
The Guide of Evolution

The decent of the seven energies had the world in turmoil, and because of this the human race had to be sent to other worlds. The seven energies began to remold the earth but about 30+ people were not affected by the summoning seeing this the world forcefully dragged them to a demonic realm with caused them to dive into endless slaughter . After the remolding of earth, superhumans, cultivators of all sorts, demons, buddhas, gods, and all sorts of fantastical creatures appeared on earth. And with that the human race faces many challenges and many challenges ahead, Tristan Clay who was also dragged to the demonic realm was suddenly struck by lightning and got a mysterious guide Soon after he realized that it was a guide that would drag him to mysterious worlds witch forced him to evolve into an ultimate being . But he would soon realize he wasn't the only one for the other 30+ people who went to the demonic realm was also forced into this predicament.

CosmicRuler · Fantaisie
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64 Chs

A Chain That Links Two Hearts

The point of light in the sky became brighter and brighter, to the point point where it looked like a second sun had risen in the sky. Tristan's expression grew as pale as a sheet of paper, he gripped the two swords in his hands so tightly that the bones in his hands to made loud popping noise.

Rumble . . . Rumble Rumble Rumble

The earth shook and cracked apart as despair was about to grasp Tristan's heart a memory of the past flashed past his mind

''Hey human wanna see something that will blow your mind, uh i cant show it here come with me,''

''Back up,''


The sky turned black as golden chains of order landed on her body,


The sound of thunder could be heard as her eyes flew open, a golden beam that could support both heaven and earth fell from the sky submerging her body within,


A defining roar that made the sky quake echoed out, her right foot drew back while her left palm extended forward,


The mountain they were standing on shook violently, her right hand then folded into a fist as she bellowed.

[Abyssal Punch !!]

Remembering that terrifying moment a weird smile broke on his face. 'Hey hey it seems like am gonna be saved by that brat.'

His eyes then flew open and he began to mimic the movements of the brat in his memories, he began to slowly converge the energies around him causing the earth to rumble and crack apart with greater intensity.

In the demonic realm where the sky was as black as ink and the ground as red as blood, one could hear battle cries that shook the void, an endless army charged forward, but the army seemed to have met with great resistance.

The cause of said resistance was a lonely silhouette with a golden light that extended out endlessly to the east and to the west a deep and angry voice rang out

''Old hag how long are you going to block us of from the mortal world''

''Hmph who are you calling old, I'm only 12''

''haha 12 more like a 12 billion year old hag''

''Hmph I'm only 200 million years old, huh what's this,'' Hailey who was getting angry sensed something she then smiled seductively and said

''It seems like my hubby needs my help''

The deep voice then asked in confusion ''what hubby?, wait wait, don't tell me that this old hag got a man, don't don't tell me she finally got a man.''

A soft chuckle entered the figures ears he then bellowed out in pure terror ''Retreat!''

But a soft voice whispered gently into his ears, ''too late''


A defining roar that made the sky quake echoed out, her right foot drew back while her left palm extended forward

100% full calling

Dang!, Dang!, Dang!, Dang!

The bells of the underworld rang signaling the destruction of worlds and the death of millions, at this moment Tristan aura had gathered to a critical point


Blue chains of order landed on Tristan's body covering him densely


In unison the two shouted

''Abyssal . . . . . . Punch!!!''

A golden beam shot out to armies of the endless hell, a pale sky blue light shot up to the sky colliding with the sun like energy in the sky


A pitch black hole appeared in the sky, distorting the surrounding scenery, but in the demonic realm it was a totally different scenery, the area where the endless legion occupied was non existent or one could say the entire region where the endless army occupied was now engulfed by the abyss

Soon the world went quiet a golden chain suddenly shot threw the void as if searching for something a pale blue chain shot out into the void


The two chains collided and merged forming a link, after forming a link a fantastical scene played out in the void, the two colors began to meld together as if one, after some time the two chains had turned green finally becoming one the two ends of the chains shot back threw the void one end heading towards Tristan and the other towards Hailey

Boom!, a soft explosion echoed out across the clear sky looking up Tristan saw a green light heading towards him, he tensed up getting ready for a fight,

But when the chain neared him he only felt a gentle aura enveloping him it was like he was in his lovers embrace hi tense body calmed and he seemed to have accepted his fate.


The chain stabbed into his chest

Thump, . . Thump

His heart throbbed giving him a new sensation that he had only felt once in his entire life, but the once loose chain went tot pulling on his heart, frightened he grabbed his chest tightly with his right hand, but the tugging on his heart eased he let out a soft sigh then asked

''System where's the enemy''

''Host the enemy is in the thermosphere of the planet an approximate distant of 600km in the sky,'' hearing this Tristan frowned slightly, he then stomped heavily on the destroyed earth

Boom!, his body flew up into the air like a tot bow releasing an arrow as the wind howled in his ears Tristan stared at the system panel with intense eyes he then clicked on a option and pressed buy after sometime his speed started to decrease.

Out of the blue a jet pack appeared on his back, it then began to spat blue from its body leaving a trail of smoke behind,

30 minutes had past by and the atmospheric pressure had lesson and the pull of gravity on his body had eased somewhat, he felt a bit weightless but the jetpack kept on spitting out blue flames pushing him onward.


-Host has reached the height of 546km distance left to destination 44km

Tristan was struggling right now, he had forgotten about the oxygen depravation at such heights, he quickly scanned the cosmic shop for an item.

'Aha i found it'

An oxygen mask covered his face giving him the the required air for normal human functioning


-Host has reached the location of the enemy

''Where is it?'' Tristan asked

The system answered ''stupid host raise your head''.

Tristan raised his head but as soon as he did so a gasp escaped his mouth a creature so large that it seems like its body had no limits it had blackhole for a head and chaotic energy swirling about it, but as Tristan was admiring it, its pitch black hand stretched over, it then pointed its sword like index finger at him, then a deep voice spoke out shaking the sky

{Let me show you, Absolute Might}

Tap, . . Its index finger taped gently on Tristan's chest

What the fu...

His body fell to the ground at astonishing speed, moch5 moch20 moch70 and within no time his body slammed into the earth passing through the outer layer of the earths crust causing pillars of magma shoot into the air like angry dragons about to rampage

'Am i going to die?'


-Operation make the old a new beginning in 3, 2, 1


-Host has been crippled and must start [Evolution] process from scratch due to some imperfections.

Tristan felt his strength disappearing and his energy was depleting at a very rapid pace


-Host will now be given the proper training to advance into higher level, hidden features in the system has been unlocked.

Type 0 lifeform

(Sp), [300]

[Physique] (Lv 0)

[Strength] (0), [Agility] (0), [Dexterity] (0)

[Flexibility] (0), [Stamina] (0) [Energy] (0)

[Hidden icon]

[Force 10 pounds] [Energy 100wats] [Speed 30mph]

This shows the amount of power he has based on his current stats.

[Mutation panel]

[Mp], [1,00,000]

Mutations on body (2)

[Skills learnt/acquired]


Skill fused


System storage

Cosmic shopping center

Host can purchase any and everything in this shop so long as you have the [sp] or [mp] to do so

A/N let me know if you're enjoying and i'll try to do a mass release every week and i'll be posting a chapter every 2 days, oh and i modified some information in the previous chapter you ca go check it out after this.