
The Grim Chronicles

Grim is a realm of the afterlife where the lost ones roamed, and the monsters. Irene Albion is caught between the crossfire of the Ravens of Grim and the White Ravens of the Admiral. Now stuck in the afterlife, Archie and her Squad must protect Irene from the unknown troubles that linger in the city of Atlantis and delve deep into the mystery of the Grim Chronicles that haunt the city. It is here that Irene learns what it means to live, and what the Grim truly had in store for her. The meaning of life and love is questioned as the odds are against them. Can Irene and Archie survive or will the Grim take away everything they once held dear? Volume 1 updates weekly on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays!

aaya_writez · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Chapter Eleven - Part Two

I couldn't see the smile as she cocked her head to the side, tilting it as if toying with her prey. Her eyes narrowed as wrinkles appeared near her revealed eyes. Slowly, she removed her voice changer, then discarded her mask with little care. It clunked onto the floor, with a huge shriek the metal screamed a painful noise. I didn't care to cover my ears as the pain raced through my head, more preoccupied with the familiar face that stared back at me.

Yuvi's face was empty of emotion yet her lips curved into a gargantuan smile. Her dark eyes spoke volumes, in them shone innocent mischief and enmity. Like in my memories, her face was thin, her lips plump and her skin tanned. Her eyes held nothing of the care and love I once remembered, her face was replaced with a cold stare and disturbing silence.

I couldn't believe it, couldn't accept it; that Yuvi had made it to Grim.

"I must say when I heard you'd shifted into Grim I was taken aback. I mean, of all people, the Irene Albion shifted. It looks like it was my lucky day, now that you're right where I want you."

I hissed in response, the bad memories that resurfaced as she spoke. Her voice was rough and tired, the same as it was back when she was alive. Back when she was mine.

"What do you want with me?"

She clicked her tongue as if to say I'd made a mistake. She stood from where she sat and sauntered over to where I lay locked behind bars. I gripped my pen behind my back as she reached to touch my face. I moved back, dragging my feet as I pushed myself against the back wall as if trying to merge with it.

She looked disappointed in me, shaking her head as she crouched. In that position, it looked like she beckoned for me to come, like ordering a dog to follow a simple order. I refused, instead, I reached for that pool of sickness, I reached for that Aether power. Just as quickly as I got a hold of it, the pen was forced out of my grip and flew into the hands of Yuvi, who only tutted in response.

"I heard you were able to control the Aether Relics, interesting since you're not dead."

I heaved a breath, unable to control the dizziness that came with touching the Aether momentarily. I had to stall for time, fish out as much information as possible like why the hell my ex-girlfriend was down here idly playing with me.

"How are you here?" I said, my voice raspy and dry.

"The Reaper brought me here as they do to every Raven," she leaned forward, "but you already knew that."

I whimpered as she threw the pen across the room, attempting to break it. Yuvi then looked at me, her black hair strewn across her face as her acrimony continued.

"Tell me, did you enjoy it when you saw me die?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't lie to me," she fumed, now threatening me, "I know you and your tells. I know you and your weaknesses. I know you and you cannot change that."

"You know nothing."

"I know you care about Archie, I know you care about her underlings. I know you care for that library bitch, that old man who sold you twelve nuggets instead of ten. I know everything."

At that my heart began drumming at an insane tempo, dancing to a tune so fast my breath fastened to the point where I began to hyperventilate. My shallow breaths became quick and my head became dazed and groggy. My view blurred as my eyesight worsened and I was overtaken by my panicked emotions.

I felt for anything, the ground beneath me, the sand that got caught between my fingers, the wall that carved cuts into my bare shoulders, the tears that pricked my cheeks. I felt for something to steady myself, to regain control, to find reality.

I fought for something.

It was then that I wished I wasn't so alone, and hadn't taken for granted the past few weeks. I wished I'd said better things to my mother, visited my siblings more, talked more about pop culture with Yudai, talked over politics with Helen, or how badly I trained with Medina. I thought about the night sky I couldn't see, only remembered through still images with Archie's face planted on it. Her auburn hair, the bruised circles underneath her eyes, the eyes that reflected the night sky and every star in it.

I cried as the thoughts welled inside me, like a tsunami my brain shook with such force I felt myself drowning. My breathing stopped as I cried, my soul, screaming as the world began to shake.

"Still such a crybaby."

Dust fell in the poorly constructed underground catacombs and before I knew it I was sent off balance. I gripped the iron bars as Yuvi rushed for her mask, abandoning her voice changer as her partner, who I had forgotten was there, also grabbed their Aether Relic.

A battle was about to begin.

The roof caved, debris flying everywhere. I raised my arms to shield myself from its impact. I was sent flying, hitting the wall a sharp pain rushed through my body. I yelped as I tried to stand, the chains on my feet heavy as I did so.

