
The God of Tartarus

A hundred years ago, the war between the gods took place when Hades began to form a rebellion against his brothers to seek vengeance. He started a war, but Zeus defeated him. Unbeknownst to everyone in the Kingdom of Alynthi, Hades was keeping a secret inside Tartarus, the deepest and darkest place; the heart of the underworld—his son, who had been sleeping for a hundred years. He was cold, heartless, and oblivious to love. He’s a curse mankind will taste. He inherited more than Hades' power, and he was destined to destroy all the gods who are living in Alynthi. His name is Chaos, son of the underworld, overseer of the dead. . . and the god of the deep.

Lunabaaabe · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Aoife Mauryn Seinbert

"Mom! I'm going! Oh, fuck!" My books fell. I picked it all up as I ran out of our house.

"You forgot your breakfast, honey!"

"No thanks! I'm going to be late!" My professor won't like it. I don't want to stay outside our room the whole class. It's boring to listen to a discussion outside, and also embarrassing.

I am currently a third-year college student at Tartaros Academy, studying psychology. Tartaros has been one of the most prestigious and oldest academies here in Sword Cross City. I am one of those scholars who were lucky enough to be accepted here. So I really don't want to mess up.

When I got to the room, I could almost close my eyes when I saw that the two doors were closed. I peeked through the door, where at the far end of the classroom I saw Euclid peeking out. My best friend since birth. His eyes widened and he motioned to enter. Our prof had turned his back and was currently writing on the whiteboard, so I immediately opened the door and bowed to enter. I almost crawled. Our classroom is like an auditorium lecture room. He's down. Sloped floor and stadium seating.

I quickly sat up when our professor turned around, and my soul almost ran away when his eyebrow rose at me. He probably saw me! I'm nervous, Euclid chuckled, and it's not helping! Our professor was about to speak when the door in front opened. Draco Eld went in there. I didn't know him that much; he just moved here last year.

I was about to look down when another entered. He's wearing full black! I mean, a black plain t-shirt. He is wearing black jeans and black high-cut combat boots that suit him. Her messy hair is white. He has these very cold and emotionless grey eyes, a sharp nose, and thin and reddish lips. well-shaped jaw. Tall, white. Damn! I never thought someone could be this perfect! He looks like a freaking god!

Euclid pinched my arm. But it had no effect on me.

"OMG! Is that a God?" Euclid whispered a question to me, but I did not give her an answer. I was just stunned by the God in front of us. The lips parted and the mind was almost blank.

"And who is he, Draco?"

"He's my cousin from Greece. He'll study here."

"Oh, welcome! Can you introduce yourself to everyone?" We were all staring at the man. Draco's handsome. I mean, Euclid has an eye for him. We had just seen him for the first time. But his cousin was different. He was superior to anyone. He has a face that you won't get tired of looking at.

"Ah, he's not that good at socializing, so I'll just introduce him. He's Chaos Thanatos. Twenty-three years old." Chaos?! Omg! The death god! His name! Oh, I really love reading stories about them. He gave life to my imagination.

"Please, you can now take your seat, Draco, and to you too, Chaos." I followed him using my gaze as he sat across from my seat. I bit my lower lip and couldn't help but smile widely, even though Euclid was already telling me that I was going crazy. I mean, who wouldn't go crazy with Chaos?!

For the whole period, Chaos had my full attention.

"Seriously, it's obvious that Chaos hit you?" I shut Euclid using my forefinger and secretly glanced at Chaos as I arranged my belongings. He's not moving. He just closed his eyes, leaned back in his chair, and pinned his black ballpen between his nose and lips. He's bored playing it.

"Let's go... cousin." I heard Draco address him. Chaos glances in his direction, so I can only see the back of his head and the tattoo on his white nape did not escape me. It was a black rose, while there was a snake encircled it.

He stood up, and I saw how his muscles flexed. His back is so sexy! I even chased them with my gaze as they headed for the door, and immediately left.

"Euclid, hurry up!"


"Faster! Don't ask more questions!"

"W-Wait a minute!" I pulled him over and we quickly ran out. I immediately looked in their direction, and there I pulled the friend. I'm sure when he finds out that Chaos is the reason, he might even be ahead because Draco is with him.

"Wait, are we following Draco and Chaos!?"

"Hell yeah!" she left voluntarily, and as I said before, she was already ahead of me, so I still had to chase her so we could keep up.

The two split up, and I was torn between coming with Euclid in Draco's direction or coming after Chaos. Euclid could not follow Draco when she was alone. So I was about to turn in Draco's direction to accompany her when she immediately raised an eyebrow at me after stopping for a moment.

"Where are you going? That's where Chaos went, follow him."

"But you—"

"Well, I guess I need the courage to do it alone. So, I'll go alone. And you, you go that way." I no longer argue. I immediately followed where Chaos was going and almost frowned when he came out of the back gate of Tartaros Academy. Fill up behind Tartaros, because that forest is dangerous. What is he doing here?

I slowly exited the gate and walked carefully. I wince when I step on dry leaves because it makes a noise.

Damn! This is crazy! Why am I still following him?

I occasionally hid in the trees, just in case he turned around. In the middle of my stalking him, my heart almost jumped and went cold when he suddenly stopped. I quickly hid behind a tree and was almost sweating.


It's not very bright in the woods. Just enough light to see around.

I peeked out and saw Chaos still standing. I heard the chirps of the birds and other animals that were there. I was about to step out, and start to follow him again when a group of bats flew just right above my head!

"Aaaahhh!" I screamed loudly, completely forgetting that I was here because I was stalking my new crush! As I avoided it I lost my balance and crashed hard into the thick path.

