
The Grieving man!

He was a failed writer , the late night coffee, the good old music , the missed weathers , a lonley autumn season, the forgotten journal. Caught in a web of abnormal mysteries, Cade Beckett world view crumbled to pieces . "Am i abnormal? no it's just the world is pretty normal !"

Hollowlives · Horreur
Pas assez d’évaluations
13 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Another failure.

The late evening descended upon Cade Beckett's apartment like a shroud and with it, the familiar tension that accompanied the creation of his horror stories. The events of the day lingered in his mind, but as he settled into his writing space, the allure of the macabre took hold.

"Let's continue where I left ..."

With a deep breath, Cade Beckett reopened his laptop, the soft glow casting an eerie ambiance in the room. The cursor blinked on a blank document, awaiting the tales that danced in the shadows of his imagination. Tonight, he felt a renewed determination, a need to overcome the hurdles that had held him back.

He began to start pressing the keyboard with rythmic fast pace , his speed reaching 40 wpm ! In middle he would just stop and think for a moments and resume his work again. Like that the time began to pass in fluid motion and as hours after after passed , it was already a night .

The time was 9 pm and his stomach began to growl in hunger .

He paused his works and looked at table to see that the time was already past 9.

"I will eat dinner first then continue writing."

Before diving into writing deeply, Cade Beckett decided to fortify himself with a simple dinner. He prepared a quick meal, the aroma of garlic and herbs filling his kitchen. The sizzle of a pan and the clinking of utensils against plates were the only sounds in the apartment, accompanied by the distant hum of the city outside.

Seated at his modest dining table, Cade Beckett contemplated the flickering candlelight, casting dancing shadows across the room. The events of the day lingered in his thoughts, and the looming uncertainty of his creative endeavors cast a shadow over the night .

As he took a bite of his meal, the taste seemed muted, the flavors unable to compete with the bitterness of his disappointment. The weight of his unfulfilled aspirations hung in the air, mingling with the scent of the dinner that had lost its appeal.

Feeling the heaviness in his chest, Cade Beckett decided to take a break. He stepped outside onto the small balcony, the chilly night air hitting him like a breath of reality. Retrieving a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, he lit one, the ember glowing in the darkness.

[ Smoking is injurious to health ! Don't smoke kids ! ]

The courtyard below, bathed in the dim glow of streetlamps, was a silent observer to his internal struggles. The weather was cool, a gentle breeze carrying the scent of distant rain. The city sprawled out before him, its skyline illuminated by the scattered lights of midnight activities.

The distant echoes of footsteps and the occasional passing car created a haunting symphony that mingled with the melancholic melody of a violinist. The clouds above painted an abstract tapestry, partially veiling the moon, casting intermittent shadows on the quiet streets.

"This guy !"

He looked at the neighbour house , who resided beside his apartment. Feeling the tensed music , he began to feel uncomfortable .

In his mind , he thought of various measures to torture this noisy neighbour and one of the best idea he come up : was by making him listen his own song continuously all night , every date .

In that way , the neighbour would stop the horrible music for some time ....or maybe permanent !

(Of course he only thinks but won't do it)

Cade exhaled a puff of smoke, he stared into the night, contemplating the vast expanse that lay beyond his apartment balcony. The city, usually teeming with life, now felt like a silent stage for his personal drama. The disappointments of the evening were etched into the shadows, and the night air carried his silent sighs.

Despite the bustling city below, Cade Beckett felt a profound sense of isolation. The weight of his unfulfilled creative ambitions and the haunting melodies converged in the quiet courtyard, amplifying the solitude that clung to the midnight air.

In that moment, as the city held its breath in the stillness of the night, Cade Beckett grappled not only with his writing woes but also with the existential questions that lingered beneath the surface. The cigarette burned down to the filter, the embers fading like the remnants of his dashed expectations.

With a heavy heart, Cade Beckett flicked the cigarette butt into the darkness below. He retreated back into his apartment, the city outside continuing its nocturnal activities, unaware of the internal turmoil that unfolded in the shadows of one man's aspirations.

Inside, the apartment felt oppressive. The deleted words on his laptop screen taunted him, a stark reminder of his inability to translate the vivid horrors of his imagination into coherent narratives. The haunting melody from the courtyard below penetrated the walls, echoing in the emptiness of his creative space.

Unable to shake off the disappointment, Cade Beckett decided to confront the source of his struggle. He opened his laptop once more, the screen casting a cold glow in the dim room. Staring at the blank document, he retraced the steps of his failed attempt, trying to pinpoint where the inspiration had faltered.

Every keystroke felt like a struggle, the cursor blinking mockingly as if challenging him to conjure the horrors he desired. Cade hesitated, his mind wrestling with doubt and frustration. The atmosphere in the apartment seemed to thicken, mirroring the stifling weight on his creative spirit.

With a sudden surge of frustration, he highlighted the paragraphs he had written, the carefully crafted sentences that now felt like shackles. The delete key echoed in the silent room as he eradicated his work, each press releasing a bit of the pent-up disappointment.

The act of erasing his words felt cathartic, as if discarding the failed attempt would free him from the creative stagnation. Yet, with each deleted paragraph, the void on the screen seemed to deepen. Cade Beckett, the aspiring horror story writer, grappled not only with the fear of inadequacy but also with the fear that his passion might be slipping away.

