Raven is many things, sane isn't one of them. Granted a path to immense power after her death, Skyrim will never be quite the same
Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.
Betad by Marethyu, Priapus, Old man of the mountain
The Guild of Gamers: The Vampire
Chapter 11: Corruption
– Raven –
Finding and slaying the last few goblins wasn't hard, and I collected their ears as proof of my deeds. With a sense of smell as powerful as mine, it is laughably easy to track those who survived my little rescue of Dorthe. Goblins have a certain scent to them that is unmistakable.
Still, even as I finish culling the local goblin population, my mind is elsewhere. I am in need of great amounts of power. Alduin and Miraak are both deadly threats, and they will both come for me in time. Dragons are going to start burning the land down, and as the Dragonborn, it is now my problem to deal with them. I am in no position to do so, and frankly speaking I need to get very strong, fast.
So, first stop… Anise's cabin. In the base game, it is the abode of a witch who masquerades as an old lady until you go near her basement, causing her to attack you. I spotted the cabin while returning from Bleak Falls.
She's isolated, has some magical power, and should be an easy meal. Honestly, if she didn't happen to share a name with my Bard friend, I may have forgotten she ever existed. It was her mistake, I suppose.
Heading in the direction of my prey, I smile to myself. Riverwood will be grateful that I cleared out the last of the Goblins, and I still have plenty of time before the sun rises. All the time I'll need to handle what I have planned because I'm not just coming for Anise to get a late-night snack.
Leaping over the river, I smile as I sneak towards the shack, reaching out with my magic. I've learnt from the mistakes that got me caught by Zyn. Anise isn't stupid, and I can sense some small amounts of magic at both her window and front door as I get closer. She's trapped them, and while maybe it's just an Alarm spell, I might be looking at something far more dangerous.
The problem Anise has, as I peer through her window and see the old woman fast asleep in her bed, is simple. There's magic at the window, there's magic at the door. There is no magic on the walls.
Fenrir charges, the massive Dire Wolf, empowered by my blood, shatters through the shoddy wooden wall as if it was never there, making Anise let out a shout of surprise as she sits up in her bed.
Despite her shock, she manages to get off a strangled spell, a lightning bolt striking Fenrir in his side, but that's all she manages as I make my move. Leaping over Fenrir, I land on the bed and immediately grab the old woman's throat, forcibly tossing her out of her cabin, the old woman rolling across the ground with a pained groan as she hits a tree.
Dashing forward, my eyes widen in surprise as she fades into a mist, reforming a short distance away. Oi, only I am allowed to do that.
"Arrogant leech," Anise growls, her skin changing from pale and wrinkled to a deep green as her body shifts and morphs, bones cracking as she grows in size. Hmm, that's new. "You've bitten more than you can chew."
Her voice changes from creaky old lady to something darker. Horns grow from her head as she glares at me with baleful black eyes. Ah, a hag. She's no mere hagraven but a genuine hag, even if she doesn't seem that intimidating.
"I'll make soup from your bones, child, and drink it from your skull for daring to ruin my lovely little shack," the hag growls, hands igniting with fire as I simply smile. Of course, the old lady living alone in the forest is a hag.
"You'll die, and it'll be the most useful you've ever been," I retort, dashing to the side as a fireball flies past me and strikes the cliffside behind me, igniting with a roar of flame as it expands.
Eldritch power crackles in my hands, a pair of bolts of purple energy flying towards the hag as she shouts something in a language I don't know, my blast shattering against her shield.
Her shield cracks, the second blast going clean through it and striking her neck as she gasps in pain. She's not that powerful, and as she goes to respond, Fenrir strikes. Lunging from where he'd been lurking, he tries to bite down on the hag's neck, but she was ready and misty steps again.
But I am also ready, dashing forth the moment she reappears. I make my move, sprinting forward and pouncing. She managed to dodge Fenrir but failed to recover fast enough to dodge me. My fangs bite down into her neck as she yelps in pain, my dagger stabbing into her stomach at the same time.
