
Chapter 12: The Sleeping Giant Inn

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.

Betad by Priapus, Marethyu, Beans

The Guild of Gamers: The Vampire

Chapter 12: The Sleeping Giant Inn

You know, I can genuinely see why Camilla isn't exactly enamoured with her choices. Sven or Faendal, her two suitors. Sven is a mommy's boy with an ego far bigger than he deserves for a failed bard living with his mom in a tiny village. 

As for Faendal, you'd think he'd be more her type since she likes the idea of adventures, and he's a hunter. Sure, it's not real adventuring, but he can fight, and he keeps the village safe. But even if you help Faendal in the game, Camilla doesn't care and even marries the Dragonborn if they happen to wear a funny amulet.

I think I get why.

Faendal groans as he pumps his hips into me while I look down at the unfortunately small elven cock that's barely tickling me. I figured I'd take him for a ride before I sent him to his demise, but this is just boring for me.

I've been practising with my Dominate Discipline, gathering quite the collection of bandits to stage my attack on Riverwood. [Conditioning] allows me to train these disobedient little boys into the tools I need for this act. 

It's important to me that the bandits don't have that telling, glassy-eyed look when they attack. Even more so that Faendal doesn't have it when I send him back to be our trojan horse. He can't look like he's being controlled when he opens the gates and allows the bandits in.

[The Forgetful Mind] lets me slowly alter the target's memories or wipe them entirely. I've been muddling Faendal's mind, making the memories of the racism he's faced more intense while dulling his affection for the village. It's a slow process, but I have time.

Flipping us over, I pin Faendal beneath me as I take control, sending a mental command to one of my thralls. The bandit 'leader', a large orcish male, moves forward and kneels behind me as I bounce on the small elvish cock, gripping my hips as he lines himself up.

In a single movement, his much larger, dark-green orcish cock is sheathed in my backdoor, making me moan. Believe it or not, this isn't just for my entertainment.

[Tantric Energies] 

As a partial succubus, you can use the tantric energies created during sex to empower yourself or your partner, or you can choose to drain your partner during sex and claim some of their strength for yourself. 

I've been hard at work, empowering these bandits to make them a genuine threat. The leader has gotten the lion's share of my love, making him stronger and faster than the others. Not so strong that it looks suspicious, but enough to make him stand out over the other bandits.

My little group has grown from a handful of nobodies to around forty bandits as I ran around and found different groups hiding in the forests, caves and ruins and gathered them for my plans. They're taking cover in the ruins of Helgen, which is larger in real life than it seems in the game. There were some logistical issues with feeding the growing group, but I solved that problem easily enough. What's a little cannibalism between friends? I didn't need all of them.

Huh, is it cannibalism if an orc eats an elf? 

As another bandit makes use of my vacant mouth, I meditate on that question before shrugging and deciding that it doesn't particularly matter. It's not like these guys are going to survive the next week anyway. 

I flat-out don't remember any of the afterlives in Tamriel beyond Sovngarde, so I don't know if a little elf meat is going to eternally damn them, but I fail to see how that's my problem anyway. I'm not going to die, after all.

Or if I do, I'm tossing my soul at Sanguine and hoping for the best.

Anyway, spending my nights hard at work enslaving bandits by the dozens has proven useful for training my Dominate skill. It's good training to be able to take a butcher's blade to someone's memories without needing to care whether their mind survives the experience.

[Dominate, Discipline of Control: Adept]

[Oberon's Grail]

With your mastery of over memories, you can now erase entire weeks of memories with a single touch and alter memories far faster than before.


Allows you to transfer your mind into a mortal body, taking complete control of their actions. They will remain aware but a prisoner in their own bodies.

[Terminal Decree]

Your mastery of Compel allows you to issue commands that are harmful or deadly to the victim. 

[Submerged Directive]

Your mastery of Mesmerise allows you to embed commands into the victim's subconscious that will trigger after a delay or upon a certain condition.

[Autonomic Mastery]

You can control a target's bodily functions, such as their breathing, senses, or even specific organs, by starting or stopping them.


[Chain the Psyche]

Your mastery over the bodies of your victims makes your commands increasingly difficult to resist. When a victim attempts to defy or circumvent your Dominate skills, it will cause them incapacitating pain.

As I said, it's been very good training to have so many expendable subjects that I can play with. Plus, if I got tired from all that hard work, I have so many willing and eager snacks just ready and happy to fill me up.

An hour or so later, I extract myself from the pile of exhausted bandits (and Faendal) with a grin on my face, cleaning myself off and dressing again. With my speed, hunting a monster that I can claim was near the village is easy, and that gives me an alibi for the entire night.

