
The Hollow Zone (Dropped)

A man dies due to a earthquake and gets transported to a place where he thinks is "another world." Here he discovers that his species of creatures in this new world gets stronger the more they hunt and eat creatures to the point where their physical and mental form are enhanced. A month in this new life he sees humans, discovering that he wasn't in a new world but in a area on earth that was revealed thanks to the earthquake. Will he turn on the humans leading swarms of creatures to attack them or will he side by them and help them in this new world. (Hi, this is the author as you probably can see this novel has been dropped due to a major reason that impacts this novel, I do not know much about animal biology. I'm keeping the chapters up so authors who wish to use my novel as a inspiration could do so.)

ERROR16291 · Romance
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23 Chs

Human town part 4

"Huff huff huff" a soldier, part of squad four began to breathe heavily. "Hey are you okay" a soldier next to him said as he noticed something wrong with him. "Yeah just feel very winded" the soldier said as he looked at his comrade.

His comrade suddenly stopped walking and pointed at his face. "Y-y-yo" the guy began to slip on his words as he tried to say what was on his mind. "Huh what's wrong the soldier" said as he looked at his comrade.

"Your face," the guy finally said out loud. The nearby people turned around to see what was going on and when they saw the man's face they reacted the same way the soldier was reacting. "H-hey what's wrong with my face, I know I'm not good looking, but that doesn't give you an excuse to make fun of me" the guy said as he felt self conscious of the people looking at him with a horrified look on his face.

A female soldier walked to him, quivering in every step she took, and pulled out a pocket mirror out of her pocket and handed it to him. When the soldier grabbed the pocket mirror and looked at his reflection he was horrified by what he saw.

"W-what is this? '' the man said as he saw lumps forming and quivering around his face. The lumps varied from a simple bump to a large bump the size of a fist. Soon the man saw something moving in his eyeball. It was small but he was somehow able to spot it in his eye. It looked like a small water spider you would see in ponds moving around the surface of the pond at a high pace.

But it was way too small to be a water spider.

Whatever this thing was, it was not good. Soon he could see more and more of these spiders appearing in his eyes. It started out small but they slowly began to appear at a fast pace, "Aah aah AAAH'' The man began to scream out loud as he could see more and more of these spiders appearing around his eye. He was startled that he didn't realize the bumps that were forming on his face were now forming much quicker around his body and at a rapid pace.

"What's going on here" the squad leader of four said as he walked towards the huddled soldiers that were surrounding the bump infested man. "Something is inside of me" the soldier said as he began to scream out bloody murder.

Soon red stains could be seen forming around his body and several small holes began to quickly form around the man's face. Just as quickly as the holes appeared, several small creatures began to crawl out of the hole as if it was a cave or burrow for them. The soldiers didn't have any chance to react as these small creatures began to jump on their bodies.

"Aah" several soldiers began to yell out loud as they felt hundreds of stingers enter their body. They weren't even given a chance to recover from the pain as they were once again covered by these small creatures and had to face the stinging pain again. They feel as if small little needles were constantly stabbing their body, it doesn't matter if it was their leg, neck, arm, head, eye or other parts they could feel the stinging pain around their body.

The soldiers who were meters away from the soldiers body quickly knew they had to get away from them unless they wanted to suffer the same fate as their comrades who were wailing out loud. "Leader what do we do" a soldier said as he was ready to shoot his gun at the creatures who were making his comrades suffer.

"Leave them" the leader of squad three said as he walked away from the bodies. Hearing this the soldiers were surprised to hear their leader say this. "He is right," the leader of squad four said as he looked back at the bodies of the soldiers who were still wailing out loud.

"It's obvious these creatures only care about those five, if they didn't they would go after the rest of us and thanks to their cries of pain they are most likely going to bring Holos nearby to the location."

Hearing this, several soldiers looked back at their five comrades who were begging for the pain to stop. One of them pulled out their guns ready to at least give them a quick death but was stopped when a soldier near them put their hand on the gun and shook his head. The soldier just lowered his gun feeling uneasy about his comrades' fates.

They all began to leave the five there to die slowly by those tiny creatures.

Minutes later more Holos of various species appeared in the area and were instantly attacked by the small creatures and turned into husks that were used as nothing but food for their children.


"So they left them behind, smart move" Luke said as he gazed at the corpses of creatures that were piling up.

He noticed several of the Corpse spiders having left the hive and wandered out to find more prey. "I have never eaten one of these guys have I" Luke said as he picked up one of the corpse spiders and began to eat it alive.

[Corpse reproduction] information flooded his head about his new body part. He had a second tongue in his mouth that was shaped as a straw that was connected to two sacks that were on the inside of his neck. The second tongue was underneath his first tongue and was able to be retracted all the way into his neck to make sure it wasn't damaged.

As more and more information about the tongue and sack entered his head the more Luke began to feel a bit uneasy. The tongue was supposed to be used as a way to pierce a creature just like how it was used for the corpse spider, but instead of it being used to drain blood, it was used to send eggs into the body of a creature and reproduce in the body. The two sacks in his neck had two features. One that held the eggs and the other that held the sperm needed to fertilize the eggs. The only way for the eggs to be fertilized would be when Luke stabbed the straw like tongue into a victim and shot out an egg into the body along with the sperm.

It is supposed to take about five hours for the creature to be born, depending on how big and wide the victim is.

