
The Guild of Gamers: The Tinker

Why would you think a shut-in would change his ways, just because he got superpowers? I’m happy right here in my room.

DarkWolfShiro · Livres et littérature
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Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.

Betad by Malcolm Tent, Priapus, Mike, god of forgetting to put his name on things, Marethyu, Old man of the mountain

The Guild of Gamers: The Tinker

Chapter 07.5: PHOverwatch

– Lifebringer –

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♦ Topic: Behemoth Aftermath Cleared

In: Boards ► Endbringer Attacks

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Posted On Jan 8th 2011:

You read it correctly folks, Santa Zero struck again, giving the world a slightly late Christmas present.

Working with the Guild, the PRT and several local governments Zero has deployed the same technology he debuted after the Hawaii attack at many of Behemoth's attack sites, starting the long overdue process of cleansing the land of his radiation and restoring them from the lifeless wastelands Behemoth has left in his wake.

The current areas that have been cleared are as follows.

Marun Field, Iran (the first place Behemoth ever attacked)

São Paulo, Brazil

The irradiated lands north of New York

Jakarta, Indonesia

Moscow, Russia

Johannesburg, South Africa

Cologne, Germany

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Ankara, Turkey

Lyon, France

Vanderhoof, Canada

Lagos, Nigeria

Bogotá, Colombia

I've compiled a bunch of before and after pictures, found here [link]

Those who know their Endbringer history will notice the lack of Jinzhou, China on the list, but due to rising tensions with the CUI it was decided not to send any of Zero's tech to their country. Rumour has it that a Yangban capture team was driven away from Brockton Bay by PRT forces, having come to try and capture Zero.

Many of the areas are already completely cleared of radiation and are slowly being restored to their natural beauty, while the tech is under the watch of both the PRT, the Guild and Dragon's mechs, along with various local governments.

This is the biggest slap to Behemoth's face we've ever seen, over a decade of wastelands cleared in less than a week. It is a sign that humanity will outlast these murderous monsters.

While this was obviously made possible by Tinker Jesus himself, this was an amazing operation only possible due to a previously unseen level of cooperation between the Guild, PRT and the local governments of the many attack locations.

As a side note, as ridiculous as it seems, he has also started the process of cleansing the oceans of the worst of Leviathan's attacks, seen in Newfoundland and Kyushu especially.

You'd think he'd be busy with whatever he is doing inside the giant barrier over at Kyushu, but I guess he's just really good at multitasking.

As always, thank you Zero.

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Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Zero really just slapped Behemoth across the face, didn't he?

Can Endbringers feel embarrassed? God I hope so.

Shame the CUI is being as much of a pain as always, because they get to keep the single remaining stain Behemoth has left on our planet just because they can't stop being assholes.


Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Honestly, no snark today

Just genuine good work from Zero, the Guild, PRT and all local governments involved in this operation.

►Gaia (Verified Cape) (One Earth)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

You know, I never thought I'd be happy to toss away years of plans but Zero beat us to it.

He's kinda putting us to shame as far as Eco-Heroes go, we stopped some deforestation last week, he cleared the entire earth of Behemoth's stain.

Well, if he ever gets bored of the Guild, he's got an honorary membership with One Earth.

►Princess Petal (Verified Cape) (One Earth)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

And if he gets bored of Oracle, he can give me a call and I'll [content deleted by a moderator. Reason: you know what you did]


Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Why is it every thread that mentions Zero has some verified heroine trying to rizz him?

Also, how the fuck does he manage to get so much done so quickly?

►Zero (Verified Cape) (Verified Badass) (Tinker Jesus) (The Guild)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

That's easy, through the power of friendship *jazz hands*

The Guild and PRT had already done most of the research for these attacks, by joining the Guild it massively sped up my timetable for a lot of issues. Also, Oracle is very good at her job (sorry Princess, those were some very nice nudes but I'm very much taken, Oracle says hi btw)

►Gaia (Verified Cape) (One Earth)

Replied On Jan 8th 2011:

Damnit Petal, not again

Great work, as always Zero. The earth itself owes you a great debt.

