
The Gray sign

A post war world put in a Great Worldwide Depression, full of corruption, religion and Demons called Soul Leaches. Follow the story of Seryoja and Eliot slowly revealing the secrets hidden from the average people. Will their story lead to a calamity shaking the whole world or will the world become a better place? Stay on your toes for updates! *Authors note: I'm passionate about this story. I've aways wanted to write my own story but never started it, i hope you enjoy this one since it's my first ever story. I won't say anything else since I don't want to spoil.

Yavor_Georgiev · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Chapter 7

***(we continue)***

It was still stormy. Not long has passed since Seryoja and Eliot got to the market. Seryoja was spaced out. He has been watching the rain dripping all over the city quietly since the end of his conversation with Eliot, which had brought silence to the market as they were seemingly the only people in it at the moment.

Eliot was sitting on the ground, leaning next to a small empty booth. The market was one of those that are open spaces with only roof on top of it, with some small rooms at each corner of it, used for the supporting the roof. There were number of booths in the place, which were currently empty for some reason, and so was the city. It was strange, strange to the point of making the city creepy. Even stray dogs and cats were nowhere to be found, the same goes for birds. It was almost as if death itself was coming on a visiting.

-Hey, so if this place is an open market how come there are no people in it now? I mean shouldn't there be at least some merchants selling their stocks? - Eliot asked Seryoja.

- I have no idea. The whole city is creeping me out if i have to be honest. There is just something in this whole picture that makes no sense to me... i have a bad feeling about this... - answered Seryoja after which both of them went quiet once again.

This time however, silence didn't come, instead something else happened. As they went silent footsteps started coming from somewhere. They were emitting the sound of running so it was clear that someone was coming straight in their direction very fast. They started looking around until they found out where the sound was coming from. It was the roof of the market.

- Stay here, I'll go check out what is making the sound. - whispered Seryoja to Eliot - If something happens use the gun the way I showed you during our ride with the boat.

-Okay I'll do as you say. - he whispered back.

-For now go and hide in one of those booths. - he said after which he turned around trying to slowly walk towards the edge of the market

-No need of him doing that.- said an unknown voice.

-Wait, that voice, it's ... - Seryoja was about to say something but was interrupted by a kick in the face.

-Yes it's me you idiot! How come I've not seen your face ever since you got your holy piece, huh? ANSWER ME YOU IDIOT!! - said the girl that just kicked him while slapping him continuously.

It turned out the person that was following them was a pretty girl that Seryoja seemed to know. She was around 1,75cm high, blonde, with a long curly hair and the same clothing as Seryoja. Five minutes went by in her "greeting" Seryoja, and she finally stopped slapping his face. After which she got off of him and helped him get up.

- Um, Seryoja, who is that Lady? - asked Eliot being scared to ask her.

- Oh, right you still have not met her. Well, as you can see by her clothes she is a Soul Purifier just like me. - said Seryoja

- So who is this small cutie you have with you? Im being jealous of you getting to have an accomplice while im all alone. - asked the Lady

- His name is Eliot and he is not my accomplice. There is a reason why he is with me but I can't tell you right now... - answered Seryoja

- Oh? Let me take a guess then. Is he chosen by the piece that you found? - said the girl in serious manner.

Seryoja didn't answer.

- Well if you won't answer me than I guess there is no point in asking you. - she said.- So boy, nice to meet you, my name is Angela Sincs, i hope we get to meet each other often in the future.

- My name is Eliot Harrison, nice to meet you too. - said Eliot after which they shook their hands.

-So, Anji what are you doing in this city if it's not a secret? - asked Seryoja.

- Well, isn't it obvious? The same reason you were in New Yourk, duh. - answered Angela with annoyance in her voice.

- I thought so, but did they send only you? Seeing the weather and the creepiness of this city now, isn't it a bit too much for you alone to deal with?

- Ser, I've been a Soul Purifier longer than you, so don't underestimate me. Also who said that im alone. - she said to him after which she showed a small piece of paper.

- Hell no, are those geezers serious? Im not alone and ive not even handed over what i got from my last mission and yet they still decided to pair you up with me!? - said Seryoja clearly angry and somewhat disappointed.

- Well i think you know that there is no way to run away from this now since its an order. - said Angela while shrugging and smirking. - Nice to work with you again my cutie.

- Yeah, yeah... skip me this and get to the important part. What is going on in this city? - said Seryoja in an annoyed tone

- Well, as you know it's not an ordinary mission even for us. There is a holy piece that causes all of the unusual rain that has been happening recently.

- Um miss?- said Eliot

- Call me Anji sweetheart, what is it. - she said after which she smiled at him

- What do you mean by unusual rain?- asked Eliot

- Well you know that its normal for rain to be occurring every once in a while, right? What's unusual is that there were massive amounts of rain storms occurring here recently that aways stop only for about 2-3 hours after which they continue pouring rainwater for days even weeks at a time. It's been happening for almost half a year now and whats even more unusual is that during each storm there are aways people disappearing, and we are here to stop that.

- But how is rain responsible for people disappearing? - asked Eliot confused

- It should be obvious to you by now - said Seryoja. - It's the work if a Soul Leech. The only question is how strong of a Soul Leech is it, for the SLFO to send two Soul Purifiers here...

- We can't be sure but Ari thinks it's probably around stage 9 or 10 ...- said Angela after which silence came again.

The silence went on for quite a while after which Seryoja spoke.

- Okay how about we go to the base in this city and put Eliot in there for his safety until we finish this case?

-Thats a good idea considering he is not trained at all. - Angela agreed.- Oh, also Ari came with me, I don't know why but he wanted to talk with you for something, he is at the base at the moment. - she said to Seryoja.

- Well I guess I'll find out when we get there, Let's get going.- he said after which he put Eliot on his back and started following Angela.

***(to be continued)***