
Ranks and history

Moving on, an A rank represented individuals who had achieved an exceptional level of power and expertise. They were considered elite, possessing abilities that far exceeded the norm. Their skills and power made them formidable adversaries, capable of shaping events on a grand scale.

Anyone in this rank was considered a threat to a blue portal on their own and they could handle threats without blinking.

In the company we had ten A rankers. In the world they were not up to five hundred.

The S rank denoted individuals of extraordinary power and skill. They were considered the pinnacle of their respective fields and possessed abilities beyond what most could comprehend. Their powers were awe-inspiring and could reshape the very fabric of reality without them even trying.

The world only had ten of these and they all came together to form the highest and most expensive hunting company in the world.

Even with all their resources and powers drawn together they were still unable to do anything in a red dungeon.

The last time they had entered a red portal, they had done it together,

Legend had it that they were eleven before when they had gone into the portal and fought the god in that portal. This forever changed their lives as a very strong fighter amongst them had sacrificed his life being the strongest of the group.

He closed down the portal from within being the only one who had done that and given the entire world hope that we could take down our enemies if we just had enough of him.

In the SS rank, there was only one and that was the man who had given the S rankers another chance to live. He possessed powers that was legendary, capable of altering the course of history which it did.

His abilities were unmatched, and his influence felt across realms. He was a force to be reckoned with, capable of achieving feats that defied imagination like closing the portal.

He had single-handedly defeated multiple gods in the red dungeon but died doing so.

He was known as the epitome of the ranks and had created a frenzy all around the world as the entire world seeked out people who had powers like him.

They were seeking for the next godhead. This was a name given to anyone who had powers that could rival gods and who had all the powers of the ranking system to pull down each portal even if it would be at the cost of their lives.

I laughed thinking of this. I could never dream of doing anything remotely close to this.

I was still very much powerless.

I had even taken the scientific test to see if I had a chance at having powers but instead the meter had shown up as zero.

Finally, the last rank was the SSS rank which represented the epitome of power.

This was absurd seeing as there was no one in this category and it was just a ranking system created by the scientific community and delusional people who sought to think there was one who could obtain absolute godhead status by having this sort of power.

Those who, according to the scientist's scale, attained this level were literally godlike in their abilities, able to bend reality to their will. They were virtually unstoppable, possessing power that surpassed all known limits. Their very presence commanded awe and respect from all who witnessed it.

But like I had thought, it was all delusional. I looked at the new recruits through my car as I watched them march into the facilities to start their training and pick their gears for their next mission.

I somehow envied them. I wanted to be like them and fight. I wanted to be the most powerful ranker in history and become the godhead but I was too weak to do it even for a human.

I looked at the company name through my windshield. It was my wife's family name.

Even though it belonged to my wife since I was her husband, it belonged to me too. We were a couple. I couldn't wait to share the good news of the new recruits with her and I was excited.

I started my drive home, picking up my phone to call her to announce that I was coming home but I decided against it. I would surprise her.

She had told me earlier that she was sick so I would stop by a little store and get us an expensive wine which we would use in celebrating.

While driving home, I passed the new portal that had just popped up as I found the police setting up a perimeter around the entrance.

There were hunters geared up and wearing their ranks on their shoulders. All of them F and D ranks. No C ranks as not every portal needed to be invaded with C ranks unless it was an emergency.

I could see people being evacuated from the neighboring buildings and I felt sorry for them. They would be sent to refugee camps and nothing would be done by the companies to give them new homes.

If any of them was lucky enough to be an F rank hunter, then they would be paid handsomely with gems from the dungeons to set them up with basic amenities.

With a sigh and a little voice that told me how lucky I was, I pushed my foot on the gas and pushed forward.

I got to a store and stopped, getting in to get the celebratory drink for my wife.

While choosing through the list of drinks they had there, I remembered my brother, Ron and called him but he wasn't picking.

Where was he? It wasn't like he was in any dungeon. He hated going in there.

As someone who just hit twenty three, one would think he would be with his phone even while bathing but he wasn't. Maybe he was in his own house even when he had told me he would be visiting.

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