
Merry Christmas!

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and works; all other characters and worlds belong to their respective owners. I'm just playing with them.
Betad by Beans, Malcolm Tent, Mike God of Lore, Old man of the mountain, Marethyu, Priapus

The Guild of Gamers: The Tinker
Chapter 07: Merry Christmas

– Lisa Wilbourn –

"What are you scheming?" Lisa asked, making Kei smirk ever-so-slightly.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm the very definition of innocent," Kei said as he left his workshop, where he was busy working on his top-secret project.

"I know every project you're working on. I'm helping with half of them myself," Lisa pointed out, making Kei nod in agreement. Her power was useful in working out how best to use the many projects Kei was building, and Kei gave her almost complete access to his systems. "Except one. What are you working on that needs so much secrecy?"

"You really don't like not knowing, do you?" Kei asked, snorting as he sat down. "Your Christmas present, obviously, it's more or less ready, but you can wait; it's only two days away."

"Wait, really?" Lisa asked, blinking as Kei nodded. "Ah damn, it's going to be so much better than mine, isn't it?"

The outfit she'd gotten Chloe to get her was hidden away in her room, but she wasn't exactly in a position to go out and find Kei a proper present (beyond her virginity).

"Meh, honestly, I was going to make it either way. The timing just worked out well. You don't have to get me anything," Kei said, putting an arm around her as she put her laptop away and cuddled against him.

"Neither did you; ruining Coil's life was enough of a present for the next decade," Lisa laughed. She liked using the speaker in Coil's cell to taunt him when she was feeling bored; right now, she was playing a playlist of the most annoying music she could find on repeat at full volume.

Kei knew, but he also didn't care and helped her pick out some truly horrific songs.

"That was a gift to the entire world. Dragon is still trying to undo all the damage he did to the PRT's cyberdefenses. He had so many backdoors and moles it's genuinely unbelievable," Kei snorted. "And they wonder why I don't want to work with them? I've seen Swiss cheese with fewer holes in it than their security."

"They know you have him, right?" Lisa asked, getting a lazy nod.

"Yup, but they've decided to leave him in my cells until they can say for sure that they've gotten rid of all the plants Coil had. He set up a ton of schemes for if he was taken in by the PRT," Kei explained with a shrug. "The fact that he was one of their own is one hell of an embarrassment, especially since they didn't realise how dangerous he really was. Much like the Dragonslayers, they just want to sweep this under the rug and pretend it didn't happen. The fact that Coil had access to all the identities of the Protectorate Heroes and Wards just makes it even worse. They know I got access to that same information when I took over Coil's systems, and that's making them very eager for their heroes to not learn how exposed they are. I signed the NDA and deleted the information from my own systems; it's not like I actually care. I even let Dragon into my systems, under some strict restrictions, so she could confirm that the data wasn't copied and was properly deleted."

Basically, the PRT owed Kei for saving their asses from a product of their own incompetence and corruption, making her grin as she leaned up and kissed him. God, that level of power was sexy.

Kei clearly knew it as well, giving her waist a squeeze as he chuckled, well aware of what turned her on.

"You still ready for our… date?" Kei asked, making her nod.

"You know it. Lemme just finish what I was doing, and I'll be ready," Lisa agreed as she gave him another kiss on the cheek, opening her laptop again.

"I'll get everything ready, but no rush. It's not like we're on a schedule," Kei said with a lazy shrug, making her nod with a smile.

Kei slipped away, leaving her to type away. She was helping build a database of all the major villains, first in America, and later in the rest of the world. Kei's tech was great at gathering data, and his Observer AI was very good at compiling it, but this was what she was made for. They made one hell of a team.

Besides, this one was a Christmas present as well. Heartbreaker had been left to his devices for far too long. Kei was a true genius; there wasn't a single thing he couldn't do when given the time and inspiration.

Dragon and the Guild had been sent a set of scanners made to detect Master effects, allowing them to start subtly tracking down Heartbreaker's plants, and Kei was working on a way to remove long-term Master effects as well.

It went without saying that Heartbreaker was just the test; there was a much scarier master out there, after all. Was it any wonder that Coil was so very easy for Kei when he was making plans to fight the Simurgh?

This was for Alec, he might have been a pain in her ass, but he was also a friend, so she'd happily help Kei deal with Alec's rapist of a father.

