
The Guidebook for Reincarnated Travelers

Wyrm Unusual died. Instead of seeing heaven or hell or any other religious place, he would see a corridor with marble pillars on the sides. At the end a desk with a woman there "Welcome to Eden, fucker. You want a fun suicide adventure or a boring desk job?" But what should someone whose brain is fucked enough to forget EVERYTHING do in this world where reincarnation is THE most normal thing? ----------------- 2 things fron Mr.Author. 1. English is not my first language. Don't expect me to know y'alls super special words to describe super special things. 2. Cover is not mine, I am willing to remove it any time

Nix101 · Fantaisie
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The Mysterious Author

Once again there were a few empty pages.

[1... 2... 3...]

[4... 5... 6...]

The book continued this until it reached 600.

[The beast awakened, covered in it's own blood]

[It felt an incredible pain all over it's body]

[At the brink of death, all it wanted was to sleep and rest peacefully]

[But what was this?]

[Even though it was dying... no. Exactly because it was dying]

[The beast felt something that normally you don't feel]

[It was as if energy was all over the place]

Wyrm, who was so captivated by the story started feeling this energy too, as if he was there. He managed to feel the pain, the hope which is close to zero. He even managed to feel the beasts heavy breathing.

[The beasts voice could be heard through this tunnel in which the beast dropped into]

[It roughly translates to: "I command thee... urgh... help me..."]

[The beast flexed all muscles in it's body in the hope of something happening]

[The energy it was feeling all over the tunnel, we know as mana]

[And so... slowly the beast moved it's body]

[First a bit slower, then faster until it eventually managed to stand again]

[The beast still felt this pain all over it's body. It still was flooded with blood and still had all of it's wounds, it had before]

[All that changed was it's gain of new stamina and the feeling of soon growing even more]

Wyrm flipped open the last page with a disappointing look in his face.

[More of this unusual beast's story shall be known at the second volume of this novel]

A quick look at the bottom of the page showed a signature. It was probably from the author of the book but it was very difficult for Wyrm to read. If he had to somehow mix things together then it should be read as "Nichts"

"N-i ch ts", Wyrm said out loud with a lot of trouble pronouncing it. He would probably have to remember this authors name if he wants to find the other few volumes and Wyrm, who forgot his training, wanted to do so but as soon as his gaze shifted from the book to the world of Eden... he felt different.

To be exact he felt energy all over the room, as if the book he just read became reality. It felt as if... there was mana all around him. It was a sensation he never (in his few hours) felt before. He could once again feel new information flooding his mind. He felt like he somehow knew how to use this energy. Wyrm then quickly summoned the guidebook, using the [Registered Reincarnate] banner and looked at his skills.


-[Melee Proficiency] (Lvl.2)

{The user is capable of effectively wielding most basic weapons.}

-[Dual Wield] (Lvl.1)

{The user is capable of effectively wielding 2 weapons at the same time.}

-[Mental Damage Resistance] (Lvl.2)

{Mental attacks don't deal as much damage as it does to other people}

-[!@/\=>|Ö³´] (Lvl.1)

{A skill rel@€/ to the user's \`#!"@ü@ and gives the u5€r &%)!"§?_-;}


-[Mana Control] (Lvl.1)

{You are able to feel mana and roughly control it}


-[Stamina+] (Lvl.1)

{The user is able to increase the stamina of themselves or another being they can see}

Wyrm didn't just gain one, but TWO new skills just by reading this book. And the descriptions of the skills remind him of the last moments of the book he just read. The beast too was able to feel mana and then managed to learn a skill to increase it's stamina again.

Was gaining new skills really this easy? It was already fucking late and nearly nobody was in the tower anymore. The only ones here now were the hardcore grinders who would train for days.

No matter how tired Wyrm was, he had to find out. So he tested his new skill by placing his palm on his chest and closing his eyes. A deep breath in and then out. It took Wyrm a few seconds but then like a thunderbolt hit him, his energy was refilled.

Now able to continue his grinding, he put the book of the unsual beast back to the place where he found it and then grabbed another one. This time it was a more advanced one about ice magic.

Wyrm quickly realized this one being a lot more boring. It had more information about certain moves and how one should go on about learning it. For example, it is easier to learn it in cold places and stuff like that. After about one hour Wyrm finished it AND... nothing.

He now roughly knew what he had to do if he wants to learn ice magic but he didn't get it just by reading the book. Maybe it was specific to the books of Nichts? Was he some kind of special author that is able to actually pass down knowledge with his books?

It may sound a bit too much fantasy but his situation here didn't feel a lot less fantasy so Wyrm curiously walked around in search of another book of Nichts. He made sure to actually read out all the authors names to make sure he doesn't skip Nichts's books but after spending 2 hours, he still hasn't found anything.

It was now about 3 a.m. and the tiredness started to appear again. The fact that Wyrm was hungry too, didn't make his situation any better.

Desperate for a place to sleep, Wyrm made his way down from the tower and walked around the reincarnate's guild aimlessly. He had hopes of maybe finding some place to sleep or eat. After all, this building was gigantic. It had to have at least something like this.

And Wyrm actually was correct. In a corridor, he found a sign which he read out loud "Cafeteria. Food provided by the Reincarnates Guild" and another sign "Guild Dorm Rooms"

"He..hehehehehhe" An evil laughing could be heard through the whole corridor as Wyrm was finally able to stop worrying about starving to death or having to sleep on the streets. Wyrm was finally able to relax~


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