A blast of magical energy sends me flying back, but Fenrir takes my place as he bites her leg, chomping deep into her green skin as I smile, dark green blood coating my lips. Fenrir shakes his head, making the hag scream in pain as she is rag-dolled back and forth before he slams his jaws closed and simply bites through her leg.
"You fucking beast, even if I fall, my sisters will hunt you for this," the hag gasps, paling as I grin.
"I do love it when my food comes to me," I taunt, blasting her with another eldritch blast as she goes to raise her arm, hitting the offending limb and knocking her down as I hover over her with a grin.
Weakened as she is, I feel her mind struggle as I try to put her in a trance before she falls still, eyes glazing over.
Then I stab her in the shoulder because I'm not that naive. She curses, going to speak before I backhand her hard enough to crack her jaw. She needs to be able to see to Misty Step, and I'm glad we are so far from Riverwood as I get to work. She doesn't need her eyes for what I have planned.
Her screams fill the night as I rip them out with my clawed hand, calling on my [Feral Claws] as I rip the solid-black eyeballs from her skull. She should be grateful that I was her final sight, I think, grinning to myself.
– Later –
She had access to a nice selection of scrolls, soul gems, and ingredients around her house, which I have claimed. I am making a note to add the new spells to my Spellbook later. Infestation and Chaos Bolt are both mildly useful spells.
But the real prize?
Bound to the bed, the hag struggles and curses as best as she can without a tongue. Her hands are broken, her tongue removed, so she won't be casting any spells as I hover over the hideous woman, her naked body bloated and swollen in weird places.
[The Sacrifice]
With a complex ritual, you can sacrifice living beings to a deity of your choice, though be warned… sometimes it is better not to garner the attention of such beings. If done correctly, you can gain power through pacts.
I've never had a chance to use this, but a Hag is a worthy sacrifice, even a weaker one like this. I've thought long and hard about who I should sacrifice people to, but in the end, the answer was clear in the end
Pulling out my dagger, I smile at the circle beneath the hag, which I've drawn in my own blood. As I begin chanting, the hag's struggles only grow. She may be blind, but she can sense what is happening as the blood circle lights up and gives off an ominous red glow.
This is for you, Lady Noire, a more worthy Goddess than any of the Daedrea or the Nine could ever hope to be. Who else would I make my first sacrifice to other than my new master?
I plunge the dagger into the hag's heart, and the circle gives off a low, keening hum that only gets louder as the hag's life force drips down onto the circle, and her soul is trapped within. Not for long, as the soul is sent to my chosen Goddess, and I feel the ritual complete successfully.
'Cute, I accept your offering.'
Noire's musical voice whispers in my ear, making me smile in pleasure.
Dominate, Discipline of Control has reached Apprentice
This allows you to slowly condition someone and make them more obedient until they are a slave to your will. The stronger the target's will, the longer this process takes.
[The Forgetful Mind]
This allows you to rewrite the memories of a target, slowly altering or wiping their past memories. The more impactful and older the memory, the longer this process takes.
'I've always been told I was a rather dominant girl~'
I honestly wasn't expecting anything in return, but I certainly won't turn down Noire's gift. I just wanted to make the first Sacrifice to someone I know wouldn't kill me for gaining their attention. A test run, so to speak.
A gesture from me has Fenrir feasting on the hag's corpse. If eating a hag has side effects, that's his problem. The blood tastes a little foul, but Fenrir doesn't seem to mind the meat as he rips off her head and chews on it.
An hour later, I stand over the ashes of the destroyed shack, clean and smiling, as I head back across the river. I doubt anyone will even care to investigate, but I've left nothing but ash and bones. If anyone without magic decides to look into it, they'll think the old lady living alone in the woods accidentally burnt down her house and died in the fire; if her hag sisters look into it?
Meh. It's the heroic thing to slaughter hags.
Speaking of hags, my drinking of her foul blood gave me a neat little trick.
Vampiric Skill Unlocked
[Weather Control: Fog]
Call upon a thick fog to cover the area, blocking the sunlight and lessening its effect upon you.
Obviously, I'm asking for trouble if I keep it active all the time, but it can definitely help me out in emergencies.