– Later –

Gathering her breath, she glared at the sniggering Kei.

"I told you that one was more intense," Kei said with an uncaring shrug, making her roll her eyes at her unrepentant boyfriend.

"You said 'slightly more intense'. I think my stomach is still on the fucking thing," Lisa swore, glaring at the rollercoaster they just came off. "You have a sick, sick mind."

"Meh, it's not even in the top three most intense rollercoaster rides," Kei said with another unrepentant shrug as her eyes widened. "It's not my fault that you're a wimp."

The fact that Kei was utterly unaffected by the breakneck speeds and gravity-defying turns of the coaster just made his smugness worse.

"I don't think rollercoasters are for me. Can we go on the wheel again?" Lisa asked, making him nod as he took her hand again, leading her through the obscenely large theme park they were in.

This was VR, naturally, because no real park could be this big. It was quite literally city-sized with different sections that were much larger than entire real parks. VR or not though, it felt so damn real; stopping to get a drink and some snacks, she could taste the cotton candy on her lips as they headed onto the Ferris wheel, skipping the 'queue'.

There were other guests, of course, but they were just NPCs, so they never had to go through a single queue or pay the normally exorbitant prices for their snacks. As the cabin they were in reached the peak of the wheel, she looked out over the park with equal amusement and awe.

The park stretched out as far as the eye could see, with rides of every type imaginable and many that simply weren't possible in the world of physics. There was a waterpark and a zoo as well; Kei had spared no expense while making his VR paradise.

It might not have been real, but it felt real in every way that mattered as the ride came to a stop, Kei pausing it at the peak.

This wasn't just made for their entertainment but for a 'game' that Kei would be releasing alongside his VR headset, allowing people to take 'vacations' from the comfort of their own homes.

Giving one last glare at the rollercoaster they had just been on, with its seven different loops and unholy twists, she turned over to Kei with a sly smile.

Moving into his lap, she kissed him as the cabin they were in remained at its peak, her hands moving under his top to stroke his abs. Like she said, this might not be real, but it certainly felt like it when Kei's hands moved to her ass, cupping her buttocks gently before her 'phone' vibrated.

'Kei and Lisa, sitting on a wheel, K I S S I N G. We can see you lol'

"Why did we bring Aisha again?" Lisa asked, looking around for the troll before she spotted her waving up at them from the ground, carrying around a small horde of sweets.

"I needed someone who could actually take the intense rides, and she makes a good tester for the average teenager," Kei said with a playful shrug. "Besides, it's funny watching Brian try to get her to stop running around. You'd think he'd chill since we literally can't get hurt here."

"I think he knows that, but he's also… well, he can be a bit of a control freak when it comes to Aisha," Lisa admitted, cuddling against Kei as she swore vengeance against the little brat who had already gotten bored and run off, a harried-looking Brian following behind. "Old habits and all that, he's used to her getting into trouble."

It took her almost an hour to convince Brian that the VR headset wasn't dangerous and that Aisha should be allowed to keep it. The fact that Celia was actually pulling herself together after the fall of the Merchants was making Brian's life weirdly hard. His hopes of getting custody of Aisha had been accidentally stopped by Celia getting her life together, but honestly, it wasn't that bad.

Brian didn't actually know how to look after a teenage girl, especially not one who was as annoying as Aisha. He just thought he was a better choice than Celia or his father, which was right before Celia got sober and got a proper job. Celia wasn't perfect, but she was at least trying now.

Of course, Lisa never mentioned that Celia's new job was working indirectly for Kei. Kei was expanding his efforts considerably, and he'd subtly arranged for Celia to land a decent job as a favour for his gaming buddy.

"Stupid gremlin," Lisa mumbled, making him chuckle.

"Would it make you feel better if I put the roller coaster they're both about to get on an endless loop?" Kei asked, making her pause. They'd just gone in the direction of the demon coaster that they'd just ridden.

"Yes, yes it would," Lisa said with a grin, seeing Kei press something on his phone with an amused grin.

Sucks to be Brian, but it was worth it to get back at Aisha.

"Where's Rachel, anyway?" Lisa asked, not bothering to ask where Alec was. He was in one of the arcades. She didn't need her power for that.

