
The Hero's Mask

A commoner boy named (Zac Keller) wants nothing more but to become a hero of his home country and the world, just like the five former heroes he idolized! Until he came home to see as his mother was being assaulted and later killed by the kingdom's knights, the same knights that swore to protect the kingdom and its people. Hoping for justice to be served against the Knights, it was but a vain hope. Any authority never accepted his mother's case and instead would brush it off as "just another useless commoner dead." So throughout the years, living his life with the scene of his mother stuck in his head, he would constantly be abused by the people he once wanted to protect. His sanity soon had been lost. He now wanted nothing more than to destroy everything he tried to protect. Years passed by, and he is now chosen as one of the five heroes. - Novel includes: EXTREME VIOLENCE CANNIBALISM AND R*PE

BadStripes · Fantaisie
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28 Chs


"What is this I hear about you not wanting your new toy?" The bandit leader asked as he raised his head to look at his supposed daughter on his shoulders.

"It's ugly, I don't want it!" The little girl would pout.

"Oh Katrina, you're gonna have to put up with it, he's someone special, you know I would never give you a present if it wasn't good, you know that right?" The leader would say.

"Hey, dad! Why are you still wearing that stupid mask?" Katrina would ask in an innocent tone.

"Haha, you don't like it?" The bandit leader responded.

"No! It looks weird."

"How could I say no to my little girl?" The leader responded in a playful tone.

The leader proceeded to take his mask off slowly and dramatically as if revealing himself is something that rarely happens in front of his subordinates.

Once the mask was removed, Zac wasn't all that astonished but the leader's subordinates were.

They acted as if his face was a rarity but for Zac, It was just a standard and familiar face that would be commonly seen when passing by.

"Hey, kid! Stop glaring at our boss like that or you'll find that what you've experienced was me going easy on you." Grandid angrily said as if he were the one being insulted.

"It's not that big of a deal, it's only natural that he's angry." The leader would say trying to calm Grandid down.

"You are so benevolent, sir! You hear that kid!? You better be thankful to the boss that I ain't ripping off any limbs!" Grandid responded.

Even after the threats from Grandid, Zac did not let go of his glare, acting like Grandid was just air compared to their boss.

Letting down Katrina, the leader walks toward Zac with a smile on his face.

"Let me properly introduce myself, my name is Lawrence Gray. I am a fallen noble but thanks to someone, I got to keep 5 out of 20 properties that I own, and you are currently in one of them. As for the reason why you are here, well you could have probably guessed but just to clear any misunderstanding, you will be made a tool who will serve and protect my daughter, Katrina, wholeheartedly with your life."

"I would never protect your bitch of a daughter you fucking piece of shit!" Zac said in anger.


Lawrence, who had a very arrogant smile on his face the whole time smacked Zac across the face leaving him red and furious.

Immediately after, he puts his arrogant smile back on as if nothing had happened. "Please excuse me for my sudden outburst, I think we got off on the wrong foot, you are someone with great potential and you have no option in refusing your role, this is your life now, get used to it."

Angry with the provocation, Zac spits on Lawrence's face. "I will never be anyone's slave." Still glaring at Lawrence.

Although Lawrence showed no reaction to being spit on, both Grandid and Katrina's servant got up with murderous eyes ready to kill Zac for what he did.

"STOP!" Lawrence stops them both as they were both inches away with blades pointing directly at Zac's throat.

Gasping from what could have been a death sentence, Zac's emotionless face forms into shock while his eyes gaze at the pointy tips of their blades pointing at him.

"Now now, you guys are so quick to anger. Put your blades away we need him alive." Lawrence says as he takes out a handkerchief and wipes away the saliva from his face.

"FATHER! I don't want this thing, not only is it ugly, but it also seems a dog can't even tell who its master is. I think we should kill this disgusting thing." Katrina interrupts.

"None of you still understand how great he is even when told, this child will be able to become something great, greater than we've ever seen," Lawrence says in frustration.

"Enough with all this useless chatter, now, when do you plan on torturing his mind?"

"Sir, we've gone over it and found it difficult to proceed with tampering with his mind," Grandid responded.

"And why is that?"

"Well, his mind has already been broken to a point where tampering with it any further would make him brain dead, but we've thought of an alternative!" Grandid says excitingly.


"Ether, although it will be time-consuming, we find this is the best alternative we could think of."

"I don't care about time, we just need him under our control!"

"Yes, sir!"

Grandid reaches into his pocket and pulls out a bottle of ruby red liquid in it.

As Grandid walked toward Zac, Zac struggles with any ounce of strength he has left to get out of the chair he was tied to because he knew what the liquid was, they have been talking about it all day, Zac couldn't bare the thought of becoming a slave to the people who tortured him.

"Keep that shit away from me!" Zac struggled.