I head back to the forests to the north of Riverwood, my excuse of hunting goblins giving me all the alibi I need as I spend a little more time making sure I got all the little green bastards before I head back towards Riverwood, giving the guard a wave as he lets me in without question.
The heroic adventurer comes back from her hunt, heading to the home they gave me as I whistle to myself.
– Salonia Carvain – Next Day
"I've made a small profit on the weapons and goods you had me sell, and the carriage will be ready in two days. Your reputation meant that people were willing to rush the order, though I imagine it will be rather simple," Salonia reported to Raven, who nodded with a pleased smile on her lips. "I've also arranged for a small bounty for your goblin hunts, only five septims for each slain goblin, but you brought back proof for just over a dozen, so it's a nice additional payment."
"Good work, Salonia," Raven said, moving from the bed as she stretched, the slutty Breton utterly nude as she got out of bed. "And here I was thinking you'd have to pay for your place on our team in a different way," Raven said with a sultry smirk, her eyes lingering on Salonia's body, making her blush at the innuendo. "When the carriage is done, we'll set off for Whiterun to meet with the Jarl. I need to get him to confirm that my deed is legal so I can get my ancestral home anyway. Good work, Salonia."
"It was easy enough; these Nords barely understand negotiations," Salonia scoffed, preening slightly at the praise. She still hated this land; everything had gone wrong since her idiot husband had dragged her up to this frozen wasteland.
They'd lost their guard and wealth and got captured by goblins and that bastard elf; she spent days being violated by goblins after her coward of a husband had sacrificed her to try and survive himself, and it was just so fucking cold.
But as she watched Raven wrap these barbarians around her finger, she realised something. Raven was bound for greatness; that much was clear. She was a cut above these pathetic Nords, and she'd heard Raven and their new Bard discussing how to make Raven a legend.
If she went back to Bruma, she'd just be the widow of a minor noble. She'd be in a worse position than she'd started, especially if anyone ever found out about how she'd spent her time in captivity. Raven would rise higher, and Salonia realised that despite how much she hated this place, it was a land of strife and opportunity. She'd heard of adventurers coming to Skyrim to find their fame and fortune, but she was no warrior.
But what she could do was talk. Raven was a sweet-talker, but she wasn't a negotiator; she preferred seduction to haggling. Anise could write songs of Raven's deeds, but Salonia could make sure they got rich for them.
Raven would do all the fighting, while Anise turned even the simplest quest into a ballad, and Salonia made sure Raven got paid well for both the job and everything she happened to loot along the way.
Basically, she wanted to get rich enough to retire and live comfortably when she went back to Cyrodiil, and Raven was the best way she could achieve that. Raven had already found a fair amount of treasure, most of which they'd have to wait until they got to a proper city before Salonia could sell them since the local trader of this meagre village didn't have the ability to handle such goods.
Once Raven had her ancestral manor, she wouldn't even need to go with them for the travels. She could stay nice and safe inside the manor, waiting for Raven and Anise to come back with treasure for her to sell, making contacts and negotiating for new quests.
Yes, Raven would help her get the comfortable life she deserved.
– Raven –
Salonia is the perfect test subject for my growing Dominate, because nobody knows her and nobody cares for her. If I picked people from Riverwood, their loved ones might notice any changes. Salonia's loved ones are back in Bruma, and I'm slowly muddling her memories of her family and friends until she has no one but me.
As for how I plan to keep her obedient? Her self-serving nature makes that easy; I just need to keep pushing the idea that I am her path to the life she wants. I alone can give her the comfortable life she wants so dearly, so she needs to stay on my good side.
I give Salonia a smirk, watching her blush and look away at the hunger in my gaze. She doesn't enjoy the female form, but she knows I want her. I'm not pushing for anything, but in time she'll offer herself to me to help get the easy life she wants. Her body has already been degraded and violated after all, and reminding her that she's used goods, that nobody else would want her, isn't hard.
"Good work, all the same," I praise, giving her a proud look. "You've got such a silver tongue; I can't wait to see just how good you are with it."
Salonia flushes, uncomfortable with my flirtations, but even as I run my hand along her cheek and force her to look into my eyes, she doesn't pull back.
"Don't worry, my tongue is pure gold," I whisper, my hand running down her side teasingly.
