
The great man behind the scene.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity doesn't come twice. What if you had the opportunity to alter destiny, it even better if you could change things in the worlds you knew; all those who you believed were only fiction. You will join the main elect, helping to stop the villains. Showing how powerful you are to the world, and getting the beauties. A good option. ... Of course not. Ocelotl will take a completely different path. He will become the big man behind the scenes. Madara Uchiha: Who the hell is Mictlantecuhtli!? Aren't I supposed to be the big man behind the scenes!? Hydra: The spies, who spied on the spies, were they spying on us!? Wolf: What? attack who? You're crazy! this great bounty hunter is many things, but idiot is not one of them, if you want to die he goes die alone. ... The birth of a legend. After the fall of others. Note: I hope you're ready, because here comes a brotherhood of assassins like you've never seen before. By the way, a warning this may have some spelling mistakes. If you don't like it, you can go to hell, don't comment, it's obvious, you're just revealing how little information you retain. Why you have already been warned here?

Ometecuhtli · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

It is always better to have a plan.

Disclaimer, I do not own any of the works used in this story. This novel is entirely and completely non-profit, created by a fan for other fans.

Chapter 2: Vol. 1: The Fundamentals of Brotherhood


Kuoh, Japan. Flat for rent. February 4, 2011, 11:00 AM.

Inside an apartment.

Ocelotl looked at the screen of his new laptop. Honestly, the place was small, something like the ones foreign students use. When they come to study at a student institution outside their country of origin, well, they were not studying, it is not that they did not want to do so.

If not, taking into account the date, there was still time for the world canon to begin.

By the way.

At the moment.

He was none other than High School DxD.

Being honest.

It could be worse.

At least he thinks so.

It's not like he was forced to stay here either, with the system, he could travel to any of the available worlds.

But considering the level of disasters that inhabit this world, the place is ideal for its objectives.

At least in the beginning.

But if we're talking about walking disasters, Marvel and DC take the lead by far.

Not to mention Dragon Ball Z

Also including Ninja World.

On the other hand, the world of Game of Thrones is more peaceful.

This place is for active members.

Speaking merely of assets in battle.

A medieval world where orders and legions of all kinds thrive. It is the right place to recruit, you can imagine if, within the world of Game of Thrones, they consider belonging to the royal guard to be the highest honor.

A shit place.

Not to mention the night guard.

Imagine what it would be like for someone from that place.

Belong to a multiverse brotherhood that protects not only worlds but reality itself.

Where devils, demons, monsters, and even gods are your enemies.

That would blow their minds.

It can be said that Ocelotl has the elements to return to the brotherhood as a giant hidden in the shadows.

After all.

Where there are disasters.

There are opportunities.

And a lot of talent to hunt.

Thinking about that.

—First step.— Returning attention to his laptop.

Before any movement.

The place where the headquarters would be built had to be secured.

As his name indicates.

The headquarters will have to be the main building. It has to be big, magnificent, and, above all, mystical.

Ocelotl thought about building it in the world where he would reside. But after careful planning, he deduced that it was better to keep it in a hidden place where only he knew.

It would be an impossible task if it were not for the new energy.

You see, one of the advantages of having the benefits of many energies in one. It is the incredible versatility that he possesses. An example is the chakra.

In the Ninja world.

Users could do impossible things with its help.

And he doesn't talk about spitting fire and stuff. If not something more interesting, like altering reality, creating matter, and bending space.

Although generally, these abilities came with the strong restriction of bloodlines.

For Ocelotl.

There was no such restriction.

Everything Chakra could do

It was available to him.

And he only talks about chakra

He still doesn't get into the mix with everyone else.

Now you understand how strong this energy is.


Using the ability to create his dimension. Ocelotl is going to build the brotherhood headquarters, and with the help of the system, he will create the design along with the available biomes. By adding extra protection with the help of the sealing style, he will protect the dimension from possible unwanted guests.

That's why.

Only the same and future members will have access.

Thank you, Obito.

Thank you, Uzumaki.

Crossing that off the list.

That's where the starting point begins.

With the headquarters ready, the second part begins.


And he doesn't just talk about warriors.

The complete image will cover all available areas. We talk about doctors, lawyers, secretaries, office workers, spies, and soldiers.

The idea.

It is that the brotherhood will create subsidiaries in the worlds available to travel.

Although for the moment it will only be in DxD.

Orphanages will be created.

Where members of the order will care for and indoctrinate future members since Ocelotl knows that himself.

He can't be recruiting everyone personally, in this place, they will train not only physically.

Depending on what each individual wants to do.

The order will not force members to become active assassins.

They can freely choose what they want to do among the different professions available. In this way, they will help the order by being infiltrated into the social spheres of the world.

Imagine a secretary.

A banker.

Or a pediatrician

With the power to knock out the Hulk with a slap.

And he's not even talking about the members active in combat.



Surely many people will have difficult days ahead.

Many might wonder if people in the world were not suspicious of many orphanages opening up practitioners out of nowhere.

The answer would be no.

Ocelotl already thought about that.


Before the orphanages, a company will be created to compete with the giant corporations.

Doing this might sound impossible.

For other people perhaps, but for someone with the knowledge and assets, you represent the technologies of several worlds.

The truth is, the difficulty decreased greatly.


How Ocelotl would handle so many things at the same time.

Again, the answer is energy.

It makes my life easier.

Almost all the energies that were combined could create clones. When you combine all the benefits and power them to the maximum, it gives you the ability to create complete clones without errors or deficiencies; regardless of the number, they share a hive mind; they can communicate with Ocelotl for instructions with a single thought.

In this way, the original Ocelotl will be leading the life of a normal schoolboy.

While he is the CEO of a company.

Brotherhood leader.

And recruiter.

The best of all.

It is that you can instantly exchange places with the clones if the situation requires it, or he simply wants to do something personally, like recruit someone important.

Or be in an interesting situation of some kind.

By the way.

He discovered that today.

There is still just under a year until the story of this world begins. From what he remembered, it all started in the year 2012, the month he doesn't know for sure, but he's sure he'll figure it out.

In other words.

He has a year off to organize everything.

More than enough time to get everything going.


—That would be all for the moment.—

Replying, Ocelotl closed the laptop with a slight smile.

Planning more than necessary would be counterproductive and a waste of time, you already have a tight schedule with everything you have to do.

Slightly opening his lips.

A white mist left his mouth. As he stared out the window, his eyes lit up a deep green.

If someone else was around.

He would feel the temperature drop sharply.

"Well… So…" he spoke softly.

—Let's do it.

Creating is difficult, especially when you have to do it in a language other than your own.

So if you like what you're seeing, let me know what you think or if you have any thoughts on the plot.

Leave your stones if you think the story deserves them, or if you think it doesn't, just leave them, don't be stingy.


Without further ado, her friendly neighbor, her sisters' boyfriend and future stepfather, the God of creation: Ometcutli, says goodbye.

Ometecuhtlicreators' thoughts