
The Great Evil Monster Accross Existences

I'm true evil, I enjoy the cries of pain and suffering. They are music to my ears, I just can't help it. I hate myself, I don't try and justify my actions. I know what I'm doing is wrong... but i can't help it

Itachi102 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Pure Trash

"w-why didn't you say this sooner?" Emma said with slight anger on her face, I threw her a look before ignoring her and turned my attention outside.

"If you need a talented person like myself to stay at the top of your classes, then maybe you all don't. only a few people had made moves in this class, but none of you bothered to look at the other classes, look at your enemies, or try and place spies within them. hell, none you ever were on guard against. What if someone here was bought, I bet many of you came into contact with many of them." I said leaving everyone stunned, as indeed what he said was true.

"I didn't say anything sooner because I didn't want to. honestly, I would not be speaking right now if not for Alice. As you are, you all would not last long in class 1-A Kevin had already united his classroom, he is the absolute ruler. meanwhile, we all stay in our 4 man team without a class leader. many of us wasted our credits on pointless things on the first day, instead of uniting all of our credits to buy something worth more, that would ensure we get more credit." I said calmly

"Are you saying we should pick you as the leader?" Lisa asked with narrowed eyes, to which everyone went on guard

"I could care less, I'm no leader. or do I care about staying in class 1-A. So long as I finish my 5 years, I could care less." I said calmly, Eric stood up, but before he could yell at me, Jules entered the classroom.

"Sora, you are as sharp as ever. indeed, this class has been a joke so far, only ou a few others have shown the skills needed to stay in this class. everyone else... pure trash. the fact you all made it to class 1-A isn't shocking to be happy about. you all just simply worked more and prepared more than the others. a simple written test," She said calmly, leaving everyone quiet.

"Sora is right, Eric you were played like a fool. Sora was right about how everything played out, and now class 1-C is reporting the whole class. you are all now being challenged for a classroom battle, which shall take in 1 week. if you lose, you shall fall and become the new class 1-C. if you manage to win, you can keep your class, but your credits will suffer the blow. In other words, no matter what you all do, you messed up and you would take a blow that would make you all fall behind the other classes." She said calmly before she looked at me,

"So, I'm curious, what have you noticed?" She asked calmly, to which I shrugged before explaining.

"We have all these benefits, which gives us less time to look at the other classes. we have the best resources, but it makes it harder for us to see the other classes. I'm guessing we were supposed to ask you questions about the academy, instead, we entered with the knowledge we had and didn't try and ask for more information. We entered new ground, didn't bother to ask questions, didn't bother to look at her enemies, didn't bother to look among us to make sure no one betrayed us, We recklessly spent our credits without questioning what we would eat once the prices return to normal starting tomorrow, and the list went on." I said calmly, making everyone as quiet as could be.

"Haha, indeed. this is a classroom full of fools. many of you might die of hunger, and yes that has happened before. many of you would be coming to class smelling like shit, many of you would barely be able to train. truly I'm shocked, but I'm speechless that the only people you bothered to try and help are your team." She said while looking at me, to which I shrugged. indeed, I pushed my team away from buying the most expensive stuff, which led to them seeking cheaper stuff

"Well, due to all of you being a big disappointment... but a few of you, I can't bother to teach you all anything today. consider a self-study moment or time to do whatever you want." She said with a shake of her head before leaving, leaving many students nearly pulling their hear out in horror, as they didn't have enough credit to last the rest of the month

"Thank you," Alice said with a deep sigh, She was never the best at managing money, so she was going to blow away her credits. I simply nodded at her, She was a friend, and as a good friend, I would of course make sure she lives to be my friend.

"Damit it, what type of classmate are you? Because of you how many people are going to suffer for the rest of the month?" Eric's anger flashed before me, his rage clear to everyone, but the rage disappeared as Alice stepped before me, glaring coldly at Eric.

"You would protect this selfish little..." Eric found himself unable to speak more seeing Alice's eyes getting closer. Above everything, he was hurt, the girl he loved was protecting Sora? Sora out of all people, the guy who forced himself on many girls and was disowned?

"Sora is my friend, you would not bully him for any reason..." Alice said seriously, making Eric grit his teeth to the point his veins almost popped. He glared at me before leaving the classroom, leaving Alice to turn to look at me with a smile, but she was stunned seeing my stunned look. She flicked my forehead, leading me to look at her with a lost look

"What's with that look? We are friends, I will not stand aside and let you get bullied." Alice said with a smile, I nodded slightly, my heart feeling warm. right now... it took everyone within me not to 'play' with Alice. what would Alice do if I tortured everyone in this classroom? what if I created a drug, that would make everyone have an unless hunger, forcing them to eat each other? what would Alice do?

I closed my eyes, not wanting Alice to see such a scene in my eyes, and after I took some time to calm down, I let out a deep breath and looked at Alice. Right now, I couldn't be reckless, I needed to find the other 7 heroes.

"Thank you for being my friend," I said softly, my eyes pure. Alice smiled slightly happily, and after a moment I had our group go to the gym to go train, The other students followed and a few of them stepped up to ask me for tips, but Alice stepped forward not wanting me to feel as if I needed to do something I didn't want to do. but I said it was alright, and went on to start training the whole class.

