
The Guidebook for Reincarnated Travelers

Wyrm Unusual died. Instead of seeing heaven or hell or any other religious place, he would see a corridor with marble pillars on the sides. At the end a desk with a woman there "Welcome to Eden, fucker. You want a fun suicide adventure or a boring desk job?" But what should someone whose brain is fucked enough to forget EVERYTHING do in this world where reincarnation is THE most normal thing? ----------------- 2 things fron Mr.Author. 1. English is not my first language. Don't expect me to know y'alls super special words to describe super special things. 2. Cover is not mine, I am willing to remove it any time

Nix101 · Fantaisie
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And like this, Wyrm was stucke here inside the shop, standing behind the register. Alone. Alone with the loneliness... oh fuck this shit, he can basically just chill here since nobody is coming here anyways.

Though Wyrm took quite a few of minutes to get adjusted to this situation. But first let's explain how it even came to this.

Right after Chloe asked Wyrm to help out a bit here, Wyrm immediately thought this was the opportunity of him not starving to death. How hard would it be? From what Chloe said, this was a new shop in the city so people wouldn't come here a lot. Maybe he would have to sort the storage or something but how difficult would that be? Exactly. He doesn't know. And what do you do when you don't know? You go from your gut feeling.

"Uhh sure. It's not like I have anything to do right now", Wyrm responded to the offer Chloe made and she happily nodded.

"Alright then! I still need to unpack a lot of things but first I need to step out a bit so please watch the shop for me in that time, okay?", Chloe asked Wyrm who kinda already agreed with helping and he didn't want to turn back on that.

So of course Wyrm agreed and Chloe informed him on what to do if a customer comes in. It was basically the basic stuff like asking what the customer needs and she even gave him a rough list for prices. Apparently weapons and other pieces of equipment had a few grades that went like this.

[C] -> [UC] -> [R] -> [ER] -> [L] -> [DG]

Or in a way most people understand it.

[Common] -> [Uncommon] -> [Rare] -> [Extremely Rare] -> [Dragon Grade]

All of these could have one or two + or - next to it making it either better or worse but that's basically it. Unique items exist too but these were nowhere on the list as they can go from absolute garbage to the best weapon you will ever see (but never wield cuz you too poor. Take the L).

Anyways, like this Wyrm had at least some way to know how denari works and if someone came in, he could not be scammed immediately.

Though the most important thing Chloe told him, and she was very serious about it, "Never forget to smile and be friendly to anyone who comes here", she herself basically was the perfect example to go by for this. It actually seems like she wouldn't know anything else except being the way she is which kinda is a commendable trait.

Wyrm on the other hand wasn't the type to be over friendly nor aggressive in any way so he just shrugged it off and told her not to worry about it. And with that... Chloe went out.

Wyrm finally put the items that fell from the shelf back in and then stood behind the register. He often tried pulling something out of his pocket out of boredness but he couldn't wrap his finger around what it is. In the end he stood there like a dog waiting for it's owner.

He was so bored that he thought, as nobody was coming in anyways, he might check out the storage for a bit to see if he actually would be able to get items from here for the customers, if any even come here in the time he is here.

The storage was in a room behind a door, behind the register. It was a room like 2 to 3 times bigger than the actual stores and there were a ton of wooden boxes, all of them with a title so you wouldn't mix them up. "Rare Daggers", "Uncommon Swords", "Armor", "Shields"; "Potions (caution, made out of glass)" and a lot of other stuff.

There were two boxes that caught Wyrm's eyes though. They were a bit... different from the other boxes. Not only had they nothing telling what's inside, they were closed with chains and a lock. For some reason Chloe doesn't want anyone to look into it, at least it seems so. While the logical thinking people might think it's valuable items like jewelry or something like that, Wyrm wasn't the most logical dude you would ever see. He thought this might be some real important stuff that needs to be hidden like... old photo albums or old teddy bears. Even though he doesn't know why the thought made Wyrm uncomfortable.

Wyrm though about forgetting the boxes and never letting anyone know he saw them (even though he hasn't even looked inside and doesn't know what is in there). After all it was to save Chloe the embarrassment. But then Wyrm heard a loud *ding*

It was the bell at the entrance telling him someone entered the shop. He took in a deep breath and released it. 'I can do this. Nothing to hard. Smile', Wyrm thought to himself as he kinda got nervous now. "Coming!", He said loudly to make sure the person outside would know he was there in a few seconds.

When Wyrm stepped out, he had his most friendly smile on that you could imagine. Okay, it wasn't good and looked like it would terrify a person more than it made them feel at ease but he is new in the business, don't expect too much from him.

"Welcome, how can I hel- huh?", Wyrm wanted to say but stopped after noticing no one being here. Did the customer leave again without saying anything? This wasn't true though. Wyrm suddenly felt the warmth of someone behind him. As if someone was standing real close to him. He wanted to turn around but a little stinging at his neck told him to not do it. When looking down a bit, he noticed a rather pale and skinny hand. The hand held a dagger which was placed on his neck. If he made a wrong move his head would be off faster than he could say goodbye.

"Don't worry", The person behind Wyrm spoke. The voice sounded rather soft and calm. Even though it sounds like it is the voice of a man, it also had a feminine touch to it. "Even though I am quite known for my unending thirst for blood, I am not here for that. Just give me your money and all your useful items and I am gonna head off"

Wyrm was about to shit his pants. Why did this have to happen when he was here? Though... would it really be better if Chloe was here? She would probably just hand everything over, not wanting to have anyone hurt. That's the kind of person she seemed to be. Wyrm was tasked to watch over the shop while she was gone... He sighed and then had a short thought. 'I really am a fool'

"Fuck off, Bloodsucker!"

Is this dude dumb?...

Anyways. Continue reading and shit, you know the rules and so do I

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