
The Guidebook for Reincarnated Travelers

Wyrm Unusual died. Instead of seeing heaven or hell or any other religious place, he would see a corridor with marble pillars on the sides. At the end a desk with a woman there "Welcome to Eden, fucker. You want a fun suicide adventure or a boring desk job?" But what should someone whose brain is fucked enough to forget EVERYTHING do in this world where reincarnation is THE most normal thing? ----------------- 2 things fron Mr.Author. 1. English is not my first language. Don't expect me to know y'alls super special words to describe super special things. 2. Cover is not mine, I am willing to remove it any time

Nix101 · Fantaisie
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10 Chs


"Fuck off, Bloodsucker", Wyrm said while seeing his life, which only lasted about a few hours, flash before his eyes

The person who was now branded as bloodsucker was taken aback by the sudden boost of confidence of Wyrm. The thought of Wyrm being stronger than he looks like crossed their mind. Still, they clearly had the advantage in this so there was no need for them to worry.

Wyrm heard a giggle from the bloodsucker after which they spoke again, "Then so be it" They tried to make it quick and move the dagger straight into Wyrm's throat, completely cutting off his head though they quickly realised the dagger not being able to move a lot.

Wyrm held the dagger with both his hands. Blood could be seen running down his hand, his arm and eventually falling on the ground. Wyrm's arms eventually would give up, if the hands aren't cut through before that. He had to come up with something. Preferably right now.

Wyrm scanned the room with his eyes, the weapons which were in the shelves were gone now. 'GOD FUCKING DAMNIT', Wyrm thought as his throat was about to be cut. There was nothing in sight he could use to defend himself.

Wyrm thought about reincarnating again and kicking this bloodsucker in the balls, if they had any but then it finally hit Wyrm. He kicked back and as high as possible.

"FUCK YOU! THERE IS NO NEED FOR A THIRD RUN!" Wyrm shouted out before feeling something like he hit the top of the between the legs area. A sudden scream from the bloodsucker only proved him right. "ARGHH, FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!"

Wyrm had his hands cut pretty deeply and this dude just cries like a baby after having his balls kicked. For some reason Wyrm now feels like there was no need to worry all along. Maybe it was the sudden boost adrenaline, maybe something else but Wyrm felt more calm than he ever did in his life. At least the few hours, he is able to remember.

He pushed the bloodsuckers arm away from his throat and let his body drop. From his perspective it looks like he just made the most epic stunt of all times. He simply fell on his stomach and quickly ran forwards though. He ran towards the exit.

He didn't run through it though. Next to the door stood a bag. A bag which Wyrm carried around all the time since coming here. He dropped to his knees, opened the bag and managed to pull out his sword.

Wyrm was panting pretty heavily. His hands hurt. He didn't have any stamina at all left. The bloodsucker too was already up even though still clearly in pain.

Wyrm now after standing up, saw what the bloodsucker looks like for the first time. He expected to see some kind of lord dracula or at least anything else that simply screamed vampire. After all the bloodsuckers hands looked like it at first.

Looking at the bloodsucker from up close, he had pretty long black hair, blue eyes and a rather small body around the size of 170 centimetres. The surprising thing were that his hands didn't fit the rest of their body at all. He looked rather tanned and with a healthy build. Not skinny nor pale. In front of Wyrm's eyes one could see their hands slowly appearing over the skinny ones. Wyrm didn't know much about this world or how the skills work but it seems like this was another form of magic which can cast illusions. If you think that's it, you though wrongly. Maybe this was what Wyrm noticed first, after all it isn't quite common to see. On the bloodsucker one could see the tail of a fox and fox ears.

"Tsk, guess my cover as a vampire is blown", The half fox person said, responding to Wyrm's perplexed look in his eyes while in a stance that could be seen as a fighting stance, with his sword held in front of him, "And here I wanted to let you run away. Guess that offer is not avaiable anymore"

"Stop talking and do it already!", Wyrm responded to the... kitsune? In a tone trying to shut him up, "Or did I kick so hard, you pissed yourself?" Wyrm's sweat and blood was dripping, maybe that was the very reason why he dared to be like this. He completely lost it. Logical thinking was completely turned off for him. At least this seems to be the reason he himself came up with as he wants to hit himself with every word he says.

The kitsune's reaction... the taunts just seemed to bounce off with him laughing. The kitsune laughed so much, tears were escaping his eyes. Wyrm didn't know what was happening right now and he was too busy to even care to find out. After all this was the perfect opening. He gripped the sword tightly with both his bleeding hands and ran towards the kitsune. Wyrm swinged his sword around a bit to build up some momentum and then slashed out at the kitsune with a wide swing from above.

"Don't get cocky here", the kitsune said after suddenly turning serious. In was in this moment Wyrm knew, he fucked up.

The kitsune pulled out a second dagger and held up both of them, blocking Wyrm's attack. It went back to a battle of whose arms would giv-


Cracks appeared on the daggers of the kitsune. "Eh?", He let out. His eyes looked at the cracks, then at the sword. A single drop of sweat could be seen before he started screaming, "AHH! WAIT! I WAS KIDDI-" but he was forced to stop after the dagger broke and Wyrm's sword... bonked? him.

After hearing the desperate scream of the kitsune, for some reason Wyrm seemed to relate. Maybe because in the end both of them were just pussies acting tough without even thinking about it. That's why in the moment the daggers broke, Wyrm turned his sword 90 degrees to bonk the kitsune with the side of the sword.

"Now what should I do with this?", Wyrm muttered to himself, clearly panicking while standing above the unconscious kitsune who was bleeding from the head now. Not that this wasn't enough, the guidebook appeared in front of him, with the last page open.

[Mental Damage Resistance Lvl.1] -> [Mental Damage Resistance Lvl.2]

[+1 Skill point]

[Time remaining to put the skill point(s) in a skill: 00:00:54]


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-Don't be as braindead as the author on this chapter was if you want to write your own novel-

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