
The Grim Chronicles

Grim is a realm of the afterlife where the lost ones roamed, and the monsters. Irene Albion is caught between the crossfire of the Ravens of Grim and the White Ravens of the Admiral. Now stuck in the afterlife, Archie and her Squad must protect Irene from the unknown troubles that linger in the city of Atlantis and delve deep into the mystery of the Grim Chronicles that haunt the city. It is here that Irene learns what it means to live, and what the Grim truly had in store for her. The meaning of life and love is questioned as the odds are against them. Can Irene and Archie survive or will the Grim take away everything they once held dear? Volume 1 updates weekly on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays!

aaya_writez · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Chapter One

Ghouls, Gore, and Girls

Archie Parthenia

Even amongst the sinking shadows, I spotted several ghouls hunched over barren rocks, gurgling amongst each other as the muttering in the shadows intensified. I did little to mask my presence, gripping the string of lilac silk laced between my fingers. I was correct to assume the dark forest offered an impressive vantage point, with the perfect view for a direct attack downhill into the Unknown Territory.

Noticing the lack of hostility and intelligence, it was possible that these creatures had prowled the Grim for too long.

Perhaps longer than I.

My breathing steadied as I continued to observe the bony structures of the rotting monsters below us. My stomach ached in waves of uncertainty as I spotted a few of them with dangling guts and empty eye sockets. Ghouls were truly horrendous creatures.

Although dimwitted and slow, they grouped in large masses ranging from the tens through to the thousands— we were lucky if the current cluster consisted of a hundred half-dead souls.

Granted, focusing would have been easier had I not been accompanied by morons.

"Medina, you brought chocolate to an extermination mission?"

"I was nervous, Helen."

I tilted my head back, desperately trying to contain my frustration as Helen taunted, "You do realise you're an assassin."

Medina stuffed his face with more crushed chocolates. "Killing makes me nervous."

I watched meticulously as Helen threw her golden locks over her shoulder, and reached a pale hand towards Medina's huge figure before snatching away his half—empty packet and with a sneaky grin ate hastily, sending black crumbs spiralling in my direction. "Don't you usually hum that song of yours when you're nervous? And at least share the chocolates, you know, sharing is caring. What would Uncle Dairy say if he knew what you were up to?"

She cocked her head as Medina's face tightened in dismay, a crawling smirk on her glowing face.

In the corner of my peripheral, a speck of grey popped up as Yudai's voice rang, orotund and sweet as he continuously poked at Helen, whose glare sharpened at every touch, "I wanted some of the goodies too."

It was at times like these that I remembered how fate loved to test my ability to not maim the stupid.

"Yudai, you ate the last three slices of cake for breakfast this morning."

"So what? You drink three cups of gin every morning."

I could sense the shuffle and scurry of noises as Helen probably intimidated the poor boy. "You've got a problem with my drinking habits, greenie?"

I admired the strength the boy had when he answered, "Not me, but I'm sure your liver does."

When he finished I heard a thud followed by a screech. I sighed internally as Helen bickered, her accent as sharp as usual, "Answer back again. I bloody dare you."

He cursed quietly, "I hope you suffer the Wrath of the Reaper."

Normally I'd laugh or join in the fray of insults towards Helen, but now was not the time. It's usually never the time but I can't control everything now, can I?

Keeping a stray eye on the ghouls, I cleared my throat in hopes of gaining the attention of my Squad. We were a rowdy bunch in a world not made for us. I guess that's what attracted us all together, what made us tolerate the idiocy, and the foolishness, and embrace the odd strengths that made up Squad Archie.

In an instant, they had readied and collected themselves. Whatever laughing matter that had existed dissipated into the air, which now held the intense drive of my comrades.

I met each of their hardened stares with my own gaze. Like clockwork, they readied themselves for battle, and through our silence, we understood the task at hand.

In the seconds before our charge into battle, I repeated the words almost like a prayer, "May we lay rest to the souls that weep and find happiness in the rising sun."

The space where we had kneeled together was barren, for we had all lunged head-first into the battlefield. Slowing down, I let the others fly past me, dismembering the closest mangled monsters. To my left, Medina effortlessly beheaded ghoul after ghoul with his cursed blades spewing out black smoke amidst the bloody sprays.

Sprinting downwards on this rocky hill, I was careful not to trip over the decaying bodies and debris. At this point, the ghouls began to sloppily race toward us, swinging their impaired limbs like batons in a poor attempt to fight. As I ran, the purple ribbon I held so tightly extended and sliced through the weak brutes surrounding me, leaving ash and smoke in my wake.

As my black robes continued to be coated in fresh decaying blood, I spotted Helen beat her whip through the exposed chests of the defenceless ghouls, and in the chaotic burst of soot, her whip disentangled until the threads were invisible— only seen through the reflective light rays of the moon. A second after shooting her web of deadly strings, multiple collapsed, finally able to rest in peace.

The slaughter continued in the array of smoke and gore. To our advantage, the ghouls were incredibly weak making the extermination seemingly easy.

So easy in fact, that Yudai strolled around the vast mountain of bodies without a care in the world. I would have reprimanded him, telling him that there was no time to dilly dally on an important mission no matter how easily it came, had a screeching voice not stolen my attention.

It didn't belong to a teammate.

After snapping the neck of an eyeless ghoul, my head spun in the direction of the shrill voice. The rest had done the same, all staring at the girl that tumbled out of a void and onto the mangled corpse of a headless body.

The same shriek erupted from the brunette, who instinctively jumped away from the horror lying on the floor to trip head-first onto Medina. As if time slowed, her eyes dragged to meet Medina's scowl before screaming once more. Quickly, I nodded towards Helen to deal with the remaining beasts as I rushed towards the smaller stranger still bewildered and in hysterics.

I graciously shoved Medina away to crouch in front of the scared woman. Her eyebrows were raised to accommodate the horror her teary, brown eyes held. Her skin grew paler as her body shook violently. I raised my hands in a surrendering motion as Helen's sticky footsteps drew nearer. She reprimanded, "Medina, back away from the lady before you send her to the grave early."

A thought crossed my mind.

We're already dead though.

A whimper slipped out of the bigger man, as Yudai patted his back sympathetically. "It can't be helped — especially with a face as terrifying as yours."

My eyes were still trained upon the young woman before me, scanning her frazzled ponytail and freckled cheeks. Her tacky school uniform looked empty, lacking any pockets and accessories. I then studied her face, her brown glittery eyes roving my face as her body alternated from shaking like a machine to freezing still as death.

In an attempt to help her I asked, "Are you okay?"

She shuffled in her place with no response.

Alright then, let's try this another way. "What's your name?"

I was greeted once again with her silence and uncomfortable stare. I wore a weary, worn smile and watched her white knuckles grip tightly together. She was afraid, understandably so, for she stumbled out of a portal and into the literal depths of purgatory.

Clicking my tongue, I briskly spoke once more, a hint of frustration in my tone. "Can you speak?"


Swiftly, my right arm swooped down to forcefully knock out the jumpy girl. Catching her body smoothly, I whispered soothingly to her peaceful face decorated with various spotty markings and scars. Running a smooth hand over her round cheek, I reassured the sleeping beauty knowing my words wouldn't reach her.

"You're safe now."

Thoughts on this recent chapter? Who is Archie, what do we think her squad does? Who is this mystery maiden?

Only time and more chapters will tell...

aaya_writezcreators' thoughts