
Chapter 4 The rage of a summoner

Looking at the woods the wolf's shudder in anger going back.oh no you don't he says as he runs to one and kick it on the head which hits the tree and dies now two of you stop and I'll make your death instantly if not you all die brutally he says looking at the two wolf's they both charge at him with incredibly speed and bite him one on his arm two on his leg. He quickly punches the punches the one on his arm which knocked him and stomped on the head of the wolf biting his leg which kills it.


He falls next to the wolf Onece again the blood touching each other.

[[Would you like to bring wolf to your team y/n 78% chance to work]]

He blacks out


When he wakes up it's morning but the screen from before it's still there. Hmmm a wolf who wanted to kill me bring to my team alright but it better be worth it he says as he thinks of yes.



[[Summoning done]]









Hmmm okay I'll use ten points and then distribute between my lion and wolf.












Suddenly a message comes at him.

[[New skills]]

[[Fire control:you can generate and control fire:10 mana-2 for every second]]

[[wind punch mana-2]]

[[Wind slash mana-4]]

Awesome now to clean this place up for the next one week Alexander finished cleaning every dirt and trees few removing the trees was hard so I had to burn them lion suddenly thinking of it he goes to the lion and says your name is max.

[[Lion name save:max]]

He sits down as a group of thugs comes the people who has been robbing him for years suddenly feeling the anger for his master max steps infront of him.

Gang leader Gerald:I want you to get out of here and give.... Suddenly seeing the lion he gulps.

Thanks for reading and remember I'm also making another book that is free so stay tuned.Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

voided_execreators' thoughts