

We were now near at the location of the dragonewts tribe. We were hiding around the bush not too far from the location. The leader of the other mercenary team take the role as the one to assign our jobs to defeat the dragonewts. Just like the plan I told the others earlier, we will follow every instruction they will tell us to do, and will commence the plan after defeating Cydre, it is the triggered that Calisto will be out of his froze state I put him in before I went back to the camp earlier. I also hid him so that he will not be killed by others.

Since the moment Ceres told me what he notice about the other mercenary team, I activated my enhanced hearing to hear what they are saying or planning because I know they will talking about that, and after hearing that they plan to ambush us after defeating the dragonewts and loot us with our gears, making it look like we were killed during the mission, and because a hunter getting killed in the dungeon or portal is normal, they will get away with it.

One by one we defeated the dragonewts and the last remaining one is Cydre. Hydra's are really tricky creatures, every head you cut two grows back like the hydra in the Greek mythology which is not really a mythology because it is real and the hydra the Greek saw was the hydra that got suck in a warp and was sent to this dimension, and the guy defeated it was sent from my dimension to kill it, what was his name? Hercles? Herles? I can't remember. I assume that they know how to defeat the hydra because it was discussed in schools but they seem tend to forget it.

"Stop cutting its head and target its body, have you not remembered what you learn in Greek mythology, its like that Hydra"-Demetri.

I shouted at them, and without questioning they follow what I said, but even with that hydra's skin are thick and its spit out fire and its fire proof so it's still tricky to defeat.

"Why not just froze Cydre in a swamp to death."-Kaya

That is actually smart Kaya. I left the scene and search for a swamp that is deep enough for it to drown and froze Cydre.

"Stepan and Ceres, I need you to do something for me to defeat Cydre, I mean the Hydra"-Demetri.

I instruct them to direct the hydra to the swamp and so I can freeze it to death. They nod as agreement and follow my instructions. They angered Cydre to turn its attention to them and make Cydre follow them to the swamp I point out earlier. And once they were there I instruct them to jump in each side before reaching the swamp because I froze it and because the Hydra's pace is too fast it slip right into the swamp. I do what I have to do and with all strength, I quickly froze the whole swamp and just wait for Cydre to die. I confirmed that Cydre died when the light in its eyes were gone.

When we return to the others, we saw the other mercenary team leader have Alice on lock and holding his knife on her neck. Alice was crying, and I can sense that she is so scared right now. This is expected just like what I told them the beginning. I can see fury in Stephan's eyes, and before he do anything stupid, I remind him of the plan and promise him that nothing bad will happen to Alice.

"On your knees right now or she'll get it"-other mercenary team leader.

"What is happening here? What are you doing?"-Demetri.

"Well, it's time to collect our bounty, looking at your gears, weapons and equipment's it looks expensive especially that staff that E class has and that beautiful axe"-the other team mercenary leader.

"We just save your assess and this is what you will do to us?"-Stephan.

"Well this is what we do, we get a lot more money in selling gears and equipment's, but you, we will give you a chance to live, because I like you, all you have to do is to kill your teammates and be one of us, no one will know, it is one of the good things inside the dungeon and portals"-the other team mercenary leader.

He pointed at Stephan and started convincing him in joining their team. Only stupid and heartless people will fall in this.

"You will be wealthy just by joining us"-the other mercenary team leader.

"I won't bail on my friends just for fucking money"-Stephan.

"Well it's your lost, we'll start with the boy, will kill you last babe after we have some fun"-the other mercenary team leader.

The other members of the mercenary team pin us down on the ground. Just like what the leader said they will start on Ceres. One of the members walk towards Ceres axe, and holds on to the handle to lift it but jokes on them only Ceres and I can lift it.

"This thing won't budge, it's so heavy"-member of the other mercenary team.

"What? come on just do it already"-leader of the mercenary team.

"I'm not joking boss, I am telling you, it's too heavy, I can't lift it"-member of the mercenary team.

The leader of the mercenary team let go of Alice and walk towards the axe. I signaled Alice to go down to the ground and just in time, I saw Calisto waking up from his frozen state. I use wave blast to trample everyone on the ground and with that opportunity I break my staff into my blades and use my stealth skill to inflict poison in each member of the other mercenary team, using the berries I collect earlier, which what was use to make the poison they use in the darts.

They all fall to the ground, suffering in too much pain while Ceres, Alice and Stephan sprint to where I am so I can shield them from the incantation that Calisto is now chanting to create his puppets out of the suffering mercenary team.