
The God of Taboo

The man's leather shoes softly tapped the marble floor. Every step quietly announcing his presence. His shimmering eyes began to come alive as his thoughts were on the princess from the ceremony. As the man approached, Jamil greeted him with a deep bow, "The great Damu has returned." The man with diamond eyes was no ordinary being. He was the supreme god of fire, named Ayele Aadi Damu, who could bring forth life and destruction. Notoriously known for his viciousness and worshipped because of his absolute power. Due to the legend of his existence, Ayele chose to keep the most sacred secrets of his heart hidden. No one but his trusted creations knew that the god had an unquenchable desire to experience love. Because of this, he had become completely consumed with finding his own mate. - "Just who I've been waiting to see," came the rumbling voice of the god of fire. His tone was rough as his shimmering eyes narrowed. Lesedi, who stood unfazed before his creator, was use to the god's quick temper. "Ah, your greatness. My apologies for arriving after you." Lesedi's silky voice could be heard as he greeted Ayele with a bow before beginning his report. "King Amir has already begun sending royal correspondence across the land to different kingdoms to notify eligible princes and kings that princess Zaila is now of age. During the ceremonial banquet the king and queen announced that the princess has already received four marriage proposals since before the new moon. We mustn't waste time, we will need to begin the mission immediately." This mission was one of utmost importance, it needed to be dealt with delicately. "Have a letter sent to the king. Let him know that I wish to meet with him and the queen in two days time. We will move forward from there. Do you have any additional reports?" Ayele thoughtfully responded. "Were you at the ceremony today?" Lesedi probed the god. "Today was a special day that I had been looking forward to for quite some time now. Of course I was in attendance." came Ayele's blunt answer. "I made sure to not become a spectacle, I hid my true form." Before responding, Lesedi rubbed his bearded chin and slowly shook his head with a sigh. "Why do you ask?" questioned Ayele as he watched his most trusted creation's hesitation. "She saw you." said the spy. "Who?" Ayele enquired, his eyebrows raised slightly surprised. "The princess." Lesedi replied.

Terri_Le_Shae · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
7 Chs

Secret Admirer

Pausing for a moment before finally glancing around to see who it was, her gaze met a set of eyes that shimmered like diamonds within the retreating crowd. The unusual eyes belonged to a man with smooth, dark brown skin that seemed to glow. Stepping forward to get a better look, the princess noticed how striking he was. Holding his gaze the princess wondered if she had ever seen him before. As her thoughts began to cloud her mind, she lost sight of him in an instant. Realizing that he was no longer there, Zaila made her way back to the palace.





Far away in a distant land near Mount Kilimanjaro, the man with unusual eyes appeared walking through an arched corridor made from volcanic rock that lead to a throne room. Its dome shaped ceiling was made of glass. His tall chiseled frame sauntered through the walkway, dressed in a colorfully designed Ankara suit. The time was early evening, where the warm colors of sunset began to stain the blue sky. The reflected light bringing a majestic mood into the large room.

The man's leather shoes softly tapped the marble floor. Every step quietly announcing his presence. His shimmering eyes began to come alive as his thoughts were on the princess from the ceremony. A short distance away standing near his throne was his head servant Jamil who was a created being of average height and stature. His eyes were dark gray with skin the color of midnight.

As the man approached, Jamil greeted him with a deep bow, "The great Damu has returned." The man with diamond eyes was no ordinary being. He was the supreme god of fire, named Ayele Aadi Damu, who could bring forth life and destruction. Notoriously known for his viciousness and worshipped because of his absolute power. Due to the legend of his existence, Ayele chose to keep the most sacred secrets of his heart hidden. No one but his trusted creations knew that the god had an unquenchable desire to experience love. Because of this, he had become completely consumed with finding his own mate.

"Has Lesedi arrived?" Ayele asked, a hint of urgency lingering in his voice. "I was hoping he had arrived before me. So that I would not have to wait on him..." He mumbled more to himself, as he sat down on his gold and ivory throne. The seat was made of leopard's skin. The low rumble of Mount Shira's volcano could be softly heard in the distance. Ayele closed his eyes, rubbing his temples. His elbows resting on the wide arms of his chair. "Lesedi knows that my patience should never be tested."

"Lesedi would also have no intention to make you wait, your greatness. He should be here soon." continued Jamil with reassurance, glancing toward the entryway to now see a distant figure swiftly walking through the corridor. With a knowing smile, he looked back to see Ayele sitting with his eyes still closed quietly lost in his own thoughts. A habit that the god could be often found doing. Changing the subject, in hopes of shifting the god's mood Jamil inquired, "How was the ceremony, your greatness? Were the festivities to your liking today?"

There was a brief pause before Ayele answered with a low chuckle, "Yes. And it was well...worth the wait." With his eyes now open, looking towards the entry way, he watched Lesedi approach his throne. Lesedi, like Jamil, was a created being and had been Ayele's most trusted spy for centuries. His skin was dark as night with eyes the color of honey.

"Just who I've been waiting to see," came the rumbling voice of the god of fire. His tone was rough as his shimmering eyes narrowed. Lesedi, who stood unfazed before his creator, was use to the god's quick temper.

"Ah, your greatness. My apologies for arriving after you." Lesedi's silky voice could be heard as he greeted Ayele with a bow before beginning his report. "King Amir has already begun sending royal correspondence across the land to different kingdoms to notify eligible princes and kings that princess Zaila is now of age. During the ceremonial banquet the king and queen announced that the princess has already received four marriage proposals since before the new moon. We mustn't waste time, we will need to begin the mission immediately." This mission was one of utmost importance, it needed to be dealt with delicately.

"Have a letter sent to the king. Let him know that I wish to meet with him and the queen in two days time. We will move forward from there. Do you have any additional reports?" Ayele thoughtfully responded.

"Were you at the ceremony today?" Lesedi probed the god.

"Today was a special day that I had been looking forward to for quite some time now. Of course I was in attendance." came Ayele's blunt answer. "I made sure to not become a spectacle, I hid my true form." Before responding, Lesedi rubbed his bearded chin and slowly shook his head with a sigh. "Why do you ask?" questioned Ayele as he watched his most trusted creation's hesitation.

"She saw you." said the spy.

"Who?" Ayele enquired, his eyebrows raised slightly surprised.

"The princess." Lesedi replied.