"Damn bats!" I shouted. I immediately covered my own mouth and gradually came back to the realization that I was not alone in this. My body was completely suspended. And it looked like a robot that looked up. Only to see those pairs of grey eyes darkly staring at me.

"What the hell are you doing here, lady?" God! His voice sounds sexy, intimidating, and deep!

"II... I was looking for a rare leaf?" I was unsure, I admitted. Damn.


"I'm telling the truth! What do you think I'm going to do here then? Wait, do you think I'm following you?"

"I didn't ask that. But... Why are you following me?" My eyes rolled.

"I'm not following you!"

"Then why are you here? Tell the truth. I don't accept lies."

"I... I am just curious about this forest. You know, it was scary when I saw you alone, I dared to enter and explore." He stepped back, staring at me coldly.

"Go back. What you said was another lie. We both know what's the truth."

"Don't say that! Why is there—"

"Aaaaah! Help!" we both turned to shout. It was also from the forest, not far from us.

"What was that?" I approached Chaos. Worried and scared.

"Leave this forest. Go back inside the campus." It's a cold command that I have no intention of obeying. The shout followed until we heard a body that seemed to have collapsed.

"We should see it, we should find her," I said, roaming my eyes.

"You're scared, aren't you?" what ?!

"B-But, he needs help."

"I don't interfere with people."

"Yes, I know! Even though I don't want to interfere in other people's lives! But it's different, she needs help and we are the ones who heard and are close!"

"Then go." my lips parted and I turned to him. Can't believe it. Is he a coward? I can't believe I have a crush on a coward like him!

"Fine!" I bravely headed in the direction where I had heard the noise. Some parts of the forest were covered by fog, so it was hard for me to see. I had reached quite a distance from where Chaos and I had been earlier. When I realized it, it was only then that I felt scared. I wish I had just stayed next to Chaos. Damn it, Aoife! Why are you always in such a hurry!?

"I already killed her. Prepare the payment." I stopped. I followed the source of the voice, and it was too late for me to run because the man had already turned to me. He was wearing a hooded jacket. And when I looked down at his hand, he was holding a bloody knife while behind him was the woman I was sure Tartaros was studying because wearing a uniform was lying, bloody and lifeless.

Oh no!

"Bitch! Someone saw!" He quickly put down the phone. I quickly backed away and was too scared to run back in the direction I had come from.

"Hey! Come back here!"

No way!

I accelerated even more as I occasionally looked around to see if he could catch up with me. Profanities left my mouth when I stumbled on the tree branch. I immediately fell to the ground and was in pain.

He's near. I need to get up! But I could not get up because of the pain in my leg.

"H-Help!" He's getting close! I tried to crawl, but it was useless!

"Help! Help me!" The man quickly approached and pulled my foot to get closer to him. I screamed again, as my tears welled up in my eyes. My body trembled, and my voice trembled.

"You're late, now touch me!"

"Please spare m-me. I won't talk, promise."

"Who are you hiding me from ?!" His eyes were red and he still laughed.

"Y-You're going to hell!"

"Bullshit! The hell! Who are you scaring ?! Ha ?!" Then he handed me a knife and I could almost scream while crying.

"You look beautiful and smooth. I can hate you before I kill you."

"N-No! Let me go! H-help!" I shuddered as I cried. He took something from his pocket and it was a rope! It was still stained with blood. He tied his hands above my head. My heel hurts so much that I feel mixed up. He started to unbutton my blouse.

"Chaos!" I screamed! I'm hoping he'll hear me.

"Chaos! Help me!" I tried to avoid my body, but he just pinched me between his thighs. He licked his lips, looking like a maniac as he was about to kiss me on my neck ... But he was immediately stopped by someone who kicked him. I cried, even more, when I saw Chaos standing near my feet. He had his hands in his pockets as no emotion looked at the man who had reached far. He groaned in pain as he stood up, stretching his body. Like the impact was unbearable, he couldn't even walk straight.

"You devil!"

"That's not me, but I know him. I can send you to him if you want." The man still rushed and let Chaos stab him, but Chaos was fast; my eyes couldn't even follow his movements. He quickly kicked the knife from the man's hand and even gave it a roundhouse kick, which I'm sure was too strong and knocked him down. I couldn't help but be surprised at what I saw, even though I was traumatized by what happened.

He looked down on me with shot eyebrows, dark grey eyes, and a cold expression.

"That's what you get for being nosy." My lips parted.

"U-Uh can you untie me first before you scold me? It's not because... my position is comfortable." It's true! So uncomfortable! My skirt is still a little folded up. My legs were exposed! Open a few buttons on my uniform, so you can see my bra and chest, and my hands are still tied!

He knelt one foot by my side and with only one hand removed the leash. When I got away, I immediately sat up and buttoned up my blouse. I also tried to stand up, but I couldn't. Chaos glances at me, and with just one hand holding my bag, he builds me up.

"T-thanks... c-can I get the books too? I'm sorry, my foot really hurts."

"Are you ordering me around?"

"Just kidding, it's different," His eyes squinted at me before he took my books. Not even shaken! There are leaves continuously included.

"Thank you! T-Thank you really!" I said as I hugged him tightly. I felt he was stunned by what I had done, and it was too late for me to realize what I had done. I was embarrassed to be released.

"It's not free. I'll charge you for this, but not now." That was all, and he walked ahead, but before he could get away, he turned to me again. I don't know if I was just amused, but I saw him transform into a crowned, white long-haired man. dressed in black armor with black wings. It was just a blink of an eye, so I was shaken. I squeezed my eyes. Damn, maybe it is because I have read so many fantasy books!

"We have to go back; follow me if you want to return safely."