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– Showtime –

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♦ Topic: New shows by Wonderland

In: Boards ► Media ► Animation

ChloeInWonderland (Original Poster) (Wonderland Productions)

Posted On Jan 9th 2011:

Hi, all!

So, with the massively positive reception to our recently released Glory Girl show, Wonderland is happy to announce that we have confirmed three new shows set in the same universe.

Season Two of Glory Girl, as many of you suspected, given the cliffhanger ending (we aren't sorry).

A Wards-focused story set in Brockton Bay, as some of you suspected, given the guest appearances of Vista and Clockblocker in Glory Girl Episode 10.

And finally a show focused on the formation of the Triumvirate and the early days of the PRT.

Here are the trailers, [GloryGirlS2 .mp4] [WardsBBS1 .mp4] [TriumphS1 .mp4]

All three will begin streaming on our new streaming service in March, with more announcements to come.

From all of us at Wonderland Productions, thank you for the very warm reception of our new animation studio, and we look forward to putting out plenty more content for you over the coming years!

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Replied On Jan 9th 2011:




Replied On Jan 9th 2011:

I called it!

There's no way the PRT didn't want to jump on this hype-train, the cameos were so obviously sequel bait!

Come on Season 2, give us that sweet PanPan/Shadow Stalker ship!


Replied On Jan 9th 2011:

ShadowPan is a shitty ship and you should be ashamed.

ClockPan is better and you all know it.


Replied On Jan 9th 2011:

Wrong, ZeroPan is the OTP and I don't care what any of you say.


Replied On Jan 9th 2011:

So, Vista in the shows is way more badass than in real life right? Did you see her fight scene in the trailer?

Why does real Vista not have a stun-baton, she'd be a fucking menace on the battlefield.

Also, ZeroPan OTP


Replied On Jan 9th 2011:

You guys remember that Zero has a girlfriend right?

Also, Show Vista looks badass as fuck, her costume is way cooler. Shit, I'd buy that action figure and I'm a full grown man.

►Vista (Wards ENE) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 9th 2011:

So would I, and it's me.

Maybe the PR department will take a hint and finally let me change my look.

If they do, I'm joining the cult of Zero.

So much cooler.

►Clockblocker (Wards ENE) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 9th 2011:

Damn, I look good.

Also, holy crap did you guys see the fight animation for the Alexandria part of the trailer? Like goddamn does it look good.

I'd say Wonderland better do my fight scenes justice but I've already seen them, and they're amazing. Sucks that you guys have to wait a couple more months lolololol

►Bruce Lao

Replied On Jan 9th 2011:

So, are we just pretending we don't know Zero is behind Wonderland?

►Zero (Verified Cape) (Verified Badass) (Tinker Jesus) (The Guild) (Wonderland Productions)

Replied On Jan 9th 2011:

I don't know what you're talking about.

►Glory Girl (New Wave) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 9th 2011:

Hell yeah, it is downright narcissistic how many times I've watched Season One.

Season Two is gonna be so hype! Thanks again, Wonderland! It's been a genuine joy to work with you guys!

►Panacea (The Almighty PanPan, Queen of Snark) (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Jan 9th 2011:

Oh thank god, if you guys made us wait longer after that cliffhanger, we'd be having words.

Season 2 Hype!

Also, the other shows look amazing.

Edit: Okay, who thinks they're funny?


Replied On Jan 9th 2011:

You heard her majesty, the Snark Queen, you can't leave us waiting or you'll face her deadly snark!

We are not worthy!

►Glory Girl (New Wave) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 9th 2011:

Aww, Amy got a cult!

You'd think the years of saving lives would have done it but I guess she just needed to embrace the all powerful Snark to become a cult icon lol

All hail PanPan (she's single btw)

►Panacea (The Almighty PanPan, Queen of Snark) (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Jan 9th 2011:

I'm going to hurt you.