Riverwood adores me, seeing me come back with Goblin ears or a troll head after each night out. They're just that little safer for every one of my late-night patrols, which is especially important given the fact that they'll be travelling from Riverwood to Embershard Mine from now on since they're preparing to start mining the place.

They're very grateful that I spend my nights clearing the surrounding forests of goblins, not wanting a repeat of Dorthe or to have their miners get ambushed on the road.

Returning to the village with a forest troll's head as my prize, I pause as I sniff the air. Long before I see the plumes of smoke, I can smell the smoke, and it makes me pick up the pace. The guards look grateful to see me, opening the door and catching the head as I toss it their way, but I don't stop to speak to them as I rush through the village toward the source of the smoke.

As I arrive, I have to smother a smile as I look at the Sleeping Giant Inn- or rather, the smouldering wreckage that remains as people try to put out the flames. Seeing Gerdur, I give her a worried smile as I cast Unseen Servant and Mage Hand, adding to the forces that are gathering water from the river and putting out the flames.

"What's going on?" I ask, already knowing the answer. The Thalmor act fast, and I can almost taste the magic in the air. Do they have a form of teleportation to get here this quickly?

"After you left, a group of Thalmor Justicars arrived and raided the inn. They claim Delphine is a traitor to the empire," Gerdur says, worry and anger clear on her face. "They had an imperial decree signed by Queen Elisif. A warrant for Delphine's arrest."

"How does an arrest lead to this?" I ask, making Gerdur shake her head as we help put out the flames so they don't spread.

"I don't know. They stormed into the inn and drove out the last few patrons, but then the place burst into flames. I think Delphine and Orgnar are still in there," Gerdur explains quickly.

I've never met Delphine, and I've never even gone into the Inn myself, but my position as a local hero means that I'm expected to try my best to help. I see Anise doing the same, using her own magic as best she can to heal those burnt by the flames.

It takes a while to get the roaring flames under control, but we manage it in time. As we delve into the ruin, Orgnar is the first we find. His body is burnt beyond recognition, but the charred remains are too big to be Delphine's.

The curious part is the dead Justicar; his robe has some kind of magical protection, but he also has a sword sticking out of his chest, so it's easy to confirm that he didn't die in the flames. Gerdur claims they brought almost a dozen men, but we only find one body.

With my foreknowledge, stumbling across the secret passage to Delphine's hidden basement isn't hard. Despite the flames, it didn't spread much down the stone passageway to her secret hideout as I lead Gerdur and Alvor down into it.

"What- what is this?" Alvor asks, shock clear in his tone. Several Akaviri-style katanas rest on the wall, potions and an alchemy table sit in one corner of the room. Most of the stuff has been burnt, but it's enough to incriminate Delphine.

What I do notice is another passageway that didn't exist in the game, an escape tunnel that we explore. It leads to a small cave outside the walls, and there's clear evidence that a lot of people have rushed through it recently.

"Raven, what do you think?" Gerdur asks, obviously having her own suspicions.

"I think Delphine was keeping secrets. I don't know if she was actually a traitor. I have no love lost for the Thalmor, but she was obviously more than just an innkeeper. I never even met her, so I can't say much about her personality, but this isn't the cellar of an innkeeper," I say, looking down the passageway. "And this is a lot of prep work. She must have been secretly digging this tunnel for years."

"Or Orgnar was; he's always been deathly loyal to her, and nobody really knew why," Gerdur agrees. "Raven… could Delphine have used that alchemy stuff to cause the fire?"

"I'm no expert, but I think you're onto something. I'll have Anise examine it, but it makes sense that Delphine set the fire as a way to escape. Whoever she really was, she'd have had to be dangerous to have killed that Justicar," I explain, my tone grim.

"To think, all this time…" Alvor mumbles, examining the well-fortified tunnel. "I'd have never suspected a thing. And these blades? I've never seen anything like them."

[The Corruption of Riverwood]

Objective: Corrupt or otherwise deal with the important figures of Riverwood.

Targets: Alvor (Done), Gerdur (Done), Delphine (Done), Lucan, Sven, Faendal (Done)

Rewards: Succubi Empowerment

Delphine almost certainly survived, but she's not my problem now that she's on the run. Alvor and Gerdur both obviously feel betrayed, and I push them toward feeling anger at Delphine for inviting such danger into their village. People died in the fire, not many, but enough to stoke the flames of their anger and turn it into hatred.