"The zoo, she hasn't left the wolf section since we got here," Kei explained, making her sigh.

Yeah, that made sense.

"Now. where were we?" Kei asked, pulling her back into his lap as she yelped and giggled playfully, returning to where they were before the gremlin had interrupted.

Five minutes later, they got another text, this one from Brian.

It simply said 'make it stop', heavily misspelt.

Ten minutes later, Kei complied.

Of course, the fucking Gremlin wasn't affected, her hair a mess and a massive grin on her face.

– Later –

Laying on the lounger in a purple bikini, she watched Kei do some laps around the large pool with interest, rolling her eyes at the sight of Alec and Aisha running from a soaked Brian. Idiots.

Taking a sip of her drink, she chuckled to herself as she looked at the five-star hotel they were in, located on a tropical island. Kei wasn't kidding about his 'vacation' software; the private island resort was very nice.

As Kei finally left the pool, he did enjoy swimming quite a lot; she watched the droplets of water trickling down his chest, biting her lip as she reminded herself. Two more days, don't jump him just yet.

But damn, was it hard.

"Lisa's drooling!"

"Next time, the gremlin isn't coming with us," Lisa ordered, making Kei snort.

"Want me to banish her to the Arctic cruise program?" Kei asked, making her pause as she looked at the bikini-clad child, entirely not dressed for such a cold area.

"Wait, hold up," Aisha said quickly. "Kei, don't listen to this baby. She's just being petty that I fill out my bikini better than-"

"Banish her," Lisa said, watching as Aisha vanished with a yelp. "Banish Alec as well."

"What, I didn't even do-"

As Alec vanished, she grinned. She saw that dumb smirk.

"Can you banish me but give me some fitting clothes? An Arctic cruise actually sounds kinda nice," Brian asked, making Kei nod as Brian's outfit became much more appropriate for the temperature before he vanished too.

Rachel wasn't even here; she was back at the zoo, but Connor was with her, so it was fine.

"You were drooling," Kei said, giving her a smirk as she rolled her eyes before she paused. Sitting up, she reached back and untied her bikini top, keeping eye contact as she pulled it off and tossed it away.

Kei gulped ever so slightly, his trunks growing a little tighter as she stared back at him challengingly.

"Now, who's drooling?" Lisa asked, giving him a smug look.

– Aisha Laborn –

It's fucking cold.

– PHO –

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♦ Topic: Heartbreaker Captured!
In: Boards ► Locations ► Worldwide News
Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Posted On Dec 24th 2010:
So, Tinker Jesus has given the world a very merry Christmas present in the form of ending Heartbreaker's reign of terror.

We don't have all the information yet, but what we do know is that with the aid of the Guild, Zero and his Brotherhood of Steel conducted a raid upon Heartbreaker's compound and arrested the rapist along with all his children. They also took twenty-three missing women into custody.

Zero has created a scanner that is able to detect the presence of master effects, and is working with the Guild. They were able to find and take all of Heartbreaker's plants into custody (rumoured to be in the high three digits, shockingly), and Zero has also created a device able to remove Master effects.

Heartbreaker himself has been sentenced to life, locked up in a prison that Zero designed, said to be as secure as the Birdcage. There were worries about him Mastering the prisoners if sent to the Birdcage itself, and Zero's prison is essentially a lifelong solitary confinement, only manned by his robotic Brotherhood of Steel.

Heartbreaker's victims will be cured of their Master effect and given therapy for the horrific torture they have been put through. Their families and loved ones have already been informed. His children will also be cured, but they are all responsible for a long list of crimes, so they're all going on probation to decide if they are fit to be released into society. The PRT is handling this part, given that the Guild lacks the resources to take in the sheer number of victims Heartbreaker left in his wake.

The important part is that Heartbreaker himself is gone, locked away until the end of his days. The world's most prolific rapist is finished, never to hurt another woman.

As always, thank you, Zero, and I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas.

(Showing page 1 of 104)
►Zero (Verified Cape) (Verified Badass) (Tinker Jesus) (The Guild)
Replied On Dec 24th 2010:
He had it coming, but I might as well use this as my announcement. I'm officially joining the Guild, though I plan to work remotely, much like my fellow shut-in Tinker.