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– Boy out of the Bubble –

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♦ Topic: Gray Boy's Bubbles Broken

In: Boards ► Locations ► America

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Posted On Jan 10th 2011:

You read it right folks, Zero has been very busy.

So, as you all likely know, the former S9 member Gray Boy left behind hundreds of bubbles of looping time all over the world, where his victims were trapped repeating the same actions over and over again.

Many of these actions are torturous, people being caught in car crashes that rip them apart, only to reset and happen all over again, and some are just dull but ever-repeating.

Zero has finally found a way to pop those bubbles, stopping the time-loop once and for all, and clearing another piece of the S9's grim legacy away.

The 'dull' time loops have been broken, allowing some people who have been stuck repeating the same actions for years to finally live their lives again, but the worst ones posed a problem as some of these people have felt themselves die tens of thousands of times.

Zero came up with a device to remove memories, and with their permission has removed many of the victims memories of their dark time trapped within the bubbles, and the charity group Zero set up with the bounties of the S9 has been helping these poor people return to some semblance of normal, reuniting them with families that have never given up hope of seeing their mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers freed from Gray Boy's cruelty.

Zero himself has not been seen at any of the sites, however, Dragon along with someone only identified as 'Connor', seemingly an agent of Zero, have been touring America and clearing the bubbles with Zero's tech. The PRT have also been collaborating with the Guild for this, providing much needed support.

The memory removal device has caused some stir, but Zero has sworn it will only be used on those who consent to having their memories altered, and after so many acts of heroism, I really don't see a reason to suspect him of duplicity.

The true important takeaway is that Gray Boy's disgusting legacy is finally being washed away, the seemingly eternal torture of so many coming to an end.

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►Forgotten Creator

Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

Honestly, I only have one thing to say.

Fuck you, Slaughterhouse None, may you be forgotten.

►Dawgsmiles (Veteran Member)

Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

For years, I've gone to the same spot and watched as my eight-year old sister fled from an explosion, only to fail to escape and be blown to pieces. Then it repeated, again and again and again.

Today, my little sister is sitting downstairs playing with our dog, her memories of the years of pain removed. Sure, everyone around her is older, her best friend is married with kids, our family dog is now the daughter of our old dog, but she's safe, she's happy, and she'll never have to go through that hell again.

Trust me, the memory removal device was needed. When she came out of the loop, she was a broken shell of a girl, practically comatose, it was with our parents approval that her memories were removed and now she gets to live a normal life.

Thank you Zero, along with the Guild and PRT who helped, of course.


Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

Gray Boy was a cruel piece of shit, and his legacy is best forgotten.

Nice work, Zero.

►Mac's Dual Rocket Propelled Grenades

Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

Another common Zero W, can this man be stopped? God I hope not.


Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

Zero OP, plz never nerf

►SarahH (Gray Boy Survivor)

Replied On Jan 10th 2011:

As the tag says, I am one of the many people saved by Zero's new breakthrough, so I thought I'd chip in.

I do not remember my time in the bubble because I begged Dragon to use Zero's machine to remove my memories, but I've seen videos of the bubble I was in.

I won't be graphic, but just watching it on a screen made me violently ill, and I've been informed I was one of the first recorded victims of Gray Boy.

Since 1987, I have spent twenty four years repeating the same excruciating torture, endlessly.

Today, I am a free woman, despite all the confusion and shock that comes from finding out that my four year old son is older than me, and has a child of his own. I am glad my memories of that nightmare are gone, because I was a broken woman.

Zero and those he works with put me back together, gave me a chance to live again, and that is something I can never thank him enough for.

To Gray Boy, may you rot in the bowels of hell for all you've done. May you be forgotten.

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♦ Topic: White Rabbit Release!

In: Boards ► Media ► Gaming

GstringGirl (Original Poster)

Posted On Jan 12th 2011:

So, I'm one of the lucky people to get my hands on a White Rabbit headset early, and now that it has been publicly released, I wanted to ask people what their favourite games are so far!