Anise made a name for herself as a healer, which only adds to my party's renown in Riverwood. Her success is my success, after all. My 'investigation' and discovery of Delphine's secret hideaway gained me some renown while destroying whatever affection the locals had for the bitch. Plus, Riverwood has become a little more accepting of magic as both Anise and I saved lives with our magic.

I hope the Thalmor get her. Not because I like the fucking elves, but because Delphine is a bitch. Actually, I hope they don't get her so that I can get my hands on her myself. Much later, obviously. She scares me.

As we check the damage, I smile to myself.

– Lucan Valerius (Next Day) –

The entire village was tense as the new day dawned. It was no real secret that Riverwood had a lot of people who supported both sides of the war. Gerdur's own brother was a Stormcloak, and Alvor was a known Imperial supporter with a nephew in the Legion.

It was almost a rule that the village didn't talk about the war and worked together despite their mixed allegiances. Gerdur and Alvor worked together almost daily, not letting the war break up old friendships.

But nobody liked the Thalmor. 

Having the Thalmor burn down their inn was about as insulting as having them burn down a temple to the local Nords. High Elves killing members of their community, on some suspicion that Delphine was a traitor to the Empire (that half of them didn't even like), had soured the mood in the area greatly.

So when Raven had visited him this morning with an opportunity, he'd been more than happy to hear her out. Partly because she was still the most beautiful woman in the village, and it wasn't even close, so spending some time with her was no hard feat.

"I can definitely see the potential," Lucan admitted, rubbing his chin. Salonia sat beside Raven, the snobby Imperial in her element. 

"Nature and business both abhor a vacuum. The Sleeping Giant was the only place in Riverwood for most of these thirsty Nords to get their beloved mead. Gerdur has agreed to supply the wood for the rebuilding, and I bought the land from her - at a steal, admittedly," Raven continued.

It had belonged to Ordnar, but he was dead and had no kin, so it fell to Gerdur as the pseudo-leader to decide what to do with the burnt-down inn.

"But you'll be travelling all over Skyrim, and as charming as you can be, you don't know how to run a business," Lucan finished off, making her nod shamelessly.

"I'm fairly smart, but economics isn't for me. So, I thought to myself… who do I know that has the knowledge and experience to help me?" Raven purred, clearly flattering him. Even knowing what she was doing, he couldn't deny the slight smile that grew on his lips at her silky words. "It's going to be expensive to start it off, but we both know that Riverwood is on the upturn. I could fund it, piece by piece, but that would take time."

"So you either need a loan or a partner," Lucan agreed, leaning back in his chair. He did like Raven, and not just for her beauty, but this was business. "Why the sudden interest in owning a business?"

"I've wandered a lot, and I intend to explore Skyrim, but it's time to make something of myself beyond just being an adventurer. I want to settle in Skyrim, and using my adventuring wealth to fund several businesses will set me up for the future, as well as set my family up for future generations," Raven explained, showing a foresight most didn't have. "Alvor and Gerdur granted me a small share in Embershard for my help in clearing it out, especially since it was my suggestion to begin with. Owning a tavern in the same village would be a nice start to me beginning my own business empire."

Raven seemed meant for greatness, but he'd figured she'd become some great hero that ballads sang of. Raven was clearly thinking bigger than just being a famous adventurer, and as he hashed out the details with Raven and her economic advisor, Salonia, he knew he wanted to get in on the ground floor.

She was right about one thing. Nords needed mead like he needed air, and right now, there was a void. As they negotiated, he felt Raven's foot brush against his leg, gently rubbing up and down before it moved further up, hidden by the table, as she pressed it against his crotch. 

He could stop this, but the naughty look in Raven's eye kept him silent as he tried to focus on their plans, even as an invisible hand undid his belt and fished out his manhood. Salonia seemed annoyed when his voice caught, barely stifling a moan as Raven rubbed the sole of her foot along his shaft, trapping it against him. 

Was she trying to distract him so Salonia could weasel a better deal out of him, or was she just this… naughty? He'd heard tales of what Raven got up to with Alvor and Sigrid, and Raven wielded her sexuality like a blade. He couldn't tell, but he couldn't bring himself to stop her.

She was keeping him on edge, so close to reaching his climax, as she gave him that look and teased him with her slender foot, but not quite pushing him over the edge. As the negotiations came to an end, all he had to do was agree. 

Salonia had run circles around him, but he was still getting a good deal out of this. He'd make his money back, so with a gasping word, he agreed, and Raven sped up her movements until she pushed him over the edge. His face was red as he signed the document, his semen sticking to his stomach under his tunic.

