
The God of Taboo

The man's leather shoes softly tapped the marble floor. Every step quietly announcing his presence. His shimmering eyes began to come alive as his thoughts were on the princess from the ceremony. As the man approached, Jamil greeted him with a deep bow, "The great Damu has returned." The man with diamond eyes was no ordinary being. He was the supreme god of fire, named Ayele Aadi Damu, who could bring forth life and destruction. Notoriously known for his viciousness and worshipped because of his absolute power. Due to the legend of his existence, Ayele chose to keep the most sacred secrets of his heart hidden. No one but his trusted creations knew that the god had an unquenchable desire to experience love. Because of this, he had become completely consumed with finding his own mate. - "Just who I've been waiting to see," came the rumbling voice of the god of fire. His tone was rough as his shimmering eyes narrowed. Lesedi, who stood unfazed before his creator, was use to the god's quick temper. "Ah, your greatness. My apologies for arriving after you." Lesedi's silky voice could be heard as he greeted Ayele with a bow before beginning his report. "King Amir has already begun sending royal correspondence across the land to different kingdoms to notify eligible princes and kings that princess Zaila is now of age. During the ceremonial banquet the king and queen announced that the princess has already received four marriage proposals since before the new moon. We mustn't waste time, we will need to begin the mission immediately." This mission was one of utmost importance, it needed to be dealt with delicately. "Have a letter sent to the king. Let him know that I wish to meet with him and the queen in two days time. We will move forward from there. Do you have any additional reports?" Ayele thoughtfully responded. "Were you at the ceremony today?" Lesedi probed the god. "Today was a special day that I had been looking forward to for quite some time now. Of course I was in attendance." came Ayele's blunt answer. "I made sure to not become a spectacle, I hid my true form." Before responding, Lesedi rubbed his bearded chin and slowly shook his head with a sigh. "Why do you ask?" questioned Ayele as he watched his most trusted creation's hesitation. "She saw you." said the spy. "Who?" Ayele enquired, his eyebrows raised slightly surprised. "The princess." Lesedi replied.

Terri_Le_Shae · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

A potential suitor II

Further down the same corridor in her room, princess Zaila woke up to the aroma of another warm bath filled with lavender. Having had a bath the night before, she knew her body would still long for the warmth that the water would bring in the morning. Stepping in, the princess let out a sigh of relief. Her servant Tanasi stood nearby to be of any assistance whenever the princess needed her. The sun's rays could be seen peeking through the curtain's in front of the window wall.

While Tanasi opened the tall silk curtains to allow the sunlight to brighten the room, she greeted princess Zaila, "Grand risings, your highness. How did you sleep?" Tanasi, with her cocoa brown skin, was wearing her indigo uniform. Her dark brown naturally coily hair styled in bantu knots. The princess gave her servant a grin while Tanasi continued, "I'm glad to see that you are in good spirits, princess. I'll take that as you rested peacefully." Tanasi knowingly smiled. Looking at her reflection in the water, Zaila nodded her head in agreement.

"I did..." Closing her eyes, Zaila sank deeper into the water. "And now that I am a woman, mama said I must choose a husband, soon. " The princess paused for a moment then continued, "Will I ever get a chance to breathe?"

"I can not imagine what you must be going through." Tanasi responded thoughtfully. "And speaking of husbands…" the servant began as Zaila groaned under her breath. Tanasi let out a small laugh before she continued speaking, "On the way to your room this morning, I was told by one of the king's servants to prepare you for a meeting with his majesty and the queen."

"Father must want to scold me for my ceremony presentation." came the princess' reply as she stepped out of her bath, wrapping her wet body with a towel. "Which servant gave you this message?" Zaila enquired as she walked out of her bathing room.

"Femi." came Tanasi's response while letting the water out of the bathing pool that was build into the floor. When the water began to drain, Tanasi followed the princess into her commodious bedroom. Femi was one of the king's personal messengers who usually had more information surrounding the message. By this time, Zaila was sitting on the side of her large fluffy bed rubbing shea butter into her arms, then her legs and feet, "Did he tell you why they want to speak to me?"

"A letter arrived this morning from an unknown ruler that was in attendance at your coming of age ceremony." came the servant's answer. An unknown ruler? Princess Zaila could not wrap her mind around the thought of a King she did not know of that would know of her. Is this unknown ruler trying to be my man? the princess silently questioned herself.

