheron's name but they had signs with his name crossed out and they booed in his direction.

Acheron chuckled seeing all the haters.

"Is there a reason why they are mostly males in the 'Anti-Me' club?"

"Because most of their girlfriends and crushes are in your fan club! Ka ka ka!" laughed Amazoness as she delivered the news.

Acheron smiled wryly with a look of understanding on his face.

"I see… Haters gonna hate,"

Just then, someone came on the speakers. They were introducing those that were performing next.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, up next, students from the Hispanic Culinary Club will be performing Danza Kuduro by Don Omar!"

Two light-skinned, Hispanic young men wearing sunglasses and clothes similar to what the artists wore in their music video walked on to the stage followed by a group of girls wearing shorts and tank tops. The boys sang their parts and the girls dance to the music, receiving cheers from the male students within the stands.

The music began to play, and the group sat down to watch, Acheron seating in the seat that was reserved for him by Kotone.

They applauded when the performance was over, but Acheron started to look around, this did not go unnoticed by the people behind him, but they didn't have a clue what was Acheron looking for or looking at. Of course, it didn't help that his eyes were still closed.

Kotone got up, she had to go prepare since her turn was up next. Before she could say anything, Acheron spoke up.

"I'm sure you will be fantastic,"

With those words, the worry inside Kotone's heart was gone. She smiled slightly before nodding and heading towards the prep area in one of the hallways that lead to the arena.

Acheron was anticipating Kotone's performance. Few in the world could catch his eye and the quiet, emotionless girl was one of them.

"Show me how you've grown…"


Papa Ainz The Bone Daddy's Announcements:

1) I apologize for the delay!

2) Enjoy!

Don't forget to give me your power stones!

Thank you all for the support!




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