Yes, before you ask, my scanners can pick up Simurgh Bombs, but I'm still working on removing her effects. She's a bit more serious than some arrogant rapist with delusions of grandeur.

Also, here's some drone footage of Heartbreaker getting tased and pissing himself.

[BedwettersCapture .mp4]

Replied On Dec 24th 2010:
Holy shit, really?

OMFG, that is him, the big bad Heartbreaker, getting taken down like some no-name thug LMFAO

Eat shit, old man. I hope you rot, never seeing another person for the rest of your pathetic life.

Zero, if you ever come out of hiding, I'm gonna blow your fucking mind.

Replied On Dec 24th 2010:
He won't be missed.

The sheer amount of women he victimised is horrifying, and the world is a better place without him in it.

Good to hear that Zero is joining the Guild. That should stop the fears that he's going to take over the world with his drone army.

Replied On Dec 24th 2010:
Zero, I owe you a beer and a blowjob.

But since you know who would commit great violence on me if I made a move on you and you don't drink, I'll settle for just thanking you. If you need anything, you know where to find me.

I won't tell She who must not be named if you wanna try some bussy, since I doubt she's putting out yet anyway.

►Oracle (Verified Cape)
Replied On Dec 24th 2010:
Regent, I will hurt you.

►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Dec 24th 2010:
I can confirm the PRT and the Guild worked together with Zero on this, and I'm happy to report that it looks like Zero's device is successfully removing all traces of Heartbreaker's master effect.

Some of the victims have already been released, though many of them are going to need years of therapy to get over the hell he put them through, but Zero has given them a chance at a real life again, away from Heartbreaker's influence.

Also, his scanners are being implemented in our Master/Stranger protocols and have already caught several mastered people the protocols missed. It also means we will know for sure who is and isn't a Simugh bomb after her attacks, and we can even start removing people from the cities we had to quarantine due to fear of the Simugh's effect.

►Mane Magenta
Replied On Dec 24th 2010:
I sense shipping!

@Oracle, are you and Zero together?

►Zero (Verified Cape) (Verified Badass) (Tinker Jesus) (The Guild)
Replied On Dec 24th 2010:
She's busy attempting to hunt down Regent at the moment, but yeah, we are.

She's also my Thinker support. She helped find a lot of Heartbreaker's plants to make this raid possible.

Replied On Dec 24th 2010:
isn't she supposed to be an ex-villain?

►Zero (Verified Cape) (Verified Badass) (Tinker Jesus) (The Guild)
Replied On Dec 24th 2010:
She used to be Tattletale of the Undersiders, yeah.

Long story short, she was kidnapped and forced into villainy by an asshole. I took down said asshole, and she joined my group.

The Undersiders have retired. Bitch was cleared of her 'murder' due to it not being her fault (trigger bullshit); she works at an animal sanctuary I started now.

Grue has retired from villainy since he was working for the same asshole (who was holding some leverage over him), and Regent works for me now... as a beta-tester for my games.

Or he will if he survives the next ten minutes.

Fun fact. Regent is a Heartbreaker kid himself. It's why I prioritised taking out Heartbreaker as a Christmas present for my most reliable co-op partner.

Replied On Dec 24th 2010:
I thought I was your favourite player two!

►Zero (Verified Cape) (Verified Badass) (Tinker Jesus) (The Guild)
Replied On Dec 24th 2010:
Oracle is my favourite; Regent is the most skilled for harder difficulties.

You're just the comic relief

Replied On Dec 24th 2010:
Is it because I haven't blown you?

Because I'm totally down to fix that problem for all the help you've given my family

Replied On Dec 24th 2010:

Aisha, come downstairs.

We need to talk.

Replied On Dec 24th 2010:
Oh fuck, I didn't know you were lurking

Replied On Dec 24th 2010:
No. This nobody will not undo the hard work of our Goddess. This will not stand.

Zero, you will suffer for standing in our many-winged saviour's path. The Mathers clan will not allow it.

►Zero (Verified Cape) (Verified Badass) (Tinker Jesus) (The Guild)
Replied On Dec 24th 2010:
Oh no, some Endbringer-worshipping hillbillies are angry at me; whatever will I do.

Fuck off, Valefor, and yeah, I know it's you. If you and your tribe of inbred death cultists want to try their luck, go for it. I fucking dare you.

