
The Grand Elementalist

A long time ago it was written in the ancient books of the past, Demons have once roamed free in the Elemental World an era in which the Demons hunts us down for food, pleasure or even satisfaction. The Demon King, The strongest demon during the ancient era conquered the Elemental World striking fear through the lands enslaving all of the Elementalist killing anyone who fought against him. The era of misery was upon us but a mysterious group of Elementalist fought back driving an all out war against the Demons. But unfortunately not all Elementalist fought alongside them... Quintela Shiori also known as the "Empress of Death" turned her back against her own people and fought alongside with the Demon King. With her help they manage to turn the tides of war towards the Demons but it suddenly all changed... When "He" arrived... Akashino Shitetsu a young boy who was born without an Elemental Art. Even though he was born different he never once question himself why he was cursed. With the aid of an ancient creature he obtained unrivaled power and skill shifting the war in their favor. With the Demons almost annihilated and pushed back to the shadows... Quintela made a desperate attempt causing her to gain unimaginable power quickly overpowering the wounded Akashino. With the numerous injuries he had and the few amounts of mana he had left... The ultimate sacrifice was made... Akashino was forced to seal Quintela away with an ancient seal taught by his master, The Dragon King. But unfortunately the seal had a price of separating his soul from his body in causing him to be sealed as well along with Quintela. The Dragon King feared that one day Quintela might return once again and there will be no one powerful enough to stop her. So he chanted a spell on Akashino's lifeless body creating a reincarnation cycle that resurrects his body with a new soul from generation to generation. Centuries had passed since then an old era falls and a new one always rises. Following the death of the 3rd Grand Elementalist a young boy named Ryūsei was born in the Elemental World. But unlike most Elementalist he was born without having any Elemental Art, With this everyone around him treated him harshly. People would avoid him thinking he was cursed, Some of the kids tormented him for years and there were some who even go as far as using there Elemental Arts against our helpless hero. With Ryūsei so fascinated about the past and certain events happened, Will faith play a role once again or certain events from the past will happen once again with the return of the "Empress of Death".

Decode_Storm · Fantastique
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46 Chs

The Era Of Arashi Has Come To An End

"Then who's Elemental Art did you adapt??" Yuki asked Catherine once again.

"My Elemental Art is adapted from both my father and mother's Elemental Art" Catherine replied.

"I see..." Yuki replied making everyone more curious.

"You were planning something, Weren't you??" Kayosha happily teased.

"I was trying to identify who my sister-in-law is going to be" Yuki replied with a little giggle.

"Yuki...." Ryūsei embarrassedly glares at Yuki. "What??!!, I'm just curious" Yuki replied causing Catherine to laugh a little.

"Well as long as Ryūsei takes care of her, Then we're good" Shizen happily stated causing everyone to laugh.

"I've been meaning to ask, Can you do the teleport thing that Ryūsei does??" Sora curiously asked.

"You mean "Meteor Dragon Photon Switch"???" Catherine asked and Sora nodded in response.

"Sadly no, My father doesn't trust me in using that spell" Catherine replied.

"Why???" Yuki curiously asked.

""Meteor Dragon Photon Switch" is a spell that grandpa developed in his teenage years" Catherine stated.

"It basically let's grandpa switch the position of two marked targets or allows grandpa and the marked target to switch position, Also the spell allows grandpa to teleport at the marked target instantly" Catherine added.

"Seems like you developed an overpowered spell" Shizen teased with a smirk on his face.

"Well the target has to be marked in order for me to use the spell" Ryūsei replied.

"Well it's an overpowered spell" Kasai stated.

"But why doesn't your father teach you that spell???" Kasai asked.

"I mean you might get even more powerful" Kasai added.

"He kinda thinks I'll use the spell irresponsibly...." Catherine embarrassed replied.

"Irresponsibly???" Ryūsei curiously asked.

"He thinks I'll use the spell to allow me to teleport at any location" Catherine replied.

"Which means he thinks I'll use the spell Irresponsibly and get out of the house more frequently" Catherine added.

"Well, sounds like a reasonable cause" Yuki replied.

"So what spells does Ryūsei have more in store??" Kasai asked.

"Hey!!! Stop exploring my arsenals!!!" Ryūsei yelled causing everyone to laugh.

After a while of chatting, Jikan spoke up and looks at the clock.

"Look at the time, You better get ready, The Grand Shōtotsu shall start in 1 hour" Jikan happily said.

