
The Grim Chronicles

Grim is a realm of the afterlife where the lost ones roamed, and the monsters. Irene Albion is caught between the crossfire of the Ravens of Grim and the White Ravens of the Admiral. Now stuck in the afterlife, Archie and her Squad must protect Irene from the unknown troubles that linger in the city of Atlantis and delve deep into the mystery of the Grim Chronicles that haunt the city. It is here that Irene learns what it means to live, and what the Grim truly had in store for her. The meaning of life and love is questioned as the odds are against them. Can Irene and Archie survive or will the Grim take away everything they once held dear? Volume 1 updates weekly on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays!

aaya_writez · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Chapter Ten- Part Two

As I heaved once more, Irene's sniffles could be heard as she began reading. Appalled, she covered her mouth as she started weeping, still refusing to let one another go. We just sat there crying together. To think so much had happened right beneath our noses, and for so much to go unnoticed, for so many innocent people to have suffered so much. Irene's whimpers reminded me I wasn't alone in the moment, but these Ravens that were brought here…they were alone.

Footsteps echoed as Helen, Yudai and Medina approached the room. They suddenly stopped at the gate, and I could feel their stares penetrate my back as Irene hugged me closely. Vomit still clung to me but that didn't matter to her. The dirt and grime didn't bother her. But this torture, this place, this lab brought forth so much at once. So much pain, so much agony, I just wanted it to end. For my unrelenting fury to be stopped, for my sadness to go away.

"What happened?" pried Helen, now rushing down to our level. I stayed quiet as Irene continued to cry, her cheeks stained by her tears as she pointed at the book that now lay on the floor.

I croaked a weak whisper, "She was here."


This time I faced them, anger burning my skin and brimming with electricity as I stood with hatred beating through my heart and blood.

Helen repeated urgently, "Who was here?"

My silence was answering enough for the three to figure it out. A sob escaped me as I walked past them, letting go of Irene and brushing past Helen, who held onto my arm to stop me from walking away. Instead, I ordered her to take care of Irene, find her a medic, and hide the diary with us. To take it back to the apartment, to hold it as proof.

I had business to take care of.

Using my Aether Relic I climbed back up the staircase at a disturbing speed and escaped the clutch of the vast space where ghouls would normally roam. My thoughts recalled what the professor had written, that these Relics were born from the Aether, the same Aether that spawned the demons, the same Aether that powered the Grim. Aether was used to kill the Aether. What backward nonsense.

I needed answers, and I needed them now.

It was deserted as I ran, my feet beating the ground as I screamed into the wind, nothing answered in response as I did it again. And again. And again. I approached the high—rise outer walls of Atlantis, or whatever it truly was, hoisted myself upwards ignoring the open gate, and ran towards the Stone Palace.

Storming the place, I found there to be no guards, the same as when I'd first entered many years ago. I'd entered this palace many times in my life, my first being for my Rite Ritual, where I quickly was bested by the Reaper who showed me kindness and purpose. I was wary since the first time we'd met, and every time he spoke I was reminded of an egotistic fucker I'd met back on Earth during my lifetime. Someone I'd much rather forget.

It was that same Reaper I saw as I waltzed into the Throne Room decorated in intimidating spikes, panting for breath still covered in dust, mud, and vomit.

Inside were six others, all bowing down before the Reaper whose attention was now focused solely on me. It must have been an important meeting for I recognized their leader, Elsie, with her short blonde hair and narrowed green eyes. I met her stare momentarily, her face was angry as it always looked at the disturbance I created.

Before anyone could speak I sauntered towards the Reaper, who coolly sat on the throne drinking wine. He swirled the liquid in his glass as he saw me approach him. His face was still as if expecting me.

I pushed past Elsie and her team who shared her same anger and disappointment. I didn't care because they were not my target. My gaze was locked on the most powerful figure in the room.

And I was gonna make him pay.

I got all close and personal, standing over him on the daise as I fisted his clothes and brought his face closer to mine so we were a breath apart. He was forced to let go of the glass, letting it crash on the floor spilling the red liquid that resembled the blood in the lab. Anger erupted through me at the sight, and I let it take over me as I glared angrily at my foe.

"What the fuck are you hiding?"

His face didn't waver one bit, as if used to this treatment. As far as I was concerned everyone loved him, adored him even. I was singled out to be the only one who openly doubted him, openly hated him. Even my own teammates were fond of him. Even Advika trusted him.

"Most people say hello when greeting people."

"Fuck you and your greetings," I spat, smelling like puke and gore. I took out my pocket knife and sliced his throat ever so slightly, drawing black blood., "What are you keeping from us?"


I seethed, baring my teeth as I did. "Liar."

I heard Elsie's sickly sweet voice interrupt us, "Archie if you don't let go of the Reaper I will be forced to apprehend you."

"Relax Elsie," ordered the Reaper. "She won't hurt me."

My gaze hardened, "What makes you so sure?"

"You need answers, clearly." He brought his face closer to mine, "Now let go of me so we can have a proper chat."

I begrudgingly obliged, hesitant and angry I tucked away my knife but still had my Relic at the ready. Even if it was true he could control the Aether, I'd still beat him at his own game. I'd win and finally, get the answers I so desperately needed. I was Atlantis's strongest battle unit, maybe it'll mean something in a physical fight instead of words.

He cleared his throat as he fixed his now stretched shirt. He was clad in black as usual, with his long hair tied in a loose bun, though now more of his hair fell around his face due to my aggressiveness.

He untied it completely, making him look older and more refined. I hated it.

I didn't move and planted my feet on the ground as I waited for him to speak, but that opportunity never came as someone tumbled into the room, exasperated and worried.

Medina yelled, pain in his voice as he announced, "Irene's been kidnapped!"