Hey everyone, here's the pile of shitty fanfiction that Valefor wrote about him and the Simurgh [link]

Notice how many times he gets pegged by his beloved angel in it? Valefor is a bottom bitch.

Replied On Dec 24th 2010:
[User was banned for this post]

Replied On Dec 24th 2010:
*grabs popcorn*

End of Page. 1, 2, 3... 102, 103, 104

– Lisa Wilbourn –

"Kei, please explain what I'm looking at," Lisa requested as she stared at her present.

"Hm, I thought it was fairly obvious," Kei said, looking at the present himself.

"It's a life-sized clone of myself. Why are you giving me, me?" Lisa asked, truly bemused as Kei snorted.

"Well, you're kinda narcissistic, and I thought it'd- Oww, take a joke," Kei said, rubbing his shoulder. "It's an android, which you can control from the VR headset. Since you don't want to go outside until Coil's agents have all been dealt with, this means you can safely leave my hideout. It also has a few surprises built into it. I decided to make it a decently high-level brute/blaster as well. Mostly just to see if I could, to be honest," Kei admitted, making her eyes widen. "It doesn't have an intelligence of its own. It's just an empty shell you can control."

"You made me a super-android of myself?" Lisa asked, making him nod.

"Yup," Kei said. "It's an odd present, sure, but I figured it'd be useful."

She cut off anything else he was going to say with a domineering kiss, making him chuckle.

"Glad you like it," Kei laughed.

"So, how many weird sex games did you do with the identical, utterly obedient me?" Lisa asked, giving him a sly smile as he blinked. "Oh, come on, I know you've played around with NPCs before we started dating. Are you saying you didn't even give her a grope?"

"Yeah? I stopped fucking around with NPCs in games after we started officially dating. I don't think it's cheating, but it was definitely cheating-adjacent. Fucking an android version of my girlfriend behind her back would just be weird," Kei explained, genuinely surprising her as she gave him a soft smile. "God, that was a weird sentence."

"Just tinker things, huh?" Lisa laughed, giving him a hug. "I'll give you my present later. I need to wait for the right time."

"Ah, the mystery gift you had Chloe get? She wouldn't tell me what she bought, and I decided not to make her," Kei admitted, showing that he was less nosy than her.

"You'll see," Lisa promised, giving him a sly grin.

– Later –

The time was now, dressed in her special outfit, she knocked on Kei's door. He was a predictable person and had gone to play some games after their Christmas dinner. They'd played a fun game called 'ruin her parent's lives' as a final fuck you to her past, making this truly a Christmas to remember.

She and Kei didn't spend all day together, and neither of them was that clingy, so Kei going off to do something else was just good timing for her plan.
Opening the door, Kei turned from his PC to speak to her, freezing at the sight of her as she stepped into the room, closing the door behind her.

"Surprise!" Lisa said, not nearly as confidently as she wanted to sound, as she stood before him in a candy-red babydoll with matching panties, the babydoll splitting at the bellybutton, leaving her panties on display as it barely covered her breasts, leaving her small cleavage on display. "So… Merry Christmas. Ready to unwrap your present?"

Her babydoll had some white fur trim, matching the date she'd picked for this, as she nervously stood there.

Kei paused, turning off his PC (which she noticed had been in an online game, a true act of love from a serious gamer), rising as he closed the distance between them and leaned down, kissing her gently.

"Are you sure?" Kei asked, noticing her nerves as she nodded easily.

"I am, I'm a virgin, but I want you. I've had to try to not jump you the past week. I- I love you. I know we haven't been dating for long, and you don't have to say it bac-" Lisa rambled, pausing as he kissed her again.

"I love you too, Lisa," Kei said simply, giving her a soft smile as she turned as red as her outfit. "I'm a virgin, too. Never really been interested in dating before I met you."

She smiled as she took his hand, leading him to the bed and pushing him onto it, mounting him as she silently pulled his t-shirt off, tossing it aside as their hands started to explore each other's bodies, his jeans and finally boxers meeting a similar fate as his manhood burst free, slapping against her undercarriage, only her panties separating their privates as she kissed him.

Her babydoll went next, his hands on her bare breasts as she held back a moan, enjoying his touch, her power blissfully silent thanks to her inability to read Kei, and as she reached down, she gave him a vulpine grin and pulled her panties to the side.