Grandid drew closer while readying to poor the drug down Zac's throat.

"Dad, must I accept such an ugly thing?" Katrina whined.

"Yes honey, don't worry too much about it, once he's ready, you can play with him all you like." Lawrence playfully said.

"Okayyyy," Katrina said as if she was exhausted.

Although Zac struggled with all his might, the moment the drug went down his throat, everything went dark.

"Now that's done, let's take him with us shall we?" Lawrence said with a smile on his face.

"Sir, excuse me for my insolence but shouldn't we keep him here for a few days to make sure that the drug works effectively?" Grandid said worryingly.

"Hmm, I guess we could do that," Lawrence responds.

"Thank you, sir, I promise to return him in top condition."

"Yeah yeah, I just make sure he is returned in three days." Lawrence, his daughter, and his daughter's servant start to walk back upstairs ready to leave.

"Will do sir!"


The door closes leaving it quiet only for water droplets to keep the room from being completely silent.

Zac stares emotionless, not like when he was in despair, but like a doll who didn't have any life to it.

It was as if Zac's soul had left his body, and all that was left was an empty shell of a boy who will be controlled like a puppet on a string.

"Now that they left, let's see exactly how obedient you are." Grandid smiles as he slowly pulls down his pants.

~ [3 Days Later]

*Knock Knock*

"Who the hell is that?" Grandid confusingly said forgetting that three days passed.

Zac stares as if three days of unexplainable events just didn't happen, he sits there just like he did when the drug first went inside of him, emotionless like a puppet.

Grandid pulls up his pants and heads upstairs to answer the door.

"Sir, what are you doing here?"

"Bring me to him," Lawrence demands.

"But uh sir, he may need a little time-" Grandid gets cut off as Lawrence barges in.

Lawrence heads downstairs and Grandid follows.

"Sir, I think he needs another day," Grandid says anxiously.

Lawrence ignores Grandid as both keep going down to the basement.

Lawrence opens the creaky door leading to where Zac is revealing all of Grandid's activities all over Zac's face.

An awkward silence fills the room as Lawrence stares in disappointment and Grandid stares in fear of his mistake.

"I thought you were finding variables in the drug?" Lawrence turns to Grandid.

"Uhhmm, yes, I did, and I haven't found any." Grandid tries to play it off miserably.

"Right… Clean him up and put him in the carriage when you're done."

"Yes sir," Grandid says in relief as if he was safe from what he did.

~ [15 Minutes Later]

Grandid puts Zac into the back of the carriage.

"Grandid" Lawrence calls.

"Yes sir?-" Grandid groans in pain as he is suddenly stabbed by lawrence.

"Wh-why?" Grandid says in his last breath.

Lawrence stares at Grandid's dying eyes as he says nothing and gives no explanation as to why he stabbed him.

"Edgar, take care of the body," Lawrence ordered an old man who looked like a butler.

"Will do sir." Edgar responded.

Lawrence gets in the carriage and they take off leaving the butler to take care of Grandid's body.

The carriage arrives at another mansion, but this mansion seemed grander than the mansion that hid in the woods where Zac was locked up.

It lit up the night sky and the surroundings, rather than an isolated place like the forest, the mansion had neighbors a few miles apart.

The carriage driver hops off from his seat and opens the carriage door for Lawrence.

Lawrence steps out of his carriage and heads to the back where Zac lies.

"Put him in the shed out back," Lawrence orders the carriage driver.

Lawrence heads up to the front door of the mansion and is greeted by Katrina and a beautiful lady with brown hair who is dressed beautifully as if she was attending a party.

"Daddy, welcome back!" Katrina rushed out the door giving Lawrence a hug.

While Katrina is very happy to see him, his wife, the woman that was covered in jewelry and the dress, greeted him coldly as if he was just a stranger to her.

Lawrence smiles brightly at his daughter when welcomed by her, but when she puts her head over his shoulder he stares very coldly back at his wife.

"Katrina, get back inside!" The woman yelled.

Katrina jumps off of Lawrence and runs back inside as told.

"Whatever it is you are planning, don't do it near our home." The woman says in a quiet but fierce tone.

"I'm only here to drop something off." Lawrence responds back with a cold gaze.

"Take your business elsewhere, this is where our daughter lives!" The woman begins to raise her voice.

"Just let me drop it off, then I'll be on my way."

The woman looks behind her to make sure Katrina wasn't lurking. "Fine, but put it in the shed out back."

"I was already planning on doing that," Lawrence says.

The woman heads back inside, although she knows her husband's true nature, she is ignorant that Katrina is more like him than she thinks.

- Sorry for being a few hours behind schedule, work has me stumped, I had to rush this one so if you see any mistakes, I'd appreciate some feedback, thanks!

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