
Chapter 1- Leverage

" Find out the secret of the Toscos District girl. " Professor Theodore said as he flipped the pages of an ancient-looking book. His aged eyes, trying to find something useful in those pages. 

His words were directed at the young boy standing in front of him. And, his words were infuriating him. 

'DO I LOOK LIKE A PERSONAL DOG ?! ' Lucain thought while maintaining a smile on his face, acting like a personal dog.

How can he make such an absurd request ?! Lucian is nothing but a mere student of the Sandiri Academy, with some special needs. 

" I-I didn't get you. " Lucian said, trying to make sure Professor Theodore was in his right mind. 

" Don't make me repeat myself when you already get the point, boy. " Professor Theodore spoke calmly, not bothering to him in the eye, almost as if reading Lucian's mind. 

" How am I supposed to uncover her technique when I have barely mastered any !? " Lucian asked, trying to hide his panic. 

" I can ask the same question, how am I supposed to provide you with drugs to keep you alive ? But, I am still doing it somehow aren't I. " Professor Theodore said, marking the end of the conversation. 

Lucian has a certain 'affinity' for a certain drug, some people also like to call it addiction. Why does such a young child have addiction ? Nobody knows, not even Lucian himself. 

Lucian has a strange past. His first memory is waking up in the Dragon Forest, his clothes drenched in blood and his body so sour as if thousands of needles are piercing his skin.

He didn't even know his age or his name. The only guide for life he had were words carved on the skin of his stomach. 

' Need Ciracurus for sleep' 

' Stay away from the Rafliclux at any cost. '  

These are the words he found carved out on the skin of his stomach. Who carved these words? How did they know he needed all of these things?

Nobody knows, all he knows is that he has extraordinary skills. And that is the only thing that has allowed him to survive soo far. 

It is also why he is sitting inside the head office of the Sandiri Academy, tolerating absurd requests from the head of the academy.

" Lucian, you are a smart child. You have been nervous about many things, but you have still managed to solve everything we have thrown at you. " Professor Theodore spoke in a false attempt to calm Lucian's nerves. " You will be able to figure it all out soon enough. "

" Thank you for your encouraging words. " Lucian said with a taunting smile. The word has been given and the task is levied, he can't do anything now. 

Pushing the wooden chair back, the creaking sound took over the silent room.

' The Psycho Girl. ' Lucian thought as he casually walked out of the room without closing the door. Professor Theodore has ordered Lucian countless times to close the door when he leaves but Lucian does not leave any leaf unturned when it comes to defying Professor Theodore. 

This time his task is to uncover the secret technique of a girl. A VERY powerful girl. A girl who has been destroying people twice her age in tournaments and leagues. 

What does she do? What is her source of power? And, how to defeat her. 

He needs to make a verbal and written report about it in 3 months. And before that, he needs to send a list of amenities to the head. So, Lucian needs to think. 

Lucian was walking with hands in his pocket. His mind rambling with all the information he could think of when he heard someone coming up to him from behind.

" The food at the cafeteria is shit, Lucy. "Violet's lazy voice echoed from behind. 

Violet - his roommate, his best friend, his ride or die, his everything. Violet is the closest thing he has to family, the only one who he holds very dear to his heart. 

" Well, you can't burn things down again. Just ask Tristian for salt and pepper, don't cause trouble again. " Lucian said as he twirled around, smiling with all his teeth.