
The God of Taboo

The man's leather shoes softly tapped the marble floor. Every step quietly announcing his presence. His shimmering eyes began to come alive as his thoughts were on the princess from the ceremony. As the man approached, Jamil greeted him with a deep bow, "The great Damu has returned." The man with diamond eyes was no ordinary being. He was the supreme god of fire, named Ayele Aadi Damu, who could bring forth life and destruction. Notoriously known for his viciousness and worshipped because of his absolute power. Due to the legend of his existence, Ayele chose to keep the most sacred secrets of his heart hidden. No one but his trusted creations knew that the god had an unquenchable desire to experience love. Because of this, he had become completely consumed with finding his own mate. - "Just who I've been waiting to see," came the rumbling voice of the god of fire. His tone was rough as his shimmering eyes narrowed. Lesedi, who stood unfazed before his creator, was use to the god's quick temper. "Ah, your greatness. My apologies for arriving after you." Lesedi's silky voice could be heard as he greeted Ayele with a bow before beginning his report. "King Amir has already begun sending royal correspondence across the land to different kingdoms to notify eligible princes and kings that princess Zaila is now of age. During the ceremonial banquet the king and queen announced that the princess has already received four marriage proposals since before the new moon. We mustn't waste time, we will need to begin the mission immediately." This mission was one of utmost importance, it needed to be dealt with delicately. "Have a letter sent to the king. Let him know that I wish to meet with him and the queen in two days time. We will move forward from there. Do you have any additional reports?" Ayele thoughtfully responded. "Were you at the ceremony today?" Lesedi probed the god. "Today was a special day that I had been looking forward to for quite some time now. Of course I was in attendance." came Ayele's blunt answer. "I made sure to not become a spectacle, I hid my true form." Before responding, Lesedi rubbed his bearded chin and slowly shook his head with a sigh. "Why do you ask?" questioned Ayele as he watched his most trusted creation's hesitation. "She saw you." said the spy. "Who?" Ayele enquired, his eyebrows raised slightly surprised. "The princess." Lesedi replied.

Terri_Le_Shae · Fantasy
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7 Chs

A Potential Suitor

In the early morning after the coming of age ceremony a letter addressed to King Amir, from an unknown ruler of a distant kingdom, was received in the palace of Zulum. With the letter in hand, the king's dignified courier Juma hurriedly made his way through the halls of the palace. Wearing his indigo uniform made of Ankara linen his slender frame allowing him to make long brisk strides as he scurried through the winding corridors. The smooth granite walls stretched high toward the coffered ceilings with mahogany panels that were lined with gold. Finally arriving at the king and queen's royal suite, Juma knocked on the redwood door waiting to be invited inside.

Within the spacious room, the king sat on a plush zebra printed arm chair while his feet rested on it's matching ottoman. The king wore a golden slim fit suit that brought brightness to his skin that was the color of almonds. His 6-button asymmetrical blazer was longer that average. With the right side of the jacket extending a few inches further than the left side. His low tapered hair was freshly cut and his thick black beard framed his handsome face. He sat reading a battle report he received the night before from one of his diligent generals named Azizi. The report went into full detail about a peace treaty of protection that would soon be presented to King Amir regarding the current trading system outside of Zulum's boarders.

Queen Zulwa enjoyed a warm bath in the adjoining bathing room. The scent of vanilla filled the entire suite. The aroma always raised the king's spirits. Hearing a knock on the door, the king invited Juma into the room.

"Grand risings your highness. I hope that you and the queen had a restful evening. I have a letter addressed to you from the ruler of the kingdom near Mount Shira." Juma announced after bowing he stepped into the room. King Amir made his way towards the courier taking the letter from his hands.

"Thank you, Juma. If that is all you have to deliver, you are dismissed." the king responded, eyeing the official seal on the envelope. With a quick nod followed by another bow, Juma left the royal suite closing the door behind him.

"Who was at the door, my love?" Queen Zulwa appeared from the bathing room wearing an off the shoulder emerald green dress that had small white dots. The front, revealed her ample cleavage where the fabric came together under the swell of her breasts and gently flared down over her hips reaching right at the knee. The color of her dress complimented her smooth ebony skin tone. Her hair was wrapped in the same patterned fabric of her dress.

Bringing the opened envelope with the letter to his wife, "It was Juma." he answered before kissing Queen Zulwa's soft lips, lingering for a moment he said, "My queen you look ravishing this morning. I thank the gods for every day that I get to spend with you." The queen gave her husband a seductive look, "I love when you talk to me nice, my king. I also thank the gods for blessing me with a husband who can still make weak in the knees with just the sound of his voice." Queen Zulwa's eyebrows raised when she noticed the letter. "What is this?" she asked wanting to know it's contents. Giving her a flirtatious look before responding King Amir answered nonchalantly, "A letter from another suitor for our daughter."

"That's my girl." Queen Zulwa proudly praised princess Zaila with a broad smile on her lips. The king cut his eyes at his queen while lifting the letter into view. He began sharing the written words with his wife:

"May our Great King Amir Athumani's reign be long and prosperous. I give my highest regards to Queen Zulwa for her divine beauty that will forever be unmatched under the sun. I send you both my most humblest greetings from Mount Shira.

My name is King Jafari Kahlil.

I attended the coming of age ceremony that was held within the magnificent arena of Zulum's tribal temple. There I witnessed an event that has left me in awe of your daughter, princess Zaila. If I may speak truthfully, I must admit that she has already made quite the impression on me. I am writing this letter in hopes of gaining your majesty's blessing for a marriage proposal between princess Zaila and I.

With your permission, I wish to visit the royal palace to speak with you about my credentials as well as my intentions for your beloved daughter. The initial purpose of my visit to Zulum was to negotiate trading with your majesty. However, after seeing with my own eyes how astounding princess Zaila's performance during the ceremony was, I would not be able to forgive myself if I did not make my presence known to you all..."

The rest of the letter explained where King Jafari was staying so that the king could respond. The royal parents were overjoyed with the news of another potential suitor. It was one of the most promising and yet on the other hand they did not know much about this king which worried them.

The royal couple knew that they could not avoid letting the princess know about King Jafari's offer. And that meeting with him would assist in getting to know how the unknown king and his people would receive princess Zaila. King Amir and Queen Zulwa agreed to speak to Zaila before breakfast. The problem in this case was if the princess would accept meeting let alone the ruler's offer. This would take much convincing.