
The Grieving man!

He was a failed writer , the late night coffee, the good old music , the missed weathers , a lonley autumn season, the forgotten journal. Caught in a web of abnormal mysteries, Cade Beckett world view crumbled to pieces . "Am i abnormal? no it's just the world is pretty normal !"

Hollowlives · Horror
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13 Chs

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The Invitation for Celebration

The morning sun struggled to pierce through the heavy clouds, casting a muted glow over the city. In the quietude of his apartment, Cade Beckett stirred, roused from slumber by the persistent melody of his alarm clock. The digital display flickered, revealing the early hour of 7:00 AM.

As he reluctantly rose from his bed, Cade's disheveled hair and sleepy eyes bore witness to the battle between the comfort of sleep and the demands of the day. The creaking of the wooden floor beneath his feet resonated through the small apartment, a familiar soundtrack to his solitary mornings.

The bathroom door swung open, revealing the dimly lit space where Cade embarked on his daily ritual. The sound of running water echoed, accompanied by the faint hum of the shower. Droplets cascaded from his body, carrying with them the remnants of dreams that lingered in the recesses of his mind.

Emerging from the bathroom, clad in a simple yet well-worn robe, Cade navigated the compact kitchenette. The scent of brewing coffee wafted through the air, a comforting aroma that signaled the beginning of his day. His modest breakfast consisted of a bowl of cereal and a banana, a routine fueled more by necessity than culinary indulgence.

Dressed in a casual ensemble—jeans, a plain t-shirt, and a worn jacket—Cade moved towards the door. The worn-out sneakers, testament to countless journeys, found their place on his feet. Keys jingled as he pocketed them, and the apartment door creaked open, releasing him into the muted hues of the early morning.

The quiet corridor outside his apartment bore the marks of familiarity. The flickering bulbs overhead cast intermittent shadows on the worn carpet, a silent witness to the passage of countless footsteps. The door to his neighbor's apartment, adorned with a fading coat of paint, remained closed, shielding its secrets within.

As Cade descended the staircase, each step reverberated in the narrow space. The dimly lit corridor seemed to stretch infinitely, a passage into the unknown realms that awaited him beyond the building's entrance. The weathered doorknob, cold to the touch, signaled the transition from the sheltered confines of his abode to the external world.

Stepping into the muted morning, the city greeted Cade with the rhythmic melody of raindrops. Umbrellas unfolded around him like a kaleidoscope of colors, shielding individuals from the gentle drizzle. Cade, with his hands tucked into his jacket pockets, merged into the ebb and flow of the morning commute.

In the quiet anonymity of the metro station, he awaited the arrival of the train. The rhythmic pitter-patter of raindrops played a prelude to the daily symphony of city life. The train doors opened, and Cade, along with the sea of commuters, embarked on the journey that would shape the narrative of his day.

As he descended into the metro station, raindrops played a rhythmic melody, a prelude to the bustling city commute. Cade secured a seat by the window, his mind oscillating between the rain-kissed cityscape outside and the stories that lingered within him.

The rhythmic clatter of the train on tracks became a soothing backdrop

As Cade Beckett sat by the window in the crowded metro car, his attention was drawn to a disturbing scene unfolding nearby.

A shady figure, dressed inconspicuously in a worn-out jacket and faded jeans, was making his way through the tightly packed commuters. The dim lighting of the metro car cast shadows that seemed to cloak the man's intentions.

His target, an unsuspecting young woman with auburn hair and a nervous demeanor, stood near the door. She wore a floral-patterned dress, which now seemed to contrast sharply with the unsettling situation. The man closed in, his movements deliberate yet surreptitious, blending into the ordinary rhythm of the crowded metro.

The discomfort on the woman's face was palpable, her eyes darting nervously as she tried to maintain her personal space. The molester, with a greasy and unkempt appearance, had an air of indifference, as if his actions were inconsequential.

As the metro jolted forward, the man took advantage of the proximity to initiate unwanted physical contact. His hands, calloused and unwelcome, encroached upon the woman's personal space. She visibly tensed, her attempts to subtly evade his advances met with a chilling nonchalance from the perpetrator.

Cade, observing this disturbing interaction from his seat, felt a surge of indignation. The woman's distress was evident, her discomfort unfolding like a silent plea for help. The molester's actions, hidden in the routine of the daily commute, struck a dissonant chord with the otherwise familiar surroundings.

In a moment of instinct and bravery, Cade stood up, his gaze unwavering. He made his way through the crowded compartment, his tall frame cutting through the sea of commuters. The collective disapproval from fellow passengers became a silent shield, forcing the harasser to retreat, leaving the young woman visibly relieved but shaken.

The molester, now exposed, slinked away, disappearing into the anonymity of the metro car. The train officer, alerted by the disturbance, took swift action, forcefully ejecting the harasser from the moving train. Cade's intervention, a blend of assertiveness and a collective disapproval, became a moment of solidarity against unwarranted actions.

The woman, though shaken, expressed gratitude through a glance that conveyed a mix of relief and appreciation. The atmosphere in the metro car shifted from discomfort to a subdued triumph, a reminder that collective action could thwart harassment even in the confines of a busy commuter's world

As the train continued its journey, the rain outside mirrored the somber mood. Cade Beckett, having confronted the disturbing reality of such incidents, grappled with a mix of emotions. The unspoken unity against the molester had offered a brief respite, but the echoes of such unsettling encounters lingered in the silent spaces between the raindrops.