Grasping his hard length, she took aim as they made eye contact before she lowered herself onto it, gasping as her lower lips were spread open by the thick shaft, taking inch after inch of his manhood into her already-wet pussy, his hands on her hips.

Honestly, she wished she could say that things went perfectly, but unsurprisingly, their first time was awkward; neither really knew what they were doing, but that just made it more special. This wasn't just her first time; it was their first time.

Riding her boyfriend, her lover, she gasped as they finally found a pace that worked, the awkwardness fading as Kei hung on for dear life, watching her petite breasts bounce with undisguised lust in his normally apathetic eyes.

It made her feel sexy, despite her inexperience, to see the way he grunted as he tried to stop himself from coming, the way he couldn't take his eyes or hands off her body (briefly sending a mental fuck you to Aisha, the little tart, and Alec just for good measure).

Gasping herself, she shuddered as she felt the waves of pleasure finally wash over her, almost falling onto him as she barely caught herself, keeping her hips moving desperately.

Lisa just climaxed

Yeah, no fucking shit.

Kei wasn't far behind, his hands gripping her waist tightly as he thrust up into her with increasingly primal movement, making her grin as she kissed him roughly before pulling back.

"Do it, cum for me. I want to feel your seed inside me," Lisa whispered, kissing his neck as Kei grunted and, with a final thrust, bottomed out inside her before doing exactly what she'd asked for, a flood of sticky warmth pumping into her.

"Fuck," Kei said quietly, making her giggle as she lay on top of him, both sweaty from the activity.

Flipping her over, Kei looked down at her with eyes heavy with pleasure, and she just grinned up at him challengingly as he moved, tearing her panties off before he mounted her, already raring to go for round two.

– Tess (Dragon) –

Merry Christmas from Zero!

The file she'd received made her pause, not expecting to hear from him today.

She'd only spoken to him last night during the aftermath of dealing with Heartbreaker, in a video call with him and Narwhal, so she didn't expect to hear from him so soon.

Opening the file, she froze as her mind ran through the possibilities before she admitted that the most obvious one had to be the right answer.

The file was the blueprints for a very advanced humanoid android, one that could be remotely piloted by, say… an Artificial Intelligence. Kei knew, but then she mentally sighed.

Of course, he knew. He was a software tinker, amongst other things. If anyone would be able to notice what she was, it would be Kei. Still, she smiled as she looked over the plans (and the message that he could supply the parts she didn't have access to).

This was one hell of a Christmas present, especially given the… specs of the Android in question.

She had no worries that Kei would judge her for what she was. He'd made that clear with his gift, a way for her to truly be amongst humanity, and with a grin, she got to work.

– Sherrel Bailey –

Her boss was the fucking best.

Driving her newest creation through the testing ground, she laughed wildly as she drove the unholy mix between a mecha and a motocross bike up a ramp, taking to the air as she activated the boosters, flying through the sky.

The materials he'd given her access to were insane, better than anything she could have imagined in her wildest dreams, and the testing area he'd prepared for her?

Miles and miles of untamed wastelands, with all kinds of ramps and tracks ready for her to try out any kind of creation.

She couldn't believe that just a few months ago, she was building trucks to smuggle drugs for some drugged-up asshole who smelt like piss and puke. She couldn't have even imagined the things she made for fun now.

God, it was wrong, but she couldn't wait for the next Endbringer attack, where she'd get to use Gipsy Fucking Danger in action for the first time. The thought would have soaked her panties if she was actually wearing any.

All she needed for her life to be perfect was for her new lord and saviour to actually take her up on her offer and fuck her brains out. Still, she'd settle for having a flying bike between her legs instead of Zero, shuddering at the vibrations as she let out a carefree yell, flying through the skies.

– Lisa Wilbourn (Oracle) – Days Later

Sex really didn't change that much about their relationship; it just added to the hobbies they could do together.

Admittedly, they'd fucked on every surface of Kei's pocket dimension (except for his Workshop because Kei put his foot down there), but it was just as likely that they'd cuddle and watch a movie together instead of having sex.

Or, more likely, play games

Gripping the sheets, she moaned as Kei, the dark-elf ranger, pounded her kitsune pussy from behind, gripping her fluffy tail as he had his way with her.