For me, I think it's the Vacation Simulator! I've not been able to travel due to a medical condition I've had all my life, but through the White Rabbit I've seen everything from the African Savannah to the North Pole!

I love the Wonderland Park and Zoo as well, but I think it's the cultural vacations that are the best for me. The Seven Wonders tour program is amazing, both modern and ancient (especially since most of the modern wonders don't exist anymore either)

I also love the RPG games it came with. I've been exploring the wide universe of Star Wars and the fantastical lands of Tolkien's Middle Earth. I know the main goal for most people is to fight, but I've just been enjoying the exploration!

There's something magical about having dinner on Alderaan or going hiking from the Shire that getting into countless fights just doesn't match, even if being a Jedi is a lot of fun!

So, what have other people been enjoying?

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Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

The World of Heroes sim has taken over my entire life, I've put so many hours into it since release.

As someone who has always been fascinated with Capes, the fact that I can play a VR game where I get to fly around and be the hero myself is amazing. I go from being an office lackey at work to being a important member of the Justice League, fighting off alien invasions with my incredibly hot partner Supergirl (who I 100% romanced, even if Wonder Woman was really tempting)

►Lo A Quest

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Same here, though I have to admit I've been playing as a villain.

yeah, yeah, I know, but it's so much fun!

Not to mention my battle harem of Harley, Poison Ivy, Talia al Ghul and Catwoman, now if only that Batfucker would stop trying to ruin my evil plans!

►Morgan Sinister

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Batman is OP, I swear to god the AI cheats for him.

Though I have to admit I've been playing the Old Republic scenario in Star Wars, as a Sith Lord. Why? Hot Twi'lek apprentice and lightning bolts. Need I say more?

►White Fairy (Veteran Member)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

My guilty pleasure is using the official mods to port things between games.

Me and my Jedi crew rolling up to the Black Gate with a Clone Army behind us, you know Sauron started to sweat when his big eye spotted us lmao

Who needs eagles when you've brought X-Wings?


Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Playing through the Star Wars movies is kinda hilarious.

I accidentally skipped Tatooine by stopping the ship from getting damaged so we never picked up Anakin, then romanced Padme. Anakin showed up as a Sith Apprentice in the Clone Wars, and I swear he knew I kinda fucked over his fate with how often he attacked me.

Totally kicked my ass every time, bro was terrifying.


Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Yeah, the trick is to head to Tatooine before Episode two and just shoot Anakin before he can become a problem. What, don't give me that look!

I play as a rival Sith to Papa Palps and don't want to deal with fucking Skywalkers.

►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

The best part for me is how easy it's made my long distance relationship, me and my girlfriend both have a White Rabbit so we can have 'date nights' in VR and the realism means it feels just like real life.

Yeah, we fuck in VR, don't pretend you all don't have the sex scenes turned on.

But yeah, it's made my life so much easier to be able to have wild vacation adventures with my girlfriend every night instead of not seeing her 'in person' for weeks.

►Miss Mercury (Protectorate Employee)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

I've actually been losing weight because I do all my snacking in VR lmao

The gourmet world tours are amazing as a foodie, and they've become a guilty pleasure of mine. The fictional food tours are great as well!

►Answer Key

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Mine is the historical sims and games. Yeah I get that they aren't completely historically accurate, but being able to actually go back and take part in historic battles is amazing. Plus, they're damn close, you can tell Wonderland did their research.

Or just go for a trip to ancient Rome where I can meet Julius Caesar, then take a trip over to Three Kingdoms China to meet Cao Cao, and watch Lu Bu kick all kinds of ass. Hell, I've learnt more about American history by playing around in VR than I ever did in class. Also, Cowboys.

Yeehaw, chucklefucks.

Dynasty Warriors is great as well, feels so badass taking on hundreds of Shu troops (damn straight I'm a Wei boy, gonna put my boi Cao Cao on the throne.) Also, Zhenji my beloved.


Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

I have played nothing but Pokemon since I got my White Rabbit, I have caught over 99% of the 1000+ Pokemon and beaten every single gym, elite four and champion across every region.

And the roadmap says it's adding another region this summer, with an extra 200+ Pokemon along with new Regional Variants and Mega-Evos. Man, I'm never gonna be done and that makes me so damn happy.

Gotta Catch'em All!

►Glory Girl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

I'm still in Kanto, but it is a lot of fun.

Me and Amy are also playing through World of Heroes (we're in the Marvel world atm), I think Amy is enjoying not being a healer anymore lmao, she makes me look careful.


Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

I'm with Answer, the historical sims are where it is. I tend to stick to Greek ones though.

Though I always play with Mythology turned on so there's Gods, Monsters and all the other fantastical stuff. Damn right I'm playing a Demi-god hero, kicking ass and getting maidens.

►Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Me and the other Wards have DND nights now, with the artificial Dungeon Master, it's been great fun.

Of course, I play an Orc Barbarian named Grug.

Clockblocker is an Elf Bard and if he tries to seduce one more thing Grug is going to throw his poncy ass through the window.

Also, totally play Pokemon every single night, I run an all Ghost team!

Thankfully Zero kinda cleared most of the villains so we have plenty of free time now lol.

►Clockblocker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Yup, DnD nights are great

When I'm not trying to seduce inanimate objects like a true bard, I mostly play the Capewatch open-world.

►Kid Win (Wards ENE) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

I almost exclusively play the sci-fi games, I love the fact that you can design your own ships.

Aside from DnD night of course, where I play our Gnome Artificer, Tick Tock

►Dragon (The Guild) (Verified Cape) (Moderator)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

My guilty pleasure is the DnD sim as well, though I play as the DM. I've bullied many of my colleagues into playing campaigns I've built.

Aside from that, I'm a big fan of all the Tycoon games.

►AverageAlexandros (Cape Husband)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

How do you even have time to play games with all the work you and Zero have been doing?

►Dragon (The Guild) (Verified Cape) (Moderator)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Mostly during travel to be honest, but I make time for my rest and relaxation.


Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

Actually, how did Wonderland get the rights to use so many different fictional works?

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(Showing page 2 of 46)

►Zero (Verified Cape) (Verified Badass) (Tinker Jesus) (The Guild) (Wonderland Productions)

Replied On Jan 12th 2011:

I just bought them.

Or the company that owed them.

I mean, Wonderland did, not me. I don't even know who they are. Whoever owns Wonderland probably just bought the rights and/or companies that owned the media he wanted.

Sounds like a cool guy ngl

End of Page. 1, 2, 3, 4 ... 44, 45, 46

– Pulling Teeth –

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♦ Topic: The Brotherhood of Steel move into Boston

In: Boards ► Locations ► America ► Boston

Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)

Posted On Jan 20th 2011:

You read it right, folks.

After the Empire 'moved on' from Brockton Bay (in Kaiser's own words, claiming that the Empire was better suited elsewhere now that the 'subhuman gangs of the Merchants and ABB had fallen'. More on that [here]), Zero wasted no time in moving his Brotherhood onto the next threat.

A lot happened and I don't have all the details yet but from what I've learnt the Teeth planned to move into Brockton Bay but Zero went 'lol no' and moved into Boston first.

The Butcher was captured at the start of the operation in a surprise attack, where she has been placed into a cell specially made for her. She'll be kept in stasis for the rest of her life.

The rest of the Teeth capes were captured in short order, due to a concentrated effort by the Brotherhood and PRT, before they turned to Blasto and his team. Blasto and Poison Apple were both arrested, trials pending, and Blasto's lab was cleansed due to some 'concerning discoveries'. Given Blasto's biotinker specialty we can only guess why they quarantined his workshop but it was quickly declared safe.

Curiously, Accord and his Ambassadors were all missing at the time of the operation and haven't been seen since. Unsure what to make of this, but with them out of the picture the other minor gangs and solo villains were quickly swept up by the Brotherhood and PRT forces, making Boston almost entirely villain-free.

