

One by one the other mercenary team are turn into puppets by Calisto and with the help of the poison I inflicted on them, it makes more easier for him. The other mercenary team are now under under the spell of Callisto, have no will at all, walking puppets, just like what the corruption of the darkness fragment are doing to Calisto and the others.

"Alice are you okay? Did they do something to you? Did they hurt you anywhere? Did they touch you? I am going to get them for this"-Stephan.

"No, no, no, I'm fine, I'm fine beside the threat earlier they didn't do anything to me, I'm so scared, thank God everything goes as plan"-Alice

Stephan hug Alice, calming her down.

"they look like zombies now matching their ugly personality, serves them right"-Ceres

"You can consider them to be one because they are technically already dead by now, but the ugly thing here beside them, is that turning into a dragonewt puppet means one up power up of their current rank, so watch your backs, we kill Calisto, we stop these zombies"-Demetri.

They all nod their heads as agreement to the plan we formulated and prepare ourselves to battle Callisto and the mercenary team zombies. It's hard to reach to where Callisto is because of the zombies and the biggest threat here besides Calisto is the leader of the mercenary team that is an S-Class monster now. I leave the other zombies to them while I take on Calisto and the mercenary team leader.

Calisto did his trick, creating multiple clones of himself making it harder for others to identify which was is real because everything looks real, but not for me, thanks to my true eyes, I quickly identified the real Calisto, if not for this monkey I already killed Calisto, and make everything of this end already.

"Demetri, let me help you defeating that monster"-Stephan.

"I can handle this Stephan and I don't want you to get hurt"-Demetri

"Please Demetri, I want to be the one to defeat this guy after what he did to Alice, and besides it looks like Ceres can handle them all out their"-Stephan.

I looked at Ceres location and see that he is really enjoying himself, he's face is showing it, it's been a long time since I saw that centaur look, that adrenaline when they are in battle, the hunger for a fight.

"I'll back you two up and boost you to defeat that guy and make it quick, I want to go home already, I'm wet and covered with mud, it's disgusting"-Alice.

Together we started attacking the leader of the mercenary team first before we deal with Calisto. Both me and Stephan were shock when Ceres join the fight, I looked at his former battle ground and see all the other mercenary team on the ground, defeated, dead. I trust that Ceres and Stephan can handle the leader of the other mercenary team, that's why I turn my attention to Callisto.

I need to kill Callisto fast because I know he is working on his necromancy right now and for the next moment all that are dead will rise again. A spell come up to my mind that I know can end this all fast, but I have to take the risk of getting near him so close that we are seeing eye to eye.

I attack Callisto so close multiple times covering the tracks of what I am really, which is placing multiple magic circle around him so that wherever he go he will fall to the slip spell like what I did to Gayron. When Callisto move he fall for the slip spell and everytime he move he slip so when he can't get up anymore, I go top on him, cup his face and stare in his eyes.


After chanting that spell, Callisto turn into stone and the moment he turns completely, the leader of the other mercenary team fall to the ground. After recovering from the fight, we collect the things we can collect, memorabilia's from the other mercenary team as per the HA's instruction to give to the dead mercenaries family and the body of Calisto to bury it, then we exit the portal. Jack's attack force team were waiting for us outside, in case the teams sent didn't survive and fail to defeat the portal.

Because we are the only ones who exit the portal, we were taken into custody to gather information. Jack leads the questioning and I answer all the questions truthfully, and told the truth, but eliminated some of information's, like the fact that I casted a spell on Calisto and planning everything that happens leading to the other team's death.

"It looks like you have no choice but to kill the other mercenary team"-Jack.

"Yes, they were being controlled by the mage dragonewt and they started attacking us even before they were controlled, we really have no choice but to fight and kill them"-Demetri.

"I understand but I have to warn all you, the leader of the other mercenary team was the son of one of the S-Class hunter in America, Daniel Claig he might come after you, that's why we will hide your identity, to keep you all out of trouble"-Jack.

"Why will he come after us? He's son died in a portal"-Stephan.

"That guy is hard headed and arrogant, afraid of nothing because he considered himself the strongest of all, all muscles no brain, he is a very troublesome guy, I met him once when I escorted him when he visited here, he caused a lot of wreckage, and hospitalized some of my men, just because he doesn't like Chairman's attitude towards him but Chairman showed him that even he is older, he can defeat him"-Jack.

"Oh I saw that in the news, he is huge"-Alice.

"Thanks for the warning Jack, we will keep that in mind"-Demetri.

"You're welcome, as for your payment, just go to the audit office to receive it, and Demetri the mana crystals will be sent to your house"-Jack.

"Thank you again Jack"-Demetri.

We went to the audit office just like Jack instructed and collect our payment. Before going home, we grab a meal and we part ways. Before taking a bath, I take out the key I found in Calisto's earlier. I recognized the key because I've been inside the place these kind of key belongs too, I have to get stronger and find the door fast before that place opens up to this world.