
The Great Evil Monster Accross Existences

I'm true evil, I enjoy the cries of pain and suffering. They are music to my ears, I just can't help it. I hate myself, I don't try and justify my actions. I know what I'm doing is wrong... but i can't help it

Itachi102 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Hoping To Make New Friends

A superhero flew through a window, entering a room where he froze at the sight within. there he saw a young man standing over a chair of a bloody woman, and a young boy. the young man looked up to look at the superhero, a man wearing his underwear on the outside.

"Super Man, you finally came. Look what I did, your son and wife. Don't worry, I made a whole recording of everything, so we can both sit back and enjoy their cries together." The young man said with a smile as he ran up to Superman with a smile as if they were friends or something.

he held out his hands, waiting to be arrested. but Superman never took his hands, instead, he ignored him while looking at his wife and children who were tortured to death. he slowly looked towards the young man who had a sweet smile, while looking back at him.

"Haha, you are a one-of-a-kind. so pure-hearted, unable to be broken. you are the yin to my yang... this ever battle of good and evil, just you and me. forever fighting, it's perfect." He said as he hugged Superman, causing Superman's face to twist with rage, before his hand stabbed forward, piercing through the young man's chest.

the young man's eyes widened in shock and disbelief, he coughed up some blood before looking down at the hand in his chest, and up at Superman whose eyes were bright red from his rage.

"... but you... You were my yin." He said with a broken heart, but seeing the pain in the young man's heart, as if he just betrayed him or something. Superman was even more enraged, he thought he could endure this young man's games, capture him lock him away, but he always found a way to escape.

"I... I seem like I wasn't." Superman said angrily, before grabbing the young man up by the neck, and so for the first time in Superman's life, he killed. and he made her It was a slow and painful death... yet the young man didn't let out a cry of pain, the worst pain he felt was the feeling of betrayal he felt.

Thats how I died... Who am I? Well, my name doesn't matter, instead, let's focus on the main point of who or what I am. I'm evil, pure evil. I'm not one of those villains who wanted to change the world but became evil, or something like that. One day, I woke up and just knew this was my calling.

It was wrong, so I of course tried to avoid doing wrong things. but as days went by, I heard voices telling me to do it. Push that kid down the stairs, push that guy in the wheelchair into oncoming thoughts. One day I did something bad, and I found myself enjoying it. I don't even remember what the first bad thing I did was, I did so many things... many bad things.

I don't know if I have a unique ability or something, but every time I listen to a person's screams, I can hear a person's life story. I can feel their life experience, you were a computer genius? once I torture you and get you to scream, I shall gain all your experiences and skills. but this was limited to only knowledge, I couldn't gain a person's powers or something, trust me I tried.

Because of this ability, I can't help but enjoy the screams of others. their horrified screams, it's like music, which I sometimes record and sit back on to enjoy. I hate the screams of babies, their screams don't tell much of a story, and they are boring and I gain nothing out of them.

Let's see... I ate humans before, it wasn't bad but it wasn't something I would go out of my way to eat. I find pregnant women to have a unique taste that I enjoy more than other humans, and say I'm human.

I see myself as pure evil, and as others have a reason to be evil, I don't. I don't have a bad back story, I don't have trauma. Others might be a hero for fun, I'm a villain because I enjoy it. I enjoy pure suffering, I enjoy it all. I can't help it... but what I enjoy more than anything else is my counterpart. someone of pure good. but such a person should have been Superman, he doesn't kill. I mean he shouldn't

I killed many people, and I did all types of evil. I tried so many times to break him, yet he endured it all. He was pure, like the sun in the sky. the symbol of justice. so why did he kill me, I was only 17 years old, and he had a no-kill rule. so why did he break it? He was my world, and he just... he just betrayed me. Now I feel all alone, floating in this void of pure nothingness.

"Who are you?" Within the darkness, a pair of bright red eyes opened and looked at me, confusion clear in its eyes. I emotionlessly looked at the eyes, also confused as to what it was. was this death?

"Oh, my child... Do you seek a friend?" The darkness slowly took the form of a black-haired man who walked up to me. I looked at this man in confusion, why did he look just like me?

