
The Hall of Fame

When one of the Supreme, Supreme 2 also known as the Lord of Heaven or Life made a blunder. A defected soul was created. this had never happened ever in the history of God history. And this could end his life for good. Thus he rushed to send the soul to a world before it dies. That would break the fundamental principles that were made by the first supreme trillions and trillions of years ago. He successfully sent the soul into a world as an 'experiment '. This is the story of a child who was born will bad luck, even god discarded him. His luck was exchanged for life. He only had ungrateful life with his partner 'The Happy System'. The name does look appealing but things are not his they look.

Manga_sensei · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

The Descend To a World

"Integrate 'that' into this soul. I will send him to 'that' world."(Supreme 2)

"However, my Lord it will not be practical to send this weak soul into a mother. It would be better if we let it have an already grown body."(First Man)

"Yes, I agree My Lord. This soul would die again and again if we send it as a child."(Second Man)

"But if I send it to a grown-up body it will just be in confusion about who or what is it?"(Supreme 2)

"Then how about 'Double Soul Integration'. He will inherit the memory and knowledge of someone else."(First Man)

"Hmmm. Then do it. If it is not done in the next few hours it will die and the fundamental rules will be broken. I will be executed in front of everyone. Just thinking about the way of execution makes me want to die."(Supreme 2)

"Your decision will be executed as soon as possible, My Lord."(First and Second Man)

After the small planning of what to do with the defect, the guard and the other man went towards a chamber not far away from that place. The chamber was humungous. Almost double the height of the white House. There was a crystal at the very centre of the chamber. The crystal was emitting seven rainbow colours. It was a double cone.

Both the man went near the floating crystal and threw the soul inside of it. Then the crystal shone brightly, brighter than anything.

"Integration request from Supreme 2! Hmm? That brat wants to make this soul live in fear of death. That bastard. Well, no choice I have to follow the rules. So what is the partner you want to integrate into this soul."(Crystal)

"Supreme 1, Supreme 2 wants to integrate the partner that was introduced yesterday."

"What are you talking about? That will be impossible. If I integrate that partner into this soul that is barely even emitting any signs of life."

"It is the order from Supreme 2. And he said to tell you 'Follow the rules and do it. It is for experimental purposes. This soul was made for experimenting."

"What? Experimenting on life and in such a life form. Is that idiot out of his mind? It will just die even before getting born. I cannot break the fundamental rules of creation. I love my life."

"You are not wrong, Supreme 1. However, this has been already reported to the Supreme. Our Lord has acknowledged the fact of experimenting and enhancing our views of knowledge on mortal life forms. Nonetheless, if you do not hurry up that soul will die and the rules will be broken."

"W-w-what? Okay Fine. I will do it. But don't blame me if this goes wrong."

"We accept your offer, Supreme 1."

Suddenly the shine that was dimmed after throwing the soul shone even brightly. Then after a few seconds, the soul came out flying in the hands of the first man.

"It is done. I am completely amazed to see such a weak soul was a perfect match for that partner."

"Supreme 2 thank you from the bottom of his heart. I am afraid we must leave immediately."

"Yeah yeah, you may go but don't disturb me for another century or few centuries."

"Yes My Lord."

The men ran towards the same hut once again. The soul looked somewhat different now. It had a bright light at the centre of its chest.

"Lord Supreme 2, we have returned. We have only a few minutes available. We must hurry."

"Bring it fast. I have completed the spell. It will surely survive on its first descent. Put that soul at the centre of this circle."

The first man who was holding the soul rushed and kept it at the centre of a circle. The circle was blue with weird symbols. There were two concentric circles. And there were other four circles in between their circumference.


"Oh the Lord that brings this cold-hearted Space with beauty and protection. This child of yours needs your protection and care. This soul, as a mortal life form has you as it's your only way of surviving. Please provide him with the strength, as I, your successor beg of you."

The circle shone brightly and the soul was getting lifted floating soul started revolving faster and faster after each revolution.

Then about a few hundred thousand rotations, the soul disappeared.

"WHAT? That soul has got the worst luck anyone can have. He got the blessing but in exchange for luck is very low below zero. But I don't want to think about it because I gave it the body of an intelligent boy. That boy had the best mind in that world. I don't want to think about it again. I need a long break~ *sigh*"

See you next time...