
The Guidebook for Reincarnated Travelers

Wyrm Unusual died. Instead of seeing heaven or hell or any other religious place, he would see a corridor with marble pillars on the sides. At the end a desk with a woman there "Welcome to Eden, fucker. You want a fun suicide adventure or a boring desk job?" But what should someone whose brain is fucked enough to forget EVERYTHING do in this world where reincarnation is THE most normal thing? ----------------- 2 things fron Mr.Author. 1. English is not my first language. Don't expect me to know y'alls super special words to describe super special things. 2. Cover is not mine, I am willing to remove it any time

Nix101 · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

The Merchant

After being humiliated quite a bit, Wyrm ran away with a red face. 'FUCKING- Why am I so stupid?', he thought to himself while making sure to not say it out loud this time.

After Wyrm was completely out of breath he stopped to take a break. He didn't exactly know where he ran to but luckily the guild building was large enough to be seen from most places in the city, which he didn't even know the name to yet. Though the part which basically let his worries vanish was what lays on the street in front of him.

Carriages moved by horses and... not horses. Literally bigger animals of all kinds, shops of all kinds here and there and of course beings of all kinds interacting with each other like it was normal. All in all, everything looked like it was straight up from an isekai manga.

'Wait... What even is a manga-', Wyrm began to think again because his brain was quite unusual (The bad jokes again). Though at this point Wyrm had seen a few new things, which he at least believes to be new, to not have him look like a lost puppy in the big world.

Though when already being here, he thought it might be a good idea to maybe check out one of the shops. He didn't have any money nor does he have anything else to pay wi- He won't pay with his sword... both of them...

So the only real option he had was to go look at some stuff and then go and maybe starve to death or something. Wyrm shook his head as he wanted to forget the starving to death bit and proceeded to walk towards something that looks like a shop. It didn't say so but it does have an open sign there so it should be okay to just go inside, right?

Wyrm took a deep breath before putting his hand on the doorknob and-

*BAMBAMBAMBAM* The sound of quite a few things falling towards the floor could be heard which was then followed by a female scream.

Quickly Wyrm opened the door and felt like he was about to become some true hero right now. When entering the shop, it was a small room with a door to the back, a counter and a few shelves.

Though one of the shelves seemed to have fallen over and was now... floating? A young girl with brown hair and brown eyes sat on the ground with her hand extended towards the floating shelf. Books, knives, skulls, claws, gloves and some more stuff laid around the girl which seemed to have fallen out of the shelf.

"Aah that scared me there for a second", The woman stood up, revealing she seemed to be quite on the smaller side. It was on the point of where you could assume that she was around 16 years old or maybe a bit younger.

She pushed the floating shelf a bit with one hand and it just flew a bit. She made sure it is straight and then- *BAM* and the shelf stood there like normal. The items that were inside still were on the ground.

"Uhm, excuse me?" Wyrm said after watching her do whatever she has done but Wyrm had an assumption, "Was this magic?"

"AAHH!!" The girl turned around to face Wyrm and he could see that she was clearly startled by him suddenly appearing here. Though after taking a step back and calming down for a second she started smiling. "Yeah, that was magic at work here! I guess you are new to Eden if you don't know about it?"

Wyrm was taken aback by the sudden cheerful aura which suddenly appeared around her. He answered while scratching the back of his head "Yes, I sadly only just read the guidebook and now feel kinda lost", but then it struck Wyrm. 'GOD DAMNIT I AM AN IDIOT!', he thought to himself. The reason she asked was probably to see if he had any money. He was naive! NAIVE!

"I see! Welcome then! My name is Chloe, no need for my last name or anything just call me Chloe!", She responded to Wyrm in a friendly and cheerful voice which seemed natural around her, "You see, I am a wandering merchant and just came to Orenstamn too! I guess we are both in the same boat here!"

"Huh?", Wyrm was already squinting his eyes about to reject reality and embrace his beta male genetics but he let out a sudden sigh of relief as he was not kicked out of the shop and hopefully that won't change any time soon. At least he now knows that this city is known as Orenstamn, "I guess so. I think people know me as Wyrm..."

"Wyrm. Wyrm. Wyrm. Alrighty! Reminds me of those monsters. I have seen one before and it was scary~", Chloe as a wandering merchant probably has seen quite a bit of things but an actual wyrm? The fantasy stuff couldn't get more fantasy at this point. "Say, I still need to set everything up so my shop runs properly, you wanna help?" And it got more fantasy.

Y'all got the best waifu of the novel now. If you don't want something bad to happen to her, continue reading *pulls out gun in form of keyboard*

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