
The Guidebook for Reincarnated Travelers

Wyrm Unusual died. Instead of seeing heaven or hell or any other religious place, he would see a corridor with marble pillars on the sides. At the end a desk with a woman there "Welcome to Eden, fucker. You want a fun suicide adventure or a boring desk job?" But what should someone whose brain is fucked enough to forget EVERYTHING do in this world where reincarnation is THE most normal thing? ----------------- 2 things fron Mr.Author. 1. English is not my first language. Don't expect me to know y'alls super special words to describe super special things. 2. Cover is not mine, I am willing to remove it any time

Nix101 · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

The Unusual Beast

After feeling like having a mental breakdown of the because of the people here, Wyrm too eventually decided to just let it be. The main reason being... he noticed the stares of the people. He wasn't stared at because he acted weird though. He was stared at because he was a newbie. It was as if in an online game, there is a level 1 character running around in a high level town. The people in this guild were used to death which gave Wyrm goosebumps.

So like this Wyrm left. He didn't want to be the next one to give others a laugh. Still, the corpse got soon taken away by a small and green being.

Now Wyrm was finally able to concentrate on what he wants to do... even though he doesn't know what exactly he wants to do here. He does want to learn some magic skill to get by but how does he go about it?

Well, when looking at the different cubes, most people look to be somewhat advanced at the magic they are using. At least they are able to use it. The only cube that looked beginner friendly was... the one with the books. Damn. Sucks to suck.

Wyrm hesitantly made his way over to the books and started reading some of the titles.

[Alchemy but for the stupidest of the stupid]

[Nature's kind words]

[The Holy Bible]

It looked like the books were all mixed up so searching for something that might fit him will probably take a while. Or at least Wyrm thought so. In one of the shelves all the books were brown, only one of them being purple. This was so obvious that probably anyone would be drawn to it. When looking at the title Wyrm read out to himself.

"The unusual ways to learn the basics of magic"

When reading the title, Wyrm did feel like this was the perfect book for him. Only after reading the first few lines the doubt started to appear.

[In Eden you might encounter all sorts of mythical beasts.]

[Maybe they were normal in your old world. Maybe you were born in Eden.]

[No matter where you are from, you probably never heard of the unusual ways of magic of this beast.]

Wyrm thought he read the title wrong and closed the book again to look at it again. He knew that reincarnation was the most normal thing in this world. It also didn't seem surprising that people can come from all kinds of worlds. Though a beast that uses magic in a way nobody else doesn in any world... It seemed so unrealistic to Wyrm that he started to doubt if this book can somehow help him. still, he took the book with him and sat down on the floor, against a wall. Wyrm then opened the book and continued reading.

[Some day, some time in a cave, a large beast gave birth to a small version of itself.]

[The cave had one gigantic room with what looks like a bird's nest.]

The book then went on to describe the cave in exact detail. It said how many stalactites were in the cave. It said what kind of metals were in the cave, It said how many exists there were and how they are barely big enough so the big beast could go in and out. The only problem Wyrm saw... it did not say what the beast looks like. It didn't even seem like the author forgot, but just made a biiiig circle around it.

[The beast lived it's early life completely isolated inside the cave.]

[The mother of the beast brought back foods of all kinds fill both her and the baby beasts stomach]

[Examples of the regular food would be: Cattle, humans and similar beings, slimes or other monsters]

Still, Wyrm now knew that whatever the beast was, this book was talking about... it is not friendly towards human. Since the mother beast seems to be large as fuck, it also seems to be quite a powerful type of beasts.

A timeskip was made in the book and the beast was now already about a quarter as big as the mother beast.

[The not-so young beast ventured out of the cave for the first time in it's still so short life]

[The beast stood at one of the entrances of the cave. From a mountain it looked down to a forest which reaches to the horizon]

The book then talked about how the beast made it's way through the forest. It seemed to be autumn as the leaves were described as colorful. The other beasts in the forest were backing away as soon as they made eye contact with the young beast. The plants were big and had strange forms, for example one was a spiral which reached up to the crown of the tree next to it.

[Fate though, didn't plan to just make it a nice trip for the beast]

[The young beast suddenly felt a stinging in it's back. When looking back, it saw a big bearded elf who stabbed the beast with a spear]

[The beast cried out in pain. It lashed out towards the elf but was caught off guard by other elves]

Wyrm at this point completely forgot why he was reading this. It just seemed like a fantasy novel.


[The beast eventually was able to set itself free and run away]

[This doesn't mean it is safe though]

[The elves were running after it. They were chasing it.]

[And in front of the beast... was a deep deep hole.]

[Gravely injured, it jumped inside starting a long fall in the dark]

After this, there were a few empty pages until Wyrm flipped open two pages completely in black

[Now we shall come to the point on why you are probably reading this]

[It was at this time that the beast started to grow in all aspects of itself]

Greetings there.

I really kinda didn't write a lot this week but here ya go.

I shall now return to loading tips with Mr.Author

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