The Brotherhood numbers have definitely increased and they seem to be setting up shop in Boston, to prevent other groups from moving in. It seems Zero is extending his humanitarian efforts to Boston as a secondary Solarpunk Power Plant is under construction nearby, along with many of the other benefits Brockton Bay alone has been enjoying this past month.

Director Armstrong and Bastion both made statements after the attack, which can be found [here] and [here], the Guild made it's own statement [here].

If you're a villain who is considering moving into Brockton Bay or Boston, you should reconsider.

(Showing page 1 of 89)


Replied On Jan 20th 2011:

Fucking Butcher man, what did she think was gonna happen? Did she think Zero was dumb enough to kill her?

Moron. Good riddance.


Replied On Jan 20th 2011:

Wait, there's no active villains in my city anymore?

Last week I saw the Teeth get into a fight with Blasto's creations, and now they're all gone? Because Butcher looked at Zero funny?

Fuck yeah.

Weird that Accord vanished, maybe the PRT have a leak and he decided to cut and run? Ain't like him but maybe he knows better than to try and fight Zero and the Brotherhood.

►Bastion (Protectorate: Boston) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 20th 2011:

Nah, that ain't like Accord.

Anyway, big respect to Zero and the Guild for supplying the firepower we needed to finally push the villains out of our city, was an honour to work alongside them.


Replied On Jan 20th 2011:

lol you guys must be shit at your jobs if some tinker can just come and clean your city overnight

►Bastion (Protectorate: Boston) (Verified Cape)

Replied On Jan 20th 2011:

Yeah, because some keyboard warrior in his moms basement knows about how complicated dealing with a city's cape scene is.

►Zero (Verified Cape) (Verified Badass) (Tinker Jesus) (The Guild) (Wonderland Productions)

Replied On Jan 20th 2011:

Ah, trolls. Can't just let a good thing be a good thing, huh?

Pleasure to work with the Boston PRT, even bigger pleasure to throw the Butcher in a hole, never to bother anyone again.

And yes, she hoped to die to my Brotherhood in the hopes that it would count as me killing her, not her best plan but the Teeth aren't known for their intelligence.

►Weld (Verified Cape) (Wards: Boston)

Replied On Jan 20th 2011:

It was a pleasure to work with you, Zero, even if I didn't do much on my side.

►Zero (Verified Cape) (Verified Badass) (Tinker Jesus) (The Guild) (Wonderland Productions)

Replied On Jan 20th 2011:


End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 87, 88, 89

– Kei –

Looking over the plans for Kyushu, I guide the drones as they construct the new city that will be the centrepiece of the newly risen island. I've been a busy boy lately, and for good reason.

Do you have any idea how many points I've earned from all my actions? It's a lot.

I'm rolling in points from my little venture in working through my to-do list. Boston was proof that I can use the Brotherhood to clear the villains from a city, and more importantly, hold the city afterwards. Brockton Bay and Boston are now the two cities with the lowest villain count in America.

Brockton has Uber, Leet and maybe Circus. I'm not sure if Circus plans to return, but they've left for Vegas and seem stuck in place. Uber and Leet have done nothing but play in VR since it was released, they're actually making more money as streamers than they were as criminals.

In other news, Taylor's trigger date has come and gone, with Taylor unharmed due to a sudden and unexpected civil war between Emma and Sophia. Taylor has been all but forgotten by the pair and with Lily keeping an eye on her and improving her home life I think I can safely say that the Queen of Escalation has been taken off the board.

I'll keep an eye on her, obviously, but she's in a better place now and I've pulled some strings to improve Winslow. With the gangs gone, Winslow is slowly getting better and Principal Blackwall has retired, being replaced with a younger, more ambitious headmaster who wants to see the worst school in Brockton become something.

Funnily enough, the massively lowered crime levels and tiny villain population means that Sophia gets away with so much less of her shit now because they don't need her. Piggot would throw her in Juvie with a smile and a wave if Sophia steped a single toe out of line and Sophia knows it now, so she has to play nice.