"W-well, I should make sure they are making the carriage to our standards, Raven," Salonia says, trying to get away as I give her a hungry look. "I'll-"
Her mind is putty already, falling into a trance as I bite down on her neck with a shudder, enjoying the feeling of her warm blood gushing into my mouth. I don't take much, licking the bite marks before I smile at her.
"Anise~" I call, listening to the movement.
"Again? These aren't easy to heal, you know?" Anise sighs, looking at the obvious bite marks. "You didn't get enough from the goblins?"
"I prefer the blood of women, and Salonia's is sweet," I say, waving her off as she casts a basic healing spell on the bite mark. It's slow, and Anise is far from a master of restoration, but the wound does start to close as she helps me hide the evidence of my crimes. "What would I do without you?"
"Get caught and be hunted by the Dawnguard, probably. I'm hearing more and more rumours of them reforming," Anise warns, blushing slightly as I place a kiss on her cheek, my hand groping her backside. "We need to be careful."
"If they become a threat, I'll deal with them. I know where they hide, and it would only take a couple of deaths to make them fall to pieces," I reassure her, my mind already planning the destruction of those fools.
If they're already reforming, I might need to find Serana before anyone else can. Worst case, I can set Harkon's court against the Dawnguard and sit back and watch the fireworks.
Already, my other scheme has borne fruit. My familiar is still watching the Thalmor Embassy, having delivered its message, and it saw a squad of Thalmor Justiciars leave. A large squad is coming for Delphine. It's a long trip, but they are moving incredibly fast. The Blades are their mortal enemies, so I'm not surprised by the haste they're showing.
I don't need the Blades; I know where their secret hideout is, and killing them off just lets me claim it for myself later. I'll expose the old man hiding in the sewers as well, later. I might hate the Thalmor, but I won't hesitate to use them for my own ends.
But first…
[The Corruption of Riverwood]
Objective: Corrupt or otherwise deal with the important figures of Riverwood.
Targets: Alvor, Gerdur, Delphine, Lucan, Sven, Faendal
Rewards: Succubi Empowerment
Delphine will be handled either way. Even if she survives, she'll be forced to flee Riverwood and no longer matter for the quest. So, before I leave, I need to finish off my corruption of this little village. It will serve as a good test for larger locations.
Time to get to work.
– Alvor –
"I bring the boy into my work, and this is how he repays me? Pawing at my daughter like some drunken lout?" Alvor grumbled, fists clenching as he listened to Raven's explanation of what she and Sigrid had caught the pair doing.
"He's a teenage boy. Can you truly say that you didn't have the same interest in girls at his age?" Raven's silky voice reminded him, making Alvor grumble even if he didn't disagree. "You might not want to admit it, but Dorthe is at that age where she's starting to wonder about men as well. I've had a talk with her, but her curiosity isn't going to go away, even if you lock her away where she'll never see another boy again."
"I am truly sorry, Alvor. I wish I could say I'm surprised, but Frodnar has always been a troublesome one," Gerdur said, looking ashamed, but Alvor sighed. "If you want to stop his apprenticeship, I fully understand."
"No, Raven's right. This wasn't just Frodnar. Dorthe's always been too curious for her own good, and Frodnar is doing good work. He made his first dagger today, a shitty one, aye, but it's his first. He's so proud of it," Alvor chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "He's learning fast, and with the mine starting up, I have to admit that it's been a blessing from the Nine to have a helping hand around the forge."
A month ago, he'd have beaten the boy to a pulp for daring to grope Dorthe, but he wasn't that same small-minded Nord. Sex was good, sex was natural, and with how his relationship with Sigrid had ignited again, it was only natural that Dorthe would have seen some things, that she'd be just as interested in the pleasures of the flesh.
Gerdur let out a relieved sigh, obviously not wanting him to kick Frodnar out, but the shame was clear on her face.
"I still feel terrible, spying on Sigrid bathing? Talking Dorthe into this mischief? I know he's a troublemaker, but this is clearly too far," Gerdur said, and he felt for her. Oddly enough, the idea that Frodnar had gotten caught trying to spy on Sigrid just amused him; he was far more confident in his relationship with Sigrid after their frequent games with Raven. No pervy brat was going to steal his woman from him.