This encounter, a stark reminder of the complexities of human interactions, left an indelible mark on Cade Beckett's day, shaping his perspective as he navigated through the subsequent events.

Arriving at his office, Cade tried to refocus. The day unfolded in routine, with the hum of keyboard clicks forming a backdrop to office chatter. Conversations about the newly promoted manager's celebration permeated the air, and a colleague excitedly shared the news with Cade.

"Did you hear about the promotion of the new manager?"

The colleague exclaimed, glancing at Cade in curiosity.

Cade Beckett paused lightly and slowly looked at the colleague, his eyes fixed on him .

"Promotion of manager? Nope !"

The guy looked at cade's dark circles eyes and asked in surprise

"What happened? You have dark circles around your both eyes !"

Cade Beckett touched his eye skin and said with bitter expression

"Yes , i had to do some works in midnight!"

The colleague looked at Cade for a moment and spoke in pity

"Buddy I know it's hard for being single but atleast learn how to be in control! "

Cade Beckett : ....

(what's wrong with people this days ?)

Surprised but not deeply affected, Cade shook his head. Missing the free office coffee of his work and his chattering workmate Lisa , he looked only to see that she was notably absent today ! prompting him to get a coffee by himself and begin his work in silence.

As he was working, he could hear the news of celebration while the office buzzed with talk of clinking glasses and vibrant energy. However, Cade felt a disconnect from their discussion, his thoughts lingering on the metro incident and the rain-soaked streets.


In the late afternoon, the newly promoted manager approached Cade with an inviting smile.

"Hey, Cade! We're having a small gathering tonight at Skyline Lounge to celebrate my promotion. It would be great if you could join us. A few colleagues have already confirmed."

"Actually, I have some work to check on. Sorry sir but I can't come today !"

While appreciating the gesture, Cade politely declined, citing prior commitments.

The manager's smile wavered, a flicker of disappointment concealed within his smile.

"That's a shame. We were hoping to have everyone there. Well, maybe next time then ! "

The manager said, masking his disappointment before moving on to extend invitations to others employees.

The workday concluded, and Cade navigated polite but strained interactions with colleagues. He went towards the lift and saw the both lift were busy with people so he began to take stairs...

"There goes my both mental and physical energy..."

He finally came to the metro and regretfully the metro was delayed for fifteen minutes ! When the metro finnally arrived it was packed with many people....

"Here we go again....."

The crowded people, congested space , heavy perfume smell , a little farts but deadly, occasionally someone stamping on his foot , people's unbearable gossips and the fat man who was giving him a wink seductively....

[Bro be hitting on Cade O⁠_⁠o ]

Returning home, he sought solace in his writing sanctuary, but frustration crept in. The words that had flowed earlier seemed elusive, slipping through his grasp like raindrops on a windowpane.

"Ah the hell is wrong with me ?"

He scratched his head in frustration.

In a moment of vexation, Cade highlighted his paragraphs and pressed delete. The screen reverted to emptiness, reflecting his inner turmoil. Doubt loomed larger, overshadowing the triumphs of the previous night.

Feeling defeated, Cade closed his laptop. Seeking a temporary escape, he turned to the flickering glow of the television. Movies became a refuge, a way to immerse himself in the creations of others when his own seemed elusive.

As he was feeling bored from watching telivision, he began to use his phone and in a particular social media app , something interesting caught his eyes.

[ A story of writting contest ! ]

His eyes shone , looking through the details of the participation and his excitement froze seeing the participation theme !

[ Romance , fantasy , action , adventure, slice of life and mystery ]

He looked through the list once again but he didn't find the horror genre at all.

"Absolutely bullshit !"

He immediately commented on the public platform: "What a joke ! They don't have any sense at all ..... Where's the horror genre in there ?"

The admin of that post was so carefree that he pinned his comments on top ! Then the drama began ....

Everyone began to scold Cade ....

[ The comment sections of some public platform is more darker than engineering students career 💀]

(Based on a true life story)

He immediately got scolded by various people for no reason ! Seeing the comments, he simply uninstalled the app .

"Ah ...what peace !"

The evening wore on as Cade watched stories unfold on the screen. The glow of the television cast shifting shadows in the darkened room. It was 8 PM and he began to get hungry , he switched off the television and began to make dinner .

A simple dinner served as a meager distraction from the creative struggles that persisted. After the dinner , he looked at his laptop and hesitated for a moment before walking towards it , he switched on the laptop and began to start typing ...

Not even a hour passed , he closed the laptop in defeat!

"Writting a horror story...is no easy feat !"

With a heavy heart, Cade retired to bed. The rain outside softened, a gentle lullaby encapsulating the day's frustrations. As he lay in the quiet darkness, the weight of unfulfilled aspirations and the echoes of a rejected invitation lingered. The aspiring horror story writer found himself entangled in a complex web of emotions, grappling with the challenges that both reality and creativity presented.

Feeling down, he closed his eyes to forget everything and get a good night's sleep.

To be continued...