
The great man behind the scene.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity doesn't come twice. What if you had the opportunity to alter destiny, it even better if you could change things in the worlds you knew; all those who you believed were only fiction. You will join the main elect, helping to stop the villains. Showing how powerful you are to the world, and getting the beauties. A good option. ... Of course not. Ocelotl will take a completely different path. He will become the big man behind the scenes. Madara Uchiha: Who the hell is Mictlantecuhtli!? Aren't I supposed to be the big man behind the scenes!? Hydra: The spies, who spied on the spies, were they spying on us!? Wolf: What? attack who? You're crazy! this great bounty hunter is many things, but idiot is not one of them, if you want to die he goes die alone. ... The birth of a legend. After the fall of others. Note: I hope you're ready, because here comes a brotherhood of assassins like you've never seen before. By the way, a warning this may have some spelling mistakes. If you don't like it, you can go to hell, don't comment, it's obvious, you're just revealing how little information you retain. Why you have already been warned here?

Ometecuhtli · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

God's gifts are something serious.

Disclaimer, I do not own any of the works used in this story; This novel is entirely and completely non-profit, created by a fan for other fans.

Chapter 1 - Vol.1: The fundamentals of brotherhood.


Kuoh, Japan. Flat for rent. February 3, 2011, 7:00 AM.

What is hope?

If you base your search on it. Different groups will have different answers, men of science will say that; Hope is linked to mental willpower, as well as the achievement of goals, work and academic achievements, and improved relationships. Hope helps us cope with loss, stress, and other challenges; it is also a trigger for improving mental and physical health.

While religion maintains that hope is. The confident expectation and longing to receive the blessings that have been promised to the righteous. Hope is often spoken of in the Scriptures as the eager expectation of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.

For Ocelotl, it had a special meaning.

He believed that hope is the most powerful feeling that can exist. It is not an exaggeration to say that a little of this; can change people's lives forever, and consequently people can change the world, for example, someone who is hitting rock bottom in their life, who no longer finds meaning in living. A little hope can make all of that person's suffering become the engine for their change.

Sometimes you just need to extend a hand, at the right moment.

And the magic comes by itself.


The sound of an alarm caused a massive echo. In that room, while the sun's rays broke through the windows and the sound of the cars outside the house, they caused the strange symphony that has been happening all over the world.

The eyelids of a certain black-haired man were beginning to flutter. Beginning the process of waking up, the first thing he felt was the soft texture; of the sheet under him, the pleasant sensation that the mattress gave to his body.

When the vision of him returned, Ocelotl looked at the ceiling in front of him. Many times during this week; He wondered if when he woke up he would realize that everything he experienced would be just a dream of his disturbed mind after living on the run for most of his adult life, just remembering that brought him great discomfort.


Gathering the strength.

I lift his body from the bed.

Stretching my body, I enjoy the creak of his joints.

As he walked towards the kitchen, his mind once again ran through the things to do.

His encounter with God was quite an event. Ignoring the fact that she was embarrassed in front of him; In the end, his requests were accepted, a surprise, if he admits it himself.

He understood that both were unreasonable. From what he could remember in the mangas, when a character was reincarnated, not everyone knew God; and even if they did, the wishes they could make were not so unreasonable, although certainly those wishes gave them an unfair advantage in the world.

On the other hand, he asked for outrageous things.

And although they were granted, naturally, not without limitations.

That was good for him.

After reaching the kitchen.

He took the coffee mug with his right hand and a glass with his left.

By pouring the coffee into the glass, I enjoy the rich smell of coffee in the morning.

—There is nothing better than waking up with a delicious coffee. —Replying with a smile, Ocelotl took a drink.

Like he was saying.

The first request was granted.

It was a personal system with the ability to create doors to different worlds. The worlds in question were selected by him; from a God-given range of choices;

These were.



Game of Thrones.

According to God's instructions.

These three will be the first to be accessible. The system works through doors; Something similar to how Ocelotl briefly recognizes the dynamics in the games, three doors will be available and to access more, you first have to complete the available ones.

He is free to travel between these three worlds without problems. Everything else that comes with this, such as protecting and extracting people within it; is his responsibility since the system has no protection function for the user.

The second function is available.

It is the replication and creation of materials. Here Ocelotl had to admit that he played a bet, he didn't know if God would allow it; since basically, this function would allow him to replicate any material within the worlds to which he travels.

We are talking about minerals, biomes, as well as everything that has matter capable of being copied.

He imagines an inexhaustible supply of gold in his hands.

And that's just the tip, among these three available worlds many valuable things could fall into his hands; While others fight wars for resources, he only needs a little of it to replicate it until he gets tired.

Something very useful.

Now, the limitations of this feature are obvious; To replicate something you first have to have a sample, followed by to begin the process, you need what God called world points.

To earn points, you need to gain notoriety in said worlds visited; This in itself clashed with Ocelotl's idea.

But in wise words, if life gives you a lemon; start making lemonade.

Ocelotl found a way to take advantage of this to his advantage.

After all, no one says that everyone has to know that you are the leader of said guild. You can create a mysterious leader that few know, all-powerful and praised, while he plays as another member of the brotherhood.

