
The goddess of stars

The goddess of stars who was a fan of Twilight suddenly had an idea to go down the mortal world and enjoy the world of twilight! as the sister of Bella cringe swan herself. Will she find success and love? find out mwaaa

imre_amon · Films
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3 Chs

Ch 1: Bored goddess

In the place where nothingness envelopes, the goddess of stars who created every single thing there is.

The Goddess of Star was born out of nothinhness she spent all her life bored because of the nothingness.

So one day, she decided to make life in which she did she created world after world, and now countless years had passed the omniverse is now there.

She created God's to look after multiverses like the celestial, and even the above all she create them all.

And she became the Supreme Deity of all the one and only since there could only be one supreme deity and she is that.

Supreme deity, pov*

I just finished watching the story of Twilight, and all I could say is I HATE BELLA SWAN like bitchhhh

"Ohhh, I know why don't I got to the world of Twilight that could be fun."

If you didn't know any entertainment fictional entertainment, you could think of actually exist.

Barny, yeah, he exist his actually a God also, so yeah, cool right.

Anyway, back to the topic, Twilight also exists. It is one where no God governs that world only. Mother nature governs it, which means almost everything is decided by mother nature.

"Well, I'm bored anyways, so let's go to Twilight and have FUN," and the goddess quickly goes to the world of twilight.










"Congratulations, it's a girl," someone said as I could feel that I had just been born.

"Song jia, that's her name," a man said before quickly leaving.

I take a look around the room and see a woman.'This must be my mother now,' I thought while looking at her.

She looked out of breath like she was about to di- oh, she already died before thinking about it. Oh, well.

Anyway, during my early years, I was brought in to an orphanage If you're wondering where my whore of a father was well he left me so yeah.

"Jia dear, come here," the woman said to me, and I complied and came to her.

"Jia, this is Mr Charlie Swan he will adopt you. Do you agree to it?" and I nodded my head, and that's how I became Charlie's daughter at the age of 5.






I'm now 7 years old. Bella has been visiting sometimes here and there, but now she has stopped completely.

'Thank god the bitch is not coming anymore' I thought while playing with my toys.

Oh, and Charlie is actually a good father to me he gives me food toys and even love.

Well, about Jacob, we used to play and all, but he seems weird for me as a kid, so NOPE.


I am now ten years old. I started my acting career, YAY!  I've been with barney commercials here, and there  so cool.

"Daddy, I want to be a super model," I said to my dad, and he looked at me and smiled. " Okay, honey you can do what you want as long as you're happy.

"Okay, Daddy, thankss" I said to him while hugging him and kissing him in the cheeks.





Now I'm 15 y.o. I'm now a big social media influencer. I endorsed big fashion companies like chanel,dior,loui vitton, and more.

I've also walked for high-end brands and also had photoshoots with popular pothographer, and I got my face also in magazines.

But haters are still here and there, but I don't give an f to them, so I don't do anything to them. Oh I'm also going to participate in Americas next top model and know I'll crush it.