
The God of Tartarus

A hundred years ago, the war between the gods took place when Hades began to form a rebellion against his brothers to seek vengeance. He started a war, but Zeus defeated him. Unbeknownst to everyone in the Kingdom of Alynthi, Hades was keeping a secret inside Tartarus, the deepest and darkest place; the heart of the underworld—his son, who had been sleeping for a hundred years. He was cold, heartless, and oblivious to love. He’s a curse mankind will taste. He inherited more than Hades' power, and he was destined to destroy all the gods who are living in Alynthi. His name is Chaos, son of the underworld, overseer of the dead. . . and the god of the deep.

Lunabaaabe · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

The Last Will

Chaos and I got back inside the academy as if nothing had happened. The distance between us grew quickly until I could see him walking away from me. I gradually slowed down until I stopped completely. My eyes remained on him until he turned to the corridor where my vision of him was no longer in range.

I shook my head again with a slight tingle. I swallowed it in no time and moaned. It didn't take long and that also disappeared. At the same time, something came back to my memory that I didn't know if it was just a hallucination.

Those images kept on flashing back in my mind. The transition was fast. Back from the Chaos, I was in with, and that crowned man in black armor.

"Aoife!" I immediately came back to myself when I heard Euclid's voice. I saw her running towards me, and just by the expression on her face, I knew she had nothing gained from Draco.

"Can I guess what happened?" I asked teasingly as she stopped in front of me, panting.

"Shut up, Aoife Mauryn," I smirked.

"Still hopeless, huh? Good for me I had a chance to touch the death god." Her eyes widened and she violently pulled me by the arm, which made me wince.

"Seriously?! What happened? Tell your story fast! You're too slow." I groaned and pushed her hand away.

"It hurts! It's just fine, he helped me in danger earlier. He's good at fighting. I even hugged him in shock and fear omg!" Euclid squealed.

"Really?! You're so annoying! You're annoying you know that! Arrgh! Draco is hopeless!" I want to laugh at her. It seems that maybe it's not in Draco's blood to be attracted to women, or maybe Euclid just isn't his type.

"I'm hungry. Let's eat first." I can't wait to see my friend and forget about what happened inside that forest. When Euclid and I arrived at our favorite fast food restaurant, I cast my gaze around just in case I see Chaos.

"Hey, who are you looking for? Chaos?" I groaned. Of course who else it would be?

"Who else? Do you know if they ate here?"

"Well, from the looks of it, even Draco looks rich. They don't eat here; you know, even Draco leaves at lunch; he only comes back when he has a class in the afternoon. What a pity for us." I lost my appetite. I can't even glance at my food.

Both Euclid and I were in a bad mood during the hours we were eating. After lunch, we decided to go our separate ways. She went to go to her part-time job, and I decided to go home.

Mommy wasn't there when I arrived, so I just decided to clean both of our rooms.

We're not rich, but Mom has a stable job that can support me and our daily expenses to make ends meet. When I was young, my dad died, so mommy raised me alone. I am very proud of her that she was able to do it. At the age of twenty-one, I am proud that I never disappointed Mom. I always strive academically, and I work every summer. She doesn't want me to work while studying, so she only allows me to every summer.

While cleaning, I glanced again at the book that Mommy gave me. It's a book about gods and goddesses. I know that they're just a myth. But deep inside me, I believe that gods are watching our movements. Giving gifts, and glories—and saving the world from any danger.

I took the old book and traced the fine work on its book cover. I don't know where Mommy bought it, but she said that this book is rare, so we both kept it. I would have liked to read it, but I chose to put it aside because I felt like the bed was pulling me to sleep. It was a very tiring day for me, so I think I deserve a rest.

As soon as my body touched the bed, I was completely pulled into nothingness.

Until a woman appeared in front of me.

She was dressed all in black. And she has a black crown on her head. She has jet black hair and very deep blue eyes. She wears black lipstick, and I can't bear to look at her intimidating eyes—no emotions but deep and firm. I think I've seen her before... I just can't remember.

"Ah, who are you?" I looked around and was surprised that my room had gradually become a different place. It was like an old castle. The items are all antique and all in black. Where am I? And who is this girl?

"Aoife..." her voice was deep. I felt my hair stand on end. She says nothing but my name. She's been calling my name until I feel like something is absorbing me into darkness.

"I only visited you in your dream... but this is not the time for you to get to know me."

I woke up and quickly pushed my body up from lying down. I'm sweating profusely and I feel drained as if I've run a very long way, even though the truth is I just slept. It was a dream. But it felt real as if I was there in that place and I actually faced the woman.

"Mau? Honey!" I heard Mommy's voice, so I immediately jump off my bed and hurried out. I caught him putting groceries on the table.

