
Dr. Edwards' Untimely Death

Dr. Willow Edwards' Final Words

Sunday, June 6th, 1993

It's me again.

This may be the last entry I ever write. In anything.

Oh God, I'm so sorry, Jami.

I knew I should never have let myself get involved with the Russians, particularly the ones who run the mobs and the night clubs, the drug lords who smuggle drugs in and out of the United States and Russia to anywhere they can get a truckload of cash.

God, how could I be so stupid? I should've told Indy that I needed more help than I had initially told him, my life and the life of my child wouldn't be in jeopardy if I had just done that like I should've but by God I was gonna give my baby a good life. I needed that money, blood money is more like it. I just wanted Jami to have a good life, now I've screwed everything up!

They're gonna kill me! I saw something I wasn't supposed to see and they knew it was me by the way I ran, oh God, they're gonna kill my baby! How could I be so stupid? Snooping around where my nose didn't belong, guess this is my punishment for doing something I was never meant to do.

Oh, God, Alan.... I never told you about Jami, Jami Alana Lynn. She was named after us, your first and middle name and my middle name. Alan James and Lynn. If you ever get to read this, just know I'm so sorry, for everything. For not telling you about Jami, for not sticking with you through everything, supporting you and your work. I feel terrible about it and I hate myself for it. If you should ever meet our daughter, please don't remind her of what happened to me or that I left you. Let her get to know you and let her forget me. It's better that way but I know you'll probably not do that last part.

As for you Indy, please do whatever you can to get Jami to safety. Whatever you can do, take her in, take her to her father, whatever it is you can do, I don't care, just make sure she is safe from these horrible Russian men. No matter what, her safety is your top priority along with Mia, they will come after your family as well if you're not careful.

I will be leaving all of my journals with Jami, in her school bag. Hopefully whoever takes her in will see these and know that I made a mistake and that I'm dreadfully sorry for it.

As for you babygirl, I love you with all of my heart and just know that I never meant to leave you, this was a mistake on my behalf and you had nothing to do with it. I just wanted to keep you safe and fed and clothed, everything a growing girl needs but I failed you, and I'm so sorry. Please, forgive me, one day....

This is Dr. Willow Edwards, Daemonology, Demonology, Biology, signing off.

It was the year 1993 on the planet Aurora-earth.

In the city of Princeton, Indiana in the United States of Aurora America, a mother of an eight-year-old daughter was finishing up her last job for the night when she heard raised voices and went to investigate. This was a bad idea. She ended up seeing a crime committed by her employers. Even when she rushed home, it wouldn't be enough.

It was the 6th of June, a Sunday, a church day and one would think that it would be a holy and solemn day but that would be an understatement, a huge understatement. The Russians were scouring the city for the people they referred to as traitors, such as Willow Edwards, known to them as Nadia Kovshutina, ward of the drug overlord Vladislav Gorchakov, who owned her as by a contract. By 3 AM CST, the streets were filled with bodies and blood, the only survivor of the traitors did make it home safely but she wasn't going to be safe for long.

Willow had thought she was safe from the Russians at home. She locked the door behind her and immediately went to shower so her child wouldn't wake and see her covered in blood but unfortunately the child was already awake and watched her through a crack in her bedroom door and then followed her until the woman was in the master bath. The child went back to her room and waited for her mother to show any signs of movement where she could hear once again.

After a 40 minute shower, Willow got out, dried herself off and put on her nightgown, hoping to get some sleep before she died but she knew she needed to tell her closest friend and ally what happened, what would happen, for her daughter's sake. She rushed into the kitchen to make a quick snack since her stomach was screaming at her. While she made something hot on the stove, she called her best friend and explained the situation to him.

As she spoke to him, she finished making her snack and quickly ate, needing to sleep while sobbing hysterically, "you have no idea how afraid I am to know that my child is in danger, that I'm on a hit list, Indy, you have no idea," Willow was tired and knew she needed to sleep, she was finished eating by this point, "look, I'm done eating, I need sleep, hopefully I can get a few hours sleep before Jami goes to school and I can get to your place," it was a deal between them, a deal that would soon be broken.

She hung up and cleaned up in a hurry before rushing to her bedroom; the daughter had scooted back to her own bedroom when she heard the click of the phone hanging up. There was no way the child could go back to sleep now but she had to pretend until morning, then she would be able to go to school and be safe, school would protect her....

A couple hours later, at 5:30 AM the woman was awakened by the sound of the doorknob being cut off. Willow knew she was going to die, she just hoped that putting her journals in her daughter's school bag before they got inside would be worth it. She did that quickly so as not to disturb her daughter who was pretending to sleep with her back to her bedroom door and her eyes closed tightly in fear. Willow dared to kiss her daughter's temple, "I love you, Jami, I will always love you," she whispered before rushing back to her room and locking the door, waiting.

The men kicked the front door open, the little girl's body jerked. The men rushed to the master bedroom and kicked that door down to reveal a screaming Willow in bed. She begged them not to hurt her, she was innocent, she hadn't done anything wrong but they already knew what she had done, what she had seen, and they slaughtered her like an animal, blood was splattered everywhere in the master bedroom. The child's eyes immediately pooled with tears and she held her mouth with her sheet and comforter between her mouth and her hands to prevent her screams from being heard by the men who were too busy to listen because of the bloodbath in the master bedroom.

When they finally left, the girl could breathe again, removing her covers from her mouth and turning in bed, pushing the covers off her. She crept to her bedroom door and slowly opened it to reveal no one. She was safe for now. All of a sudden her alarm clock went off and she rushed to silence it with one good smack to the off button. She could control her breathing once again. She turned to her open door but was too scared to look at reality so she climbed back in bed and sat there waiting for her 6 AM alarm to go off before getting dressed for school, for the day.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.


Okay. Time to get ready for the day. She got dressed into her nicest jeans and into her cutest shirt, she put on her white socks and favorite black flats before going to her mother's bedroom to check on her, even when she knew it was useless, she had heard what had happened, but call it an old habit. She slowly went into the room and saw the bloodbath that had happened hours earlier. She began to hysterically sob just as her mother had hours earlier, backing out of the room and rushing into the living room. The little girl frantically grabbed for the phone to call her uncle while sitting on the couch watching the front entrance.



That the bad men would not come back for her....