Sigrid not telling him was a surprise, but it made sense when Raven had told him that she'd told Sigrid not to. Raven was far more worldly in these things than they were; Sigrid trusted her friend to handle it.
Raven's lips twitched, a familiar naughty look on her face, making Alvor's cock start to harden in his pants. His body knew that look promised pleasure.
"There's no need to beat yourself up over it, Gerdur… you just need to apologise properly," Raven whispered, his loins stirring at the implication, Gerdur freezing up.
– Later –
He grunted, watching as Gerdur stared up at him, her lips wrapped around his cock. He'd be lying if he said he'd never thought about Gerdur like this, especially since Raven had arrived and introduced him to the joys of casual sex, but it was still unbelievable to look down and see Gerdur staring back up at him, her clothes missing.
Raven knelt behind her, groping Gerdur's breasts and fingering her tight slit as she whispered in Gerdur's ears, no doubt speaking truly sinful words given the way Gerdur's face flushed, her moans vibrating along his manhood.
Sigrid watched the sight, having arrived home, sitting on the chair as she stroked her own pussy at the sight of her husband dominating another woman. She gave him a sultry smirk, watching as he fucked Gerdur's face with renewed vigour.
The responsible, hard-working woman who led the village gagged and choked at the violation of her throat, making him smirk as he gripped her hair and kept thrusting into her tight, wet mouth. She wasn't great at this. Raven would have had him burst already, but the fact that it was Frodnar's mother currently working so hard to apologise for her son's actions made it all the better. Even as he pounded her mouth, her tongue tried to rub along his shaft, showing her willingness to apologise,
Grunting, he pushed her head down and enjoyed the power as he watched her eyes widen, desperately trying to gulp down the seed he was unleashing into her mouth.
"That's it, swallow it all," Raven encouraged, grinning lewdly as she kissed Gerdur's neck. "You look so sexy choking on that big, fat cock."
His hips bucked, the last few spurts escaping Gerdur's mouth as it dripped down onto her chest as he groaned, watching her pull back and gasp for air. Raven immediately kissed her, stealing the last of his cum from her mouth as their tongues danced, the two young, beautiful women sharing his seed for a moment before Raven guided her over to the bed, licking the cum from her breasts.
"Are you ready?" Raven asked, with Sigrid joining them on the bed. Gerdur was laid on the bed, with Raven and Sigrid at either side of her.
"I… I am," Gerdur agreed, her legs parting to reveal a drenched slit, well prepared by Raven's ministrations. "P-Please, Alvor, take your frustrations out on me."
"You heard her, handsome; come and pound this little tart," Sigrid encouraged, watching as he moved onto the bed, still rock hard. "Maybe you should put a new son into her fertile womb, a better-behaved one~"
Gods, Sigrid had become such a seductress, he thought, his cock twitching as he moved between the spread legs.
"When you're done with her, Raven is next, and then you're coming home between my legs. I want to see your thick, manly cum leaking from all three of us," Sigrid whispered, kissing his neck as she grasped his cock and lined him up. Gods, give him strength.
"Don't hold back, Gerdur can take it," Raven encouraged. "Be rough; pound her so hard that the bed shakes with every thrust."
With the two temptresses whispering into his ear, he couldn't stop himself from obeying. Gerdur let out a lewd moan as he slammed his hips forth, sheathing himself in her tight cunt. The same pussy that his apprentice had come from was now stuffed full of his cock. Gripping her hips, he started to truly pound into the woman he respected so much.
Outside this room, Gerdur was the intelligent, hard-working leader of Riverwood. She was the reason they were thriving, but here? Here, she was his cock-sleeve. Nothing but a set of holes for him to use for his pleasure.
Raven moved, mounting Gerdur's face, but she didn't even need to tell Gerdur what to do before she was lapping at Raven's dripping slit like a starved man being given his first meal in days, her tongue delving into Raven's pale, sinful body.
"That's it, fuck her," Sigrid encouraged, touching herself as Alvor reached around and pawed at his wife's ass. "Pound that little slut, show her how much of a man you are."
