

As the portal open a lion comes out seeing it the lion run as it feels it's needed Alexander runs and jump on the tiger come on let's go clear the left side of the farm I won't let that old man call me stupid again I say smirking reaching the he sees a humanoid wolf 10 of them shit even with the system I'm still going to lose 10 wolf no doubt there basic there can't be intermidiet I say as I jump from the lion punching the first one surprised at the sudden burst the punch makes the beast falls to the floor with blood on his nose and mouth oh I'm not done he says as he goes to kick the stomach a wolf comes from behind him the lion slashes it's stomach killing It in an instant.

[[Basic wolf killed]]

[[100 exp earned 10 points earned]]

[[Got low for you not killing it your self]]

Dodging the swipe from the wolf he kicked it's time for me to get heyped he say as he activates the skill.

[[Dash activated]]

The wolf slows down a little in his eye but seeing a timer in front of him


He goes for a kick in the stomach then puches the back.


He then hits the head killing it on the stop.



Using the skill jump he jumps as high as a tree and punches the one close to his lion on the head killing it on the spot hey Even though we got off the wrong spot your still helping me he says smiling as he faces two wolf's one goes for a swipe while the other for a bite hmph ptedictible he says as he doges both of them now my turn he says as he activates the skill jump again reaching a tree he grabs the branch looking down he sees the lions health bar.


Shit iff he died I'm over he lets go off the branch and goes for a punch hitting the wolf that wanted to bite him after the punch the wolf is knocked out the other one charges at him hitting him on the head his claws digging and throws him at the tree breaking it.

[[-30 damage]]

He looks at the screen infront of him but his head blurry.


Meanwhile at the lions side the lion slashes one fighting 5on 1 he backs away not trying to get hurt but a wolf charges in and and lands a hit on the head being thrown away he looks at the wolfs blood dripping grrrr he growls he coats his claw or paw in fire and digs his claws on one of the wolf's in the stomach then clutches it pulling him up the throws at one of the wolf's which knocked the one he throws out the wolf who's holding the wolf the lion thrown thrown it's body away growling the lion roars knowing the opponents numbers are reducing he runs to the wolf and kicks him in the stomach and slashes his throat killing it while another bites his paw using his other paw he coats it in fire and diggs his paw in the wolfs head burning it's hair Before even touching it and throws it killing it seeing his master almost being killed he tries to go to him but the two wolf's diggs there claws in his arm and pushes him down making him watch his master die they start scratching him o ly making small damage for him not to die


Meanwhile to Alexander the wolf comes closer and closer then puts its claws at his stomach.

[[-10 damage]]


Suddenly taking a peak at his lion his eyes gets red and he looks at the wolf infront of him and kicks him in the stomach.

Never touch my lion or anything if he dies your all dead he says as the wolf vomits blood.

The story is free and the wolf's are in humanoid.Like it ? Add to library!

voided_execreators' thoughts