
The Immortal (twilight fanfiction)

"An everyday man gets thrown into the world of twilight thousands of years before the start of the plot. With immortality and incredible abilities. How will this man's presence change the outcome of the original story?" [ this is a slow-burn fanfiction; the MC is just trying to experience life and enjoy it, not to take over the world and rule from the shadows.] I do not own twilight or the characters of the twilight world, all that belongs to me are my own characters.

Beans_on_a_tree · Films
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111 Chs


( his power is going to be telekinesis. I wanted to do the rage, but I don't want Julius to be too OP because Julius is going to have a very important part)


As I flew through the air toward Julius I could see the earth around him start to tremble.

Small rocks and pebbles start to flout into the air.

And his gold eyes took on a lighter gold color.

Before I could get halfway towards him, rocks began to shoot towards me.

Thinking fast I use my weight to twist my body in an attempt to not get hit.

Unfortunately, a small rock hit my shoulder.

It was like getting shot.

The small rock shot straight through my flesh and bone, shattering my bone as if it were going through paper.

The pain was instant and intense. But as soon as the pain hit me it was gone just as fast.

My flesh and bones healing almost instantly.

Hitting the ground I landed on my feet and prepared for what was to come next.

Looking at Julius, I could see small rocks and pieces of wood swirling around him again.

Like a small tornado, the rocks swirled around him, more rocks and pieces of trees adding to it every second.

And with a wave of his hand, it all shot towards me.

It was like a wall of death shooting right at me.

I only had milliseconds to react.

There was no way I would come out unscathed or get out of the way.

My best choice was to take a hit and get to him before he started picking up more things to throw at me.

So putting my arms in front of my face and head, in the hope that I don't take a hit to the head and need to regrow my brains.

I wasn't sure if I would retain my memories if that happened.

But better safe than sorry.

And began running full speed at the wall of death.

It hit me like a train.

I could feel the stones shoot right through me. I was hit in the chest, breaking my ribs and going through my left lung.

Four hit my arms.

Once in the right forearm, the other three in the left, one took two of my fingers, and the other two shot through my arms and through my shoulder.

Then three of them went through my legs, twice on the right and once on my left.

On my left, they were just flesh wounds.

But on my right, It hit the bone. Breaking it in two, causing me to stumble. Thankfully by my next step, the bone was healed enough for me to continue running at Julius.

I was now only feet away from him when he lifted his hand again.

But this time instead of him lifting more rocks he used his new power on me.

I stopped dead in my tracks. It was like I hit a stone wall at full force, and I couldn't move.

Julius was in front of me, his hand still outstretched, Palm open.

Using all of my strength I pushed hard on the force holding me.

Slowly I could feel my bones start to crack from the force of me pushing my arms and legs, trying to overpower him.

I could see the strain on his face.

And after a few seconds, I could feel whatever was holding me start to fade away.

And in a split second, it was gone.

As my feet hit the ground, and so did Julius.

He fell backward and hit the ground clutching his head.

"Julius!" I say in a panic.

Zooming to his side, I kneel next to him.

"I think you might have overdone it a bit," I say with a chuckle after checking him over.

From the look of it, Julius has telekinesis. I thought.

This was the first time I had come into contact with a vampire that has this kind of ability, most vampires only had mental abilities, like mind reading, or can affect others with their mental ability.

But never one where their mental strength can affect the physical world.

"No kidding," he says, still holding his head.

After a few minutes, Julius manages to sit up and looks over at me.

"What was that?" Julius asked, still holding his head.

"Well, it turns out you have a gift," I say sitting down next to him.

"Some vampires when they are turned awaken gifts, it's said that it's their biggest trait during their human life and that it manifests when turned," I continued, patting him on the shoulder.

"And what was that I was doing, I didn't even realize I was doing it at first. It was all natural, I was moving things without touching them." Julius asked me as he looked at his hands.

"It's called telekinesis, it's where you use your mind to move objects with your mind," I say pointing at a small rock in front of us.

"Try moving that," I say to him,

Julius looked at the rock and furrowed his brow.

A second later the rock began to lift from the ground, then two and three, more and more of them lifted from the ground and started to float.

"incredible," Julius said with a big smile on his face.

Julius then started to do tricks with the pebbles.

First, all of them lined up, then started to make the shape of a circle, then rotating it.

Going faster and faster until it started looking like a perfect solid circle.

Then he started to add more rocks until there were close to a hundred pebbles.

Then they came to a complete stop.

"agh," Julius said, clutching his head as the pebbles dropped to the ground like their strings were cut.

"Hmm, I guess either your powers have a limit or you just need some practice using it to strengthen your abilities," I said while standing to my feet.

"I think I just need to practice," Julius said.

"Well, then I think we should get to practicing," I said walking towards our camp.

"Every day we waste here the farther your family's killers get, and the more people they will kill so let's kick up your training," I said not turning around.


Sorry, it took so long for a new chapter.

I was going through some writer's block and had a hard time thinking of a way to continue the story.

That's why I started the other fic to help me think.

But it's all good, I now have a solid idea of how this is going to go.

I think you will like it it's different from most Twilight fanfics so I hope you enjoy it.

And If you want to

check out my new fic it's a cyberpunk fanfic