
The Godhead

In a time where countries, presidents and companies train hunters to be the best at what they can be (hunting dungeon crawlers), the world turns to one man to help save the world and stop the world from being overrun by these dungeon creatures. But when he dies in a dangerous battle with a deadly creature, the world loses faith. But incorporations use this medium to search for who the next savior would be. For that savior would be the one everyone would crown the Godhead of dungeons.

MichealAchonye · Fantaisie
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10 Chs

Caught cheating!

"What is the meaning of this?!" I yelled when I entered the room.

I had caught my brother in bed with my wife and now I was maddened with rage. How did it come to this?

I reminisced about the past on how we reached this point in our lives.

I had finished landing a huge deal with some investors and started for my car as I had a huge smile on my face.

My day turned out to be better than I expected. I expected it to be terrible due to how I woke up.

I had launched a new project with my wife's hunters company where I was one of the major shareholders and I was so excited to share the news with my wife.

A new portal opened up in downtown San Fernando and that meant more money from the government for us to send our best hunters to that portal to close it up and move onto the next stage which meant recruiting new hunters.

Finding new hunters these days to sign a deal was hard due to the companies that were popping up all over the world and the hunters went for the best of the best. This meant that any deal I closed with any new hunter was seen as a blessing in disguise, because I didn't know when that human would turn out to be what I was looking for.

I started to think of the past when the entire world had been a safe place for everyone on the planet. There were no portals and no demons coming out of it.

The first portal showed up six years ago and with it, people started noticing that they had strange powers. Some could control things with their minds but it was limited to just little stones, others could heal people and themselves while some could conjure up weapons from thin air.

The powers they had also meant that they would be in different ranks.

There were eight ranking systems which I found weird, however, I could not say anything but agree with the government who had created such nonsense.

The rank F, D, C, B, A, S, SS and SSS were the ranking letters chosen to denote how powerful a fighter was.

In the realm of power rankings, each letter represented a specific level of potency, with F being the lowest and SSS being the highest.

Starting with rank F, this rank denoted the lowest level of power, typically representing individuals who possessed minimal or negligible abilities. They may still have potential to grow, but they currently lacked the strength to make a significant impact.

The people with this type of powers were stronger than normal humans but weaker than their ranking counterparts.

They could create weak illusions and move things around with their minds but this power was only useful in a fight against humans. Against a demon from the portals or the higher ranked people, they would die.

These were the kind of people I had coming into the company to sign with us but I usually didn't like signing them up as they were too weak to enter a dungeon to fight. They would die and the company would sometimes lose money paying their families for compensation.

Moving up the ladder, the D rank signified individuals with slightly more power than those in the F rank. They had started honing their skills and some even possessed modest abilities like healing, but they were still considered relatively weak compared to higher ranks.

These ones were just as common as the F rankers and they could hold themselves moderately well in a dungeon. They were the lowest level every company allowed to get into portals to fight the demons and close the portals.

They were not allowed inside without a higher ranking officer but there was nothing we could do if there were no higher officers. The best we could do was either send multiple D ranking officers in the portal or turn down the contract while another hunter company took over the job and got the game and the glory while getting paid millions of dollars.

The C rank indicated individuals who had made notable progress in their training and possessed greater power and skill. They could handle more challenging tasks and exhibit abilities that surpassed those in lower ranks.

Now this was where the power scale started to look better. With this ranking, I had more confidence about sending my team into the dungeons. Only a few died when we sent them to fight in these dungeons.

As long as we don't send them into the red portals then we were fine. The blue portals were the safe ones with only demons and occasional monsters in them, the red signified something much worse that it would take a literal god to get into.

So far, only fifty red portals had shown up in the entire world and no one had made it out alive.

Those in the B rank had achieved a substantial level of power and skill, surpassing the average individuals in their field. They were more formidable opponents and possessed abilities that could cause significant damage or influence.

These was where the rare lines were starting to get drawn as in our company we had only a few thousand of these with us.

In the world they were not even up to a million. Funny enough, my brother was a B rank hunter just like my wife. Almost like they were meant for each other.

I on the other hand was powerless. When the portal showed up, I was without powers. My parents had powers of their own and they were both B ranks which had them disappointed in me.

It didn't get easy even after I got married, but at least I was happy managing an entire company of powerful people while I was the powerless one.

A tear fell from my eyes as I looked at my shaking hands. If only I had powers, maybe I could help the world.