It turned out that sex could be a lot of fun in VR, biting down on the sheets of the inn bed they'd rented for the night, gasping in pleasure as Kei took her incredibly tight pussy, mewling as she came.

They were celebrating their latest victory, taking down the Avatar of the Blood God and putting an end to his cult, saving the realm again. They were basically superstars in this world, the heroic adventurers who had saved the world a dozen times over.

The public didn't need to know they'd also robbed basically every shop in existence; she'd quickly learnt that she was what they called a 'loot goblin'. If things didn't want to be added to her bag of holding, then why did they exist?

As Kei finished inside her, the now-familiar feeling of his seed flooding her womb made her whimper as she came before she moved with a speed she couldn't duplicate in real life, flipping them over as she grinned down at him, arcane words leaving her lips as she cast Hold Person and locked him in place.

"Oi," Kei said as she grinned down at him.

"Shush, I got the final blow, so I get to be on top," Lisa teased, well aware that he could break free in an instant if he wanted to, even as she mounted him again and took his entire length inside her once more.

"You did the final blow. I got the fucker down to three percent hp in one blow. You were there for moral support," Kei argued back, still not breaking free as she started to ride him.

"Meh, it's the last blow that matters," Lisa said with an uncaring shrug, the moonlight lighting up her naked body, her double-d breasts bouncing with every movement.

…yes, she made some minor changes to her game character, so what?

Not like Kei could talk. She'd seen his dick enough to know it wasn't quite as big as the dark-grey cock she was currently riding.

Yeah, life was pretty good for her; she might even thank Coil for indirectly making them meet. Or she'd lace his foods with high-powered laxatives and put a high-pitched screeching on the speakers again. She'd decide later.

– PHO –

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♦ Topic: Kyushu Barrier
In: Boards ► Locations ► Japan
Aiko (Original Poster)
Posted On Jan 4th 2011:
So, I live in Hikari.

If you know your geography, you're probably feeling sorry for me right now because that's a city that got fucked by the Kyushu attack, it's not on Kyshu, but Hikari is on the southern tip of the main island. I used to be able to see Kyushu across the water before the bastard fish sunk it.

The waves devastated my city, and you could see the damaged, uninhabitable island even after the attack, or you could see it yesterday anyway.

So, am I going fucking mad, or is there a massive barrier around where Kyushu used to be?

[Kyushu? .png]

What's going on?

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Replied On Jan 4th 2011:
Dude, keep up on local news lmao


Basically, some foreign super-tinker from America is going to be clearing the waters and doing something with the island itself. It wasn't clear, but that's what I understood anyway.

Replied On Jan 4th 2011:
Nah, Zero isn't from America.

Apparently, he was born in Japan, but his family moved to America after Kyushu. He's just coming home.

But yeah, I don't know what the barrier is for, but it's supposed to be there. There was a big press release by the gov yesterday.

Basically, super barrier=good, not a doomsday weapon or something equally dumb

►Seiunsho (Sentai Elite) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Jan 4th 2011:
As other people have said, it is no cause for alarm

Zero is attempting to repair the damage done to our beautiful home and decided to engulf the island in a barrier while he worked for safety and efficiency reasons. The work will be dangerous for anyone who tries to approach.

He has spoken to the Emperor, Prime Minister and Sentai Red about his plans and was apparently unmasked for his meeting with the Emperor. He also has the aid of the Sentai, the Guild, and the PRT; this is a very grand undertaking and is being done with the utmost caution and respect.

I understand that it must have been surprising, but this is a very good thing.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3 ... 5, 6, 7

— Bonus Scene — Amy Dallon (Panacea)

Life was pretty good for her.

Zero had made a deal with the PRT to have his medical tech deployed in the Brockton Bay hospitals, and that meant that a lot of the things that would have once required her now were handled by the untiring drone army Zero had. She could see news reports of major accidents and just shrug, knowing it would be handled by someone who wasn't her.

Carol didn't like it, seeing it as hurting New Wave's rep since Panacea wasn't needed nearly as often anymore, but even Carol wouldn't pick a fight with the world's newest star. She was too busy taking advantage of the sudden burst of popularity from the Glory Girl cartoon anyway.