"Well then, I'll be getting myself ready, I'll see you all later" Yuki happily said as she excuse herself.

"Me too" Kayosha added.

"Try not to lose early babe, I'm the one who's going to beat you" Shadow happily teased Yuki.

"You mean "We", Come on let's go, We need to prepare" Shizen replied dragging Shadow out of the room.

"Dream on Shad, I'm the one who's going to knock the both of you out of the Grand Shōtotsu" Yuki happily teased back as Shadow was being dragged out of the room.

"You mean "We" right??" Kayosha asked.

"I mean, We're the ones who'll knock you at the Grand Shōtotsu" Yuki embarrassedly stated as they also left the room.

"Good luck princess" Kasai happily teased Sora.

"Thanks, I just hope we don't get knock of early" Sora replied and both of them left the room.

They all left the room and started to prepare for the Grand Shōtotsu.

After a while they finally finished preparing themselves for the Grand Shōtotsu and they all went outside but Ryūsei was still inside his room.

"What's taking Ryūsei so long???" Yuki asked.

"For a guy who can teleport instantly, He's often late" Kasai teased.

"I'll go check on him" Ryūshi happily said and he then heads back inside the palace.

Ryūshi then goes to Ryūsei's room and he then opens the door seeing Ryūsei talking to himself.

"This is it Ryūsei!!! Try not to lose-" Ryūsei said as he looks at himself using a mirror.

"Is something bothering you???, You look really nervous" Ryūshi asked.

"It's just that.... If I lose a match when I'm suppose to win then Catherine will disappear and I don't want that happen at all" Ryūsei replied.

"Don't worry Ryūsei, As long as you do your best. Just don't underestimate your opponents" Ryūshi happily said cheering up Ryūsei.

"Okay..Thanks I needed that" Ryūsei happily said and both Ryūsei and Ryūshi left the room and headed outside.

"Hey guys, Sorry I'm late-" But before Ryūsei can apologise he was quickly interrupted.

"What took you so long, Let's go!! We're gonna be late" Yuki yelled.

Ryūsei, Ryūshi, Jikan, Catherine Yuki, Shizen, Shadow, Kasai, Sora and Kayosha headed off to the Arashi Arena where the Grand Shōtotsu is taking place.

~~~~~ At the Arashi Arena ~~~~~

As the were walking inside the Arashi Arena they passed by a huge stone monument of Arashi Ryūgū. The 3rd Grand Elementalist.

"Grandpa....." Ryūsei muttered in sadness as he looks at the monument.

"It's a shame you didn't met him" Shizen then pats Ryūsei in the back trying to cheer him up.

"I'd like to see him again" Yuki added smiling at the monument.

"There you kids are, I hope you're all prepared to this upcoming Grand Shōtotsu" A familiar voice was heard from a distance Ryūsei, Shizen and Yuki then looks behind and they all see their father King Yogan.

"Dad!!!" Ryūsei happily said hugging his father.

"Hello Ryūsei, Good to see you" King Yogan happily greeted hugging Ryūsei back.

"I'm proud you'd finally awakened your Elemental Art." King Yogan added.

"Thanks Dad" Ryūsei replied back breaking the hug.

This is Yogan Ryūgū, He's a Dragon Sage like us and he's the current king of the Kingdom.

He's the oldest son of Arashi Ryūgū, The 3rd Grand Elementalist. He's also the father to Yuki, Shizen and me.

"Hey Dad....." Yuki greeted his father.

"Hi sweetie, I'm sorry for not being around much often" King Yogan apologise.

"It's okay Dad, You're the king after all, I kinda understand you being busy" Yuki replied.

"So Dad, What's the Grand Shōtotsu gonna be like???" Shizen curiously asked.

"I'm sorry Shizen, I can't tell you" King Yogan happily replied.

"It'd be unfair to everyone if I told you what's gonna happen in the Grand Shōtotsu" King Yogan added.

Ryūshi, Jikan, Catherine, Kasai, Sora, and Kayosha then approaches Ryūsei and his family.

"It's been far to long King Yogan" Ryūshi happily greeted the King.

"Ryūshi!!!, Jikan!!!! Honor the stars giving me the chance to see 2 of the Crowned Dragons" King Yogan happily said seeing two of the Crowned Dragons at his presence.

"I hope you don't mind us being here??" Jikan asked.

"Not at all, It's a pleasure to have you with us" King Yogan happily replied bowing his head.

"It's nice to see you again your majesty" Kayosha happily greeted.

"Hello there Kayosha, You've grown since the last time I saw you, and to you as well Kasai" King Yogan greeted back.

"Thanks your majesty, There's someone I'd like you to meet" Kasai happily said.

Kasai then suddenly grabs Sora's hand pulling her towards him.

"I'd like you to meet my girlfriend Sora" Kasai happily introduces Sora while teasing her a little bit causing her face to blush.

"K-K-Kasai-" Sora was speechless as she was embarrassed and her face was all red.

"Well hello there Sora, I hope you take care of Kasai, He's like a son to me" King Yogan happily said.

"Nice to meet you King Yogan, Don't worry he's.....in good hand...." Sora happily said showing a cute smile on her face.

"Hello... there K-K-King Yogan...." Shadow politely greeted like he was scared of him.

"How have you been Shadow, I hope Yuki didn't gave you to much hell" King Yogan stated.

"Dad!!!!" Yuki pouted and everyone laughed.

"I hope you kids do well in this upcoming Grand Shōtotsu-" King Yogan happily said but he then stop talking when he saw Catherine.

"Ryūsei who's this girl behind you??" King Yogan asked.

"Ugh... This is Catherine, A friend that came to watch the Grand Shōtotsu" Ryūsei replied.

"Um.... Hello, Great Grand-..... I mean King Yogan, It's nice to meet you" Catherine happily greeted.

"It's nice to meet you Catherine" King Yogan greeted back.

"I'll have the Imperial Knights reserve you all front row seats to the Grand Shōtotsu" King Yogan happily said

"Look at the time, The Grand Shōtotsu is about to start" King Yogan then leaves.

"Well good luck Ryūsei, Kasai, Yuki, Sora, Shizen, Shadow and Kayosha, I wish you the best of luck" Ryūsei happily said.

They all gathered at Dragon Sage Tablet where all the participants were gathering. But they couldn't start the Grand Shōtotsu because they await King Yogan to begin the speech and explain the rules in the Grand Shōtotsu.

The Dragon Sage Tablet is a stone tablet created in order to honor all the Dragon Sages who risked there lives for the sake of the Kingdom of Ryūgū.