A cry escaped my lips as I saw that familiar fighting stance, that strong stature, and the frame as the dust cleared.

"Archie," I called out, my voice desperate with relief and worry. I was relieved to be saved but worried at the prospect of Archie fighting Yuvi, whose battle skills were unknown. Yuvi was never a fighter back when I knew her, but the Grim can change people for the better or worse. We had to be prepared.

"Look out!"

Just as I yelled, Yuvi lunged along with her larger partner at Archie. Medina helped intercept them with his own Aether blades, black smoke escaping as he sliced through their armour.

The battle was fast, with skilled moves being executed by both parties as Helen and Yudai joined the fray. Helen's whip got a grasp of the larger enemy's arm, and in sync, the team joined in perfect unison to disarm them and knock the enemy unconscious.

Yudai sprinted into my cell, abandoning the main fight as he walked through the metal bars. Their dramatic entrance of destruction destroyed the cell walls. Yudai came closer and spied heavy chains on my feet, using his watch he fastened their rusting process until I could force my feet free. Leaving my shoes I walked barefoot, my feet scraping across the floor lined with cuts.

Yudai assisted me, allowing me to lean my weight on his fragile figure. He used his strength to get us away from the main fight. I looked over to observe the combat. Yuvi skillfully dodged Helen's whip that now extended into three smaller lassos. She used each one carefully, one to limit Yuvi's moves, one to catch Yuvi's foot and the other to knock her Aether Relic out of her hands. Unfortunately, Yuvi used the weight of the lassos and hoisted herself up, grasping tightly to her Relic which I now found to be something all too simple. Too recognisable.

My original fountain pen.

Not like the ballpoint pen I used here in Grim but the pen I had sacrificed as a birthday present on Yuvi's eighteenth birthday. The same day she passed away.

Medina rushed towards us, stealing my attention as I quietly watched from our secluded spot, "Are you okay, are you hurt?"

"How did you find me?"

"We followed your Aether Blueprint, and you activated a rather large one above ground so we were lucky." I sighed, knowing that the print must have been caused when I used my pen earlier before it was stolen from me.

Yudai worked on my ankle and injuries, freezing them in time to stop the bleeding and revert what little he could. Medina's normal scowling face was relaxed slightly knowing I was safe. He looked me over, searching for something as I surveyed the bloodshed. I was quick to learn that Helen and Archie, although had the rockiest relationship, fought better than anyone. Together their partnership should quickly win the battle and get us quickly out of here.

But the battle stretched and time thinned.

Restless I just wanted to get out there, looking at Medina and Yudai I found them with similar expressions on their faces. No doubt their priority was to protect me, though it didn't make it any easier to see their comrades tire from an unrelenting battle.

I felt useless yet again, like every time I made progress, every time I took a step forward, I was thrown ten steps back.

I searched the floor, my eyes trained for that similar silver glint. One I'd held and treasured for the past week. Now and then I'd sneak a glance at Archie who was stuck in a choreographed dance of destruction, swinging and cutting, throwing and taking. Helen was similar in the sense her small figure sprinted from place to place, quick to disarm and move with feral agility. Their quick teamwork scored them points against Yuvi, who took hit after hit and was eventually sent down to the ground, head forced against the rock.

I screamed for Yuvi, I screamed for Archie but none heard me. My scream barely escaped my lips, my throat parched as my voice wailed and faltered. I needed them to stop before something happened. Yes, Yuvi was a White Raven but there must be some misunderstanding. Something must be keeping her here, something must have changed her.

That's when I found the gift, my Aether Relic, lying on the floor opposite where we hid. Right now we were protected by this huge lump of dirt, and if I'd lunged for the pen I'd be thrown into the open — vulnerable to all attacks. But I knew deep down I had Aether power to spare and if it gave us a fighting chance I needed to assist in battle.

I leaped from my hiding spot, my ankles free of iron so I could freely run. I sprinted, dodging falling slabs of rubble and I tumbled over rocks. And when I finally reached my destination, I heard a cry.

It was from Yuvi, her shrill scream sent shivers up my arms and down my spine. My hair stood on end as my instincts screamed to run. I looked over and Yuvi leaned back, as if ready to throw a large weapon my way. In her hands was a pen, and circling it were sharp blades. Medina's blades.

She launched them into the air and headed in my direction. I saw Archie disable two of them, hurting her arms in the process. Helen stopped a single one, wrapping her whip around it to stop its momentum. I stilled, unable to move as I grappled for my pen, which kept slipping out of my sweaty hands.

I watched the last blade arc over the battlefield, like the sun in the sky it flew reflecting the seeping sunlight that shone through the cracked roof. I watched as I uselessly stood frozen, time slowed as I watched Medina throw himself in front of me.

A single blade flew at me and struck Medina in the heart.

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