
The Honoured One

Between heaven and earth only he is the honoured one. Follow Sid as he becomes the honoured one and travels through worlds just because he can. This MC will have the Essence of the Honoured One and travel through the Multiverse.

Daoistz1VV3s · Anime et bandes dessinées
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23 Chs

The final year II

"Hey, Sharley, when will the Mermaid Princess be born?", Roger asked the small mermaid. He wanted to make sure of something that I had already figured out. 

"10", is all she said after looking at her glowing crystal ball. I smiled at that. For some reason, the children in this world were very cute. This innocence and happiness resonates with me greatly. I will see this story through till the end. I might not be Sun Wukong, but I still have a problem with the status quo in this world. 

"I guess it's 10 years from now ... But Roger, I can't believe you're interested in such a weapon! I'm disappointed in you!", King Neptune says.

"Neptune, what we want is the vast amount of treasure that was left by the people who called it a weapon!", Rayleigh explains.

"Rahaha, are you relieved? We won't come to kidnap your hairy daughter who'll be born someday!"

"Ugh, She won't be hairy!!", Neptune screams embarrassed.

"Rahaha" "Hahahaha" "Uahahaha"

After that, we left Fish-Man Island. We now had two of the four Road Poneglyphs. So our next stop was Wano, the home of Oden and Toki respectively. The journey back from Fish-Man Island was not less interesting than the journey towards it.


"Will be born ..."

"Our ruler will be born ..."

"Another will be born in a distant sea ..."

"Even whales are happy to know that the two rulers will meet again one day ..."

"We have been waiting for so long, too ..."

"It will not be long ... It is going to work out this time ... 10 until the birth. 15 until growing up."

I knew then that I was being spoilt. How these Sea Kings could know that ... They must be very connected to the world. Haki ... that is the answer. How marvellous. What an amazing power to exist int his world. Just as I thought, there is no limit to what Haki can do if your spirit is strong enough. 


As we were sailing towards Wano, Toki got sick. For some reason, her mentality was just not strong enough to withstand the strain that the journey was having on her. Crocus said she was losing 'steam'. I find this strange. No matter what, after achieving your goal, simply lying down to die seems excessive. 

Her character began to shine though, when she gave Oden an ultimatum. He would either continue his journey, or she would dissolve their marriage. What a stubborn and selfless thing to do. She was definitely a keeper, I'd say. I could see that her loyalty towards her family was very deep. And my heart told me sad tidings. 

When we arrived in Wano, I could tell that the atmosphere was tense. There seemed to be something akin to an industrial revolution going on, judging by the smoke coming out of machines of some kind. There were things going on here that no one knew of. I would have stayed here if I was Oden. But if your wife gives you such an ultimatum ... haha, that's why you shouldn't marry. Love is a two-sided blade and the sharpest of all blades too. 

Oden had to force himself to leave Wano again that day. I understand his reasoning but I don't think it was correct. If he truly wanted to help Roger, he could have had Roger copy the remaining Road Poneglyphs and then translate them for him later. There is enough time for that. Roger won't die just like that, I can still feel his vitality. So the fact that he didn't... never mind that.


After leaving Wano, we headed to Mokomo Dukedom next, where Cat Viper and Dogstorm were from. I was told that according to the rumours, that country was located on the back of an elephant. Judging the stature of these two, I can only assume that an entire country would have to be big. So then how big is that elephant if he is carrying an entire country? And where would he stay? The size would probably be bigger than a Sea King.

We were following a vivre card that Cat Viper and Dogstrom left Roger. And then ... we found it. An elephant of monstrous proportions. That animal was so big, that he was walking in the ocean. It's eyes though ... these eyes looked dead, lifeless. Two black orbs were all that the elephant had and I could sense a great amount of pain coming from it. And not only that ... it was watching us. This elephant ... is ancient. 

I wasn't the only one who felt that we were being watched by the elephant, Zunesha. Zunesha was the name of this one and I felt that he was hiding something. Haha, he tried to hide it, but that won't work. 

"I feel uneasy.", Oden said.

"I know how you feel, Oden.", Roger says.

"You, too, Captain Roger?!"

"It kind of feels like I'm being watched by something really big..."


Finally, we had all four Road Poneglyphs and were ready to sail to the last island. Roger wasn't looking and feeling good. He took more timeouts. But before we could sail to the last island, Buggy suddenly got a high fever and gave up the journey to the last island. 

"Only a damn kid would catch a cold right before a great adventure.", Shanks teased Buggy.

"Shut up! I said I'm better now!"

"Your face is red and you're burning up so lie quietly."

"Whose nose is red and big you said?!", Buggy got all worked up if someone called him out on his big nose. 

"I didn't say that."

"Flashy treasure's waiting for me!"

"Don't push yourself, idiot!"

Buggy used his Bara Bara no mi to reach Roger and beg him to take him with us. 

