
Chapter : 19 Dolci cazzi sacri

"There goes the witch, doing her hocus pocus again" said Scott.

"Pelt her!" Shouted another bully, picking up another rock with Scott and 3 more bullies following his lead. Anthony saw it coming, and got in front of Asia protectively, defending her from the attack. Asia's eyes began to water.

The pelting stopped after a few seconds, but 4 bullies pulled him off of Asia and onto the ground.

"ANTHONY!" Cried Asia, but she couldn't him due to Scott blocking her path.

"Sisters in the house of God shouldn't be so naughty, bitch" said Scott, slapping Asia hard enough to knock her down.

"ASIA!" Cried Anthony, but the grip of the 4 bullies on him outweighed his physical strength. Scott then got atop of Asia, touching her in a VERY provocative ways. Anthony called out for Scott to let her go, but he was too busy to answer.

Scott heard a beating going on behind him, figuring Anthony was getting a beating that he deserved. He then heard footsteps behind him, and groaned. "Ugh, look Chad, you can have your turn in a..." he said as he turned... it was not this Chad person, nor ANY of the other bullies.

It was Anthony, his eyes full of rage... green rage. While this didn't scare Scott, the condition of his comrades were in did, they were on the ground clutching themselves in pain.

That was impossible, how did a weakling like Anthony fight all of them off? And were did that red toy come from?


The last thing Scott saw was the "toy" slamming into his face... he was in the hospital for a week afterward, then punished accordingly for his actions.


"But when I asked him about it, he didn't remember anything... just this surge of emotion and the next second, he was on his feet with the bullies all around him.

I thought maybe it was the shock of him using his gift for the first time, I know it was for me. But even after another year, he still never said anything different, so I decided to never bring it up again.

Then when Lady Raynare attacked us, and he used the Gear for himself, well..." said Asia, but she stopped, not wanting to relive another painful memory.

Rias was shocked by the tale, and here she thought there was no evil in churches since it was the house of God. So Anthony's Gear activated at a young age? It was interesting, it did explain why Anthony was so protective, but it left her with even more questions.

If Anthony had access to his Sacred Gear, then why didn't he use it to protect himself when Raynare first attacked him? And why couldn't he remember using it? It might have been the trauma as Asia had pointed out, but then why didn't he recognize it after a second use?

The flash of a magic circle filled the room, Anthony was back already? "Here..." he said with no emotion, handing Rias the pact he made.

"Uh... Anthony... why are you...?" She began to ask, but stopped due to Anthony glaring at her... he was in no mood to talk right now. That's saying nothing about what he was wearing, he was dressed in a Sailor Moon outfit... the main female character.

"Non... chiedere..." the Italian growled, ripping the clothes off and revealing his uniform underneath. He then sat on the sofa with his arms crossed. "Devils don't get paid enough for this bullshit..."


The next day during P.E., students were outside in gym clothes, working out or running track. Asia was doing stretches with another student, lifting each others weight using their backs.

"OOOOOOH! Check it out! If you catch the right angle of Shorty's shorts, you can get a full-on panty shot!" Said Motohama, eyeing Asia's group from a distance.

"Awwww, snap! I think I see it, hom-..." said Matsuda. However, the top of his and Motohama's heads were grabbed and clacked together, making them both groan in pain. Anthony was standing behind them.

"I told you both already, I have no problem with you checking out girls... but Asia's off limits!" Anthony said, sternly yet calmly. The aura Anthony was radiating made the Perverted Duo obey and not question him any further.

"Look, I'm going to take a power nap, can I trust you both to behave?" Asked Anthony. For some reason, he still felt tired despite having a good nights sleep... guess its one of those days.

The boys promised they would TRY and constrict their hormonal instincts. So to help them, Anthony hired 2 girls from the Kendo Club to 'babysit' them... Murayama and Katase were their names, he thinks. They were actually glad to take up the offer now that he thought about it.

Anthony didn't know how long he was out, but he didn't care. Opening his eyes and turning left, he went to get up... only to see something... or rather, SOMEONE, had crawled into bed with him... naked.

Rias... who else? What was off was the fact her Devil wings were out as well. "Dolci cazzi sacri!" Yelped Anthony, panicking an grabbing the curtain behind him. This caused him to fall off the bed and pull down the curtains with him. Rias, eyes fluttering due to the noise, began to wake up.

"Hmm? Oh; good morning, Anthony. Sleep well?" She asked with a cute yawn.

"Just fine, what are doing here?" Asked Anthony, getting out of the curtains.

"I felt a little sleepy, so I figured I'd grab a quick nap" Rias said, stilling up and looking down at him.

"And that lead you into bed with me, HOW?" Asked Anthony, since there was 5 more beds Rias clearly could've had all to herself, yet she chose to sleep with him.

"You looked lonely, so I had to join you" she answered, no hesitation. She then cupped his cheeks with both hands in an affectionate manner. lifting his face up.

"Hey, your face is all red. You ok?" Rias asked. She was playing dumb, Anthony knew this. She knew EXACTLY why he got all hot and bothered.