Sigrid moved behind him, pushing her nude body against his back as she continued to encourage him, her hands wrapped around him and stroking his chest as she watched with pleasure. Sigrid did seem to like seeing him with other women, but he wasn't going to complain as he gripped Gerdur's hips and worked off his anger at Frodnar on his mother, Raven kissing him as she rode Gerdur's face.
Grunting, he knew he wasn't going to last from the triple stimulation, but Sigrid stopped him from pulling out, gripping his hips and forcing him to finish inside Gerdur, who was in no place to stop it. Her body betrayed her pleasure, as she clenched down on his twitching cock.
He let loose with a groan, muffled by Raven's lips, his seed flooding into Gerdur's womb as he heard Sigrid gasp in pleasure, watching him fill another woman with cream. Pulling back, he was pulled to the side and forced to lie down by Raven, who immediately took his cock into her mouth and worked to bring him back to full hardness, and he watched as Sigrid jumped the tired Gerdur, his wife moving between Gerdur's legs as she lapped at the freshly-fucked pussy and ate his cream from Gerdur's gaping womanhood.
Gerdur moaned, her hands gripping Sigrid's hair as she bucked her hips, but he didn't get to watch the show for long as Raven mounted him with that sinful grin on her lips. When you were with a girl like Raven, you didn't let your attention wander, and as his favourite pussy sunk down on his cock, his hands began exploring her body. He loved Sigrid, but Raven was the best fuck he'd ever had, and Sigrid could barely compare.
– Raven – Later –
[The Corruption of Riverwood]
Objective: Corrupt or otherwise deal with the important figures of Riverwood.
Targets: Alvor (Done), Gerdur (Done), Delphine, Lucan, Sven, Faendal
Rewards: Succubi Empowerment
That counts? I've barely started corrupting them yet~
A little affair on Gerdur's part, a foursome on Alvor's, and that's enough to count as corrupting them? Oh no, I plan to show them the true meaning of corruption. Poor Hod is working hard at the lumbermill, all while his wife lays in Alvor's bed, leaking another man's cum.
She won't tell; I have them all charmed enough that I can now easily guide their actions as long as I don't go too far. Gerdur got to experience her taboo desires for other women while ensuring that Frodnar didn't lose his job. Sigrid is going deep into her cuckquean fantasies, loving watching her manly husband dominate other women, and Alvor got something that other men could only dream of.
A good start, but I have more work to do as I leave the tired and resting pair. Poor Alvor looks drained, but then Sigrid got her wish of seeing his seed leak from all three of our pussies.
Humming to myself, I smile as I set off into the night once more. Time to get to work on the others.
— Bonus Scene — Faendal
Exploring the forest, Faendal looked around with a frown. Something was off. His years as a hunter had warned him of an unseen danger, and the familiar forests seemed threatening.
An arrow flew through the trees, striking him in the shoulder. His eyes widened as he watched several men charge from the bushes. Bandits? This close to Riverwood?! He went to raise his bow, preparing for a deadly fight, but something rushed him from behind and knocked him to the ground, but was gone before he could even see them. The bandits grabbed him, yanking away his bow and beating him brutally, binding him with ropes as they dragged him deeper into the forest.
His questions went unanswered, and the glassy look in their eyes sent a cold dread through his bones as one of them used a strap of leather to blindfold him.
– Raven –
Skyrim is full of bandits; finding a group that I could enthral was no real challenge with my senses, watching as they beat Faendal, who still gets no answers to his questions. People don't trust Faendal; he's the sole elf in Riverwood, and the mistrusting Nords don't like him. Sure, some people trust him, but the general reception to their hunter is cold.
When he lets the bandits into Riverwood, they'll be proven right. But for now, he still has a little too much willpower. It won't last. Faendal is going to kill Sven, taking out two of my targets in a single action. I might even let him kidnap Camilla and have some fun before I save the day.
Author’s Note: The first rule of DnD, every single old woman is secretly a hag, and you should attack them on sight. Especially when the DM says they aren’t. I’m onto their lies.
Written: 06/06/2024
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