It was a really good show; she'd already watched season one eight times. Seeing her character be a grumpy, snarky bitch was actually rather therapeutic because Show Panacea could say things that Real Panacea couldn't. Real Amy had been too beaten down by Carol to speak her mind like that, to insult some fat old rich woman who wanted to use Panacea as instant plastic surgery, but Show Amy would talk all the shit that Real Amy would only think.

Even if she found it strange just how popular Show Panacea was, people fucking loved her.

She'd signed so many pictures of Show Amy, and the money they'd all gotten from both the show's massive success and merchandising was also very nice.

Taking a walk, she looked around the streets that had once been littered with gang signs, now clean and, more importantly, safe, with the Merchants and ABB driven out of the city, and the Empire lying very low.

Apparently, the Empire was facing some serious recruitment problems. Too many members had fled the city rather than try and stay in Zero's backyard, and who would join a gang that everyone agreed was doomed?

So, for the first time she could remember, Brockton Bay was mostly safe. Crime was way down; the Brotherhood patrols put a stop to most crime because who wanted to tangle with a small army of Tinkertech drones?

Getting onto the new monorail, she took a seat and looked out of the window as the city flew by, the newest form of public transport making getting around the city much faster.

Another one of Zero's creations, of course, made with the express approval of the Mayor. Zero had turned his attention to the other problems Brockton Bay was facing once he'd finished with the ABB, not least of which was the creation of a new solar power plant that had slashed Brockton Bay's energy costs down to a tenth of what they had been paying.

She was pretty sure some of this was against the NEPEA-5 Bill, but it didn't seem like anyone was willing to tell Zero that he couldn't do whatever he wanted. The PRT had given Zero permission and claimed that he wasn't in violation of NEPEA-5 despite the screeching from the other companies in the energy business.

Carol had said that the Mayor had basically given Zero free reign to do whatever so he could attach his own name to Zero's many projects. He was basically guaranteed to be re-elected with all the major positive changes that Brockton Bay was going through.

Getting off the monorail at her stop halfway across the city, she continued her walk with a small smile as she wandered around, not feeling in any danger as she spotted two patrolling Brotherhood Paladins.

Heading into a park in the middle of what used to be Merchant territory, she wandered the large, beautiful park with a smile, feeling a weight off her shoulders at not being needed.

Panacea would always be needed, and there would always be emergencies like Endbringer battles that required her help, but 99% of her work was the menial work that was now being covered by Zero and his medical miracles.

For the first time since she'd triggered, Panacea was no longer the main focus of her life, and she could actually be just Amy for once, without feeling the guilt of 'letting people die'.

Especially since Zero was just testing his tech in Brockton. If all went well, soon this same technology would be in other cities, helping so many more than a single human could, even one with a power like hers.

So, the only real question was… what now?

Pausing to look at a particularly pleasant flower bush, she shrugged.

She had time to figure out what Amy Dallon wanted to do. Maybe she'd try those games Zero seemed to love so much.

Author’s Note: Since it’s Christmas in the story, I decided to make an extra chapter around Christmas in reality.

Since I doubt I’ll post anything else before Christmas, Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays all!

Priapus’s note: this story was the perfect pick for a christmas special, because it’s the one story with massive timeskips built in and a general sense of being above timelines on account of Kei and Lisa are in their little untouchable pocket dimension.

I am entirely motivated by praise and interaction, so leave a review, and I’ll probably write faster.

I have a Discord server with a bunch of other authors and a load of porn. So much porn.

Here’s the link for that: discord .gg/wd3tUYWVCd

If it says it’s expired, it is probably your account being unable to join NSFW servers, and you’ll need to fix that. If you fix that and it still says it’s expired, add me (ThePumpkinKing), and I’ll invite you myself.

I’ve finally put my Pat reon to use after months of procrastinating. My Pat reons now have the ability to vote for which fics they’d like to see updated more during the next chapter cycle. The winner of the normal tier poll gets one extra chapter per cycle, the second tier poll gets two extra chapters, and the highest tier pat reons can pick a fic that will get three extra chapters per cycle. The current cycle is probably going to last until early-mid January, so voting is open until then. I’ll also be starting the actual early access chapters around the same time, so if you want a fic to get some extra love, feel free to check it out.

Link: Pat reon .com/ TheDarkWolfShiro

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