
One Long Fight

Xavier Purple was a tall 6'2 man with purple hair and shining platinum eyes who came from a highly prominent family in Mistveil City back on Volantis. He grew up more well off than most Slayers especially the ones that originally came from Earth. He was always top of his class back in Volantis Academy with perfect scores in every exam they gave him, but it wasn't enough for him. So he went to flight school in order to become a pilot and fly throughout space.

Xavier was an amazing pilot in every simulator they gave him but his flaws showed in the classroom. Ranging from Prime Energy theory to basic Vault Mechanics he barely passed each course, if it wasn't for his family's influence he wouldn't even have managed to get into Camp Laz.

The three lances pierced the Great Ground Bears armor as it chipped and cracked but the bear still stood.

The Great Ground Bear dropped on all fours and charged towards Xavier at full speed while creating sharp spikes out or its armor.

"Shit!" as Xavier's eyes widen and barely dodged the Great Ground Bears armor full of spikes as his torso got scratched in his evasion attempt. The bear crashed into a tree shattering it into pieces as the debris flew around the forest.

Barely dodging the shrapnel of wood pieces Xavier then formed another two Wind lances and threw them at the bears feet. The two lances split into six as they pierced the bears feet nailing them to the ground.

"Roar" the Great Ground bear cried in pain as its feet was impaled leaving it immobile. Though unable to move the bear shot a few Stone Shots at Xavier in response to the lances. Xavier, not wanting to be impaled by the Stone Shot, shot off a few Wind Shots to deflect them.

While shooting off the Wind Shots Xavier's back glowed a bright green and each wind shot split into 3 smaller ones moving at increased speed. Each shot impacted with the Stone shot and reversed them back to the Great Ground Bear smashing into it's armor.

"Rooooooooar" The Great Ground Bear exclaimed in anger as reversed shot crashed against it's armor, cracking with each hit. The last Stone shot hit the Great Ground Bear dead in its chest sending it flying backwards crashing into a large boulder.

"Woah, that was crazy. I hope you aren't too upset about that cause I didn't mean it!" Xavier apologized while throwing another Wind Lance at the Great Ground Bear. The bear ejected itself from the boulder surging its aura as it stood on its hind legs.

"...roar." the bear roared softly as if hearing it's opponent apology followed by another set of lances had confused it greatly. The Wind Lances landed in the Ground Bear's armor cracking it fully as it fell apart around the bear.

"ROOOOOOOOAR!!!" seeing its armor smashed the bear roared in anger as it's aura surged and the pressure around Xavier increased. The bear then swiped its arm on the ground sending Stone Shots flying towards Xavier. Xavier then disappeared out of the Great Ground Bears view as the Stone Shots crashed into the forest behind him.

"Hur?" the bear then looked confused wondering where its opponent had gone but instinctively looked above it as to avoid damage last time.

"I mean I'd look that way too to not make the same mistake again, but I'm not dumb enough to do the same trick!" Xavier reappeared below the bear and in his hands a singular Wind Shot was formed as he pressed it against the chest of the bear grinning hard. He the released the Wind shot from close range sending the Great Ground Bear flying through the air as it crashed back into the large boulder.

"Damn that was a tough fight, I commend you for this exciting yet unwanted battle." Xavier neared the Great Ground Bear as he held a singular Wind Lance in his hand. Just before he released the lance a giant wolf like creature jumped in his way causing him to jump backwards.

"What the hell man?! Another Delfiend?" Xavier's eyes shined with a bright light as the wolf creature bared its fangs. The wolf creature then surged a strong, bright, blue aura that caused Xavier to fall backwards and land on his butt, face filled with horror.

'This thing is a A rank Delfiend?! It probably came to save its friend, this is gonna be bad.' the purple haired young man couldn't help but swallow his saliva knowing that he may not make it out alive.

The giant wolf was about two and a half meters in height with sharp claws, bright white fur and a mane as if it was was more lion than wolf. Though upon closer look Xavier could see that the wolf's mane had neon pink highlights and it's nails were also painted neon pink.

'What am I looking at exactly?' recovering from the initial shock of the arrival of the wolf Xavier couldn't help but stare as the appearance puzzled him more than anything. He then readied his aura as it surged all around his body in a bright green light. He knew he wasn't going to win this fight but at least he could injure it and another beast can finish it off.

"Well rather bite off more than I can than starve." spoke Xavier as he formed a Wind Lance and threw it towards the wolf as his back glowed in a bright green light causing the lance to split into three.

The wolf's eyes widen in surprise to the lance being split in to three as it shot off several Water Shots, completely destroying the lances. It didn't stop there as it shot off one last Water Shot then hit Xavier and smashed him into a tree knocking him unconscious.

"Awoo!" the wolf howled as it cast Water Bind and caused many snake like forms of water to wrap Xavier to the tree. Turning around and grabbing the Great Ground Bear it sprinted off away from the forest leaving Xavier to fend for himself. Though before completely leaving the scene the wolf turned and flicked the unconscious Slayer off with both hands, disappearing into the mist.

After a few moments Xavier awoke to his arms being binding behind a tree by a Water Bind. "Damn Wolf, could've just ran off. I wasn't going to win anyway." He grumbled while breaking free from the bind as it wasn't as strong as he figured it to be. Standing and rubbing his wrists he raised his head and looked to the sky. The sky still bloomed with flashed of green and silver as Wind Shots and Fire Shots littered the atmosphere.

"Must be nice to fly and fight like that." Xavier then leaped into a tree landing on a singular branch. He then saw the small but noticeable trail a smoke from the crash and began heading towards it. He leapt from branch to branch at full speed hoping there was something left of the Vault to salvage or at least a survivor.

Xavier traveled for about a mile or so before his dropped down from the canopy of the trees as he approached a giant crater. Deep in the crater was the mangled frame of the Vault, or what was left of it as the fire dimmed out. Seemingly nothing of value left Xavier searched around the wreckage area in hopes of finding something of use.

After searching aimlessly he came across a intact med kit and a flare gun with a singular flare. "Tch, barely anything but the flare may come in hand later on. He then packed the stuff away in his Holo Ring as he walked away from the wreckage.


"Oh come on man give me a break!!" Xavier then proceeded to take cover behind a tree when a giant green Fire Shot crashed into the rest of the wreckage sending him flying. Upon landing he looking back at the crater which held the wreckage and saw nothing but a blazing green fire.


Xavier then heard a small groan and looked to his left as he saw a body laying in the under brush of the forest. He then saw that this person had the insignia of Camp Laz and proceeded to approach them as he checked their pulse.

"Hmm this ones still alive" as he threw the unconscious man over his shoulder as he headed deeper into the forest to find shelter. After Traveling for a few yards Xavier instinctively jumped to his left, narrowly dodging a Water Shot as it crashed into a tree.

'Please don't let it be the wolf.' as Xavier turned around to see the person who aimed at him. Though to his surprise his eyes met with a tall tower shield like man with blue hair and blue aura staring him down as they formed another Water Shot.

"PUT HIM DOWN! NOW!" the man spoke as he walked closer to Xavier with the Water Shot ready to fire at any moment.