"Alright... the prices will be returning to normal soon. I believe we should all come together and put our credits together." Emma suddenly spoke, catching everyone's attention, and leading everyone to look at her in shock

"We need a leader, and need to start looking at ourselves as more than students but as a group of power working together. we need to be united," Emma said calmly before pointing toward me, making everyone's eyes land on me

"It's clear you want to be the team leader, so you might as well get it since you are the smartest," Emma said making, everyone frown, displeased by this. what made things worse was that Emma's words were true, who would be a better leader than me?

"When did I say I want to be the leader? As I said, I only care about finishing my 5 years. If anyone were to be the leader, it should be Alice." I said calmly, making everyone stunned for a moment. everyone looked towards Alice, who was caught off guard and panicked slightly

"No, I can't," Alice said while shaking her head, to which I shrugged as I didn't care much. but Alice was someone everyone could support, so although it took a moment they were able to accept this.

"No... the leader shouldn't be the strongest but the most intelligent person. If Sora puts his mind to it, then..." Emma spoke out, but before she could finish her words, I cut her off

"I have no interest in leading, Alice is the best leader," I said leaving Emma speechless, She looked at me in shock and unable to speak for a moment. Her plan was simple, make me the deal off a rocky foundation, so I was the best yet everyone would have a bitter taste in their heart. she could control things, leading to internal fighting, leading to this whole classroom falling.

Yet shockingly, I didn't want to lead, which destroyed her plans. Alice was the worst person to be the leader, who didn't love and trust Alice. She was strong, smart, gentle, and beautiful. something that everyone envied, and loved about her. She didn't act. As it was who she was deep down.

So, Alice became class 1-A president, so long as I can help her from time to time. I agree as I saw that this topic held some trauma for her, the more I knew about her the better. and so time passed,

Class 1-A united all of its credits, using most of it to buy basic stuff for everyone such as food, water, soup, and other stuff. the remaining amount was used to buy a tier B spell called the Magic Power Link. This spell allowed a group of magic to unite their powers, forming an avatar with power far greater than the group's powers combined.

days passed, and I pretty much became a part-time trainer to everyone. due to this, I was getting paid for doing this, At the end of each month, I shall get part of everyone's credit who I helped, as pay for my trouble.

So, the classroom battle began. so everyone from class 1-C sat within a chair which would send their mind into a VR world. the same for class 1-A. our chairs were currently facing Jules and the class 1-C teacher, who were about to start explaining everything.

"The match is simple, there are 10 towers. you would need to capture both within 10 days. the first team to capture the towers wins. thats all to it." Jules said calmly, making everyone speechless as they expected more to this

"You would feel pain as if you were in the real world, your senses and all would be the same as in the real world. the only thing off would be your... death. you die, you would feel as if you are dying, but instead of truly dying you would wake up here. we could make your death feel real, but we find that this has a negative effect on people's minds." Class 1-C said lazily, making everyone speechless once more. of course, it would have a negative effect on people's minds.

with everything out of the mind, the headpiece lowered, covering the eyes with a pair of black glasses. their world suddenly went dark, before they saw dots of lights appearing in the darkness. As if they entered hyper-speed, the lights suddenly zoomed in before the world turned bright.

"Oh my god, it's Sora. I have been wanting to scene hat bran of yours." A fairy appeared before me, I calmly looked at the fairy which flew all around me studying my body with amazement.

"Just a heads up, I have reason to believe that your intelligence might be above SS tier. so you might find yourself not as smart as before..." The fairy flying around me suddenly began glitching, I calmly reached out, tapping the fairy, and began to break down the A.I....

"Did it just lag?" Outside the VR world, Jules frowned seeing the slight lag, Akane asked while seeing this. just uploading his mind caused something like this to happen. a part of her wanted to make a copy of Sora's mind, but that would overload and destroy the A.I.

time flew differently inside the VR world, to them it would be like playing a game. the day and night cycle would be happening every 10 minutes...

"Alright, the first thing first, we should find a body of water and food," Alice said calmly while looking at the desert they found themselves in. It was not hard to guess that they needed to find food and water, they also had to plan with the head of the sun in plan.

"Tommy you want to take the lead in this?" Alice asked while looking at Tommy, the most skilled person amongst them at survival. Tommy nodded slightly, before placing a few fingers on the ground, and casting the spell [Greater Sense Of Touch] his sense of touch was weighted to a new level, allowing him to feel the smallest of vibrations.

"There is water east of us, about 7 km, beyond that I sense a few animals. they are strong as their breath isn't simple. I would say around the D to C tier. with some even having strength at the B tier." Tommy said calmly,

"Lastly, there is a place we can build a camp, a cave... but there should be a powerful monster within it," Tommy said calmly, Alice thought for a moment, but Tommy went on to draw on the ground, allowing her to get a better picture

"First let's go get the water and food. Once we are sure of everything, we conquer the cave before moving on to find the towers." Alice said softly, before looking towards me to see if I had anything I wanted to say. but I just shrugged and said nothing. I already mapped out this whole VR world, and not because I was a hacker. but because I was that good,