"Captian, take me with you!", Buggy begged but sadly for him, it wouldn't come to pass. Shanks, being that friend that he was to Buggy, took it upon himself to look after him. Shanks was convinced that he would find the island with his own crew someday. But that won't really be hard, since he now knows where it is. 

So after that, we set sail to the final island. And when we reached it ... we got to learn about the truth of this world. 


It all makes sense. I wonder if I was born in this world if I also would be a D.? Probably. Joyboy ... we're very alike in a way. And Nika ... well I don't care about that very much, but I can at least respect his path and accomplishments. We are very alike as well. To think that there was a way to imprint your essence into a part of this world. And to choose fruits for that. 

A fabulous story, I must say. And going by the words of the silhouette, that set me off on this journey, this is a story that people could read. I believe that this must have been a true genius at work here. Beauty and ugliness, fantasy and realism, freedom and enslavement, happiness and sadness, adventure ... everything in one story. Truly great. However in the end I ask myself ... what does it all matter?


And the answer to that ... is it doesn't. Not to me anyway. It was good while it lasted and I wouldn't ever forget it. This story isn't over yet, but the time I have spent here would have a place in my heart. And yet ... sigh, there is much more than just this world out there. I can feel it. I still remember when I watched 'The Matrix'. One of the only movies I ever watched. 

I remember the scene between Agent Smith and Neo in the park, where hundreds of clones tried to subdue Neo. Smith talked about 'purpose'. 

'The reason why we're here. We're not here because we're free, we're here because we're not free. There's no escaping reason, no denying purpose. Because as we both know, without purpose ... we would not exist.

It is purpose that created us, purpose that connects us, purpose that pulls us, that guides us, that drives us, it is purpose that defines, purpose that binds us.' 

These words stuck with me for my entire life. The reason was that he was right. It is indeed purpose that defines and binds us. It is a purpose that gives our lives meaning. And yet ... I was the only one left out. There was no meaning to my life, no drive, no purpose. I was alone. Truly one and alone.

Now I understand, that this also means that I, as the only one was absolutely and truly free. I was the odd one out. This freedom was within my grasp. But what does that mean for me? It may mean that I might never have something that binds me, simply because I can't be bound. But was that something to strive for? I wasn't sure yet. I needed more time to truly understand my situation. 


The news that we had reached the final Island and Roger had become the Pirate King, caused quite a storm. Not only the navy but also pirates were stirring and greedy to catch Roger and find out more about the treasure. Too bad for them, they won't get anything. 

We would sail towards Wano after dropping off Roger so that we could drop off Oden. I thought that to be the best choice as well because he needed to be back there. Something felt off when I was there. I'm sure to give him a visit later on. But first I will visit my two friends, Kuma and Ginny. Those two were probably fighting for the right cause or something like that. Ginny is a very active and brave girl. And Kuma was a bundle of joy. I felt great sadness within him during our short time together. I wonder what he's up to now. 

And then the day arrived for us to say goodbye to Roger. Everyone was crying ... almost everyone. I didn't cry, because I knew that there was no reason. On the contrary, I was happy for Roger, because he got everything he wanted in his life. Well almost. I guess there will be news of a child in the future.

Roger wanted to meet Whitebeard one more time before he died. I believe he has something else planned, but that's not of any interest to me. I am happy for him that he has accomplished his dream and has become the freest pirate on the sea. And not counting myself, he would be the freest man alive. 

After some words to Rayleigh, the longest-serving member known as the Dark King, Roger left the ship. He received a bundle of medicine from Crocus, to keep him going for a while longer. But he was reaching the final stage of his illness. Everyone cried waterfalls.

Surprisingly, Rayleigh wasn't the only one Roger spoke to before he left. He also spoke to me. And it was surprisingly mysterious. 

"I'll see you later, Siddhartha.", he said with a smile. I guess he came to understand something during the time we were together. 


The final stop was in Wano. Oden was finally back home after 5 years of adventure. 

"Thank you for everything!", Oden says.

"Sure.", Rayleigh answers, "Take care!"

"Yeah!", Oden said and then watched as Rayleigh went back to the Oro Jackson. Shanks and Buggy came on deck and saw that Oden was leaving without saying anything. 

"Oden!!", Shanks screamed.

"That bastard. Look how he's leaving like that.", Buggy said. It seems they both had gotten very close to Oden, like everyone else on the ship. 

There were some tears as well when we said goodbye to Oden. I knew that I would return here, not because Oden wanted me, or he needed me, or the country needed someone ... no. I would come back because I want to. I had something else to do before that. A certain mangroves where it all started. Here I come, Sabaody.


For everyone screaming because I didn't come up with something, well what did you expect? This is a fanfiction, not a bestselling novel. I am not a professional. No matter what I would write, it wouldn't do One Piece justice.