His fingers froze above the keyboard, the cursor blinking in an empty abyss. The courtyard outside was now devoid of the haunting melody, leaving behind a profound silence that mirrored the vacuum in his creative endeavors.

Feeling an overwhelming need for fresh air, Cade pushed his chair back and stood. He grabbed his jacket, slipped on his shoes, and ventured once more onto the balcony.

The jacket, a testament to the passage of time, bore the weight of countless nights spent wandering through the obscure realms of his thoughts. Its fabric whispered tales of forgotten dreams and restless nights, clinging to his frame like a spectral companion as he embraced the solitude of the late hour.

The brisk night air enveloped him as he leaned against the balcony railing, staring at the city below. The distant lights flickered like stars in the urban sky, and the occasional gust of wind carried with it the scent of wet asphalt. The city was a living, breathing entity, oblivious to the internal turmoil of one of its inhabitants.

Feeling overwhelmed from solitude, he began to head towards the stairs . As he ascended the stairs, the creaks beneath his weight added an ominous symphony to the stillness. The narrow corridor, dimly lit by flickering bulbs, seemed to stretch infinitely into the shadows. Cobwebs adorned forgotten corners, and a musty scent lingered, reminiscent of secrets long confined to the apartment's hidden recesses.

The silence outside the door was palpable, broken only by the distant hum of the city at rest. The staircase, bathed in moonlight filtering through a dusty window, became a passage into a world where reality blurred with the ethereal. The soft echo of his footsteps resonated like a heartbeat, a rhythmic pulse that synchronized with the mysterious cadence of the night.

As he approached the landing, the cold metal of the doorknob sent a shiver through his fingertips. The door creaked open, revealing the spectral glow of the moon, its beams illuminating the worn-out carpet beneath his feet. Each step, a deliberate journey into the unknown, echoed with a resonance that mirrored the enigmatic nature of the late hour.

In an attempt to clear his mind, Cade reached for another cigarette. The match flared briefly, casting an ephemeral glow on his face. As he inhaled, the bitter taste mingled with the chill of the night air. He couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment, the weight of unrealized dreams settling on his shoulders.

The courtyard was now silent, devoid of the haunting melody of violin that had served as both headache and uncomfortable. Cade gazed into the night, seeking solace in the vast expanse that stretched beyond the confines of his balcony. The weather, once cool and invigorating, now seemed to mirror the cold void within him.

As the hours slipped away, Cade remained on the balcony, a solitary figure caught between the vastness of the city and the emptiness of his creative struggle. The night sky gradually lightened, signaling the approaching dawn. If few hours passes then the first rays of sunlight will break through the clouds, casting a golden hue over the cityscape.

Feeling a sense of weariness settle over him, Cade flicked the cigarette butt into the empty courtyard. He turned away from the balcony and climbed down the stairs, he returned to the dimly lit apartment.

The laptop remained open on the desk, the blank document staring back at him. Just as he was about to close the laptop and decided to take rest , he saw a text notification on his laptop.

Surprised, he clicked on the notification and it turns out to be text message from his sister who texted him fifteen minutes ago.

Rose Beckett : Hello big brother ! How are you doing ? I missed you lot ! ^⁠_⁠^

"Hm....what's with the sudden change in attitude ?"

Feeling doubt about his little sister motive , he began to feel that a sinister trap has been laid for him .

A little sister and a pet cat , both shouldn't be trusted . They may look cute and innocent but deep down they are mischievous and evil . (Very evil )

He saw her that she was still in online, so he began to type .

Cade Beckett: Speak up ! What do you want from me ? (=⁠_⁠= )

A second later , her reply came back .

Rose Beckett: What's with the expression? Can't I text my handsome big brother?

Cade immediately began to feel shivers !

Cade Beckett: Are you sick ? Or how high are you right now ?

Rose Beckett: No ! You are the one who is sick ! Btw can you do me a favour?

Here comes her true nature!

Cade Beckett: Sorry I have run out of favour. Bye!

Rose Beckett: Come on please! This is the last time , I promise. Can't you Help your weak little sister ?

Cade Beckett : The last person who thought you are weak has been ended in hospital for six weeks !

Rose Beckett : That's not my fault! Will you going to help me or not ?

Cade Beckett response was straight forward reject : No .

Rose Beckett : Fine then ! I'm going to call dad and say that you secretly kissed Miss Jenifer in our field trip !

Cade Beckett: Holy ! Don't you dare ! Ugh fine consider that I'm helping a dog.

Rose Beckett: Great ! My friend is coming to your city but she isn't familiar with the city since this is her first time so help her a bit !

A baby sitting huh ! Great !

Cade Beckett: Sigh .... Fine contact me when your friend is here .

Rose Beckett : Thanks >⁠.⁠< !

Soon they began to text for few minutes.

Rose: Mom's pestering me about visiting soon. You know how she worries.

Cade sighed, feeling a pang of guilt for not being more present in his family's lives.

Cade: I'll try to plan a visit soon. Promise.

Rose: Good. Take care, big bro. And don't let those horror stories keep you up too late.

They soon ended the text with a "goodnight" and "have a nightmare" !

With a heavy sigh, he closed the lid, deciding to leave the failed attempt behind. The night may have passed peacefully but the echoes of his creative struggle lingered. The next chapter awaited, shrouded in uncertainty, and Cade Beckett, the aspiring horror story writer, knew he had to find a way to face the reality once more.

To be continued....