If Salonia knew what had happened, she didn't say anything even if the look she gave him was degrading. Raven just gave him a sweet smile, placing a kiss on his cheek as she said goodbye, whispering something into his ear before she turned and followed Salonia.

He sat down with a heavy sigh, panting slightly as he watched Raven walk away. She always walked with such a sway to her hips that drew the eyes of every man who saw her. In his mind, the same two whispered words repeated in his head.

'Good boy.'

– Raven –

Salonia hides her blush as we head out of the store, talking about the carriage she commissioned for us to distract herself from what just happened. While I was playing with Lucan, I also had my hand up Salonia's skirt, and for all her pride, she did nothing as I toyed with her body. I've spent a lot of time messing with her mind and reminding her that she's used goods. If I want her body, she should give it to me because who else would want her after she spent so long being a goblin cumdump?

Lucan is going to be a piece in my control over Riverwood because the coin-obsessed man just let us rip him off for a single footjob. He's already under my charm, and he's only falling deeper as I make my way to my home. 

In the game, you could invest in stores, and it would increase how much gold they would have and make the owner your friend. Beyond that, it wasn't that useful, but economics is another form of power, and I plan to spread my influence across every city. If I have to fight Alduin, I'm doing it with as many mercenaries and adventurers as money can buy. The best gear, potions, scrolls and literally anything else I can think of.

Lucan is going to be the start of a large network of merchants and people of interest that I can call on to support my destiny-given duty. Alvor and Gerdur are also entangled in that particular web.

It's too soon to have Faendal's 'betrayal' happen right after Delphine, but I don't mind the wait as the fire has delayed our carriage anyway, the village focusing on repairing the other buildings caught in the flames. It gives me more chances to increase my bandit horde while increasing my influence over the locals.

I've found a nice little trick with [Possession] and [Oberon's Grail]. If I take control, they remember someone else controlling their body while they're forced to watch from the passenger seat, but with [Oberon's Grail] I can alter their memories in real time to make them remember themselves doing what I puppeted them to do.

As long as I don't do anything too out of character, I can make them act however I want while leaving them utterly unaware of the mental manipulation. I've been playing around a lot because I need to get very good with my powers before I try this on anyone important. 

Which is why I've been using Sigrid as my own little puppet, putting her into a trance and using her body for my own ends. It's all practice for when I want someone more powerful dancing to my strings.

Besides… I don't think she minds, her life is so much better with the changes I made to it.

– Sigrid –

She gasped as the large cock sunk into her, laid beside Gerdur, who was doing the same. Her hands were clasped with Gerdur's as they both felt the large, fat Nord cocks stirring up their insides, Gerdur moaning lewdly as Sigrid gasped and panted.

Hod pawed at her breasts as he rutted into her, Gerdur's husband taking advantage of her supple body with a shocked look on his face as he buried his head into her breasts, suckling on one of her nipples.

Alvor, who used to get so jealous over other men looking at her, just laughed as he gripped Gerdur's hips and pounded the mill owner into the bed with powerful thrusts.

"Can't believe you only have one kid with a wife like this," Hod groaned, feeling Sigrid's inner muscles working to milk his cock.

"Ha, you aren't wrong. Gods, I've been wasting that sexy body. Before Raven, we barely ever made love… but I reckon Sigrid will be bloated with my children before long," Alvor agreed with a laugh, reaching over to slap her tit, which made her smirk lewdly. The idea of being impregnated again filled her with joy, but she had to wonder if it would be Alvor's child with how desperately Hod was rutting into her.

Of course, Gerdur might find herself carrying Alvor's child as her husband destroyed Gerdur's tight pussy with no hesitation.

When Raven had suggested they try 'swinging' to further spice up their life, she'd been interested in the idea of bedding another man, but she'd expected Alvor to put his foot down. He hadn't, listening to Raven and Sigrid's honeyed words as they convinced him to try it out.

Gerdur was flipped onto her front, looking like a bitch in heat as she pushed her hips back to meet Alvor's powerful thrusts. Hod looked over to the side, and she could see the misgivings as his wife moaned for more, but Sigrid didn't leave him feeling left out as her legs locked behind his back.

"Look at me, Hod. You know you've thought about these fat tits, lusted for my curvy body… this is your chance," Sigrid whispered as she pulled him closer. "Ruin me, you fat-dicked bastard. Make me cry your name."

She wasn't as good at this as Raven, but she achieved her goal as Hod locked eyes with her and captured her lips in a rough kiss that probably bruised her lips. His thrusts sped up, the powerful body pressed against hers as their bedroom descended into debauchery.

As she felt him twitch inside her, she locked her legs behind her back.

