
The Guide of Evolution

The decent of the seven energies had the world in turmoil, and because of this the human race had to be sent to other worlds. The seven energies began to remold the earth but about 30+ people were not affected by the summoning seeing this the world forcefully dragged them to a demonic realm with caused them to dive into endless slaughter . After the remolding of earth, superhumans, cultivators of all sorts, demons, buddhas, gods, and all sorts of fantastical creatures appeared on earth. And with that the human race faces many challenges and many challenges ahead, Tristan Clay who was also dragged to the demonic realm was suddenly struck by lightning and got a mysterious guide Soon after he realized that it was a guide that would drag him to mysterious worlds witch forced him to evolve into an ultimate being . But he would soon realize he wasn't the only one for the other 30+ people who went to the demonic realm was also forced into this predicament.

CosmicRuler · Fantaisie
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64 Chs

The Desperation For Strength and Hailey's Transformation

In a small yet bustling village the people could be seen going about their day soon night came the the lamps inside the poorly built houses went out sending the village into darkness but there where a few naughty kids that could be seen outside heading towards a near by hill

Two boys and a girl to be exact they soon reached a lone tree on the hills top, sitting under the tree the three stared up at the starry heavens above

[No matter what planet no matter what galaxy, they always look up in wonder, . . some fall to their knees and worship others hide behind walls and towers but the thing they do best is beg for mercy]

Suddenly the stars in the heavens grew closer shining with a brilliant luster they then began to leave beautiful trails n the night sky. A snot noes brat spoke at this moment while pointing to the sky ''wow look at that there so many shooting stars.''

''So pretty.'' A little girl spoke up her eyes sparkling.

''Quick make a wish.'' The boy who spoke this was a head taller than the other two.

The three kids clasped their hands together and began to make their silent wishes the little girl spoke ''I want to become the most beautiful Saintes across the continent and I want these two to be my husband's.''

The snot noes brat spoke loudly ''i wish to become the strongest magi in the continent and have many beauties by my side'', hearing this the little girl pouted, but it was now time for the tall youth to speak, his eyes squinted as he then said

''I wish to become a sword immortal my sword one day splitting the sky.''

The kids stared at each other then laughed but their laughter was soon interrupted by a loud boom in the sky, as the kids looked up they could see that the a piece of one of the falling star had been broken of, its course changing the kids only stared up at the sky with bewilderment until the taller of the three shouted.

That's the star of the straying path its said that its on this day that the saints will fall and devils annihilated the two kids who heard this where quite shaking up.

The little girl then asked ''do you know where it will fall?''

The tallest of the three shook his head and said ''i don't know, we will have to wait and see where it lands and report it to the city council'', hearing that the kids settled down and began to watch, on the broken fragment of a meteorite a man could be seen yelling out in pure excitement

''Yeeehaaa! system you see my ultimate surfing skills?''

''Host your definitely the best at surfing but when your surfing try not hitting a wall will you.''

Tristan's brows furrowed then loosened as he then said ''we'll only find out when we hit that wall'' soon the rock began to glow a bright red but a thick membrane of energy covered Tristan body, he then shouted like a mad man his voice ringing out in the sky.

''Hello world I'm Tristan clay and i gotta say, the skies are clear and the air fresh, but we the asteroid buddies are gonna have to nuke you, he the began to sing where going on a trip in our favorite'' . . .

The little girl asked in a cute voice ''big brother whys the star getting bigger?'' the tall youth stared up in the sky then scratched his head then said ''i don't know'' the star then screeched over head and landed into a near by mountain range.


Caahhh!, the kids screamed running down the mountain and the loud explosion had woken up everyone in the village even the chickens and dogs where no exception, they then ran outside to see a massive mushroom cloud in the sky.

The people knelt down and began to pray to every god thy knew of suddenly one of the villagers shouted ''isn't that [Langier] and [Zyan] oh and isn't that little [Meng Meng].'' A man spoke out in an irritated voice ''those little brat watch as how i spank their butts.''

Soon enough the dust settled and an almost naked Tristan could be seen lying on the ground unconscious, the scene changed and in the demonic realm where the almost infinite abyss laid Hailey could be seen floating in the air her aura saint like but, suddenly her body began to change.

Two large horns began to grow out of her forehead and then began to curl back the tips then straightened giving her a cool look and on her back two wings both black and white sprung out shining with a chaotic light, the teeth's in her mouth began to sharpen giving her a devilish look her soft body had a toned yet supple look to it almost enchanting to look at.

Her eyes opened and they began to shine with a golden glow, now back to the crash site the sun had began to rise into the sky as if dominating the night but suddenly an old man showed up with his granddaughter who was a couple paces away, his old eyes shown with an odd light when he saw Tristan.

He walked over while his fingers wiggled about in a weird manne,r he then grabbed Tristan hand with a bit of force but he saw that nothing happened he sighed with admiration then said 'Strong energy, good bones and a well tempered body''

He then began to move his hand up and down Tristan's after checking up on his state, the man then began to feel about in very odd places his hand then lowered to Tristan's croch he then began to squeeze and said i weird tone ''hehe this boy is packing he's definitely suitable for my granddaughter''

Tristan's eyes opened at this moment for he felt a rough sensation from his lower part, he then stared at the old man with a frightened face, seeing his look the old fart stopped for a moment then began to squeeze even harder.

Tristan's face turned pale as he screamed

''Old fart get your wrinkly old hands of this kings body, crazy old shit don't you dare touch me.''

The old man replied with a old and croaky voice ''Little brat stay still and let this old one touch you, kehehe.''

His granddaughter who was not too far from him appeared and saw this scene she then screamed ''Grandpa what the hell are you doing to him?''

The old man replied ''nothing much i'm just checking if he's good enough for my Zanier''

i Wanna thank um what's his name [BlackDragon324] for the power stone and uh [HaracasAye] for not only [1] but [2] power stones a real champ if i do say so my self and this is a older one but thanks [Coldvfrosty] for not only [2] but [3] power stones your the champ of champs and with that two chapters today And one tomorrow hope you enjoy :) my backs killing me.