"Haha... in the world you would be going to, it's unique. You heard of the story between the demon lord and the hero?" He asked to which I nodded slightly,

"The hero of this world is super righteous, so pure-hearted he makes Superman look like an everyday hero... break him, and return that world to nothingness... I can allow you passage to the rest of the multiverse, anime, comics, and movies. they would be all yours to explore and find all of the pure-hearted people you can play with. and you would never be alone. even if one leaves, you would have an infinite more to replace him." He said with a smile, making my eyes widen slightly

"r-really?" I asked with bright eyes, to which he nodded before he froze seeing me slowly disappear.

"Well, it's time for you to go now. Remember to have fun, and be safe out there." He said with a smile, to which I nodded slightly.

"Bye other me..." I said before disappearing, causing others me smile to slowly disappear as he fell into deep thought...

On earth elsewhere in existence, there was a planet that mirrored Earth, but a few key events happened in this world that caused the world to go through huge changes. the first event happened in the year 2,000, and demons suddenly appeared and invaded this world.

Luckily for humans, the weapons they had were effective on these demons, and with these demons' appearances, a new unique form of energy entered this world, causing mostly teens to go through great transformations, awakening the power to use magic.

the second event that happened was year 2,003. it was then that humans realized that they had only been facing the cannon folders of the demon race, the low-ranking demons. higher rank demons were waiting their time for this world to grow stronger, and for them to enter, and that they did.

the human population dropped to a small 10 million in a matter of months, the humans would have all been slaughtered and enslaved if the 3rd event hadn't happened.

in year 2,004, Elves, and other races appeared, wishing to side with the humans and unite with them to push back the demons. their homes were destroyed, and this world was their last hope, so they had to make a final stand here. humans who were down to a few million people by now of course agreed if they gave them knowledge of magic and other stuff, which the other races agreed to.

with the new races' help, this world pushed back the demons, but it was not enough. the war went on for years until the year 2,050 when the last key event took place. 7 people, blessed by the gods stepped forward. they were called the 7 heroes, 7 at the cost of their lives pushed the demons, back to the demon realm, and sealed it off. at their dying birth, the leader and strongest member of the hero cast a spell, a spell that would have him reincarnate not only him but the other heroes to return into this world to fight the demons if they were to return.

but that last part many people believe to be a myth or be made up. Currently, it was year 3,023. many changes happened since those days of war, For One all of the continents united to form one super large one. technology evolved, combining magic energy with many other things.

yet even with all of this, traveling off this planet has been proven hard. Why? the rules of the universe have gone through some changes ever since the appearance of those demons. other than that, the humans were not fully at peace as a few of these new races were at war with them as they wanted to rule the earth, such being Goblins, Orcs, and beastman. Of course, not all of them wanted to, but a good amount of their race looked down upon humans.

Humans were not weak, the most note-worthy humans belonged to the 4 noble families. these families took root in the south, west, north, and east of the human land. and guess what... I was born in one of them. sadly, I wasn't reborn with my full memory, but at the age of 15, I regained my memory.

I was born in a Phoenix household, as one might guess by the name. this is a household that had the blood of the phoenix running through them. I was the son of the family head, the strongest person in the clan... yet not too long back I was disowned, which was a huge blow leading to the awakening of my memory.

Currently, I am 15 years old, and I was currently standing before a gate to the Academy of Heaven Gate. the best magic school in the world. everyone went here, and people from all types of races could be found here.

It was required by law that once a person reaches the age of 15 they go to a magic school, and survive at least 5 years as a soldier. In other words, from now until I was 20, I would be trained as a soldier, which I didn't care. it would be a first for me, I have never been a soldier so I wanted to give it a shot.

Anyway, I entered through the gate along with the other students and went on to go rejector. I couldn't wait for the heroes to be reincarnated, to think I would have 7 new friends. Just the thought of them brought a smile to my face, I didn't care that many people were throwing me disgusted looks. let's say the former host of this body was a good-for-nothing young master... let's leave it at that for now,