"Mommy!" I hugged her as I missed her.

"Hmm! Are you hungry? How was your day?"

"Yeah, I fell asleep after coming home. My day was actually good. I think I have a new crush mom." She smiled. That teasing smile and that stare while she was looking at the other selected stock of dishes in the fridge.

"And who is this guy?" I breathed in and smiled dreamily.

"Well... he's actually cool, mom. A one-of-a-kind. There's something special about him that you can't find in others. I just can't point out what it is. Just when you look at him, you'll know there's really something different about him. Like his eyes were bringing you to another dimension, another world you're never been in. It was deep, enigmatic yet intoxicating and captivating." She kept smiling, teasing me.

"Mom? What's with that smile?" She shook her head and finished working on the fridge, and she immediately closed it.

"I can see that you are really a grown woman from the little girl I used to read fairy tale books for. I hope he is really a good man. That he can make you happy, love you for who you are, and see the beauty in your flaws. Because you are my only baby girl." I was a little sad at what she said.

"Mom, it's just a crush. I just have a crush on him. I don't think he'll love someone like me, he seems serious about life and has no interest in a woman like me." She shook her head and came closer to me. She cupped my face and smiled wider.

"Nothing is impossible in life, Mau. Always remember that." I just nodded even though I wasn't sure about what Mommy said. After that, our conversation changed until we finished cooking dinner.

"I'll take care of the dishes mom. You should just rest now." I told her for trying to wash the plates we ate at.

"Are you sure? Maybe you're the tired one?"

"No, mom, I can still handle it."

"Oh, well, rest after that, okay?" I smiled and hugged her.

"Good night, mom," she smiled as she kissed my temple.

"Good night, honey. Don't forget to turn the lights off, okay?" she added.

"Yes, mom!" I watched her leave the kitchen. I just shook my head and finished washing the dishes. I was drying my hands when I heard a loud thud. I stopped what I was doing for a moment and looked in the direction of the second floor of our house. I shook my head and lowered the towel. I slowly walked out of the kitchen, still wondering if I would hear anything again. Isn't mommy asleep yet?

Suddenly, I felt something strange. The whole house felt so cold that I wanted to grab a very thick comforter just to cover my body. The windows of the house were open, and the curtains danced in the wind at the same time. I was about to close it all when I heard another loud sound. Instead of going straight to the windows, I slowly walked towards the staircase. I was on the first step of the stairs when I heard a loud sound again as if something was hitting the wall. I have a bad feeling.

"M-mom? Mom, is everything alright?" I have not received a reply. I was about to take another step when Mommy's bedroom door opened loudly and she came running. She was talking, but I couldn't hear her voice. I narrowed my eyes. My chest was pounding and I seemed to be frozen in place as I watched and waited for Mommy to come down. I was almost stunned by what seemed to be black smoke, and I couldn't explain what is following her. Mom's trying to sign something using her hand, and it seems like she wanted me to leave... to run. But my body was so suspended that I couldn't even move, even blink. What the hell is happening?

Mom's crying. I can already see her tears. As she came closer to me, she was also closer to some black smoke chasing her. The look that Mommy gives me gets more and more intense until she grabs me and starts to push me out.

"Mom!" I can hear her little voice. But I couldn't hear what she wanted to say. My tears have flowed from a mixture of shock, confusion, nervousness, and fear. She finally pushed me out with a book she stuck in my hand. And while I was there standing in front of the door, she kept pushing me away with her head and eyes. At that same moment, right before she closed the door, I saw how the dark smoke thing covered my mom's body like she was about to disappear.

From what I witnessed, I could do nothing but run while crying. Still confused and afraid. Suddenly, heavy rain poured down. There was no one on the road I was taking. I don't know where to run to. It can't be Euclid because her place was too far. I almost fall, but I didn't stop. I ran and ran until I reached the end of the road. In front of me is a forest. Beyond this forest is another town.

My breathing was violent as I turned back from the way I came from. I don't know how and where I mustered the courage, but I immediately stepped forward into the dark forest. I held onto the book tightly while running. I can hear different noises, even the dry leaves I step on and broken tree branches. A few others hurt my leg, but I didn't care. The forest was covered by fog. I can't see even a little light. I was groping in the dark with my eyes wide open. And as the end of that wood approached, I heard voices. And right after I stepped out, I heard my mom's voice in my mind.

"Don't ever come back here, Mauryn. Look for the son of my former master. He is the only one who can help you. Look for him. And keep the book. Be careful, my child. I love you. Always. More than anything else."

Semper tantum crede, et verum videbis. (Just always believe, and you will see the truth.)