
The Grand Mutants

In a world forever altered by the captivating dance of the Auroras, the very essence of the planet stirs, unleashing a long-dormant force known as mana. As this mystical energy surges through the Earth, a group of six ordinary 16-year-olds find themselves thrust into an extraordinary destiny. Richard, a rising soccer star known for his skill and determination; Sarah, blessed with beauty like a model and born into immense wealth; and Maxwell, a playboy with a physique that captures every woman's dream. Little do they know, their fates are intertwined with three others. As the planet's chosen protectors, these teenagers must shoulder the immense burden of becoming its pillars and shield against enigmatic extraterrestrial beings that threaten humanity's very existence. Alongside their newfound powers linked to the awakened mana, they also grapple with personal struggles, doubts, and fears that come with the responsibility they've been given. United by a shared sense of destiny, they embark on a heart-pounding journey filled with epic battles, unexpected alliances, and profound self-discovery. Each must learn to harness their unique strengths and work together as a team, forming unbreakable bonds that will shape their lives forever. As the threat from beyond the stars intensifies, the world looks to these six extraordinary teenagers for hope. Will they rise to the challenge, embracing their destinies as protectors of humanity? Or will the weight of this monumental task crush their spirits and fracture their unity? Brimming with magic, courage, and the timeless struggle between good and evil, this gripping tale of cosmic awakening and personal transformation will leave readers spellbound. Join Richard, Sarah, Maxwell and the team as they navigate the challenges of adolescence while being thrust into an adventure that will change them, and the world, forever. Prepare to be enthralled by this coming-of-age story, where ordinary teenagers become extraordinary heroes and discover the true power that lies within themselves.

Praiz_Official · Romance
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16 Chs

A Playboy’s Dilemma

"Hi Max" a group of girls gave a wave to a boy with golden blonde hair that was properly gelled backwards and a perfect set of teeth as he gave them a killer smile that was his signature "Hi ladies" he said as he walked past;

"OMG, he totally replied me" one of the girls said

"I bet he didn't, it was me he replied" the girls continued to drag amongst themselves who Maxwell replied to.

"I need to get there fast before she sees me, and also avoid been publicly seen with other girls" he said as he moved out of the school building, he saw a girl with a wavy long hair, perfect bosoms and brown set of eyes, folding her hands and leaning on his car as she stared daggers at him. 'Oh shit' he thought when he saw this as began walking to the car.

"Ok Callista you need to take a chill pill alright" he said as he got into the car with her,


"Oh, now you are just going to be silent," he asked again

She looked at him and rolled her eyes in anger as she hissed out loud.

"Babe, what is the…"


Before he could continue his statement, a resounding slap had landed on his face "you still have the guts to ask me such useless question, huh, Max" she said as Maxwell rubbed his cheeks slowly to ease the pain "how many times did I warn you not to respond to any other bitch, but here you are doing so, try it again and you'd see what I would do. Maybe it's your new Jordan's that would be given for charity" hearing this Max quickly took a pleading position "please babe I beg you not the Jordan, anything but that, I am sorry I beg you in the name of Christ but please, not the Jordan" he said as she harumphed "them you know what to do, now drive"

"Yes ma" she gave the command as the car zoomed off into the distance. Onlookers that saw this could only shake their heads as they witnessed this.


Growing up Maxwell had always been popular with the ladies as he was built for them. He was the envy of every guy in school including the high schoolers as they tried to prevent their girlfriends from meeting with him. He paid attention to every detail of himself as he loved the adoration and worship he normally receives from girls. He loved every time he could feel the soft cushions of nature, or anytime he held different wonderful peaches, and his goal in life was to sleep with a girl from every nation. He told himself this as he vowed never to lose his rizz. He could have any girl he said he wanted and he could get them but as soon as he caught sight of Callista he could never feel satisfied. His heart would always beat anytime thought of her.

He first met her after gym class, the lessons had finished for the day as student's were going to freshen up. Seeing her pass him and didn't even place him in her sight made his heart beat faster:

"Please don't tell me you want her now," a boy by his side said as he bumped him out of his thoughts,

"Mike who is she?" Maxwell said as he kept staring at her disappearing back.

"Ugh I knew it, but I am still surprised you don't know about her" Mike said as he stood up to go to the changing room making Maxwell follow along "yeah I know nothing about her, but now I want to know" he said as they walked.

"Her name is Callista, and she is one of the most if not the most notorious female on campus. She has repeated severally as she has several skeletons in her wardrobe. As your friend Max, I would advise you to stay clear. She's a total red flag"

"She's an angel"

"Wait a damn minute, did you not just hear what I just said" Mike said in shock

"Yeah, I did, and I want her even more" Maxwell said as he stood there lovestruck.

"Well do your thing, but don't say that I didn't warn you" Mike said as he took his towel and went to the shower.

Time passed as the couple finally came together shocking everyone in the whole school as no one would believe anyone could get into Callista's cold heart, but when they heard it was Maxwell, they weren't all that surprised.

But to Maxwell that was the day it all changed that she agreed to date him, he saw his life's goal begin to diminish slowly as Callista ensured he didn't even have a hand shake with another girl. He does her laundry and many other menial tasks for here. The day he got fed up by her and attempted to end it, it was that day he discovered that she wasn't as simple as he thought she was, because she immediately placed a call and a biker gang showed up at his house. She walked up to him and tapped him on his shoulders telling his that, the next time he tries it, he would be dragged half-dead by a bike until his face won't be recognizable anymore. Ever since that day he never made an attempt again.


"Come on man, you need to report this" Mike said over the phone;

"You don't understand, I have seen her connections in the underworld and it's not looking very pretty" Richard said as he poured himself a glass of water "look bro, I understand your sympathy but it's not that easy"

"Ugh, don't you think I know this, how about Naiad, how is he coping" Mike asked.

"Well, it's pretty late and he is asleep, but I would never introduce him to her, or do I look crazy to you" Maxwell said with a light laughter.

"Obviously, duh, I remember warning you about a certain someone but what happened, huh" Mike teased

"Yea yea, rub it on myself not like you are a saint yourself" Maxwell replied as both boys laughed.

"But on a serious not, how is he, have you guys been able to make up yet" Mike said as there was silence on Maxwell's end.

"Oh, come on, don't even tell me you haven't spoken to him yet"

"No, I haven't, but how is it my fault, I can't take care of myself and education and still perform parental duties for him"

"But at least speak to him, he is feeling really alone and abandoned, do you even know what happened to him today, or any other day in fact"

"Look Mike, he is already 15 most of these things you mentioned should be an issue any longer he should know this by now, besides I am only a year older"

"I understand, but still talking to him, since you stood him up on his presentation, he has gone cold maybe some brotherly love would do. And yeah, I would be coming over tomorrow you better remain at home" Mike said with a firm voice.

"Ugh, he is starting to sound like a certain person" Maxwell commented as both boys laughed as they talked late into the night.

After chapter 10 the next chapters would only be released after 5 reviews, you know, to help the book grow.

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