Remember that at that moment, after thinking about it, he laughed like crazy.

The objective observation and information program.

It is the classic function of systems where you can see; at a glance, the information of the person you point with your eyes at, something simple, but very useful, with this ability there is no spy or secret that it cannot see.

The last one is also classic.

It is personal information, given by the state function. Another thing I add to this is the guild information when it is generated, such as the number of members; the level at which they are, etc.

As for the specifications of the second request. This is where the magic begins, literally.

Speaking from an external point of view. The combination of energies between worlds; It should not be possible, since different energies have different restrictions, for the use of the same, mixing both as opposite energy is the same as putting two magnets together.

Both repelled each other forcefully.

Fortunately, Ocelotl had God on his side.

Look at how energies he had heard of and those he didn't know about; merged, and it was quite an experience. If he were to explain what he saw, it was as if many flames of different colors were mixed similar to still-dancing rainbows.

At the end, in God's hand was a small flashing sphere.

The color of the flash was some sort of white, green, and silver.

According to the words of God.

This new energy was one of a kind and therefore had no name.

The limitations are also easy to understand. According to Ocelotl's specifications, the energy worked with the cultivation system; For him, it would not be so difficult to do it, just the fact of being a carrier of this already puts him at the top of the chain, now the level of power he reaches will depend completely on him.

In this part, Ocelotl gave an interesting idea. Since the energy will work according to the idea of cultivation; He created a system of ranks and classes based on his experiences reading novels.

They would be the following.

Rank - Apprentice.

Realm: [Recruit] [Novice] [Beginner] [Intermediate] [Advanced]

Rank - Squire.

Kingdom: [Recruit] [Novice] [Beginner]

[Intermediate] [Advanced]

Rank - Disciple.

Kingdom: [Initiated] [Novice] [New Class 1] [New Class 2] [New Class 3]

Rank - Practitioner.

Realm: [Cellular Alteration] [Muscular Alteration] [Advanced Senses] [Meditation] [Resonance]

Rank - Reborn.

Realm: [ First Timer ] [ Bone Forge ] [ Ultimate Sense ] [ Apex Reborn ] [ Pseudo Knight ]

Rank - Veteran.

Realm: [Consolidation] [Ghostly Body]

[ Origin Core ] [ Deep Realm ]

[Great Veteran]

Rank - Master.

Realm: [Nascent Beginner] [Elemental Intermediate] [Advanced Origin] [True Expert] [Demi-Immortal Elite]

Rank - Grandmaster.

Realm: [Spiritual Beginner] [Deep Tyrant] [Elite] [Monarch] [Demigod]

Rank - Supreme Master

Realm: [Divine Origin] [Soul Deification] [Divine Tribulation] [Sovereign God] [True King]

Each rank brings with it, 5 kingdoms.

Needless to say, moving from kingdom to kingdom. It is a difficult task because there will be no supplements as in the novels; things like pills or bloodlines, secret realms, etc.

You do not need anything else.

The energy itself is already much more powerful than anything existing.

As agreed.

The second-rank practitioner is already as strong as someone with the super soldier serum. Passing the 5 kingdoms alone will make you stronger.

He is not sure about others, but according to God's words. With this system, it is not impossible to hit the gods and all kinds of interdimensional beings that exist between the various worlds.

By the way, it also comes with extra insurance. Whether someone cultivates this energy or is within the brotherhood; Betraying it is impossible since the same energy will destroy the bearer, in other words, it can't be used against the brotherhood.


—I haven't thought of a name for the energy and brotherhood yet.

Leaving the glass of coffee, empty on the table, Ocelotl's gaze traveled to the ceiling in a contemplative manner.

Cosmic Energy.

Ghost Energy.

Xenomorphic Energy.


Many options.

And what about brotherhood?

Well, Ocelotl already had an idea.

There was a very famous brotherhood in his previous life. It was fiction, but hey, he was about to live a life that would only be considered fiction; so.

The Assassin's Creed.

Only monsters can kill monsters.

Those who hunt, to the hunters.




That sounds good.

They do not believe?



Like many others, I have a problem with Chinese Fan-fic. But to be honest, in general, they are good if we remove all the included racism and strange customs from them.

Even with that, we have to admit that they know what they are doing. The cultivation system is a very original way to develop the power of the characters, especially because it measures and explains in detail the strength of said person.

That's why I decided to use the Chinese system of growers.

It's funny.

Because no matter when they say they hate them, they will always return to them, whether it is because you found one that interested you or you return to finish one you started.

But I don't know, worry, I'm not Chinese.

While there will be growers, there won't be the classic bullshit that comes with them.

Creating is difficult, especially when you have to do it in a language other than your own.

So if you like what you're seeing, let me know what you think or if you have any thoughts on the plot.

Leave your stones if you think the story deserves them, or if you think it doesn't, just leave them, don't be stingy.


Without further ado, her friendly neighbor, her sisters' boyfriend and future stepfather, the God of creation: Ometcutli, says goodbye.

Ometecuhtlicreators' thoughts