
Chapter : 18 Asia blushed

"Huh?" That finally got the red-heads attention. Smiling and getting in on the joke, she took out her pinky and thumb in the shape of a phone. "This is Rias Gremory. Tell my handsome Pawn I'm awake now, I must've spaced out. It's just been one of those days" she teased.

"10-4, copy that. I'll let him know. *makes another static noise*" said Anthony. This little show earned giggles from both Asia and Akeno, Kiba smiled and while Koneko was emotionless, she was happy the perv was able to cheer Rias up... if only he knew what she was so worked up about...

Anthony then got to the ground and faked climbing upstairs in front of Rias' desk, then did an overly gentleman-like bow. "You called, your most esteemed highness?" He said.

"Yeah. I'd like you to go sit down, funny man" she said.

"Your wish is MY command" Anthony joked, bowing and staying bowed as he walked backwards into the sofa he was just sitting on. She wouldn't say it out loud, but Rias was glad Anthony made her smile just now. She had so much on he mind.

"Asia?" Rias called the ex-nun to her desk.

"Um, yes ma'am?" Asked Asia, wondering what Rias would be calling her for.

"I was thinking of making your big debut right now, if your ok with it?" Asked Rias. Even though she was the master of the house, she never wanted to force her servants into doing anything they weren't comfortable with.

"Right now? Isn't it a little early?" Asked Anthony. Asia hasn't been in town for long, so its not like she knew her way around... hell, she got lost trying to find the bathroom today... TWICE! It also didn't help that she always ask Anthony were it was, leading to some eyes gluing onto them.

"As a Devil, she needs to make a pact with someone sooner or later. One can't hurt, can it?" Asked Rias.

"It's sweet you want to protect her, but you need to relax and let the bird out of the nest. Besides, she'll be awesome, I just know it" said Akeno.

"I have no doubt of that. In fact, I think she'll be TOO good at getting one" deadpanned Anthony.

"Too good?" Asked Rias, interested at Anthony's choice of words.

"Just look at her! Sparkly green eyes, long blond hair, a good figure! There's NO ONE on planet earth that wouldn't want to make a pact with her!" Said Anthony.

"Oh... well, thank you, for believing in me" Asia blushed.

"Then again, that's also the problem. She's so sweet and innocent, I'm worried someone'll take advantage of her" he continued, making Asia gasp.

"And you know that better than anyone, don't you?" Said Koneko, looking up from her eating her chocolate. Anthony just stared at her for a few seconds with an annoyed expression.

"Seriously, do you ALWAYS have something to say?" Anthony asked her... and didn't get a response. "Look Prez, I just think Asia should sit this one out. At least, until she knows the area better. I'll take her contract" said Anthony, making Asia blush again.

"R-Really? You'd do that for me?" Asia asked.

Anthony just rubbed her hair, making her smile. "Of course I would. Come on, you know me better than that. Especially when all those asshats attacked you that one time" Anthony said, making Asia nod.

Hearing that, Rias looked in interest. So Asia was attacked and he saved her? That would explain why they were so close. "... Very well, I'll allow it. But just this once" she said, allowing Anthony his request.

"Thank you, miss. I'll hop to it now" said Anthony, leaving the room by entering a magic circle Rias had prepared.

After a moment of silence, "So... you were attacked? At a church of all places?" Asked Rias, making Asia jump at her sudden question.

"Um... yes. Anthony fought hard to protect me" said Asia.

"Sounds like he fought hard to get in your pants" said Koneko, biting another piece of chocolate.

Out of all the slang Asia had heard since coming here, that was the most blunt case she had ever heard, so much that she actually understood EXACTLY what it meant. "O-O-Oh. N-N-No, that's not it at all. In fact, that was the first day he used his gift."

That made the room fall silent. Asia had called her Sacred Gear a gift for so long, it was just automatic sometimes. The ORC knew this, and this was news to them. Anthony had used his Boosted Gear before? Why didn't he tell them? Why did he play dumb about not knowing what it was? "So... his gear awakened..." started Kiba.

"Before getting reincarnated?" Finished Akeno.

Rias tilted her head in thought, was THIS why he didn't become a Devil? Maybe. But then again, it could be just a coincidence. "Would you mind sharing?" Asked Rias, to which Asia nodded.


About a year and a half after Anthony was taken under the churches wing after the lose of his parents, he and Asia walked along a path into a garden. Seeing a white flower nearby, Anthony picked it up and placed it in Asia's hair.

"Perfezionare! Like a queen! Fallo, ragazza! Lavoraci!" Said Anthony, putting his hands together like a camera and pretended to be the paparazzi; with Asia giggling and telling him to stop, yet made no moves to remove her makeshift crown nor run away from the attention he was giving her.

"Isn't that cute? Antonio's putting the moves on the nun" said a voice.

"I wonder what Miss Ganim would have to say about this?" Said another voice. Looking behind them, Anthony and Asia saw a few students that were also known to bully others, even adults! They were actually 3 years older, so they were in a different class.

"Ascolta, Scott. we don't want any... OW!" Anthony tried to say, but one of the bullies threw a rock at his face, causing blood to leak out.

"Talk in English. This is America, A-mer-i-ca!" Said one of the bullies. Anthony held his face, but felt blood and pulled his hand back to check, the red liquid confirming his suspicions. Immediately, Asia began healing him.