~~~~~ 30 mins later ~~~~~

"What's taking Dad so long!!!" Shizen muttered.

"I can't wait to get this Grand Shōtotsu started" Kasai happily stated as he was excited.

"What's taking him so long??!!" Yuki worriedly asked and Ryūsei then sees his father approaching the stage.

"Look it's Dad!!" Ryūsei yelled pointing his finger at King Yogan.

King Yogan then approaches the stage and a bunch of Elementalist in the spectators area started clapping.

King Yogan then began his speech.

"Welcome all to this wonderful day, Today we start a noble event, One that hasn't been conducted since the Era of Arashi Ryūgū."

"To honor him today for his heroic bravery and the sacrifices he made to this Kingdom, We'll once again conduct this noble event"

"To all the Elementalist who's participating I wish you the best of luck"

"Show us the skill, The Spells, The Strategies you all developed alongside your Chīmas"

"Today is your day, The day you all shine, The day you'll show us what you got"

"As all of you should know, The seats of the Gādians are a bit opened. There are a few seats waiting for someone worthy of possessing the position"

"Show us your worthy of the title, Show us what your generation is capable of.

I commence this day as the start of the Era of the New Grand Elementalist"

"Everyone in the arena shouted in excitement, All of them clapped and cheered loudly"

"Now for the rules of the Grand Shōtotsu, There are about 263 Chīmas who registered in the Grand Shōtotsu"

"But sadly I must say only 16 will move on to the next round"

Everyone was shocked and it suddenly began to start getting noisy.

"Only 16!!! This is going to be tougher than I thought" Shadow muttered in shock.

"Leave it to Dad to make things hard....." Yuki replied.

"Only 16 huh....." Sora muttered as she think of the odds they had in making it.

"It'd be a tough one??? Are you sure you can do it on your own Ryūsei???" Kayosha asked in concern.

"Yeah, I'll be fine I guess" Ryūsei replied.

"As I said, Only 16 Chīmas will move to the next round, The first round shall be a Chīma Showdown" King Yogan continued explaining the rules of the Grand Shōtotsu.

"A showdown where teamwork, determination to win and the masteries of spells are needed to bring your Chīma to victory" He added.