
The Grimoire Of Azreal

A boy abandoned on the footstep of the grand forest god temple. with the power to manipulate life force and the mysterious seals that limit his power, he needs to get stronger to make sure he can live right to protect his small island from the looming threat of other countries, whose greed affects the small island. but secretly, there's a threat that far outmatches the might of these countries...

Heinzbeansscranner · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs

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The seals were a restriction of the boy. the small and frail body of his cant function if too much mana is being held.

think of it like a Vessel. simply pour too much water in, and it will become heavy and slow. the water would slowly start to mould, leading to a painful death.

as such, the seals were meant to correspond to his power. each time the seal is broken, the next is harder.

what happens at the 8th seal? I don't know myself.


The boy started to breathe heavily, before looking around the room and grabbing a simple cloth to wipe all blood stains and evidence.

the boy looked towards the plants, and he noticed so[mething strange. the plant he had connected to his mana had grown a new needle, it was a lot slender, with a hint of pink at the end

the boy looked at the new needle and the two plants and thought that the plants were their parents. Juugo had told him that a baby is born when a momme and daddy love eachover very very much...


The boy grabbed the needles and prodded himself with it, watching as the wound it caused was healed by the pink tip, which lost some of its lustre when it healed his finger.

the boy connected the plants once more and watched as what he assumed to be the "Mother plant" the cactus, asborb some of the Qiwik's mana and convert it to its own, creating these needles.

the boy reversed the connection, watching as the Qiwik plant had slowly grown needle-like thorns on it.

a wave of drowsiness hit the boy as he crawled into his bed, his head beamed in sweat even though he didn't feel it slide down his face.

Elias looked at the needles, throwing them towards the wall from his bed.

the healing needles were blunter than its mother, the catcus plant, which caused the boy to frown even though he couldn't feel displeasure.

the boy turned over a slept. it had to be a rough day, and he would attempt to break the second seal soon


The boy looked at the bird's eye view of the island, and watched it engulfed in flames, children and people burned alike by the magically enhanced flames as people rushed into the islands, each person having a symbol of a diamond on their sleeve, of which they wailed around in pride.

the 5 people surrounded a teenager, who had a sword in hand

"You never should have come here." The boy muttered, which the boy recognized was Juugo.

his grimoire was floating in the air, as the 5 shot out towards him.

his strength was remarkable, being able to heal himself with his plant magic and use his Kenjustu to block the physical attacks made with swords and daggers. but 5 people with magic was a death sentence, but Juugo didn't care. he needed to block them from reaching the people who were retreated from the countless villages on the island.

the boy watched as a sword fell through Juugo's heart, watching him die with a smile on his face hearing the boats set out of the island.


The boy woke up and knew what it was.

it was a mission, sent by the person who wanted him to break the seal.

the mission was simple.

stop the future.

the boy's expression didn't change, resembling a heart cold machine. some people might mistake him for a magically enhanced Porcliean doll if they really didn't pay attention

the boy decided to go back to the caretaker to get more plants and test his skills on some wild rabbits.

the boy set out of the house, Paraona trusting him more than Irresponsible Juugo, who would normally go bully some annoying


the boy slowly went deeper into the lush forest, looking at the towering tree's that made the forest floor dark

the boy felt at home when he felt a bush rattle behind him.

the boy threw 2 needles, watching as the rabbit behind him jumped at him.

mana had affected creatures, making it so wild animals were stronger than normal when a large abundant amount of mana is present.

the needles bounced off the rabbit's skin, causing the boy to frown.

he threw needles at the rabbit, but they all bounced off.

the boy could see little indents that the needles made, although there were minuscule.

the boy threw countless needles at the same spot, watching as the needles began to stick, causing the rabbit to scream.

the boy crouched to block the rabbit that was using its highly developed hind legs to shoot at him and picked up a rock that was present near him, before throwing a few needles to distract the rabbit.

while the rabbit dodged the needles the boy analyzed its movement patterns and found an appropriate spot to throw the rock in, causing a direct hit.

the rabbit skin that was heavily wounded couldn't take the blunt blow of a fairly medium-sized rock, causing it to fall.

the boy slowly clapped his hands together 3 times, something Paraona told him was vital to keep the forest god happy, and then picked up the rabbit, which a person couldn't even recognize anymore.


the boy slowly picked up the rabbit and walked to the botanical gardens, where the old man was tending to plants

seeing the boy covered in blood, the man rushed to him to make sure he was okay but sighed when looking at the rabbit

"What do you want, boy?" The deep voice muttered, causing the boy to point at a plant on the top shelf.

the boy pointed at it and then to the rabbit, and held the rabbit close to the mna

"You want a trade?" The man muttered, causing him to nod "Fine, hand over the rabbit."

the man grabbed the rabbit, before reaching to the top shelf and grabbing a vibrant purple plant.

"Foxgloves are extremely poisonous when consumed, and make sure to wash your hands when to touch them." The man shouted at the boy in warning, even though he just gave a minor a deadly plant in his greed for a fresh rabbit.

the boy carried the plant pot home, before sitting it next to its siblings, Cactus, Piwik and then foxgloves.

first, the boy tried a combination of the foxgloves and needles, watching as the needles developed a lovely lavender tip on them

the boy knew what it was. it was poison, but the lethality needed to be tested.

Paraona shouted at the bloodstained boy, who was forced to go and take a bath to clean his bloodridden body.

the boy remembered the movements of the rabbit vividly, throwing needles around the room in practice.

it was almost like a ghostly rabbit was floating in the room, as the boy shot countless needles accurately into the sidewalls, then the jump to the ceiling, then dodge and hit the back of the jumping rabbit

once Paraona went out to get some food, it was time for him to experiment.

this time, he focused on the foxglove being the "Mother" plant and the Piwik plant the "Father", leading to a brightly violet petal, that made the boy look towards it in mesmiration.

a large amount of it swarmed out in responding to his mana before the boy touched one.

the petals seemed frail, leading to the boy watching as they become destroyed

the boy watched as it begins to become a powder in response to his touch, leading him to want to experiment.

the boy dipped his finger in the powder, before putting it on a small graze on his hands.

the boy watched as the wound became purple, becoming very itchy and had started to eat.

the boy developed a lot of Piwik petals before the wound was healed, causing the boy to dispose of the powder and then rest on his bed once more.

it was tiring, mixing plants with condensed strings. the boy needed to get stronger and destroy the seals.

the seals required life force and vitality to break, which means plants were the best candidate due to their thriving life and abundance of vitality.

the boy was going to break the seal.