"Well this is a weird body part, but what was I expecting? I ate a creature that is well known for sending their eggs into live and dead creatures" Luke said as he moved his second tongue out. As the second tongue came out of his mouth he could see at the tip of it a white arrow like piece. "So this must be the bone" Luke said as he stabbed a nearby corpse spider.

The tongue pierced through the Corpse spider and the tongue brought the Corpse spider in front of Luke's face. Luke flicked his second tongue into his mouth causing the Corpse spider to be flung into Luke's maw.


Luke began to make crunching noises as he kept eating the Corpse spider.

[Hemostasis liquid]

Luke felt something change in the top of his mouth. Soon information began to enter Luke brain as he now knew what the new body part does. Just like Corpse spider, Luke was able to create the blue liquid that the corpse spider were able to produce to slow down or stop the flow of blood.

"Ha, well it is obvious this was going to be the last body part I will gain from this species" Luke said as he began to produce the blue liquid in his mouth. Usually when the Hemostasis liquid comes in contact with any fleshy surface it would freeze up in an instance, and yet it wasn't when it came in contact with Luke's mouth. Luke spat the Hemostasis liquid out onto a nearby corpse spider.

When the [Hemostasis liquid] came in contact with the corpse spider it instantly began to freeze up, sealing the Corpse spider in a blue crystal. Luke, seeing this, was happy that it would still freeze up on contact with living creatures and not in his mouth. Luke soon began to leave the Corpse spiders alone and headed towards the nearby human town.

"Just you wait, you wretched creatures. I will pay you ten folds for what you did to my tail" Luke said as he could still remember the intense pain he received on his tail when a human shot out a harpoon. Even thinking about the pain made Luke shudder.

"Just you wait" Luke soon began to run towards the Human town with bloodlust in his eyes.

Just as Luke left, the Corpse spider that was surrounded by Luke's [Hemostasis liquid] was quickly covered by many baby Corpse spiders who were attempting to drink the frozen Corpse spider.


At the human town both squad three and four made it back safely with only a few casualties. Both leaders of squad three and four began to report about what they had observed when they were looking for squad two and what had happened to them.

Minutes later they were both called into their leader, Carl Edward, office.

"We're here boss" said the leader of squad three as both leaders entered the room and saluted Carl Edward.

"At ease" Carl said as he began to pull out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. "I called you here to give me an in-depth report of what you two have seen, but first what are both of your names and you are allowed to take off your helmets" Carl said as he grabbed a lighter out of his pocket and attempted to light his cigarette.

"Yes sir" the both of them said as they then began to take off their helmets. The leader of squad three was a female with long blonde hair and blue eyes. The leader of squad four was a male who appeared to have African heritage as his skin was not dark but semi dark.

"My name is Anna Karlsson, I was born in Sweden" Anna said as she saluted one more time. "My name is Lex Abdi I come from Germany, but my ancestral country is Africa" Lex said as he saluted as well.

"Nice to meet you Anna, Lex. Now tell me what you experienced in the forest" Carl said as he smoked his Cigarette.


After telling Carl what they saw, heard, and smelled throughout their entire experience in the Holo infested forest, Carl had one thing to say. "What if I were to tell you that there was something stalking you? '' Carl said as he dipped his cigarette in the ashtray.


"When you two came back, did you know there were cameras and helmets on your vest in case something bad would happen to you guys" Carl said as he lit another cigarette and put it in his mouth. He soon pulled out a phone from his pocket and handed it to them.

On the screen was a video from the tiny insect attack.

The video was showing the point of view of the soldiers that were being surrounded and attacked by the tiny creatures. The same thing was happening: the soldiers were arguing if they should help or not, then to where they were planning on giving them a mercy kill but stopped when they thought the small Holos would attack them, and then left the five of them to die a horrible death all the while they were still screaming.

At first both Anna and Lex saw nothing wrong but seconds later a creature with white skin and an arrow-like head came out of the woods and looked at where the soldiers walked to. The Holo then looked at the dying men before grabbing a small Holo and eating it. Later bulges could be seen squirming around the Holo neck before going back to how it looked before. Seconds later a straw like tongue came out of its mouth and killed another Holo creature before eating it.

More bulges appeared on the Holo head before going back to its smooth like state as if nothing happened. It then opened its mouth open showing its split chin, inside of it were rows of teeth and the chins began to act as if they were mandibles. Blue liquid could be seen forming in the Holo mouth before spitting it out on a nearby small creature. The blue liquid then appeared to have entered crystal like stat as it froze on contact with the small Holo. The creature then appeared to be smiling as it walked the same way the soldiers walked to.

When the video ended both Anna and Lex could be seen sweating. They were so close to death and they didn't know it.

"You probably don't know what that creature was correct" Carl said as he looked at the two of them. The both of them shook their heads. "That creature is called H-00, also known as the king of the Holos."

Hearing the two of them felt a chill up their spine as they looked back at the phones and stared at the white creature that was seconds away from them. They heard and knew what H-00 was for they were told about it when they joined 'The Hunt.'

When they were still training at The Hunt base they were informed that H-00 was most likely the leader of the Holos for it was able to order the nearby Holo to do its bidding when the Deep drill incident occurred.

"Tell your squads to prepare for an attack from H-00, tell them what they will most likely be facing. I have ordered back up from The Hunt HQ and told them about the appearance of H-00. So be prepared" Carl said as he put his cigarette into the ashtray before leaving the two of them to their own thoughts.