"What would you like to wear today, your highness?" asked Tanasi breaking up the princess' thoughts. Walking toward Zaila's wardrobe that was filled with many expensive fabrics with different prints, Tanasi began searching for something to dress princess Zaila in. The princess' shoes were stored in a separate closet along with her many accessories that included her jeweled tiaras, waist beads, and many assortments of necklaces, bangles, and earrings made of gold.

Before answering her servant's question princess Zaila stood up from her bed and asked one of her own, "Do you remember seeing any visitors during the ceremony?" Then quickly added, "I trust you Tanasi. Dress me as you see fit. " the servant nodded at the princess as she decided on an outfit.

"...None that I can recall at the moment, princess. There weren't many outsiders that were invited to the ceremony." Tanasi was curious to know what the princess was thinking but decided not to get too nosey. Lucky for her, the princess began revealing why she asked, "I saw a man when the ceremony was over. His eyes...were...I, I've never seen eyes like his before."came the princess's words. She could still see the stranger's shimmering eyes in her mind.

"What did this man's eyes look like?" asked Tanasi as she let her curiosity get the best of her while she continued to look through the princess's closet. Deciding to dress the princess in a two piece outfit, Tanasi found a silk magenta fabric that she paired with a patterned linen fabric that had magenta and other shades of purple. She brought them to the princess as she helped dress her.

"His eyes looked like diamonds." the princess appeared to be in a state of disbelief. "Have you ever even seen eyes like that?" she asked her servant.

"No, your highness. I've never seen a person with eyes that look like diamonds." Tanasi replied with her eyebrows furrowed as she finished wrapping the silk fabric around princess Zaila's bust. Then she wrapped the printed linen fabric around Zaila's smooth legs and round hips, tying the fabric at the back of her waist.

After Tanasi finished helping the princess get ready, Zaila made her way through the palace to find her parents in their secluded garden outside their royal suite. Her gold bangles could be heard jingling as she walked. The king and queen were surrounded by baobab trees, blood lilies and other assortments of beautiful flowers. The royal parents were sitting on a woven red ironbark loveseat. The pillows of the love seat were soft and filled with cotton. As Zaila greeted her parents with a bow, Queen Zulwa asked with a bright smile, "How is our beautiful daughter doing this morning?"

"I am well, mama." Zaila replied as she hugged her parents, kissing them on both cheeks. "How are my dear parents?" Zaila teased them with a smile and a nod.

King Amir chuckled before responding, "Let us not let this take up too much time. But, we are doing well, princess."

Zaila sat across from her parents on a custom made daybed that was suspended in the air by the braided ropes that hung down from the balcony above them.

"Do you know why we asked you here today?" Queen Zulwa enquired as she studied Zaila's face. 'I hope she will at least listen to what we have to say' the queen thought to herself.

"I am not completely sure." the princess admitted while shaking her head.

"We received a letter from the kingdom of Mount Shira. The king, Jafari Kahlil, will be visiting the palace tomorrow to formally introduce himself. He claims to have enjoyed your ceremonial presentation very much. And wishes to be considered by you," King Amir began explaining with an even tone. He wanted to get straight to the point.

"Were there many visitors yesterday that were in attendance for the ceremony?" Zaila asked trying to disguise her interest.

"Oh, someone caught your eye?" Queen Zulwa's eyes danced as she waited to hear Zaila's response. She enjoyed the attention her daughter was receiving and hoped that it would lighten the princess' disdain towards the idea of marriage.

"No, mama." the princess quickly lied. Not exactly at least. Keeping a straight face as she waited for the answer to her own question. 'And stay out of my head.' Zaila mumbled to herself.

"I had the royal couriers send out a correspondence prior to your coming of age ceremony. King Jafari must be one of the rulers that was lucky enough to receive an announcement of you coming of age." King Amir's deep voice could be heard throughout the garden.

"When was I supposed to be notified of these…correspondences that are being sent out?" Princess Zaila asked in an irked tone. She wanted to be apart of every step of this process and didn't like decisions to be made without her knowing what was going on.

"Similar to how I was supposed to be notified about your ceremonial performance with Zaaire?" Her father returned her irked tone. "Do not start with me this morning, Zaila."