More villains are trying to move into the two cities, of course, but I'm always watching. Most don't even last a day, if they make it to the city at all. Brockton Bay is my fertile testing ground, and now Boston is as well, and I won't let anyone interfere with my experiment.

As it turns out, my experiment is a lot more humane than the one that Cauldron was trying.

Plus, Accord is doing very well with the task I hired him for, I do think he's enjoying his new post a lot more than he was enjoying being a fairly minor gang lord.

And, most importantly of all, I am pumping out games like mad for my VR headset (which I am using mass-fabrication to make affordable for as many people as possible), because the golden age of gaming has finally begun.

Some minor issues stand between me and forging this world into the gaming utopia I have planned, but much like every other issue that's got in my way… they will fall.

– Bonus Scene – Emma Barnes –

Sitting in her room, she turned to the giant poster on her wall, giving it a devout look before she got to work.

The poster simply displayed the symbol that the Brotherhood wore on their armour, the symbol that quickly became the best representation they had of Zero, her God.

Okay, that was a bit of an exaggeration, she wasn't that deep in her worship of the hero who drove out the entire ABB in a single night. That said, the fact that she could walk anywhere in the city and not see a single member of the ABB, to not have to fear for her life, was amazing.

Sophia was salty that Zero was better than her, constantly talking shit about the best hero the world had ever seen, which had led to an end to their friendship. She wasn't going to listen to the little dog yap so much out of some delusion that she was somehow a stronger hero than fucking Tinker Jesus just because Zero didn't show up in person.

Sophia had quickly learnt that Emma was much better than her at the social games, her star falling rapidly in Winslow. Even Winslow was looking better now, the gangs basically gone, so when word slipped out that Sophia hated Zero she became the new pariah because people fucking loved Zero.

Except the remaining Empire fanboys who hated Sophia anyway, even after the Empire fled the city with their tail between their legs. Kaiser could give all the excuses he wanted, but everyone knew the Empire were fleeing. Hell, half their capes had gone independent after Kaiser ran away.

Putting on her VR headset, she laid on her bed with a smile as she prepared for her next stream.

Modelling was so last decade, Streaming was so much less work and people just threw money at her when she started streaming her gameplay online, it was amazing.

The age of models was over, now was the time of the E-Girls.

Honestly, she barely even left the house anymore. She'd skip school if her dad hadn't threatened to take away her internet privileges if she kept skipping. Why waste time in a shithole like Winslow being Emma the Weak Nobody when she could put on her headset and be Emma, the Elven Princess or Emma, the Superhero?

All while thousands watched her in and cheered her on? This was what really mattered in life, and like all members of the Cult of Zero she understood the simple truth. Fuck going outside, embrace games!

Author’s Note: Just a bonus chapter showing what Zero has been up to that isn’t named Lisa.

Priapus’ note: for anyone confused by the mini-chapters with their own titles that look like POVs but aren’t, I mentioned it, and Shiro said, and I quote, “Fair but fuck them readers”.

Marethyu’s note: lmao

Old man note: Haha! Typical for Shiro

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review, and I’ll probably write faster.

I have a Discord server with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. So much porn.

Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

If it says it’s expired, it is probably your account being unable to join NSFW servers, and you’ll need to fix that. If you fix that and it still says it’s expired, add me (ThePumpkinKing), and I’ll invite you myself.

I’ve finally put my Pat reon to use after months of procrastinating. My Pat reons now have the ability to vote for which fics they’d like to see updated more during the next chapter cycle. The winner of the normal tier poll gets one extra chapter per cycle, the second tier poll gets two extra chapters, and the highest tier pat reons can pick a fic that will get three extra chapters per cycle. The current cycle is probably going to last until early-mid January, so voting is open until then. I’ll also be starting the actual early access chapters around the same time, so if you want a fic to get some extra love, feel free to check it out.

Link: Pat reon .com/ TheDarkWolfShiro

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