"Inside, don't you dare pull out," Sigrid demanded, feeling Hod grow still. "Look at Gerdur; look at how my husband is breeding your slutty wife. Are you going to be the one to chicken out and pull back? Show me how much of a man you can be."

It was all the encouragement he needed as he sped up, the bed creaking under her from the force of his movements. He reshaped her cunt, and with a battle cry, he let loose and slammed into her. She could feel his seed painting her womb white, trying to impregnate her.

She looked over to the side with a satisfied smile as she watched Alvor pull back, Gerdur on her knees with her face pressed into the bed as his thick white cum leaked from Gerdur's pussy.

Alvor and Hod shared a look before Alvor snorted and gave Hod a nod. Hod laughed, pulling out of her as she smiled up at him, seeing his eyes locked to her cream-filled pussy.

She didn't let the fun end, pulling Alvor onto the bed and sitting him down as she mounted him and sunk onto his still-hard cock, whispering into his ear as his eyes widened before he nodded.

"Oi, Hod. Gerdur looks like she needs a break, so why don't you join me in teaching this nymph a lesson," Alvor said, reaching back and spreading her buttocks, exposing her asshole.

She could see Hod's shock as she turned back to face him, giving him an alluring smile which made him move forward. He grabbed her hips as he pressed his cock, still glistening with her arousal, against her rosebud and slowly pushed himself into her.

She gasped in delight at the feeling of two cocks filling her body, and before long, Gerdur sat up and silenced her moans by capturing her lips in a domineering kiss. Gerdur was always eager to get her hands and mouth on other women, but Sigrid didn't mind as the trio worked to pleasure her. The boys certainly didn't mind the show of two girls kissing.

As the day progressed, they forgot about their troubles as they engaged in more and more depraved acts. She had Gerdur's mouth latched to her cunt, licking Hod's cum from her as Alvor took her from behind while Hod took his break to recover. She watched as Gerdur was trapped between the two men who took her front and back holes in unison, touching herself to the sight. She knelt in front of Alvor and Hod as they took turns with her mouth, cumming all over her breasts and face while Gerdur licked her body clean. 

It was the kind of thing she would have seen with such disgust before, but as the night progressed, her mind went further and further, seeking more depraved pleasures. She imagined the fun she could have if they invited Dorthe and Frodnar to join in, Frodnar becoming a man with her while Hod made Dorthe into a woman, or maybe even…

She knew there was no going back. Raven had changed their lives forever, and she loved it.

— Bonus Scene — Delphine

Clutching her bleeding side, she gasped to herself. She needed healing, but she would live. Someone in Riverwood had betrayed her secret, but nobody in the village except Orgnar even knew she was a Blade.

Her mind went to the newcomers, a frown on her face. Raven was unlikely; the Breton had never come to the inn, but her thoughts moved to the bard. Anise had a certain feeling of magic around her, something Delphine had long since learnt to identify as illusion magic.

She was the most likely culprit.

Most of her pursuers were dead, but with her haven and cover gone, she had few choices as she slipped into the forest, avoiding the main roads. They'd be searching for her, and she didn't intend to die like so many of her fellow Blades.

Someone was going to pay for this.

Author’s Note: This is shorter because I finished it… fifteen minutes before I was set to leave on my vacation. 

Written: 20/10/2024

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review, and I’ll probably write faster. I do read every review/comment, because it gives me the happy brain chemicals and motivates me to write more. My body is a machine that turns positive reviews into new chapters.

I have a Patreo n, where my supporters can vote on which fics get bonus chapters each cycle and have access to advance chapters, up to fifteen chapters ahead of the public release. Patreo n is also five chapters ahead and plat/diamond tier have voting rights for my Quest. Feel free to check it out.  

I also set up a Subscribe Star as well, more or less just as a backup/test to see which I prefer. The chapters are available on Discord if you’re a Patreo n and on the site directly on Subscribe Star due to the different site rules, so if you don’t use Discord or have issues finding the chapters, Subscribe Star is the better choice.

The Advance Chapters

**Patreon Exclusives**

Diamond: The Warlord Ch17, The Unbound Ch03, The Warlord Ch16, The High Roller Ch08, The Celestial Professor Ch05

Plat: The Celestial Escalation Ch03, The Sorcerer's Legacy Ch10, The Unbound Ch02, The Unbound Ch01, The Occult Ch09

Gold: The Blessed Ch08, The Warlord Ch15, The Celestial Escalation Ch02

Basic: The Tamer Ch15, The Celestial Escalation Ch01

Quest: The Celestial Inquisitor Ch07-11


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